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hi hello, I'm Celeste and I'm trying to be helpful | #swedish langblr
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lillahimmel · 2 years ago
Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books  that I try to update regularly 
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lillahimmel · 3 years ago
Directions in Swedish
HitÄt eller hit? DitÄt eller dit?
The vanilla direction words: Hit – to here Dit – to there
The direction words when added the -Ă„t: HitĂ„t – this way DitĂ„t – that way
So, for example:
TÄget gÄr hit = the train goes to here (and it stops here) TÄget gÄr hitÄt = the train goes this way (in this direction)
Without the -Ät, hit and dit are way more definite. With the -Ät, hitÄt and ditÄt just indicate in which direction someone/something is going and makes it sound softer.
Another example:
A: Vart ska du? (to where are you going?) B: Jag ska hit. (I’m going to here)
In this example, person B sounds very determined to where they’re going. Dit is probably that exact place they’re headed, they could probably point the place out from where they’re stood.
A: Vart ska du? (to where are you going?) B: Jag ska hitĂ„t. (I’m going this way)
Here, person B is just saying “oh, I’m going this way” and they’re probably not close to the exact place they’re going, they’re just indicating which way they’re going.
However, the question that person A asked, “Vart ska du?”, is very direct and it requires a direct answer, which makes B’s answer of just “oh, this way” seem a bit hesitant. If you want to ask someone in which direction they’re going, you can ask:
A: Åt vilket hĂ„ll ska du? (In what direction are you going?) B: Jag ska hitĂ„t. (I’m going this way)
Here, B’s answer is what was asked for (which direction), and now doesn’t seem hesitant anymore.
Var eller vart?
When asking questions about “where”, we have to different words. Vart? – to where?, what way? (a destination) (Spanish adónde) Var? – where? (a definite location) (Spanish dónde)
In reality, most native swedish speakers just use these interchangeably and don’t know the difference. Chances are, if you mix them up, it will go 100% unnoticed because nobody really knows the difference. However, it’s still important to know the difference (I think).
To illustrate the difference: Var gÄr tÄget? = Where does the train go? (At what place does the train depart from?) Vart gÄr tÄget? = To where does the train go? (To what destination?)
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lillahimmel · 3 years ago
Swedish artists
This time I want to concentrate on older songs! The kind I grew up on as a child. Some I just loved listening to, some were sung at school graduations and so on. I'll probably do a part two of this theme but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
As usual there are links to both YouTube and Spotify :) 
The series: 1 | 2 | 3
Here's for Disney in Swedish
Last edit: 2022 07 09
Some songs: Älvorna, Nu grönskar det, Över tusen hav
The Album Genom Eld & Vatten
The Album I Natt Ska Marken SkÀlva
The Single Om du tvekar
Some songs: Tommy tycker om mig, FrÀmling, FÄngad av en stormvind
The Album Steg för steg
The Album FrÀmling 25 Är
The Album PĂ„ egna ben
Ted GĂ€rdestad
Some songs: Jag vill ha en egen mÄne, Himlen Àr oskyldigt blÄ, Eiffeltornet
The Album Ted
The Album Undringar
Cornelis Vreeswijk
Some songs: Brev frÄn kolonien, Jag hade en gÄng en bÄt, Somliga gÄr med trasiga skor
The Album En fattig trubadur
The Album Tio vackra visor och personliga Person
Lisa Ekdahl
Some songs: SmÄ onda djÀvlar
The Album Med kroppen mot jorden
The Album Lisa Ekdahl
Lasse Berghagen
Some songs: En kvÀll i juni, Stockholm i mitt hjÀrta
The Album 20 av Lars Berghagens bÀsta
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lillahimmel · 3 years ago
Swedish artists
Hello! It's been a while since I last posted!
A good one to return with might be recommending swedish music again. I figure I can make this one into a series of sorts. As last time there are links to both YouTube and Spotify :) 
The series: 1 | 2 | 3
Here's for Disney in Swedish
Last edit: 2022 07 09
Miriam Bryant
Some songs: tystnar i luren, Du med mig, Ett sista glas - Interpretation/cover of Sven Bertil Taube's song
The album PS Jag hatar dig
The EP Hisingen och hem igen
The Single GrÄter om du vill
The Single Mi Amor (BlÄmÀrkshÄrt)
Her first albums are in English (Raised in Rain) and that's how I fell in love with her singing. I recommend those songs as well!
Some songs: Bra för dig, Tusen gÄnger om, Mer för varandra
The Album Mellan hÀgg och syrén
The Single Kyssa dig nu
Danny Saucedo
Some songs: Dör för dig, Dandi dansa
The Album Hör vad du sÀger men jag har glömt vad du sa
Miss Li
Some songs: Komplicerad, X, Lev nu dö sen - Interpretation/cover of Petter's song
The Album Underbart i all misÀr
The Single FörlÄt
Little Jinder
Some songs: Brustna hjÀrtans klubb, Freak - Interpretation/cover of Freddie Wadling & Cortex's song
The Album Salta diamanter
The Album HejdÄ
Olivia Lobato
Some songs: Syrener, VÄgen, Visa vid vindens Àngar - Cover of Mats Paulson's song
The Single Allt som Àr bra tar slut
The Single Jack & Rose
Sebastian Walldén
Some songs: Trög, GÄshud, Famlar
The Single Aldrig Aldrig
The Single Förlora mig
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lillahimmel · 4 years ago
Oh my god wow, 1+ month later and my blog is finally unflagged! I honestly thought it would never get fixed. I'm so happy.
It was so weird too, because as you can see from browsing my blog is that it's a language blog. Why would that be explicit media? It's literally me trying to aid others in learning Swedish. I'll never understand tumblr.
But anyways, I'm back.
We'll see when's the next time I post.
Love, Celeste
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
Bokus Tutorial
In my Swedish literature series I always link where you can find the books in both languages. Though it might be a little scary to buy from a Swedish website if you’re a beginner in the language. Even if Google Translate is a thing, I figured that I’d make a tutorial on how to shop on Bokus.
The series: 1 | 2 | more to come... 
📘 Keep in mind that Bokus ships to these countries:
Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland (incl. Åland), France, Faroe Islands, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (not the Canary Islands), UK, Sweden, South Korea, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Austria.
Not: Denmark or USA
📘 Bokbörsen seems to ship anywhere. 
Note: Mind you the tutorial took me at least 7 hours to make. I took the screenshots a month ago and postponed the editing part because I knew it would take all day, which it did. But I’m happy with how it turned out like and I hope it’ll be helpful to some of you! 💖✹
Double click on the photos for better viewing quality. 
(Well goodnight then, I’m tired)
Last edited: 2020.06.07
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
I’ve gotten 4 anon requests to make a Swedish Resources Masterpost, so here it is! It was difficult to find resources, so this language masterpost is much shorter than the others I’ve made. I definitely recommend taking a class for this language due to the lack of resources on the Internet!
Learning Websites
GoSwedish (awesome Youtube channel!)
Dictionaries & Checkers
Languagetool (Checker)
Linguee (Dictionary)
Wordreference (Dictionary)
Lexicool (Dictionary)
Lexilogos (Dictionary)
folkets-lexikon (Dictionary) (Dictionary) (Dictionary)
The Alphabet
Verb Conjugator
Past Tense
Future Tense
Nouns and Articles
PDF - really helpful!
6000+ Words
1000 Most Common Swedish Words (With Pronunciation)
450+ Nouns in Definite Form
Numbers 1-100
Word of the Day
Common Words
Important Words to Know
Swedish Tea Vocabulary
Type Swedish + Its Accents
Swedish Media Masterpost
How to Greet
Keep a notebook
Take a class if possible!!!
If you’re taking a class, write down any extra Swedish vocabulary you may get
Practice pronouncing. All. The. Time.
Take notes
Have readable notes
Practice writing & grammar
Once you start learning, do not stop or else you’re going to forget things!!
Take quizzes & tests online for practice
Make some online Swedish friends
don’t look at the tumblr swedish tag because you will find more pornography than actual swedish
Thank you for reading my masterpost!
How to Color Code & Highlight Efficiently
How to Make Flashcards
How to Get & Be Motivated
How to Get Enough Sleep
The Mega Stationery Masterpost
What are in my Pencil Cases?
French Resources Masterpost
Italian Resources Masterpost
How to Study with a Mental Illness
>> All <<
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
Elsa Beskow
Swedish literature list again. Keep in mind that I’ll start with children’s books.
Masterposts are too heavy so it’s a series instead! 
(1) is here | How to buy from Bokus
Last edit: 2020 05 02
Sagan om den lilla, lilla gumman (Tale of the Little Little Old Woman)
“Once upon a time there was a little, little old woman who lived in a little, little old cottage with a mischievous little, little cat...” 
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Puttes Àventyr i blÄbÀrsskogen (Peter in Blueberry Land)
“Peter is looking for blueberries for his mother's birthday but he can't find a single one. Suddenly he feels a light tap on his shoe, and a strange and magical adventure begins.“
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Tomtebobarnen (Children of the Forest)
“The children of the forest live deep in the roots of an old pine tree. They collect wild mushrooms and blueberries and shelter under toadstools when it rains. They play with the squirrels and frogs, and when autumn comes, they collect and prepare food to see them through the long winter, until the warm spring breeze starts to blow.“
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Blomsterfesten i tÀppan (The Flowers' Festival)
“A lucky little girl is invited by the flower fairies to join them for their Midsummer festival. Gathering around Queen Rose, all the flowers and bumblebees and birds tell their enchanting stories, while Pea-blossom and the Dew-cups serve refreshments.“
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Tant Grön, tant Brun och tant Gredelin (Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender) 
“This is the first of the classic Peter and Lotta series. Filled with Elsa Beskow's characteristic humor and charm, it tells how the two children come to meet the aunts known as Aunt Green, Aunt Brown, Aunt Lavender, and their little black poodle, Dot.“
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Resan till landet LĂ€ngesen (The Land of Long Ago)
“Kelly and Kai love to play on the gnarled old tree trunk outside their cottage in the woods: sometimes it becomes a horse, sometimes a crocodile and sometimes even a dragon. One day a mischievous gnome makes the tree trunk come to life, and the children are whisked off to the Land of Long Ago on the back of the old tree dragon. On their incredible journey Kelly and Kai meet a princess, rescue a knight and trick the king of the trolls. But will the old tree dragon stay alive long enough to bring them home again?“
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Tant Bruns födelsedag (Aunt Brown's Birthday) 
“Aunt Green and Aunt Lavender want to buy Aunt Brown a new hat and lace collar for her birthday, to match her dress. But how can they borrow her dress without her finding out about the surprise?“
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Hattstugan (Hat Cottage)
“Three children and their mother live in a cottage shaped like a hat on a little island in a lake. One day their mother goes to the mainland to find yarn to make the children new clothes. While she's away the children try to help around the house, but housework is much harder than they thought.
They have great fun sweeping the chimney -- but they get very dirty. They wash their clothes in the lake and dry them over a fire -- but fires are hard to control... Will Hat Cottage be standing by the time their mother returns?“
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SolÀgget (The Sun Egg)
“A mysterious orange egg has fallen into the woods. `It's a sun egg!` declares the elf who finds it nestled on the forest floor. Soon she and her friends find out what it really is, but not before the little elf has one of the best adventures she has ever had.“
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Sagan om den nyfikna aborren (The Curious Fish)
“When Flash, a very curious little fish, is caught and held prisoner on dry land, his aunts and uncles are determined to save him. But how can they leave the water to go to his rescue? With the help of a wise old frog and a little magic, even the most unlikely wishes can come true.“
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Farbor BlÄa nya bÄt (Uncle Blue's New Boat)
“This is the adventure of Peter and Lotta and their trip in Uncle Blue's new boat. The children set out for a picnic on an island together with the three colorful aunts, Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender. While the adults are having a nap, Peter and Lotta decide to go and practise their rowing, but disaster strikes when they become distracted and accidentally lose the oars.“
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ABC-resan (Alphabet Book)
“Here is a charming alphabet book for everyone who loves Elsa Beskow's classic picture books. Journey through the world of Elsa Beskow, from Accordian to Zzz, with everything in between: Cow and Elephant, Flowers and Igloo, and even Jack Frost and Queen. This beautifully presented gift book gathers illustrations from Elsa Beskow's lesser-known and most-loved work, including The Flowers' Festival; The Sun Egg; Pelle's New Suit; and Woody, Hazel, and Little Pip.“
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
Astrid Lindgren
I haven’t made a list about other materials in a while, so I thought I’d list some Swedish literature. Keep in mind that I’ll start with children’s books. 
Masterposts are too heavy so I’ll make a series instead! 
(2) is here | How to buy from Bokus
Last edit: 2020 05 02
Pippi LĂ„ngstrump (Pippi Longstocking)
“Tommy and his sister Annika have a new neighbor, and her name is Pippi Longstocking. She has crazy red pigtails, no parents to tell her what to do, a horse that lives on her porch, and a flair for the outrageous that seems to lead to one adventure after another!” 
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Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (The Children of Noisy Village)
“In the tiny hamlet of Noisy Village, there are three properties, North Farm, Middle Farm and South Farm, and six children live there: Lisa and Lars and Pip and Britta and Anna and Ollie. They play and play, and have fun nearly all the time. It’s wonderful sleeping in the hay, getting dressed up and going to school – and having fun on the way there and back!“ 
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Nils Karlsson Pyssling
A collection of short stories about children and how in some of them they meet new friends in a fantasyworld. 
Except Nils Karlsson Pyssling, the book contains the tales I skymningslandet, AllrakÀraste syster, Ingen rövare finns i skogen, Peter och Petra, Lustig-Gök, En natt i maj, Prinsessan som inte ville leka och Mirabell.
I skymningslandet (In the Land of Twilight) 
“Göran has an injured leg and he gets bored spending so much time in bed. But when his mother turns out the light at dusk, Mr Lilyvale knocks on the window and takes him to the Land of Twilight. Göran and Mr Lilyvale walk and fly around Stockholm when people from the daytime world are sleeping. Göran drives a tram and a bus. It doesn’t matter that he has a bad leg in the Land of Twilight. They eat candy that grows on trees in the park, play with bear cubs and meet a moose. They even visit the King and Queen in the royal palace. At the end of their journey each night, Mr Lilyvale takes Göran home just before his mother comes in and turns on the light.“
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Allra kÀraste syster (Most Beloved Sister)
“Barbara has a secret friend who lives in the garden. It's her twin sister, Ylva-li, and Barbara doesn't have to share her with her papa or mama or brother. What's even better is that Ylva-li calls Barbara her "Most Beloved Sister." Together, the girls bravely ride their horses through the Great Horrible Forest, where the nasty Frights live, to visit the Kind Ones in the meadow. The Kind Ones always give them cookies and caramels. And best of all, Barbara and Ylva-li go to the Most Beautiful Valley in the World, where the trees and the flowers sing.“
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Mirabell (Mirabelle)
“Six-year-old Britta very much wants a doll, but her parents can't afford one. One evening an odd little old man arrives driving a horse and cart. Britta opens the gate for him, and he thanks her by giving her a little yellow seed, with instructions to plant it, water it, and she'll see something very funny. To her astonishment, a doll begins to grow in her garden After harvesting, Britta learns that her new doll is much more special than she could ever have guessed.”
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Mio, min Mio (Mio’s Kingdom)
“With help from a genie, young Karl Anders Nilsson travels by day and night, beyond the stars, to reach Farawayland. There, his father the King, who has been searching for him for nine long years, tells him his true name is Mio, and lavishes upon him the loving attention he never received from his foster parents back in Stockholm. Mio learns of a prophecy that has been foretold for thousand of years. With his best friend Pompoo, and his horse with the golden mane, Miramis, he must travel into the darkness of Outer Land to battle the cruel Sir Kato.”
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Lillebror och Karlsson pÄ taket (Karlsson on the Roof)
“Imagine Smidge's delight when, one day, a little man with a propeller on his back appears hovering at the window! It's Karlson and he lives in a house on the roof. Soon Smidge and Karlson are sharing all sorts of adventures, from tackling thieves and playing tricks to looping the loop and running across the rooftops. Fun and chaos burst from these charming, classic stories.“
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Rasmus pÄ luffen (Rasmus and the Vagabond)
“Dreaming of a home of his own, Rasmus runs away from the orphanage and meets Paradise Oscar, a remarkable tramp who takes Rasmus along on his travels, where they encounter adventure from both robbers and police.“
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A fairytale collection, contains four short stories.
SunnanÀng (The Red Bird) 
“Two very different orphans, Matthew and Anna, are sent to live with the stern farmer in Myra. The work is hard; the food is scarce; the days are cold. But then Anna and Matthew follow the red bird to Sunnymead, where they find hope, sunshine, and in the end, freedom.”
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Spelar min lind, sjunger min nÀktergal (My Nightingale is Singing)
“Maria finds a miraculous way to bring beauty and joy into the lives of the poor and elderly who live in the poorhouse and to share some of her own love of nature with others.“
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Madicken (Mardie)
“Seven-year-old Mardie lives with her family; her Mum, Dad, little sister Lisbet and their housemaid Alva, in a big, beautiful house called ‘Junedaleïżœïżœ, in a Swedish provincial town during the First World War. Mardie wants to be a good and well-mannered girl, but it isn’t always easy. The world is just so full of exciting things to do, try and explore.
Mardie is fearless and she often ends up in somewhat sticky situations that she has to use all her wits to get out of.  She climbs trees, flies aeroplanes and jumps off roofs. But more than anything Mardie is sensitive and has a big heart. From her privileged position she observes the world and notices all the suffering and injustices. She has an endless capacity for empathy and kindness. In that regard she practises what her Dad, the radical newspaper editor, writes about in his paper – solidarity with the poor and vulnerable.“
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Lotta pÄ BrÄkmakaregatan (The Children on Troublemaker Street)
“Look out -- here comes trouble! Jonas, Maria, and Lotta Nyman don't mean to make trouble, but because their idea of fun is to stick salami on the windows, keep the water running from the kitchen faucet until the sink overflows, and lower meatballs down through the chimney, trouble just seems to follow them.... With the Nyman kids around, anything can happen!“ 
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Emil i Lönneberga (Emil of Lonneberga)
“Whether he's teaching his pet pig to dance, being chased by a mad cow or wrestling a robber, Emil's adventures never stop. Hens, dogs, little sisters - and adults - all flee his path. But Emil doesn't mean to be bad, it's just that trouble - and fun - follow him wherever he goes.“
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Vi pÄ SaltkrÄkan (Seacrow Island)
“The four Melkerson children are a little bit worried on reaching Seacrow Island, where their father has rented a cottage for the whole summer without even setting eyes on it. On the boat a man told Pelle, the youngest Melkerson, that the cottage’s roof leaks. They disembark in the pouring rain. Seacrow Island, however, turns out to be full of all sorts of wonderful surprises. Pelle loves animals, and here he finds Bosun, the most gigantic dog he’s ever seen, along with his irrepressible owner, Tjorven. Johan and Niklas meet Teddy and Freddy, two girls, as it turns out, who know all about boats and exploring. As for nineteen-year-old Malin, she falls in love for the first time. By the end of the summer, all four children and their father know that Seacrow Island is home.“
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Bröderna LejonhjÀrta (The Brothers Lionheart)
“The two main characters are two brothers; the older Jonatan and the younger Karl. The two brothers' surname was originally Lion, but they are generally known as Lionheart. Karl's nickname is Skorpan (Rusky) since Jonatan likes these typical Swedish toasts or crusts. In Nangijala, a land in "the campfires and storytelling days", the brothers experience adventures. Together with a resistance group they lead the struggle against the evil Tengil, who rules with the aid of the fearsome fire-breathing dragon, Katla.”
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Ronja Rövardotter (Ronia, the Robber's Daughter)
“Ronia, who lives with her father and his band of robbers in a castle in the woods, causes trouble when she befriends the son of a rival robber chieftain.“
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
Hello there! My name is Celeste, I’m from Sweden and I’m 22 years old. Currently I’m not studying any languages but I’ve studied Spanish and Japanese for a few years. English for about maybe, 10 years? Still, I make A LOT of mistakes. 
I want to learn Russian, and a little bit of Korean and Chinese. At the moment I mostly want to pick up Spanish again. We’ll see when I do that though.
Grammar is my true enemy and I often cry when I loose. 
Interests of mine are listening to music, art, read, write, bake and cook. I also love fashion, my friends, walks, manga and anime.
Oh, and my tumblr url (lilla himmel) means “little sky” in Swedish. 
ïŒĄïŒąïŒŻïŒ”ïŒŽ  ïŒąïŒŹïŒŻïŒ§
For whatever reason I’ve always enjoyed teaching my online friends Swedish whenever they show the slightest of interest in the language. I’m not that good at it to be honest, I just do lists most of the time. However I want to do more in depth ones, like my previous post, because they are fun to do. And I just really want to be able to help someone on their way to understand a language!
Back in January I made an intro post, but I wanted to make a new one. Geared towards me, the person who runs the (side) blog.
I was to-day years old when I found out about the term langblr on tumblr. For years I’ve known about the lovely community studyblr but not specifically the one focusing on languages. So that’s cool.
Everyone on the tag just seems so adorable. I don’t know anyone of you, but you’re so cute and precious and I’ll always cheer you on!! Because of that, I just wanted to join in on the fun and introduce myself a little bit I suppose.
Anyways, it’s nice to meet you! Anyone is welcome to chat with me or send asks if you want to. Just remember to be kind and respectful. 
Love, Celeste
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
✹✹ Language progress really doesn’t come in big leaps, it comes in tiny tiny little steps. It’s really hard to notice that you’re making progress, but I promise you are. You do notice sometimes though, maybe how far you’ve come over a year when you revisit a text you can now totally understand it, whereas before you could just pick out words here and there. You’re doing so well and every little thing you learn is getting you closer and closer to knowing the language. Don’t give up, keep going!! ✹✹
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
2 Swedish Phrases
Why hello there! I thought that for once, instead of an alphabetical vocabulary, I’ll try to list and explain useful Swedish phrases and words. 
Also, I’ll go through a few at a time instead of a masterpost. Because, no. That’s tiring.
Remember that all I am is a random Swede on the Internet, I’m not a teacher or anything. I just do this for fun and to be helpful for anyone out there. 
Now with that out of the way, let’s start! :)
Bold is Swedish
Last edit: 2020 05 01
To thank someone, then – Tack is the word. If you want to show you’re extra thankful or a bit formal you say Tack sĂ„ mycket. Even more formal and maybe old-fashioned would be Tackar sĂ„ mycket. 
To break down the other two words for you: SĂ„ means “So” basically, something that is a lot, but it also have other meanings as well. 
For e.g. 
SĂ„ hur mĂ„r du?  – So how are you? 
Here it’s not about how something is a lot. 
Mycket means “much” or, very, a lot of, and so on. 
Now you might think, doesn’t the sentence kind of sounds like: Thank you a lot lot or Thank you much much, but no, it equals for “Thank you very much” because sĂ„ is in this case “very”, meaning that it emphasise how much you are thankful for.
Perhaphs you don’t want or need a certain thing, and you want to refuse but politely. Well, here you go.  
Nej, tack – No thank you/No thanks
Want to be formal but also stress that you’re fine?
Tack, men nej tack – Thank you, but no thank you/Thanks, but no thanks
To excuse or say sorry, then – FörlĂ„t is the word. If you want to specify, like how “I’m sorry” is, then it’s FörlĂ„t mig. 
UrsĂ€kta is the equivalent of “pardon”. “Excuse me/Pardon me” becomes UrsĂ€kta mig. 
You might already know by now, but mig means me. 
Let’s do this a step further! 
Kan du förlĂ„ta mig? – Can you forgive me?
We conjugated the word förlĂ„t to förlĂ„ta and it has changed meaning. It’s still in the same category, but it isn’t the same thing. If you were to say FörlĂ„ta mig when you bump into someone, they might look at you weirdly. 
Be om ursĂ€kt – Apologise
Yes, these three Swedish words strung together becomes one single word in English. That’s language for you.
The individual words have their own meanings and I’ll go through them for you. 
UrsĂ€kt is an excuse, and in this case it’s said as an apology. Be is beg or ask in this case, but it can also mean to pray. Om is one of those lovely words with several meanings depending on the situation. We already have “beg”, so naturally we have “for” and that is what it stands for in this case. 
So essentially the phrase is about to ask or beg someone to take your excuse, to accept and forgive your mistake. 
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
Fruits and such in Swedish
Another useless vocabulary list but with a theme: fruits and berries and veggies! :) 
It goes: Swedish to English 
Last edit: 2020 05 01
Ananas - Pineapple; pineapples
Apelsin, apelsiner - Orange, oranges
Aprikos, aprikoser - Apricot, apricots
Aubergine, auberginer - Aubergine, aubergines
Avokado - Avocado; avocados
Banan, bananer - Banana, bananas
Bergamott - Bergamot
BigarrÄ, bigarrÄer - Gean berry, gean berries / Sweet cherry, sweet cherries
BjörnbÀr - Blackberry; blackberries
Blodapelsin, blodapelsiner - Blood orange, blood oranges
BlomkÄl - Cauliflower; cauliflowers
BlÄbÀr - Blueberry; blueberries
Broccoli - Broccoli
Böngrodd, böngroddar - Bean sprout, bean sprouts
Citron, citroner - Lemon, lemons
Citrusfrukt, citrusfrukter - Citrusfruit, citrusfruits
*Clementin, clementiner - Clementine, clementines
(another way of spelling it)
Dadel, dadlar - Date, dates
Drakfrukt, drakfrukter - Dragonfruit, dragonfruits
Durianfrukt, durianfrukter - Durian fruit, durian fruits
EnbÀr - Juniper berry; juniper berries
Fikon - Fig; figs
Frukt, frukter - Fruit, fruits
FÄgelbÀr - Gean berry, gean berries / Sweet cherry, sweet cherries
GranatÀpple, granatÀpplen - Pomegranate, pomegranates
Grapefrukt, grapefrukter - Grapefruit, grapefruits
Guava - Guava; guavas
Gurka, gurkor - Cucumber, cucumbers
Hallon - Raspberry; raspberries
Hjortron - Cloudberry; cloudberries
IngefÀra - Ginger
Isbergssallad - Iceberg lettuce
Jackfruit - Jackfruit
Jordgubbe, jordgubbar - Strawberry, strawberries
JujubÀr - Jujube; jujubes
Katrinplommon - Prune; prunes
KikÀrt, kikÀrtor - Chickpea, chickpeas
Kiwi - Kiwi
Klementin, klementiner - Clementine, clementines
Kokosnöt, kokosnötter - Coconut, coconuts
KronÀrtskocka, kronÀrtskockor - Artichoke, artichokes
KrusbÀr - Gooseberry; gooseberries
KrÄkbÀr - Black crowberry; black crowberries
KörsbÀr - Cherry; cherries
KörsbÀrstomat, körsbÀrstomater - Cherry tomato, cherry tomatoes
Lime - Lime
Lingon - Lingonberry; lingonberries / Cowberry; cowberries
Lök, lökar - Onion, onions
Majs - Corn
Mandarin, mandariner - Mandarin, mandarins
Mango - Mango
Melon, meloner - Melon, melons
Morot, morötter - Carrot, carrots
MullbÀr - Mulberry; mulberries
Nypon - Rose hip; rose hips
NÀtmelon, nÀtmeloner - Cantaloupe, cantaloupes
Oliv, oliver - Olive, olives
Palsternacka, palsternackor - Parsnip, parsnips
Papaya - Papaya
Paprika, paprikor - Bell pepper, bell peppers
Passionsfrukt, passionsfrukter - Passion fruit, passion fruits
Persika, persikor - Peach, peaches
Plommon - Plum; plums
Plommontomat, plommontomater - Plum tomato, plum tomatoes
Potatis, potatisar - Potato, potatoes
Pumpa, pumpor - Pumpkin, pumpkins
Purjolök, purjolökar - Leek, leeks
PĂ€ron - Pear; pears
Rabarber - Rhubarb, rhubarbs
Russin - Raisin; raisins
Rotfrukt, rotfrukter - Root vegetable, root vegetables / Root crop, root crops
RÀdisa, rÀdisor - Radish, radishes
Rödbeta, rödbetor - Beetroot, beetroots
RönnbÀr - Rowan berry; rowan berries
Satsuma - Satsuma
Selleri - Celery
Smultron - Wild strawberry; wild strawberries
SmÄcitrus - Small citrus (fruit)
SnöbÀr - Snowberry, snowberries
Sparris, sparrisar - Asparagus
StenbÀr - Stone bramble, stone brambles
Sviskon - Prune, prunes
SötkörsbÀr - Gean berry, gean berries / Sweet cherry, sweet cherries
Sötpotatis, sötpotatisar - Sweet potato, sweet potatoes
Tomat, tomater - Tomato, tomatoes
Vattenmelon, vattenmeloner - Watermelon, watermelons
VinbÀr - Currant; currants
Vindruva, vindruvor - Grape, grapes
Vitlök - Garlic
Äggplanta, Ă€ggplantor - Eggplant, eggplants
Äpple, Ă€pplen - Apple, apples
Ärta, Ă€rtor - Pea, peas
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
The education in Sweden
Förskola (Preschool)  
1-6 years old
Förskoleklass (Preschool class)  
6-7 years old (one full year) 
Grundskola (Comprehensive school) 
LÄgstadiet (Lower stage) 
1st grade – 7-8 years old
2nd grade – 8-9 years old
Mellanstadiet (Middle stage) 
3rd grade – 9-10 years old
4th grade – 10-11 years old
5th grade – 11-12 years old
6th grade – 12-13 years old
Högstadiet (Upper stage) 
7th grade – 13-14 years old
8th grade – 14-15 years old
9th grade – 15-16 years old
Gymnasium (High school)
1st grade – 16-17 years old
2nd grade – 17-18 years old
3rd grade – 18-19 years old
Here’s a link explaining the education system in Sweden
Although I can’t say it’s one hundred percentage correct, it is Wikipedia, but I do hope it’ll give you an idea about it. After all, it isn’t exactly the same as with U.S.A. or England with terms and ages.
Last edited: 2020 04 27
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
I guess you could say I’m doing this for everyone now that I think about it! If you have any questions then don’t be shy; go ahead and ask. I’ll try my best to answer :)
Hello, I made this blog for my friends. It’s basically an archive for them, I guess. So whenever I want them to know something or find anything, I’ll direct them to this website. 
Well, anyone is welcome to view and get some use of this blog too, of course. If you do, please be kind and respectful! :) 
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
Vocabulary list
Time to do a thing I do best, writing down useless vocabulary lists! You’re very welcome 😂
It goes: Swedish to English
I’ll probably update this list from time to time but also make more posts with this concept :)
Last edit: 2020 01 06
Afton - Eventide; eve; evening
Annandag pÄsk - Easter Monday
Avbruten - Interrupted
Banan - Banana
Bil - Car
Bonde - Peasant
Choklad - Chocolate
Citron, citroner - Singular. Lemon, plural. lemons
Dag, dagar - Singular. Day, plural. days
Dagis - (Informal) Nursery school; pre kindergarten
Elefant, elefanter - Singular. Elephant, plural. elephants 
Engelska - English 
Engelsman, engelsmÀn - Singular. Englishman, plural. Englishmen
Förskola - (Formal) Nursery school; pre kindergarten 
Förskoleklass - Preschool (class) 
Definition: In Sweden you have one year in between nursery school and school, from 6 to 7 years old, where it still is a lot like nursery but more of a structure of an actual class. You have lessons and recess. 
Fest - Party
Galla - Bile
Definition: The acid in your throat you get when you have eaten too much raw dough.
Gris, grisar - Singular. Pig, plural. pigs
Gymnasium - High school 
Definition: In Sweden you start high school the year you turn 16 years old, and in comparsion to U.S.A. it’s only three years long; so you finish the year you turn 19 years old. Back in the day you could go to a high school with only two years of education. It’s also not obligatory, so you can skip it (most don’t) but there’s less chance of other studies and work opportunities.
Hals - Neck; throat 
Hav - Sea 
Definition: It’s a three year long education before high school (gymnasium). From the year you turn 13 years old to the year you turn 16 years old. The grades go 7th, 8th, 9th. 
*For me personally it started in my 6th grade because even though my teachers told me it wasn’t; it was. I have like a mini story time about it, send me an ask if you’re curious lol 
Ingenmansland - No-man's-land
Is - Ice
Iögonfallande - Conspicuous; 
Jag - I
Ja - Yes
Jo - (Informal) Yes
Javisst - Of course; sure
Kalas - Party
Definition: A term usually used for children or a small gathering with friends. 
Eg. Barnkalas - Children’s party.
KĂ€rlek - Love
Lantis - (Informal) Country bumpkin; peasant; hick
Mamma - Mom; mum; mommy; mama
Mat - Food 
Morfar - Grandfather
Definition: On your mother’s side.
Morgon - Morning
Mormor - Grandmother
Definition: On your mother’s side.
MĂ„lning - Painting
Nalle, nallar - (Informal) Singular. Teddybear, plural. teddybears; singular. teddy, plural. teddies
Nallebjörn, nallebjörnar - Singular. Teddybear, plural. teddybears
Noshörning, noshörningar - Rhinoceros, rhinoceroses
Oavbruten - Uninterrupted
Otrogen - Unfaithful 
Oskuld - Virgin; virginity; innocence
Ovan - Above; over; unaccustomed
Ovana - Bad habit
Paj, pajer - Singular. Pie, plural. pies
Pajas - (Informal) Clown 
Eg. The class clown 
Pappa - Dad; daddy; papa
We don’t have a lot of words starting on the letter Q!
Ramla - Fall; tumble; topple
Rygg, ryggar - Singular. Back, plural. backs
RÀv, rÀvar - Singular. Fox, plural. foxes
SjÀlvklart - Of course
Skuld - Blame; guilt; debt
StjÀrna, stjÀrnor - Singular. Star, plural. stars
Svenska - Swedish (language); (a) Swede (female)
Svensk - Swedish (something); (a) Swede (male or in general) 
Svenskar - Swedes
Tavla - Painting
Tavelram - Picture frame
Trogen - Faithful; loyal
Uggla, ugglor - Singular. Owl, plural. owls
Under - Under; underneath
Usel - Lousy
Vana - Habit
Vas - Vase 
Vass - Sharp; reed 
Vilka (Plural) - Who; which
Vilken - Which 
Yla - Howl
Yta - Surface 
Yvig - Bushy 
Zebra, zebror - Singular. Zebra, plural. zebras
Åsna, Ă„snor - Singular. Donkey, plural. donkeys
ÅtrĂ„ - Desire; lust
Älska - (to) Love
Även - Even; also; too
Ö, öar - Singular. Island, plural. Islands
Öl - Beer 
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lillahimmel · 5 years ago
Disney in Swedish
You know one way to get used to the language? By listening to some music! Here are famous Disney songs but in Swedish!
I’ll update this list from time to time!
Last edit: 2020 01 04
Love is a Song that Never Ends 
Little April Shower 
Looking for Romance (I Bring You a Song)
The Beauty and the Beast (Skönheten och Odjuret) 
Belle Reprise 
Be Our Guest 
Something There 
Beauty Within
The Little Mermaid (Den lilla sjöjungfrun)
Part of Your World 
Part of Your World Reprise 
Poor Unfortunate Souls 
Kiss the Girl 
Under the Sea
Just Around the Riverbend 
Colours of the Wind 
Oliver & Company (Oliver och GĂ€nget)
Once Upon a Time in New York City 
Why Should I Worry 
Perfect Isn’t Easy 
Good Company
Sleeping Beauty (Törnrosa)
Once Upon a Dream
The Lion King (Lejonkungen)
Circle of Life 
I Can’t Wait to be King 
Be Prepared 
Hakuna Matata 
Can You Feel the Love Tonight 
I’ll Make a Man Out of You 
A Girl Worth Fighting For
Hercules (Herkules) 
The Gospel Truth 
Zero to Hero 
I Won’t Say I’m in Love
Friend like Me 
A Whole New World
Scales And Arpeggios 
Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat
Peter Pan 
You Can Fly 
Your Mother And Mine
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Ringaren frÄn Notre Dame)
Out There 
God Help The Outcasts 
Cinderella (Askungen)
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes 
Snow White (Snövit)
I'm Wishing / One Song
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