22 posts
Langblr newbie, PT-PT nativeLea • 24 • PortugueseI post about Portugal, languge, culture, poetry and translations too..Language nerd learning Spanish and German.For now I’ll just post and reblog for future reference.
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jumiila · 1 year ago
Portuguese Vocabulary:
Animais da Quinta - Farm Animals
Cão pastor - shepherd dog 🐕
Gato - cat 🐈
Vaca - cow🐄
Boi / Touro - bull 🐃
Bezerro - calf 🐮
Galinha - chicken 🐓
Galo - rooster 🐓
Pintainho - baby chick 🐣
Pinto - older chick 🐥
Ovelha - sheep 🐑
Carneiro - ram 🐏
Cordeiro / Anho - lamb 🐑
Porco - pig 🐖
Porca - sow 🐖
Leitão - piglet 🐷
Suíno/a(s) - swine(s)
Bovino/a(s) - bovine(s)
Cavalo / horse 🐎
Égua - female horse 🐎
Potro - baby horse 🐴
Garanhão - mustang 🐎
Cabra - goat 🐐
Bode - buck 🐐
Cabrito - kid 🐐
Peru - turkey 🦃
Coelho/a - rabbit / bunny 🐇
Coelhinho - little rabbit / bunny 🐰
Abelha - bee 🐝
Zangão - drone / bumblebee 🐝
Burro/a - donkey 🫏
Mula - Mule 🫏
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jumiila · 1 year ago
my favorite Spanish idioms (and the ones i use the most on my everyday life)
"tomar el pelo": it means that someone is messing with you or just making a joke about something.
"ahogarse en un vaso de agua": to make a problem bigger than it is.
"te comió la lengua el gato": usually said to people when they’re very quiet and don’t want to talk.
"estar hasta en la sopa": when someone seems to be everywhere.
"te falta un tornillo": when someone is crazy or talking nonsense.
"donde comen dos, comen tres": there’s enough food to share.
"me importa un rábano": not caring at all about something.
"morirse de frío/calor": to be too cold/hot.
"estar entre la espada y la pared": having to choose between two bad options.
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jumiila · 1 year ago
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Some environmental German vocabulary doodles!
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jumiila · 1 year ago
Vokabeln: In den Wald
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das Unkraut – weeds
der Rotklee – red clover (the purple/pink topped herb)
der Klee – clover (green 3-4 leafed ones)
der Löwenzahn, -:e – dandelion
das Kraut, -:er – herbs
das Heilkraut, -:er – medicinal herb
der Rohrkolben, - – cattail (regionally also: Kanonenputzer, Lampenputzer or Schlotfeger)
der Baum, -:e – tree
die Baumrinde, -n – tree bark
der Baumstamm, -:e – tree trunk 
das Bäumchen, - – sapling
der Obstbaum, -:e – fruit tree
der Stein, -e – rock
der Rollstein, -e – boulder
der Wald, -:er – forest
das Moos, -e – moss
der Pilz, -e – mushroom
der Kienapfel, -: – pine cone
die Wurzel, -n – root
der Zweig, -e – twig/stick
der Ast, -:e – branch
das Blatt, -:er – leaf
die Samen – seeds
die Pflanze, -n – plant
das Gras – grass
das Lagerfeuer, - – campfire
der Strauch, -:er – shrub
der Busch, -:e – bush
der Pfad, -e – path
das Kopfsteinpflaster, - – cobblestone (also can imply path)
das Kopfsteinpflaster Pfad – cobblestone path (can choose to add “Pfad”)
der Weg/Fussweg, -e – trail
die Wiese, -n – meadow
die Blumenwiese, -n – wildflower meadow
die Steinmauer, -n – stone wall
die Ziegelsteine – bricks
der Trittstein, -e – stepping stone
der Bach, -:e – creek
der Garten, -: �� garden
die Beere, -n – berry
der Beerenstrauch, -:er – berry bush
das Insekt, -en – insect
der Schmetterling, -e – butterfly
die Blume, -n – flower
das Dorn, -en – thorn
der Nektar, -e – nectar
die Blüte, -n – blossom
die Biene, -n – bee
die Honigbiene, -n – honey bee
die Hummel, -n – bumble bee
der Honig, -e – honey
der Bienenkorb, -:e – bee hive
die Bienenwabe, -n – honeycomb
das Tier, -e – animal
der Vogel, -: – bird
das Vogelnest, -er – bird’s nest
der Fisch, -e – fish
die Ente, -n – duck
der Schwan, -:e – swan
die Gans, -:e – goose
die Tierspuren – animal tracks
der Sand – sand
die Muschelschale, -n – shell/seashell
die Wasserlilie, -n – waterlily
das Seerosenblatt, -:er – lily pad
der Frosch, -:e – frog
die Kröte, -n – toad
das Wasser  – water
der Teich, -e – pond
der See, -n – lake
sammeln – to gather/collect 
ernten – to harvest
etw.(acc) pflanzen – to plant sth.
wandern – to hike/to wander
umherwandern – to wander around
Nahrung suchen – to scavenge (for food)
nach etw. (acc) suchen – to scavenge for something
Pilze sammeln – to collect/gather mushrooms
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jumiila · 1 year ago
german vocab: Adjektive (adjectives)
aggresiv - aggressive || zärtlich - tender
alt - old || jung - young
arm - poor || reich - rich
arrogant - arrogant || nett - nice / sweet
bekannt - famous || unbekannt - unknown
dick - fat / chubby || dünn - thin
dumm - stupid || intelligent- intelligent
dunkel - dark || hell - clear / bright / light
ehrlich - honest || unzuverlässig - untrustworthy
eifersüchtig - jealous || stolz - proud
einfach - easy || schwer - difficult / heavy
einsam - lonely || sozial - social
falsch - wrong || richtig - correct
faul - lazy || fleißig - diligent
feige - cowardly || mutig - brave
fröhlich - happy || traurig - sad
furchtbar - terrible || tolle - amazing
gemein - mean || freundlich - kind
gesund - healthy || krank - ill / sick
groß - big || klein - small
hässlich - ugly || schön - pretty
humorvoll - funny || platt - dull / flat
interessant - interesting || langweilig - boring
kalt - cold || warm - warm
langsam - slow || schnell - fast
laut - loud || leise - quiet
leer - empty || voll - full
nervös - nervous || ruhig - calm / quiet
schlecht - bad || gut - good
schwach - weak || stark - strong
spät - late || pünktlich - punctual / on time
tot - dead || lebendig - lively
weich - soft || hart - hard
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jumiila · 1 year ago
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rot → Red orange → Orange gelb → Yellow grün → Green türquis → Turquoise hellblau → Light blue blau → Blue dunkelblau → Dark blue lila → Purple rosa → Pink pink → Magenta braun → Brown beige → Beige schwarz → Black grau → Grey weiß → White bunt → Colorful
NOTE: To refer to a color as dark or light (i.g: light blue, dark blue…), you have to write dunkel (dark) or hell (light) before the name of the color
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jumiila · 1 year ago
Wortschatz | Der kleine Prinz (Kapitel 1)
Substantive (m. - maskulin, f. - feminin, n. -neutrum)
Verzeihung (f.) - forgiveness
Widmung (f.) - dedication
Trost (m.) - consolation, comfort
Urwald (m.) - jungle
Riesenschlange (f.) - giant snake
Beute (f.) - prey
Dschungel (m.) - jungle
Laufbahn (f.) - career
Maler (m.) - painter, artist
Mißerfolg (m.) - failure
Menge (f.) - amount
Gelegenheit (f.) - opportunity, chance
ausreichen - to be sufficient
darstellen - portray, depict
verschlingen - devour, entwine
zerbeißen - chew to pieces, bite into pieces
rühren - stir, move
verdauen - digest
nachdenken - ponder, think on
vollenden - complete, accomplish
umgehen - bypass
betrachten - regard, look at
aufbewahren - keep (sth.)
prächtig - splendid
gezwungen - forced, constrained
verwirrt - lost (on the way)
ernsthaft - serious
befriedigt - satisfied, contented
vernünftig - reasonable, sensible
äußerst - extremely
lmk if there are mistakes anywhere! i'll edit!
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jumiila · 1 year ago
Environment and Environmental Issues Related Vocabulary | German
in alphabetical order
(m. - maskulin, f. - feminin, n. - neutrum, adj. - adjektiv)
Abfallwirtschaft (f.) - waste management
Abholzung (f.) - deforestation
Abwasserbehandlung (f.) - wastewater treatment
Artenschutz (m.) - wildlife protection
Atemwegserkrankung (m.) - respiratory disease
Atmosphäre (f.) - atmosphere
Aufforstung (f.) - afforestation
Ausbeutung (f.) - exploitation
ausgestorben (adj.) - extinct
Aussterben (n.) - extinction
Bergbau (m.) - mining
Biodiversität/Artenvielfalt (f.) - biodiversity
biologisch abbaubar (adj.) - biodegradable
Bodenauswaschung (f.) - soil leaching
Bodenerosion (f.) - soil erosion
Bodensenkung (f.) - land subsidence
CO2-Fußabdruck (m.) - carbon footprint
Düngemittel (f.) - fertiliser
Erdbeben (n.) - earthquake
Erdrutsch (m.) - landslide
erneuerbar (adj.) - renewable
Eutrophierung (f.) - eutrophication
Fahrgemeinschaft (f.) - carpool
fossiler Brennstoff (m.) - fossil fuel
gefährdet (adj.) - endangered
Gletscher (m.) - glacier
globale Erwärmung (f.) - global warming
Grundwassererschöpfung (f.) - groundwater depletion
Grundwasserspiegel (m.) - water table
Industrialisierung | Urbanisierung (f.) - industrialisation | urbanisation
Klimawandel (m.) - climate change
Kohlenstoffdioxid-Ausstoß (m.) - carbon dioxide emissions
Lärmbelästigung (f.) - noise pollution
(Luft/Wasser/Boden/Öl/radioaktive/Umwelt) Verschmutzung (f.) - (air/water/soil/oil/radioactive/environmental) pollution
Meereslebewesen (n.) - marine life
Müllentsorgung (f.) - waste disposal
Nachhaltigkeit (f.) - sustainability
natürliche Vegetation (f.) - natural vegetation
Ozeanversauerung (f.) - ocean acidification
Ozonschichtabbau (m.) - ozone layer depletion
Regenwald (m.) - rain forest
Ressourcenknappheit (f.) - scarcity of resources
Schadstoff (m.) - pollutant
Stadtentwicklung (f.) - urban development
Strahlung (f.) - radiation
Tierwelt (f.) - wildlife
Treibhauseffekt (m.) - greenhouse effect
Umgebung (f.) - environment
Umweltbewußtsein (n.) - environmental awareness/consciousness
umweltfreundlich (adj.) - eco-friendly
Umweltschutz (m.) - environmental protection/conservation
Verunreinigung (f.) - pollution, contamination
Vulkanausbruch (m.) - volcanic eruption
Waldbrand (m.) - forest fire
Wiederaufforstung (f.) - reforestation
Wilderei (f.) - poaching
Ökosystem (n.) - ecosystem
Ölpest (f.) - oil spill
Überbevölkerung (f.) - over-population
Überlebensfähigkeit (f.) - survivability
lmk if there are any mistakes! i'll edit!
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jumiila · 2 years ago
Netflix's Top Spanish Series for Language Learners (Europe and Latin America)
 Regional differences make Spanish such a pleasant and dynamic language to learn.
However, if you have Netflix, you don’t need to go around a Spanish-speaking area to learn them.
Continue reading about six outstanding Netflix Spanish shows from six different nations, ranging from thrilling criminal dramas to “Mad Men”-style historical pieces.
6 Netflix Series Worth Watching From Around the Spanish-Speaking World
You do not need to study Spanish from a specific place, although there are several reasons why you would want to. Perhaps you have family or friends in your desired nation or want to relocate there. Maybe you’re particularly interested in the culture or history of a specific Spanish-speaking country. If so, viewing movies and TV shows from that nation can help you learn the local slang, accent, grammar, and use. For the best results, you should take the best Spanish language classes if you are fluent in Spanish.
Netflix is a terrific resource for finding excellent Spanish-language content produced in some countries.
1. “Las Chicas del Cable” (Spanish for “Cable Girls”)
Spain is a country.
“Las Chicas del Cable” was one of Netflix’s first Spanish-language original shows, and both reviewers and consumers praised it.
The show is a “Mad Men”-style drama set in 1920s Madrid that chronicles the lives of six young ladies who work for a telecommunications business.
The program focuses on the unique and intricate interactions between its female protagonists, who come from various backgrounds: Alba, a prostitute with legal problems, and Marga, a protected peasant. Carlota, a high-society lady, and others are among those shown.
Watch this program to immerse yourself in Castilian (and especially, Madrileo) Spanish. It’s an excellent technique to hone your ear for understanding the Castilian Spanish lisp and becoming acquainted with Spain-specific terminology.
2. “Ingobernable” means “ungovernable.”
Mexico is a country.
Another Netflix original series set in Mexico is “Ingobernable.”
Emilia, the Mexican First Lady, is disillusioned with her husband but has high aspirations for her nation. But when the President dies mysteriously, Emilia finds herself on the run, unable to establish that she was not responsible.
“Ingobernable” is a fast-paced criminal story with 16 episodes on Netflix.
If you haven’t spent much time in Mexico, you may be unfamiliar with some of the characters’ terminology and idioms. Check out our beginner’s guides on Mexican slang and idioms.
3. “La Nia” (English: “The Girl”)
Colombia is a country.
If you want to learn the Colombian accent or like inspiring stories about overcoming adversity, you should watch the Colombian drama “La Nia.”
The program, loosely based on an accurate tale, follows Belky, a young lady and former guerilla striving to make a better life for herself in Bogotá. The program follows her as she pursues a medical education while battling the demons of her past.
4. “El Reemplazante” (“The Replacement”)
Chile is a country.
Do you want to learn Chilean Spanish, which is fast-paced, slangy, and song-like? Then watch “El Reemplazante,” a Chilean-produced television drama set in Santiago.
“El Reemplazante,” tells the narrative of Carlos Valdivia, a successful financial executive who loses everything after being sacked and imprisoned. After being released from jail, he returns to his hometown of San Miguel, located south of Santiago. His father and brother persuade him to restart his life by working as a substitute math instructor.
Sadly, “El Reemplazante” only lasted two seasons. However, both seasons (24 episodes) are presently accessible on Netflix.
5. “Edha”
Argentina is a country.
“The” is a suspenseful thriller set in Buenos Aires. The main character is a young single mother and fashion business powerhouse who falls for a youthful and enigmatic man. Expect criminality, set-ups, mysterious deaths, and anything else to keep your adrenaline racing.
Do you want to improve your vocabulary before you start playing? Here’s an introduction to Argentine slang and a guide to the essential Argentine term boludo.
6. “Cuatro Estaciones en Havana” (“Four Seasons in Havana”)
Cuba is a country.
This is a miniseries, not a complete series, but it still has four episodes with fantastic plots in Cuban Spanish. Furthermore, each episode is an hour and a half lengthy, giving you plenty of opportunities to practice your Cuban accent and vocabulary.
Set in Havana in the 1990s, the show follows Mario, a morally upright police officer who challenges the corruption and immorality he sees around him.
The presentation looks at the history of Cuba’s “Special Period” (after the fall of the Soviet Union). “Cuatro Estaciones en la Habana” was named Best Miniseries at the 2017 Platino Awards, recognizing excellent cinema and television in the Spanish-speaking world.
While you’re at it, read our comprehensive guide to Cuban Spanish.
The Spanish language may vary depending on where you are in the world. This may appear complicated at first, but don’t be discouraged! Regional differences make Spanish such a pleasant and engaging language to learn!
And, with Netflix Spanish shows from around the Spanish-speaking globe, you’ll be able to learn the language while watching some good TV.
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jumiila · 2 years ago
- podcast recommendations in spanish for bookworms
hello! lately i’ve been using podcasts to augment my readings, find new things to read, and expose myself to new tactics of literary criticism, so here are some podcasts i’ve been enjoying. as a general tip, if you put the name of the book you’re reading or its author in the spotify search bar you will probably find an analysis or an interview, so try it out! ¡feliz lectura!
tema libre: my favorite on the list. from editorial anagrama, two authors discuss whatever they’d like (hence the name). my favorite episode is this one with mariana enríquez and kiko amat.
un libro una hora: just what it sounds like. they pick a book each episode and talk about it. meant for after you’ve read the book, since they do go into spoilers. they talk about literature from all over the world, not just from spanish speaking authors
tropebusters: not specifically literature, but they analyze a popular trope in literature, film, and pop culture in each episode. here’s one about humans vs ai
las ñoñas: discussion of varied authors with thematic music to accompany. i found them while looking for reviews on cadáver exquisito, so check out this episode.
cine aparte: it’s actually film, sorry! i’m in a film class right now so i’ve been treating film like literature for studying. this podcast analyzes both new releases and cult classics.
patio interior: another podcast of discussion of varied authors, but the episodes tend to be shorter so you can give it a quick listen and see if you want to read what they’ve recommended.
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jumiila · 3 years ago
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How to say “yes” in Romance Languages 🌹♥️🌹
💙 From Old French "oil" derived from Latin "hoc illud"
French: oui
❤️ From Latin "sic"
Spanish : sí
Catalan: sí
Aragoneses: sí
Galician: si
Portuguese: sim
Italian: sì
Sicilian: se
💚 Either from Proto-Slavic "da" or Latin “ita”
Romanian: da
Moldovan: da
💛 From Late Latin "illi est"
‎Corsican: iè
‎💜 Unknown origin, possible from ‎Arabic أيوة (aywa’)
‎Sardinian: ei/eja
‎❤️ From Latin "sic" (continued)
‎Romansch: gia/gea/schi
‎Asturian: sí
‎Friulian: sì
‎Judaeo-Spanish/Ladino: si
‎🤍Abbreviation of Latin “id est”
‎Aromanian: ie
💙From Latin “hoc”:
Occitan: òc
❤️From Latin “sic” (continued, pt 2):
Chavacano (Spanish-based Creole): si
Papiamento (Spanish/Portuguese based Creole): si
Extremaduran: sí
💙 From French “oui”, taken from Old French "oil" derived from Latin "hoc illud":
Haitian Creole: wi
❤️From Portuguese “sim”, derived from Latin “sic”:
Cape Verdian Creole: sin
🤍Possible abbreviation of Latin “id est”:
Romanian: ie
💜Possibly from Latin “etiam”
Sardinian: ei/eja
💙From French oui, derives from Latin “hoc illud”:
St. Lucian Creole: wi, abbreviated to ‘i
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jumiila · 3 years ago
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Artur Pastor, o fotógrafo da contemporaneidade. Artur Pastor, cuja divulgação da obra tem passado muito pelas redes sociais, tem servido de inspiração para uma nova geração de artistas, dos mais diversos quadrantes. As imagens, carregadas de um significado que remete para um Portugal que muitos não conheceram diretamente, têm sido a base da obra criativa de muitos artistas. Não podendo aqui destacar todos, selecionei alguns que têm trabalhado mais intensamente com imagens de Artur Pastor. A ilustradora Marta Nunes criou o projeto “As mulheres fotografadas por Artur Pastor, ilustradas por Marta”. Segundo um artigo do jornal “Público” Marta Nunes pegou no amarelo das joias das mulheres minhotas e das searas alentejanas e desenhou “As Mulheres de Artur Pastor”, uma série de ilustrações das trabalhadoras anónimas. A sua descoberta coincidiu com o trabalho que estava a fazer com uma amiga, sobre recolha de histórias de vida, no concelho de Portalegre. A recolha despertou ainda mais o seu interesse pela vida, costumes e ofícios das décadas de 40, 50 e 60, tempo em que essas mulheres trabalharam e das mulheres que descobriu na obra de Artur Pastor. Aquelas mulheres cujas histórias não ouviu, mas que podia relacionar com as que estava a ouvir e recolher. Algumas imagens até eram da mesma região e por isso resolveu pegar nesses rostos, nessas mulheres e desenhar, dando cor e destaque à ação e a quem seriam elas. Os desenhos foram executados a grafite e coloridos digitalmente. A coleção tem até à data 30 ilustrações e ainda não a deu como concluída, considerando um processo em construção, numa tentativa de resgatar a memória de todas as mulheres que estão no arquivo de Artur Pastor.
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jumiila · 3 years ago
Beautiful illustrations by Marta Nunes inspired by Artur Pastor’s photography.
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Os desenhos de Marta Nunes foram executados a grafite e coloridos digitalmente. A coleção tem até à data 30 ilustrações e ainda não a deu como concluída, considerando um processo em construção, numa tentativa de resgatar a memória de todas as mulheres que estão no arquivo de Artur Pastor.
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jumiila · 3 years ago
Re: traditional carnivals
You should know by now that we’re kind of obsessed with traditional carnivals and the incredible similarities they have across Europe.
What, you’ve never heard of it? Come with us!
1) Horned figures wearing fleece:
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2) Bears:
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3) Multicolored ribbons and (sometimes) fleece
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4) Cowbells to wake earth up:
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We’re sure we’ve left out maaaany more similar examples, but would love to hear from you about this! Do you know more traditional masquerades throughout Europe??
What do you think is the origin of this all???
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jumiila · 3 years ago
Parto sem dor
Agora eu vou-me embora e, embora
A dor não queira ir já embora
Agora eu vou-me embora e parto sem dor
E parto dentro de momentos
Apesar de haver momentos
Em que dentro a dor não parte sem dor
Agora eu vou-me embora e, embora
A dor não queira ir já embora
Agora eu vou-me embora e parto sem dor
E parto dentro de momentos
Apesar de haver momentos
Em que dentro a dor não parte sem dor
{Verso 1}
Como a cobra que muda de pele
Como a crisálida voa no céu
Como a Lua que leva a maré
Como a menina que acorda mulher
Dente de leite, cabelo branco
Primeiro filho, o riso e o pranto
Prazer e dor, amor maior
Estrias e lágrimas, sangue e suor
Como a massa do pão de amanhã
Como a candura da luz da manhã
Como um ovo que estala por dentro
Como a ruga que nasce do tempo
Eu sou a semente, eu tenho a semente
Eu passo a semente, eu cresço e rebento
Na criação da criação
Eu crio um poema, mais um coração
Como daninha que rasga alcatrão
Como a força nos ergue do chão
Como a chuva que cai no deserto
Como o leite que nasce do peito
Geradas por nossas avós
Por nossas mães, por nossa voz
Feitas por nós, próprias, só p'ra nós
Próximas e sós
Criadas por nossas barrigas
Pelas entranhas e pelas feridas
Cheias, vazias, as crias, a vida
Mais que perfeita e mais primitiva
Como a pérola nasce da ostra
De mim nasce outra matriosca
Como a pérola nasce da ostra
De mim nasce outra matriosca
Agora eu vou-me embora e, embora
A dor não queira ir já embora
Agora eu vou-me embora e parto sem dor
E parto dentro de momentos
Apesar de haver momentos
Em que dentro a dor não parte sem dor
Agora eu vou-me embora e, embora
A dor não queira ir já embora
Agora eu vou-me embora e parto sem dor
E parto dentro de momentos
Apesar de haver momentos
Em que dentro a dor não parte sem dor
{Verso 2}
Como a cobra que muda de pele
Como a crisálida voa no céu
Como a Lua que leva a maré
Como a menina que acorda mulher
Como a massa do pão de amanhã
Como a candura da luz da manhã
Como um ovo que estala por dentro
Como a ruga que nasce do tempo
Como daninha que rasga alcatrão
Como a força nos ergue do chão
Como a chuva que cai no deserto
Como o leite que nasce do peito
Como a pérola nasce da ostra
De mim nasce outra matriosca
Como a pérola nasce da ostra
De mim nasce outra matriosca
Geradas por nossas avós
Por nossas mães, por nossa voz
Feitas por nós, próprias, só p'ra nós
Próximas e sós
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jumiila · 3 years ago
New Portuguese show on Netflix: Glória
If you’re learning European Portuguese and looking for some listening practice, you might check out Glória on Netflix. I haven’t seen it yet, but the reviews seem very positive so far!
Here’s the plot summary:
In the small village of Glória do Ribatejo, João Vidal is recruited as a spy by the Soviet Union. It is the 1960s, at the height of the Cold War, and both the Soviets and Americans are attempting to manipulate events to their respective advantage and gain strategic control of Europe. Vidal undertakes high-risk espionage missions that have the potential to change the course of Portuguese and world history.
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jumiila · 3 years ago
Poem: “Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades”
Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades,
Muda-se o ser, muda-se a confiança;
Todo o mundo é composto de mudança,
Tomando sempre novas qualidades.
Continuamente vemos novidades,
Diferentes em tudo da esperança;
Do mal ficam as mágoas na lembrança,
E do bem, se algum houve, as saudades.
O tempo cobre o chão de verde manto,
Que já coberto foi de neve fria,
E enfim converte em choro o doce canto.
E, afora este mudar-se cada dia,
Outra mudança faz de maior espanto:
Que não se muda já como soía.
~ Luís Vaz de Camões, in slightly archaic Portuguese
- - - - - - - translation by me - - - - - - - - - - - -
Times change, wills change,
the being changes, the confidence changes;
The whole world is made of change,
Always taking new qualities.
Continuously we see novelties,
Different in everything from the hope,
From the bad stay the pains in the remembering,
and of the good, if there was any, the longing.
Time covers the ground in green mantle,
Which was before covered in cold snow,
And finally turns into cry the sweet song.
And, in addition to changing each day,
Another change surprises more,
That it no longer changes as it used to.
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