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🕯️" the broken and rejected always rise back,almost as if embodying death themselves "🕯️
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lawofillusion · 2 months ago
Killing myself
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lawofillusion · 2 months ago
bpd culture is blaming yourself for every little inconvenience between you and your fp/partner and believing that you're ruining everything
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lawofillusion · 2 months ago
NPD + autism culture is hating when someone is also interested in My special interest :/.
Yeah maybe you like it but I like it the best way someone could like it. I love it. I devoted my life to it. You don't get it like I get it. It's My special interest. Mine. So back off.
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lawofillusion · 4 months ago
maybe it's the like npd/aspd but my brain automatically categorizes people into like little classes. like I meet a person and as I get to know them they get sorted. like there's a class for younger female sibling type friend, a class for older male person who I like but barely speak to, a class for doctors and medical professionals, a class for people my age who are like me, a class for people my age who are nothing like me, etc. and my brain has a predetermined set of mannerisms and vocabulary for interacting with each one
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lawofillusion · 4 months ago
shoutout to those of us with uncommon as fuck alterhuman types. no shame to the hundreds of thousands of wolves, vampires, and cats but i have never met another slime person like me and it kind of sucks
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lawofillusion · 4 months ago
ASPD culture is, how the fuck am I nicer and more considerate than you (general you) fuckers? aren't I supposed to have the 'rude dickhead with zero consideration of how something may affect other people' disorder??? how am I able to think 'this could offend someone, I should steer clear of it' when prosocials put no effort into doing the same thing? bruh??
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lawofillusion · 4 months ago
I'm back to complain again bc I'm sick of ppl venting to me. Idk if I seen approachable or what but I need them to leave me the fuck alone
I literally just hardcore dissociate the moment someone starts venting so I barely feel or process a thing
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lawofillusion · 5 months ago
Manipulating people you know can't affect your life is so fun. like hell yeah no consequences
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lawofillusion · 5 months ago
I wanna smoke wtfff I have no cigs :/
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lawofillusion · 5 months ago
Dude anxiety sure is a bitch but I'm so sick of it being "the source of everything". Every single time the same damn thing. No, it is not my goddamn anxiety I'm telling you I have other issues.
"This is anxiety again 🥺🥺" bitch stfu no the fuck it isn't. My anxiety is well under control it's not my fault you don't want to acknowledge everything else that's wrong with me, including the shit that's literally diagnosed lmao
Fucking puritan ""professionals"" and their worthless idea that everything needs to be anxiety or depression because 'I can't be one of the others™ I'm so normal 🥺🥺🥺'
I got extremely lucky to be dx with half of the shit I have, but I sure as hell don't blame anyone who's fully self dx this is such bullshit
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lawofillusion · 5 months ago
npd + godkin culture is imagining having elaborate temples built for you and how you'd be worshipped
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lawofillusion · 5 months ago
I've come to the conclusion that I'm significantly happier without my bf oop- lol. Nah fr though ik I gotta break up with em but siiiiiiiigh BPD am I right
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lawofillusion · 6 months ago
Remembering the time I thought I was an "empath" but it was just my ASPD fixation on overanalyzing people's behavior lmao I don't even feel empathy
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lawofillusion · 6 months ago
Negative splits are wild like yeah bro I love you but I do not like you™
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lawofillusion · 6 months ago
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Dr Ratio from HSR has NPD!
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lawofillusion · 6 months ago
Heya there, I have both lmao
NPD to me is like knowing that I am so great that it's beyond other people — and they will never really understand my greatness and depth. Like my existence and inner world and everything related to me is so profound and just otherworldly that I will always remain unknown and the biggest marvel of this world, both at once.
ASPD is like. I don't understand most of whatever other people are on because everyone is so sentimental all the time, and my only approach to feelings is through a logical lens, really. I can analyze human behavior and have done so ever since I was born, but that's as close as I'll get to it. For all it's worth, I don't even understand my own feelings when and if I do have them.
I find humanity fascinating as a study subject, but I dislike all humans. I also feel 0 empathy and fluctuate when it comes to sympathy — and I don't feel remorse, I only worry if the consequences of my actions will affect me negatively because it's bothersome. Oh and I have thoughts that a lot of people would probably be terrified of ig (has happened before)
What I'd like people to know? I literally have all the characteristics of someone people would lock up forever, but here I am lol. I guess I just want others to be aware of the fact that a lot of us can live normally, that we can control our disorders and willingly do so. I choose to control myself and blend in with society, we exist and we don't mean immediate danger.
A lot of us are also trying to survive like you are 🫡
A genuine question for people with ASPD or/and NPD
People with ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) or/and NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), I am genuinely curious about what you believe is the core part of aspd and npd, and how you see the world. How does it feel to have these disorders? How do people treat you? How do you treat people? How can one understand how it must be like for you?
These disorders are VERY stigmatised. Even actual medical journals and sites perpetuate this stigmatisation, and there's this whole thing of "narcissistic abuse" or that all people with antisocial personality disorder are serial killers. I simply refuse to believe this, it's not nuanced enough, and I genuinely seek to understand. And maybe other people may find this thread of posts and also understand.
So people with npd/aspd, add on, explain anything you wish people knew about your disorder.
Coming from a fellow person with a highly stigmatised disorder (schizophrenia) who wishes to understand.
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lawofillusion · 6 months ago
I fucking hate everything
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