Mouse and Friends!
6 posts
Hi! I'm Mouse! I was rescued in 2020 by two amazing pigeon parents, who nursed me back to health when my tibia and wingtip were broken. I don't particularly enjoy the company of other pigeons, so I went to stay with my new twolegs. I'm a 1-2 year old blue grizzle (possibly) Pakistani High-Flyer mix.
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that-nerd-cay · 4 years ago
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The grumby loaf!
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that-nerd-cay · 4 years ago
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Hey, hi hello! I am Cay. I am the non-binary parent to most of the critters on here! I'm really just a nerd who loves their pets, and would do anything to make them happy! I won't be appearing on here as much, but from time to time I might pop in! Maybe to vent about medical hassles, potentially to gripe about my mental health, and as much as I can to talk about my partner and his family! I've been with him for four years now, and his family is the best part 😛 I may post witchy things and vulture or goblin culture from time to time, and even some entimology and moth keeping! But I really want this blog to focus on my pets, especially Mouse. She's been through so much hassle in her life, and I want her to enjoy her life to the fullest. I can't thank Keepsakes Loft enough for letting me be a part of her life, and giving her the chance to have one after the injuries she had. Not many people would put in the effort they did to save her, even nursing her back to health, to the point where her leg didn't have to be amputated. She's a strong little bird, and I'll always strive to have the strength that she has.
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that-nerd-cay · 4 years ago
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And since I couldn't fit these two lil shitheads in my last post, this is Link and Zelda. They're my roommate's cats!
They suck and I love them to bits.
Link is the big ole black and white boy. He is the most endearing, plucky little bastard, who shits on everything you love (yes including himself sometimes) and we all love him dearly for it. He really is a good boy, just has his moments. I love his buddy trips with me to the bathroom at three am when I'm in pain. And he's always so excited to see me when I get to leave my room. He's a shining little star that can brighten anyone's day, and I'm glad I get to share residence with his stinky butt. He's also Willow's boyfriend, so obviously I'm obligated to be sus 👀
Next we have Zelda! Zorldo, chonkus, lady chonkers. She's a squeaky rotund lady, and really, really likes cheese. Like will wake from a dead sleep in the other room to run over to you if she heARS THE CHEESE DRAWER. She is so endearing and sweet, and I mean, come on, look at her face.
I love them both, as much as I pick on them. They're really both such good cats, and they bring a smile to my face every time I get to leave my room!
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that-nerd-cay · 4 years ago
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And this is the rest of the crew!
First up is Willow (9-11 years old!). She's been my sweet baby since... 2014! Wow. It's been a long time. I found her when I was going through a really rough transition in my life! She helped with moving away from one abuser, dealing with another, and figuring out some difficult health diagnoses! We've been through a lot together in the past six years, and I hope I have many, many more. We've both come a long way in trusting each other, and I know you're getting old my girl, but I love you so much, and you'll never be mistreated again 💞
Next up is Bandit! He's my rescue Beardie. He was found in a SUPER busy park by a reptile rescue I used to volunteer for, and he is just as much as a scrappy lil brat as ever. I've had him since 2015, and I wouldn't ever change him for the world. He's fought a wall, the cat, a mouse, the big WILD. He's a lil trooper. I'm not sure how old he is, and he's starting to slow down, but I hope we have many more wonderful years to come 💛
Then we have Athena the Leopard Gecko! My sweet, sweet little murder machine. This girl will try and eat anything that MOVES. And I mean, absolutely ANYTHING. I adopted her from the same rescue as Bandit in 2016, along with Apollo who has since gone to a lovely home with a friend! Athena was around.... 8 when I first adopted her, so she's getting up there in age. 12! She hasn't shown ANY interest in slowing down, and lives a happy, chonky life!
Finally, for my own pets, we have Quill! Quillybean, doofus, noodle head. She is a Motley BCC, and is about two years old! She was slightly malnourished as a youngin, so she has had some stunted growth, but since adopting her in 2020, she's put on some healthy weight, is far more active, and loves to try and have me as a snack! She's a spunky lil lady, and is really starting to show her personality. She loves hats, sleeping in your shirt, and mealtimes of course. She's a sweet snake though, and will be a great ambassador, showing people that snakes aren't all mean and scary like some people are taught to believe!
Lastly, we have my adopted son, Cayde! He's an almost 2 year old Caucasian Ovcharka. He belongs to my best friend, and I got to meet him when he was JUST A TINY LIL CLOUD. He was unbelievably floofy as a baby, and even more so as a bear sized puppy! He really does have a soft spot in my heart, and is such a fiercely loyal boy to his family. He's a big snuggle bug and loves to play fetch and fight the hose! Just a big (and I mean taller than his owner big) ole puppy 💞 (I'm just glad I don't have to feed this furry horse okay) miss u Cayde-y boi!
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that-nerd-cay · 4 years ago
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Mouse is still having some time to settle in! But I'm sure within due time I'll be able to flood this blog with pictures of her. I'm so excited to document her journey!
(photo creds to Keepsakes Loft!)
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that-nerd-cay · 4 years ago
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Mouse! When she was first seen at the vet. She was nursed back to health by some really, really amazing people who care so so much about the little guys.
Mouse's owner here. I remember the first posts of when she was found, and I have to say I was absolutely SMITTEN with Mouse from the moment I saw her. I've volunteered at a wildlife rehabilitation center, and have always had a soft spot for pigeons. With their rowdy shows of defensiveness in their cages, when I promise, I'm just trying to get you seed and water lil frens, to how sweet and nurturing they can be when you gain their trust. Pigeons really are quite amazing lil birds! I'm so greatful to be able to be a part of Mouse's new life. She's such a sweet, inquisitive bird, and I hope that we can form a really close bond.
Little Mouse has gone through a lot in her short life, and I plan to pamper her for the rest of it 💞🐦🐀✨
(photo creds to Keepsakes Loft!)
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