Tokyo Ghoul{re} imagines
91 posts
~Ask is open~ «Ἔστιν οὖν τραγωδία μίμησις πράξεως σπουδαίας καὶ τελείας, μέγεθος ἐχούσης, ἡδυσμένῳ λόγῳ, χωρὶς ἑκάστῳ τ��ν εἰδὼν ἐν τοῖς μορίοις, δρώντων καὶ οὐ δι' ἀπαγγελίας, δι' ἐλέου καὶ φόβου περαίνουσα τὴν τῶν τοιούτων παθημάτων κάθαρσιν» ...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kommos-of-a-tragedy · 3 years ago
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 3 years ago
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Eating while on shift is not permitted, staff are told. “If the system detects no keyboard stroke and mouse click, it will show you as idle for that particular duration, and it will be reported to your supervisor. So please avoid hampering your productivity.”
A training video about the webcam system, seen by the Guardian, says it “monitors and tracks real-time employee behaviour and detects any violations to pre-set business rules, and sends real-time alerts to managers to take corrective actions immediately”.
Capitalism is so exhausting
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 5 years ago
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Day 3 ––– Astrology / “A Star Is Born” / Observatory Date Night
I just think they would always go to their favorite place, and talk about everythings and nothings, and maybe even fall in love
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 5 years ago
Deku *breaking all of his fucking bones*: it's determination!
Bakugo: it's being a stupid piece of shit is what it is. I'm calling your mom.
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
Touka: I’m going to carve ‘i told you so’ on your grave
Kaneki: That’s fair
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
Hey sorry I've been dead..
But would anyone be interested if I did like draple requests or even short fics??? Plz let me know if you are, or even just go ahead and send your request.
-thank you :)
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
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i did this a while ago and never posted it lol
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
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Trying to get back into drawing, color pencil edition.
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
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“It’s not the lie that hurts… It’s the truth that injures our heart.” — Haise Sasaki follow pagoe 4 more anime gfx
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
Imagine how hard it must've been for CCG investigators with uteruses during big operations like you're tryna lay low until back up arrives but nope because you've got blood flowing out like crazy and ghouls can probs smell it
Shout out to this anon whose ask I forgot to answer, for God knows how long (then briefly remembered, when I answered another ask, but then forgot again, cause I'm just a disaster I guess??). You the real MVP and I'm so so sorry.
To the point tho. I'd like to think they can get paid leave for that? Or it being like sick days? Or maybe you at least just go in for office work? Cause I mean, if you force ppl that are bleeding to, you know, go hunt man eating creatures, that are extremely strong, durable, and can smell blood like fucking sharks, I think that would become a huge HR problem. And like no one would like that. The extra bad (very very bad) publicity would really not benefit them, especially with all the things the CCG (*cough*V*cough*) is hiding, the last thing they need is noisy reporters trying to get the latest scoop on this corporate human rights violation.
But like even then...sometimes, you just...don't?? Know??? Like sometimes mother nature decides to say "fuck this person in particular" and sends your period a week earlier while you're playing hide and seek, literally like your life depends on it (cause it really does) with a bunch of ghouls, cause things went wrong and backup isn't there yet. And this. This is the point where you have a choice to make. Do you give up, cause apparently the universe already wants you dead, so what's the point? Or do you say fuck it and cover yourself with the remains and blood of your former colleagues, and hope despite hope, that these ghouls in particular aren't interested in roadkill?
We know that some ghouls can actually distinguish between menstrual blood and like, I dunno, regular blood? -like Urie does on the auction arc, when Mutsuki's secret is revealed- So they'd just have to be there, hiding for their lives, bleeding and just praying to any deity that the ghoul after them has a stuffy nose and can't locate them through all the blood that's already there (I mean if they're hiding and not fighting with their team, the team is probably dead at this point.)
But just imagine: you're doing your job, and it's really not an easy job (we've already seen that no sane person would ever do this job), and you're in the middle of this huge operation- you already know the risks obviously, I mean they sign their last will and testament before big operation, they are going in there ready to die any minute- things are going bad, you're seeing your coworkers getting ripped apart by these actual monsters, and you're not going to lie to yourself you are terrified, but backup is on the way, bit they have been "on the way" for the past 15minutes and you doubt you'll have even five more, and just when you're thinking things just can't get worse, CRAMPS.
That's where you either quit, give up on life, say goodbye to your dog, or get a hulk-like rage fueled power up and just...DO IT! Cause you'll be damned if you'll let your poor dog wonder where you went, why you didn't come home. He would never understand, he would always just think your late and that you'll be back any moment, or God forbid that you abandoned him(and now I'm emotional over a random CCG agent's nonexisting dog, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.)
So to summarize, my hot take on this is that: mother nature can be a massive bitch, and sometimes, sometimes you have to defy the laws of reality and physics to get home to your dog and that's valid!
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
Hello! I was just wondering what kind of asks you were looking for? Requests, stuff about Tokyo Ghoul, just to talk in general?
Hey, I was gonna say this was the first ask I ever got ,but turns out I actually got another one and then completely forgot about it so now I feel bad™ (╥ᆺ╥;)
Tbh when I first started this blog (almost 3years ago, wow that's a while) I was super into those relationship imagine blogs, like I'd check em everyday and honestly they would make me feel better, so I just kinda wanted to do that too, and my mind also went "hey this should be easier than writing fanfiction !", spoiler alert, it's not.
But honestly I'm down for anything, scenarios, theories, headcanons, analysis, a 5000 word essay about our lord and savior Hide and how he is my reason to wake up everyday. So just go ahead, I'm game✌
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: minomi, Saeki Karao | Torso Additional Tags: Tokyo Ghoul: re, Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canonical Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Friendship, Non-Graphic Violence, Bruises, Sad Ending, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Heavy Angst, Angst No Happy Ending, i am horrible, Character Study, Character Death, Canonical Character Death, POV Second Person, tg minomi, Minor Character(s) Summary:
You tried you best, yet it's still sad isn't it. When you think you've found happines, and it's so brutally taken away.
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 6 years ago
Hey guess who's alive!!
It me!
So, I procrastinated reading the last few chapters of tg:re up till now, cause I'm way to emotional, also high key scared. But I can't keep this up forever, soo, I'm gonna finish it later on today. Get ready for some memes ( ̄ω ̄), my dudes.
I also wrote a thing a while back on ao3 I'd like to share with you, so I'll also share the link on a separate post later.
Love, y'all favorite (probably not) disaster.
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 7 years ago
Kaneki Ken is a verse
The internet is both great and horrifying for the very reason you can practically say anything without any concept, justification and almost no real consequences.
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 7 years ago
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Fellas is it gay to literally eat your best friend's lips??
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kommos-of-a-tragedy · 7 years ago
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A family can be, a comatose torso-head combination, his pregnant wife and his childhood friend whose lips he literally devoured.
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