#porpoise posting
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junoswitchery · 1 month ago
Dude life would be so much easier if I was a porpoise. Porpoises don’t deal with oligarchies. Porpoises don’t have illuminati scammers dming them on tumblr.com. Porpoises don’t even have to have jobs!
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 19 days ago
It's always so weird to come down from the biology heavens to see what the average person believes about animals, plants, ecosystems, just the world around them. I don't even mean things that one simply doesn't know because they've never been told or things that are confusing, I'm talking about people who genuinely do not see insects as animals. What are you saying. Every time I see a crawling or fluttering little guy I know that little guy has motivations and drive to fulfill those motivations. There are gears turning in their head! They are perceiving this world and they are drawing conclusions, they are conscious. And yet it's still a whole thing if various bugs of the world feel pain or if they are simply Instinct Machines that are Not Truly Aware of Anything At All????? Help!!!!!! How can you look at a little guy and think he is just the macroscopic animal version of a virus
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respect-the-locals · 8 months ago
🐬Daily Cetacean Fact:🐬
Vaquita Porpoise: The vaquita is a shy member of the porpoise family. Vaquitas are the most endangered of the world’s marine mammals. Less than 20 vaquitas remain in the wild, and entanglement in illegal gillnets is driving the species toward extinction. Vaquitas have the smallest range of any whale, dolphin, or porpoise. They only live in the northern part of the Gulf of California
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bowsbar · 6 months ago
Bulllshit inside joak slop where mic soap suitase and lb form a death metal band called fuck ii to cope with getting traumatized
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chknbzkt · 1 year ago
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It’s late and nobody’s gonna see these, post sky whale darlings 🏃🏽‍♀️ 💨
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feigningroyalty · 4 months ago
JRWI Riptide e43: City of Steam
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bogcreacher · 2 months ago
ive been looking at all your horst art again recently (totally not working on fanart) and i have so many questions about your ocs!! like
1. how did haunted lose stygian and do they ever end up reunited? does it have to do with the weird nightwing school-cult thing?
2. i just noticed that nacre has very similar barbels to porpoise, who used to be the seawing queen, even though rorqual is the regent queen--is that on purpose? (haha. on porpoise. anyway i also have a lesbian seawing oc named porpoise so ?!?! what a world)
3. does astral have the same butterfly-looking wings that you draw all of your other nightwings with (i forget the word for them sorry) and if not, why?
4. what was the reason for the seawing revolution that mako was a part of in the first place?
thank you so much if you decide to answer these, i love your worldbuilding and your art ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the quastions I am eating well!!
1.It does have to do with the cult! This is mildly spoilery but the fact that Stygian disappears at all is a spoiler, so: Stygian was taken away partly because he had a prophetic vision and partly to thwart the escape plan he and Haunted had been working on. On the same night a guard (Wistful) took the chaos and Haunted’s resistance as an excuse to kill Haunted, which, yknow, failed because Haunted goes on to meet Fennec. As to whether or not Haunted and Stygian reunite, we will have to see! :) 
2. That wasn’t on purpose I’m afraid, I just tend to fall into patterns when making my characters lol. Porpoise is actually the ancestor of Rorqual! Hence why they both have Cetacean names (Rorqual’s mother was named Costero and her sister is Vaquita!). Also hell yes gay Porpoises!!! 
3. She does! If I’ve drawn her otherwise that’s a mistake :,) Ironically I’ve done a lot of retconning regarding Astral’s wings lately 
4. A group of workers died due to the negligence of a noble family. When the royal court dismissed any demands for justice and basically just thoughts-and-prayers’d them, dragons started saying ‘’hey what the fuck’’, got subsequently locked up for standing up to the court, leading to more dragons saying “HEY WHAT THE FUCK” (this is an oversimplification of a very topical political circumstance but I’m sure you get the gist). Apparently when you try to sweep the lives of people’s loved ones under the rug they get mad???? Crazy huh!
thank you so much!! I’m so glad you like my silly horses :)
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pearl-kite · 18 days ago
And for an animal prompt, I'm gonna pick... lamassu for a bat-eared fox (I saw his huge ears and I just had to!)
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Throw some palette prompts at meeeee. Some details in the tags of that post. If you're shy, you can do it on anon <3
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hoard-of-plushes · 1 year ago
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Miiruka Yuru-Iruka mascot plush set (2023)
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acti-veg · 8 months ago
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Vaquita, Photograph by National Geographic
Bycatch from the fishing industry has led to the almost certain demise of the world’s smallest porpoise, the vaquita in the Gulf of California, and several more species are likely to follow.
Entanglement in fishing gear is the leading threat for whales and dolphins around the globe – estimated to cause at least 300,000 deaths per year.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 7 months ago
a list of creatures my sister has likened alex turner to:
• a rat hungry for cheese
• a porpoise
• a french duck called gertrude
• a strange but alluring woodland cryptid
• “one of those birds that mate for life and do really weird showy sexual dances to entice their partner”
• bambi in a leather jacket
• “some kind of mysterious siren”
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epic-dragon-hell-99 · 5 months ago
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Fake (Ancient) dragon breed I made up based vaguely on this post; it didn't end up as simplistic as the original would imply (especially by Spore standards), and the suggestion of a dragon that's "all spikes and eyes" was difficult to resist. Nonetheless, I like how it turned out!
Decided to call them Lancet Dragons, after the prominent spine that more or less replaces a tail. The primary covers most of the body- although the belly's in a bit of an odd place, wrapping around the "lobes"; the secondary occurs around the neck and down the back, as well as on the frill and the lower proboscis.
More info + extra pics below the cut!
My drawing pad's drivers are screwy right now; that's part of why it doesn't quite look like most things I draw nowadays. To be fair, though, I'm rediscovering that thicker lines can be fun!
Design was influenced by various different organisms, most of which could be summarized by "some kind of worm or worm-like thing." However, I did give them a slightly anteater-like snout, if a stubby one; furthermore, while the first pair of eyes are more of a "general subterranean" look, the second were based more specifically off of the wrinkly-lidded lump eyes you see on, like, baby birds and occasionally lizards, and the third were kind of mudskipper-esque, kind of like a midpoint between a slug or snail and a frog. I imagine both of these larger pairs can be tucked into the head underground. Similarly, I imagine the proboscis as eversible, able to be "slurped" back into the mouth up to the mandibles, and the head likely tucks into the neck folds to some degree as well. The frill, of course, can be raised and lowered, much like the lizards' it's based off of.
For some bonus material, here's the artwork without the Smirch, as well as a .png copy of the base itself (since I accidentally drew it at 350x350px, instead of giving myself space for details):
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In terms of lifestyle, I think these guys would be carnivores, but able to facultatively switch to a more plant-based diet by infesting dense roots (and mycelium, technically). Perhaps they could even inhabit the trunks of large trees? They'd mainly tunnel around in Plague's Pet Flesh Pit™, gnawing through rot and leeching nutrient-rich fluid from various pustules and venous structures. However, I imagine they could be mobilized as a devastating weapon against the ecology of any flight terrain with sufficient living biomass... Nature first and foremost.
I think their lore would revolve around having entered a sort of tardigrade-like vegetative state, somewhere between a deep hibernation and outright ceasing activity, only passively exchanging nutrients with their surroundings at most. This wouldn't be an unusual condition for them, though, but more a feature of the breed; an ability that lets them lay dormant for centuries at a time, like ancient bacteria trapped in permafrost. Normally, they would probably awaken when either a) conditions improved enough to support a higher metabolism, or b) they were forcefully excavated or otherwise injured. However, the whole breed probably could've burrowed deep into Plague territory and entered this state for the duration of the Plague-Nature truce, awakening when signaled to by the unrest at the surface. (I'm not sure if the timeline would line up, though...)
I imagine they don't usually fight, but their tail spines are used in self-defense when necessary, writhing about to wave them this way and that. (They probably have a decently nasty bite, too...) When it's not being used as a defensive feature (or perhaps an intimidating display), I imagine the tail spines are used to precision-inject their eggs into nutrient-dense locales, ovipositor-style. Maybe instead of traditional nests, they can form galls?
They aren't very big, probably around the size of a chunky Spiral. Furthermore, they'd probably have terrible vision, despite the tripled eye-count from standard breeds; it helps them see from more angles and gives them better depth perception (when aligned), but none of the eyes have particularly strong vision. This- plus the fact they have difficulty moving above ground, and tend to be ill-socialized in order to better share resources- means they have difficulty adapting to life with Modern clans. Not to mention they'd probably be agoraphobic to some degree, since they're so squishy.
They tend to like the dark, and often climb onto larger dragons in order to be carried around (and perhaps better simulate their natural habitat). However, they need to be taught not to opportunistically leech off of such dragons that accept this behavior, or at least to learn self-control; it's partially instinctive to parasitize their surroundings, but most dragons don't take kindly to getting nipped (much less to the very serious diseases they can carry).
That's about it for Lancet Dragons! This marks the second time I've made a full breed psd + gene mockup for a breed concept. Nowadays I'd probably consider the Ancient symbol a stylized Sandsurge, although I don't think it was designed as such. I still think Quakesteps were a cool concept, though! (Funny enough, both of these guys have alternate Secondary placements as opposed to wings. I feel like there's a lot of possibilities there that the FR team hasn't really delved into yet!)
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joe-spookyy · 3 months ago
Hey has anyone seen my fetal porpoise i seem to have misplaced him
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respect-the-locals · 8 months ago
🐬Daily Cetacean Fact:🐬
Spectacled Porpoise: a small to midsize porpoise indigenous to the Southern Ocean. It is one of the most poorly studied cetaceans, partly due to its remote range in the southern ocean. Interestingly, this porpoise species shows obvious sexual dimorphism between adult males and females, as the dorsal fins in the former are much larger and more rounded.
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clown-avian · 5 months ago
Some time ago I posted this post asking if anyone would be interested in reading about an analysis of my kintypes.
There was a surprising amount of people interested — I’m happy about this — so I finally got to it and now I am posting it.
The way the following graphics work is like this:
I divided my kins in umbrellas, each kin in the umbrella will be explained separately and then connected to each other. Each umbrella will later be connected between each other and explained.
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chilirasbora · 2 years ago
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Harbor porpoise | Phocoena phocoena
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