I may not be a devotee to Apollo, but i find myself worshipping him at many times throughout my life.
He may not have an altar in my home, but I find myself thanking him as i take my daily meds. I find myself thanking him as I put on my new braces, and feeling the comfort of the pressure. I find myself thanking him when my pain is relieved through any methodology.
As a disabled person, I may not be devoted to Apollo, but He is ever so important to me nonetheless.
#paganblr#pagan witch#pagan#paganism#witchblr#witchcraft#hellenic polytheism#witch#hellenic polythiest#hellenic polytheistic#apollo#apollo worship#apollo devotee#apollo deity
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Lady Tyche

Goddess of Success, fortune, luck, and prosperity.
Requests open
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Making it my personal mission to report and block more TERFs this year.
Daily reminders:
American radical feminism is historically steeped in racism
Transphobia is also directly connected to racism and ableism
Paganism is inherently trans friendly, especially Hellenic paganism
#paganblr#pagan witch#pagan#paganism#witchblr#witchcraft#hellenic polytheism#witch#hellenic polythiest#hellenic polytheistic#antifascist#feminism#transphobes
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Your faith is not the opposite of Abrahamic religions. Don't focus your paganism on being against these religions. Pay attention to yourself and your religion after all!
Sorry but it really annoys me when people build their entire identity and religious life around the fact that Christianity or any other religion is bad, and I will hate everything in that faith.
Religion is not kpop fandoms fighting among themselves
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Are you never allowed to say anything negative at all? Even when you feel like shit?
Every spiritual belief — from established ones like Christianity, to modern ones like the Law of Attraction — encourages you to be positive. “Look at the bright side of things!” “Be grateful for what you have!” “Like attracts like, so never be negative!”
But you’re human. You can’t always be happy.
Of course you’re allowed to feel and say negative things, both to yourself and to people you trust.
The trick is to make sure you acknowledge that your negative situation is temporary.
When I’m going through a hard time, and someone asks me if I’m fine, I say, “I will be.”
I don’t lie and say I’m okay. That’s how wounds stay wounds — when you don’t admit they’re there.
But I also don’t declare defeat. Because for as long as I’ve been alive, I’ve won every single challenge life sent me. Haven’t you? Trust your track record.
To become a powerful witch, an effective manifester, or simply, a happy person… that’s the key.
Don’t say, “I’m so tired!” Say, “I’m so tired, so I will rest to feel better.”
Don’t say, “I’m fucking broke!” Say, “I need money, and I know it’s on its way to me.”
Don’t say, “My life sucks!”. Say, “Life hasn’t been easy, but things are about to change.”
Don’t pretend your pain isn’t there. Acknowledge it. Then acknowledge that it will pass, and it will.
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This may be a hot take for some of you but can people stop bringing Christian ideologies into the helpol space?
maybe I just need to unfollow some people but my understanding is that this is a religion of action and devotion
Not blind belief
Do not tell me that the gods have a path set for me, that is determinism and a very evangelical everything happens for a reason type of bullshit.
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Lowkey want to make a more aesthetic side blog for actual writings about my practice and just have this one be my messy reblogs and petty notes lol
#paganblr#pagan witch#pagan#paganism#witchblr#witchcraft#witch#hellenic polytheism#hellenic polythiest#hellenic polytheistic
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I want to add, you should absolutely actually research Abrahamic religions in order to better your practice and just your knowledge as a human. And if you think all abrahamic religions are inherently intolerant and violent then you REALLY need to research them, especially focusing on women’s perspectives. And maybe learn between theology and theocracy. Most people genuinely don’t know a lot about these religions from a theological perspective, but it adds a lot to anyone’s perspective which inherently betters yourself and your practice.
TLDR: actually learn about abrahamic religions, there’s a chance you know theocracy and not theology. Correct it.
Your faith is not the opposite of Abrahamic religions. Don't focus your paganism on being against these religions. Pay attention to yourself and your religion after all!
Sorry but it really annoys me when people build their entire identity and religious life around the fact that Christianity or any other religion is bad, and I will hate everything in that faith.
Religion is not kpop fandoms fighting among themselves
#hellenic community#hellenic polytheism#hellenic worship#hellenism#helpol#witchblr#hellenic pagan#paganism#polytheist#pagan#abrahamic witch#abrahamic religions#abrahamic mythology#religion
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If you're trying to unpack and heal from Christian religious trauma, a thing you really need to understand (if you don't already) is that you were probably misled about Judaism a lot. Christianity generally tries to paint itself as the self-evident successor of Judaism, and one of the ways it does this is by painting Judaism as Christianity Without Jesus.
In reality, Judaism is practiced very differently from Christianity, and Jews have a very different relationship to their Bible than Christians have to theirs. Just about everything you'll hear about Judaism from Christians is total hogwash - literally, it's Christian propaganda. Christianity as most of us know it was shaped by the Roman Empire's political agendas, and that's a huge reason why it's the way it is.
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Dude life would be so much easier if I was a porpoise. Porpoises don’t deal with oligarchies. Porpoises don’t have illuminati scammers dming them on tumblr.com. Porpoises don’t even have to have jobs!
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Thanks to Lady Hera, I’m officially engaged!! Idk I just want to shout it from the rooftops yk?
#paganblr#pagan witch#pagan#paganism#witchblr#witchcraft#hellenic polytheism#witch#hellenic polythiest#hellenic polytheistic
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Ostara is the Germanic goddess of spring, and the holiday is in her honor. The story goes, Ostara found a dying bird in the snow and turned it into a hare to save its life. To repay her, the hare laid colorful eggs for her and to honor her festival. Bunnies are also just associated with fertility hence their connection to spring festivals!
I hate to say it but I do fear we need to take Christmas away from non-Christians.
‘Secular Christmas’ babes that’s just capitalism…
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That example is cracking me up bc literally Ostara. The festivities you are describing are in fact those of Ostara, and multiple spring fertility festivals.
I hate to say it but I do fear we need to take Christmas away from non-Christians.
‘Secular Christmas’ babes that’s just capitalism…
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Created such a cool digital altar option through this picrew
#paganblr#pagan witch#pagan#paganism#witchblr#witchcraft#witch#christopagan#christowitch#abrahamic witch#christian witch
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just a reminder that being a pagan doesn't mean you can call other religions evil and inherently the source of all problems
intolerance to people who just believe something else is still wrong
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Honestly getting interested in filianism and deanism again but I can’t find any trans people in those circles so if you’re trans PLEASE reply or follow and I’ll follow back!!!
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Ways to Honour Khione, Goddess of Snow ❄

What would you like to add to the list? 🌬💙
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