live-you-blog · 9 years
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I feel like I haven't been on here in forever! Time to change that :D Everyone, I made a decision a little over a month ago to turn my healthy lifestyle public and to help people who request it and need it! I was that struggling girl who couldn’t say no and hated working out and all of that fun stuff. I was on Instagram one day and randomly landed on this girls instagram, and everything I saw I loved and everything I saw motivated me to work even harder than I had been! She helped me make the choice to become a better version of myself, and she also pushed me to become a coach like herself and help others reach their goals the same way she helped me reach mine! I am still working on fully accomplishing my own, but I am here to extend a helping hand to anyone who may need it! I love what this coaching thing is all about and I have never had more motivation than I do right now! That is the greatest thing I could ever ask for! I am loving this job and I can’t wait to make it a full time endeavor. If anybody has any questions about how I can help or what it is that I do, message me and ask me! I would love to help anyone and everyone I can! There is no greater meaning in life than helping out your neighbors! This has completely changed my life around and I am more than willing to show you how it can do the same thing for you and your life!
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live-you-blog · 9 years
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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Tonight I made zucchini noodle shrimp scampi. I don’t have the tool that can make/cut merely anything into pasta, so I started off using a cheese grater, only to slice off my finger tips.. So after single-handedly having to make myself 2 custom bandages out of scotch tape and gauze pads, I decided to cut each “noodle” individually. Took quite some time but let me tell you, this end result was and is AWESOME! It seriously was delicious and I was hesitant about eating it until I actually ate it, I will definitely be making this again!!
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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I think it is a little ridiculous that Kentucky got nearly 2 feet of snow in March, but of course we had to go play in it! We buried one of my dogs in the snow, and she absolutely loved it! 
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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Having a fantastic day, and this is how it all started! 
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live-you-blog · 10 years
New Years Resolutions (a little late...)
What do I want my life to look like in 2015?
I want happiness. I want to know what it is to truly love someone every moment of every day. I want to go on adventures. I want to make adventures. I want to live my life, not just exist for it. I want to put myself first and last. Caring for myself but putting others needs before my own. I want to be the best me that I can. I want to be that person everybody would love to have as a friend. I want to get closer to God. I want God to really be my backbone. My goals for 2015 are endless, and probably unrealistic, but they probably really are realistic. I just have to want them as bad as I need to breathe so that I can ultimately succeed.
I am going to start taking care of myself. I have just recently decided to try out and stick with the Paleo diet. I haven’t been super strict about it just yet, but I have been making better decisions. I want to transition slowly into a constant healthy lifestyle so that I don’t run away in fear. I want to weigh 115-120 pounds by the end of the year, a very practical amount of weight loss. But more-so than losing weight, I want to feel good in my own skin. I want to build confidence in myself. I want to create a never-ending sense of energy every day just because of the food I eat and the exercise I do. I want to look good, but most importantly, I want to be healthy & I want to maintain that healthiness. 
I want to cook. I want to learn to cook good food. Healthy for you food, but extremely delicious food. I want to learn to use my KitchenAid mixer. I want to create good habits in this. Along with this, I want to learn how to properly grocery shop. I want to learn how to properly take care of myself AND my family, and this includes learning to cook for them a good quality meal.  
I want to truly love someone with every inch of my soul & being. It’s not at all that I don’t love my fiancé, because oh my gosh do I love Brandon. However, I could love him better. I want to treat him the way he should be treated. I don’t ever want a sense of regret because I got mad at him, made him feel bad, or pushed him away. I want to say “I love you” more. I want to know in my heart as he knows in his that I truly love him and that we truly do belong together. I want everybody to be able to see the amount of love I have for him and that he has for me. I want to wear that love on my sleeve and never be able to hide it. I want a crazy, passionate, endless love. & he deserves nothing less than this. “Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.” (Proverbs 11:27) Find the gold in this relationship, in him, and in yourself. And then, focus on it! If you don’t allow yourself to focus on the negative aspects, and you force yourself to only see the good ones, then we will have nothing to lose. 
I want to love everybody around me. I want to learn how to keep relationships strong and how to stay in touch with people. I want to learn how to make others a priority over myself. I want to learn how to be the one that people are proud to know. I want to know what it feels like to have a million brothers and sisters in my friends. I want to get closer to my family, and make an intentional effort to keep these people close and to fill them in on my daily life as they fill me in on theirs. 
I want to go on adventures. I want to make adventures. I want to live my life, and not just exist for it. I want to do things I’ve never done before. I want to go on my own camping trip, with me as the adult. I want to run a marathon. I want to hike in a place I’ve never been before. I want to see a mountain. I want to get myself a bike and with that bike I want to go on a trail ride. I want to take my dogs on an adventure with me. I want to LIVE. 
I want to get closer to God. I believe that with him, and by maintaining a better relationship with him I will be able to accomplish all of these goals. I want to be as close to him as he wants to be to me. I want to learn to be thankful for all things & thank him for these things. I want to be grateful, to be an example, and most importantly, to live my life out the way that he has intended for me to. I want to love him with everything in me and I want to never go a single day without talking to him. 
I want to be happy. I want to make others happy. It is so easy for me to be in a grumpy mood, and it is even easier to let that mood follow me all day. It’s easier to be upset and mad than it is to find reasons to be happy. BUT THERE ARE SO MANY REASONS TO BE HAPPY! I am pretty much the best at putting the people that are the closest to me down and making them feel worse than before. I want to find reasons to be happy and in turn, make those around me happy. I want to be kind. I want to think before I speak. I want my life to be engulfed in happiness. 
I want to wake up early and go to bed early. I want to get 8 hours of sleep every night. It is going right back to that being healthy and maintaining healthiness goal #1. I need to learn to prioritize my time so that this can happen. I also have a lot of stuff going on this semester/year as far as wedding planning, working, full time school, and job shadowing all at the same time. I need to learn to get things done and not procrastinate. This will lead to improper sleep time and so many other problems. 
I want to stay more organized. I want to learn how to maintain a clean living space, I want to clean more. I want to put clothes away after I take them off, after I wash & dry them, I want to put dishes away as soon as I am finished with them. I want to over all be a cleanlier person.
No more excuses. No more saying no to plans because I’m too tired, or have other things going on, or that I just don’t want to. If I have committed to something, then I am going to stick with those plans. No canceling on job shadowing just because I don’t want to. If there is a legitimate reason then, okay. But if I am trying to create a “legitimate reason”, then that is not okay. I need to stay true to those who are depending on me. 
I want to use my camera more, and my guitar more. I want to learn to be crafty, creative, and experimental every once in a while. I love making music, I love taking great photos and editing them. I love painting. I love knitting. I love doing make up. I love doing hair. I love putting outfits together. I love wearing jewelry. I love making new things. I love DIY projects ( even if they are an epic fail ). I love gardening. I want to use my creativity more in the things I do and I want to learn to be creative on purpose. You can just go buy a painting to hang. But you can also paint your own. 
I WANT TO BE CONFIDENT. This goes back to the healthy deal, but I want to learn to be and act in confidence every day. No matter what I look like that day, no matter what I’m doing. I want to be confident and I want that to show. Confidence is pure beauty. This is an attribute I want to have. Everyday. 
2015 has some huge goals in store. Not only huge, but very meaningful goals. I pray I can manage through them all and make it to the end and be able to say “I succeeded”. It would mean so much, and my life would be so much more beautiful than it is. The only thing standing between the me right now and the me that has accomplished every single one of these points is me, myself, and I. The more excuses I make, the more it seems that I “couldn’t” do it, but it’s really that I wouldn’t do it. I have to prove my past/present self wrong. 
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live-you-blog · 10 years
The sky is awake, so I'm awake
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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Starting today (dare I say) I am starting a paleo diet! I have accountability partners set up, so this time.. I succeed. How many times have I said this and nothing happened..?! Way too many times. I am going to accomplish this. It's time I start taking care of myself. I have 4 books I want to order from Amazon that I will hopefully be able to order this next week! I'm extremely excited for this journey and even more excited to feel great about myself! I have wonderful people backing me up in this and I am confident I can and will do it! 
Day 1 of Paleo: I made myself a grilled chicken salad with drizzled oil & vinegar to top it off. I also included chopped carrots, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, and red onion. Now I have to find other meals I can cook for myself..
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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So for christmas I got a camera lens for portrait photos, and I'm a tiny bit obsessive so far. I need to take photos of people!
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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Avocado toast with spinach & and egg with my first blood orange ever!! It was so yummy I can’t wait to get more 🍊
Instagram - goodhealthgoodvibes
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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omfg you suave little shit
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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live-you-blog · 10 years
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