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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
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Today, marks the end of a chapter.
I started this on Jan 01, 2023 with no real plan. I wanted to make something I was proud of. I had ideas; they were mostly bad. They were thrown out pretty quickly. The version of the project you see today started mid-March of 2023 with A Moment in Time; the last poem finished being Revel (It has gone through the MOST revisions). I have more to share on the story of how Renaissance became what it is at a later date.
For now, please enjoy! I'm always open to feedback and questions, just be respectful.
Thank you,
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
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Memento Mori
The seventh, and last poem from my art collection, Renaissance.
This poem was part of a much longer written piece that I wrote in a very difficult time in my life. If I remember correctly, I was in my 2nd year of college, and I felt worthless. I felt like I was a waste of space. I felt like life was not worth living. I was having an existential crisis for what it meant to live and have purpose. For several months, I struggled heavily. Then one night, I decided to write; a long four part poem(?) was written. "Memento Mori" was the end of that four part work. It was only shown to one person who was special to me at that time. You know who you are. I wanted to breath new life into an otherwise dead part of my life. I wanted to show my most vulnerable moment. This was the only way Renaissance could end.
Description written: March 19, 2024 @ 12:26AM
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
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The sixth poem from my art collection, Renaissance.
This was actually the first poster I completed among the set of seven. The inspiration for the poem was heavily inspired by EDEN's "Eyes fixed on the ground". That is the unofficial name. The official name is somewhere on my deluxe vinyl and I do not really want to look for it right now. The poster's design was heavily inspired by Tyler, the Creator's CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST. I loved the playfulness of the stars on the identification card as well as the colors. When I was making the poster, I thought, "What if I made it like a baby's crib mobile?". I wanted it to be playful, full of potential, yet have an amount of uncertainty in the poem to round it out. I actually asked my author friend his thoughts on it, and he very much enjoyed it. That was kind of the moment I was like, "Yeah, I think I can pull this off".
Description written: March 18, 2024 @ 12:02AM
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
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The fifth poem from my art collection, Renaissance.
One of the oldest poems written for Renaissance. Originally written on March 19, 2020. I remember hearing "Something Comforting" by Porter Robinson and that idea kind of stuck with me. I had recently spent a night with my friends around the bonfire which served as the spark to start the fire. I don't think I have too much to say. Simple and sweet.
Description written: March 15, 2024 @ 10:00PM
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
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A Moment in Time
The fourth poem from my art collection, Renaissance.
Deeply inspired by Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami as well as [READACTED]'s "Only for a Moment". This poem was the first to be started, particularly with the second verse. I wanted to try to capture the fleetingness. Its hard to be consistently present, living day to day. Recently, I heard that days are long and the years, short. I would like to think that, in some ways, this embodies that sentiment. Each day is only stitched together just enough to get to the next, then falls apart.
Description written: March 13, 2024 @ 12:20AM
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
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The third poem from my art collection, Renaissance.
Like A Day, this also has a strange origin. It is the poem I rewrote about 3 times, and designed probably like 5-6 different posters before I was really happy with it. There were two main inspirations for this. The first one came from EDEN's "love; not wrong (brave)" off of his album vertigo. The main inspiration that inspired me to write this came from a random video I watched late one night about the burning passion to exist, to love, to be vulnerable, to be one with one another. I am not sure where the video is now; it was animated if that helps. I do not think it was very long, but it hurt me.
Description written: March 10, 2024 @ 1:06AM
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
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A Day
The second poem from my art collection, Renaissance.
This poem is rather strange from all the others. There was a day during the summer where all I could think about was a specific scene from the first season of Sword Art Online. Asuna found Kirito laying down in a grassy field. She asks him why he isn't helping the other to escape the game. He simply replies that this is the nicest day Aincrad will ever have, and that it would be a waste to not spend it outside. I have always loved this scene and I wanted to try to capture it myself.
slow down, look around, smell the flowers, we have such little time to be wanting to go so fast.
Description written: March 9, 2024 @ 12:08PM
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
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The first poem from my art collection, Renaissance.
This poem I dedicate to my late Uncle and Aunt. I am sorry I did not spend more time with you. I knew I should have. I wanted to, but I did not. I am the only one to blame. Of course, you would not let me do that. I love you both dearly, even now, when I can not hear your voices or see you dance. You loved me unconditionally; I wish I could have given it back. This was all I could do. I love you two. Thank you.
Description written: February 29, 2024 @ 12:30AM
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
This marks the end of a chapter. I hope you enjoy what I created.
Thank you,
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
An Annoucement
my year long art project I started in 2023 is on its final act. I have a short video to film and a title poster to make then I can close this chapter. I am very excited to finally share the finished project. it encompasses my life over the past year as well as reaching back to light and dark spots in my life. my only hope is that the few people who see this will find something in the words I wrote and the photos I took. each piece is a fragment of my self that I broke off to give out to the world to do with what they please, to shame or to praise; it is not up to me to do decide. just know that its me, always.
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
In the cool warmth of dawn We dissolve into the shallow breeze The trees rustle, then cease
I give this to you: "free yourself; love. be brave; you can(not) be wrong. take the dusks and dawns with joy and when your footing slips… dance."
finished 12/07/2023 @ 11:46PM CST
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
We sat and watched the sunset A night of no care, free will
"Here we are" Washed over by the waves of something comforting
We knew this night would last Only for as long as the sun was gone So we never saw it rise
finished 03/19/2020 @??:?? CST
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kyrios-i · 1 year ago
A Day
flowers blooming, leaves rustling birds chirping, butterflies dancing all alone, we can sing laughing, the clouds passing oh, the time skipped away
and when we get tired, we can lay here a little longer b e c a u s e there will never be a day quite like this one
finished 12/08/2023 1:21PM
last edit on 12/11/2023 11:56PM
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kyrios-i · 2 years ago
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Inspired by moment by Vierre Cloud.
Something quick I put together w/ a burst of motivation.
August 22, 2023 @ 12:10am
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kyrios-i · 2 years ago
I watched the sunrise As you passed into the smoke Without a wave behind Yet the ripples bled for miles
Finished on June 29, 2023 @ 2:21PM
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kyrios-i · 2 years ago
A Moment in Time
In that summer lit field There was no one else The breeze was gentle The sun warm, clouds soft Sundress dancing
Only for a moment Held together with paper clips And loosely fit strings Bound to unravel The time skipped away
Only for a moment Two satelites cross orbits Waving as they swing Just as quick as they pull, They push
No, they can burn too.
Finished 04/16/2023 @ 12:06AM CST
Last edit (large): 12/07/2023 @ 11:36PM CST
Inspired by Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami and life
Inspired by "Only For A Moment" by Lola Marsh
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kyrios-i · 2 years ago
They say our dreams will take us far [Eyes fixed on the ground] So I tread carefully To not suffocate or drown
Our dreams will carry us far, they say [Eyes fixed on the
g r o u n d] So I am not another dove shot To crash and burn
Up! Up! I say my dreams are made of stardust and silk [EYES FIXED ON THE BEYOND] A never-ending light Guiding those on the never-ending road Surrounded by bright flashes and dull sparks Of things that never will or be
I walk.
created on 03/18/2023
last edit on 11/27/2023 @ 12:47AM
Inspired by "Eyes Fixed on the Ground" by EDEN
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