like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
“For last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice.”
― T.S. Eliot 
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like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
My Third Concert: The Used
I think it is safe to say that I officially have the concert bug - what have I been missing out on all these years! After Gerard Way and The Pretty Reckless, I thought it might be a while before I got to go and see another band, as not many come to Oxford. However, low and behold, just as I was thinking to myself that they’d be a cool band to go and see, The Used announced their first UK tour in three years, and Oxford was going to be one of the stops along the way! So, back in February I relived my emo-youth with The Used.
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I really enjoyed the concert, but I have to admit that the turn out was quite disappointing. All of their other shows had sold out, but we struggled to fill the room (and its a tiny room) so I felt quite bad for the band! You could tell it was the first, and the last time they would be coming to Oxford. I didn’t care too much for the support acts though - this included Decade, and Landscapes - the lead singer of which was a man possessed, which completely distracted any attention away from the music. All in all though, I loved the experience, and we were front row!
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like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
“I know life well enough to know you can’t count on things staying around or standing still, no matter how much you want them to. You can’t stop people from dying. You can’t stop them from going away. You can’t stop yourself from going away either. I know myself well enough to know that no one else can keep you awake or keep you from sleeping.” 
― Jennifer Niven, All the Bright Places    
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like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
Nick Hornby Set
A lot of people know about Nick Hornby, and have know about him for years - maybe because of Fever Pitch, perhaps because of About a Boy. However, I have only recently discovered his works due to the fact that I stumbled upon a film adaptation of one of them back in the summer, and no it wasn’t High Fidelity (although that is next on my list). The story in question was that of A Long Way Down, featuring Pierce Brosnan, Toni Collette, Imogen Poots, and Aaron Paul, which follows four suicidalists on a rooftop on New Years Eve, as they find life in each other.
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Most people don’t like the film, but I fell in love with it! I must have watched it five times in one week at some point, I found it that poignant - with a few of the quotes from the film hitting home. It has quickly become one of my favourite films, along with The Perks of Being a Wallflower, as I feel like both adaptations fix the very small, but noticeable, problems contained within the written book - feel free to question me about that in the comments! “I’m just tired of being scared all the time, and not knowing why. I’m tired of trying to change, and not knowing how. Because no matter how much I do change - I’m still left with me.”
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like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
“We all spend so much time, not saying what we want, because we know we can't have it. And because it sounds ungracious, or ungrateful, or disloyal, or childish, or banal. Or because we're too desperate to pretend that things are OK, really, that confessing to ourselves they're not looks like a bad move.” 
—  Nick Hornby, A Long Way Down
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like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
Publishing Christmas Party!
I suppose I should probably catch up with last years Christmas celebrations sooner rather than later, before the time comes when I need to update you all about this years shenanigans, which are only a couple of weeks away! Last year, myself and my fellow publishing students celebrated Christmas in style at the very popular Freud Bar & Cafe in Oxford, which was once a stone church. It really was an entertaining night, and we also managed to sneak in our flatmates!
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Most students did the MA in Publishing, but the five of us pictured above were the crazy mofo’s who took the awkward route of studying Book History & Publishing Culture. Needless to say, we definitely got very merry, as we plied ourselves with White Russians and cocktails galore! Myself and my flatmate also had a rather interesting night once the party was over - who knew simply walking across the road to grab a frozen pizza before we went home would lead to such debauchery! All I can say is that my raindear headband was lost, but a wreath and a random green leprechaun hat were gained. It’s the pineapple from How I Meet Your Mother all over again!
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like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
”It's much easier to not know things sometimes. Things change and friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody. I think the idea is that every person has to live for his or her own life and then make the choice to share it with other people. You can't just sit there and put everybody's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love.”
—  Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
Turning twenty-three...
I turned 23 this weekend, and I have got to say, I am not a fan. I cannot find one positive BuzzFeed article about turning 23, which doesn’t basically tell me that everything from here on out is a buzz-kill - plus, we all know about that song. Nonetheless, I come to you today ready to rekindle my dedication to this blog and catch-up on the events that have taken place in my, quote, unquote, youth. As, I have now officially finished my Masters, and my dissertation, and have no excuse! I can’t quite pin-point why I’m so bothered about this particular birthday, maybe it’s because it’s my first time leaving education, and working full time. Maybe, I’m having my quarter-life crisis two years early, who knows, but I don't want to start acting my age.
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I should do this more often, but I had a look back to the first entry I posted on this blog about new beginnings, and maybe this is just that. It’s time to rehash Marcel Proust's sentiments in not seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes - that’s what this blog was always about. So, hello freshman year of adulthood, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to like you, but I’ll give you a shot...
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like-a-writingdesk · 9 years
“The years between eighteen and twenty-eight are the hardest, psychologically. It’s then you realize this is make or break, you no longer have the excuse of youth, and it is time to become an adult – but you are not ready.”
—  Helen Mirren
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like-a-writingdesk · 10 years
My Second Concert: The Pretty Reckless
As previously mentioned, I had earlier dubbed The Pretty Reckless as being the first band I would ever see in concert, that was until Gerard Way announced his first solo tour. Evidently, that didn't stop the band from still being my second, you know, first the worst, second the best, third's the one with a hairy chest? Obviously this isn't entirely true as the Gerard Way concert was amazing, but I have to say that The Pretty Reckless was by far the best! Just like before, the support acts were also equally amazing, and the first to appear was an American band called Nothing More, who reminded me of Seether and All That Remains.
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I have no complaints about their music, and they were a great act to open with, although I can't say I've gotten into their music since the concert. What I was impressed with was this rather theatrical skit they did with a guitar, on a pedestal, which they flipped around and had two or more people playing at once. Odd. The second support act was a British one though, called Heaven's Basement, who I have been listening to none stop since. I have to admit appreciating their music more after the event, rather then during as they were new to me, but I have an abundance of respect for the lead singer, Aaron Buchanan!
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The Oxford O2 Academy is a rather small and intimate venue, but Aaron utilized the space and proceeded to climb (not surf) around the crowd with the aid of the ceiling lights like Tarzan! It really livened up the crowd, and was more than a little bit impressive. As for the main act, The Pretty Reckless, I have never known a band put so much effort into a show, the lighting was spectacular, and the performance as a whole was something to behold! Playing their music in my room has never been the same since, as nothing compares to it live.
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like-a-writingdesk · 10 years
“I think your 20s are the hardest part of life. I mean, everyone goes on about how hard it is to be a teenager, but actually I think it’s tougher to be in your 20s because you’re expected to be a grownup and expected to earn your own living and be successful and I think you feel like a kid still.”
—  Nigel Cole
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like-a-writingdesk · 10 years
Gilmore Girls: The Complete Series
In light of Edward Herrmann's death, and because this is probably the only legitimate time I can talk about the Gilmore Girls, I thought I'd share with you the delightful Christmas present I received off of my parents: the complete box set of the series! I adore Gilmore Girls, it's probably my favourite show. I am Lorelai Gilmore (the coffee addiction, and the weirdness, at the very least) and I apparently look like Rory, so really, it can't get much better. The quick witted nature, and sarcasm of the show, set in a small town is what really draws me to it - not to mention the pop culture references that are lost on most!
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like-a-writingdesk · 10 years
“So, do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out and decide.”
— Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy 
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like-a-writingdesk · 10 years
My 22nd Birthday!
I've been trying to catch up with my posts, but it doesn't seem as though I'm going to get them all in by the New Year. Therefore, at the very least I suppose I should probably get my 22nd birthday in before my 23rd rears its head! Once again, I was spoilt by my friends as they decorated the kitchen in time for my awakening, blasting Taylor Swift (you can guess which song), with a doughnut type pyramid, as I don't like cake. They also very thoughtfully banded together to get me the birdcage I'd be fawning over, as I had a 'brilliant' idea to store my perfumes in it (don't ask).
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Having attended the Gerard Way concert the night before, after a doughnut breakfast, we accompanied my friend Hazel, who came to the concert with me, into town for a splurge of shopping before she had to depart. I was treated to lunch, acquired a new dress, and then it was time to get ready! The main festivities materialized in yet another lovely meal at Zizzi's Restaurant, followed by an evening at the Oxford Fashion Week Couture Show. Unfortunately, although my day was wonderful, the event was far from - and to be polite, that's all I'm going to say about it.
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like-a-writingdesk · 10 years
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
— Albert Einstein
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like-a-writingdesk · 10 years
My First Concert: Gerard Way 06-11-14
What better way to finish off being 21, and begin being 22 than to attend your very first concert? Yes, you heard me correctly, my first concert. The explanation of this is that I am a die-hard My Chemical Romance fan, and was waiting to lose my metaphorical 'concert-virginity' to them once I was at University. During my first year, they headlined at the Reading & Leeds Festivals, but I was determined to wait until they announced their own tour. Alas, a couple of months later they instead announced their break-up. Ever since this devastating news, I was at a loss as to who to see first and who I would now lose said metaphorical 'concert-virginity' to.
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I had toyed with Fall Out Boy, 30 Seconds to Mars etc. and eventually decided upon The Pretty Reckless last summer as they were coming to Oxford at the end of November. However, low and behold, a couple of months before my birthday Gerard Way announced his first solo tour, and would be playing in Oxford the day before my 22nd birthday on the 6th November! He was also joined by an awesome British support act, named Darlia, who I will now be seeing again in February. I have officially caught the bug for going to concerts, so expect more posts!
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like-a-writingdesk · 10 years
“And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, This is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this! And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say, No. This is what’s important.”
—  Iain Thomas, I Wrote This for You
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