(CLOSED) Ask The Jackbox Hosts!
29 posts
EDIT: askblog is fucking DEAD rip bozo(this setup is temporary ok) UHH ask the jackbox hosts questions!!! Answers will be cannon up to Pack 8. Blog run by weaponsdrawn
Last active 60 minutes ago
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jbhostaskblog · 2 years ago
Hi! First time asking, just found this blog, but I’m babysitting at the moment. Anyone got any advice? The kid really seems to like busses.
Schmitty: Hi anon! I’m Schmitty, I’m basically the resident dad- (chuckles) and uh... define busses? Because if it’s toy busses, then just make sure they clean up after themselves-! Letme tell ya, slipping and falling on a toy car, it’s a pain in ass.  Cookie: And uh, if it’s an actual bus just uh- let the kid have their fun, yknow? Give them those uh- bus hats or whatever, letem sit in the driver’s seat, go vroom vroom, hit the horn and yell “HONK HONK”, go the whole nine yards! Kids will go CRAZY for that stuff. Schmitty: Oh yeah, kids LOVE play driving! Man, if only actual driving was that fun... Dot: But whatever you do, anon, don’t let the kid pull on the shift stick.  Schmitty: Well yeah, that’s a given-  Dot: AND don’t let them know how to unlock the car. Or teach them that the reverse gear is a thing. And don’t park your car on a hill. Oh, and if they want ice cream- just uh- let them get the ice cream, ok? Trust me, it’ll cost way less than whatever the damage costs are for a car after it hits a fire hydrant.  Cookie: ... Schmitty: ...Dot, anon was talking about busses.  Dot: Point still stands.
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jbhostaskblog · 2 years ago
good lord u all need a hug
Cookie: Welp, you aren’t wrong there, anon. But uh- hate to break it to you, but uh- you’re YEARS late to the party. I’ve needed a hug since I was like- what- 20??? I mean, I guess I did get said hug but- yeah. Yeah.  Daisy: Since you were 20? Oh Cookie, I’m so sorry to hear that.  Cookie: Eh, its fine.  Tippet: Don’t be sad, Daisy, I’ve also needed a hug ever since I was in my 20s!  Daisy: That- that doesn’t make me feel better!  Nate: I’ve needed a hug since ‘97. Bubz: Oh hey, same! Schmitty: I’ve needed a hug ever since I was- when was it- (silently counting on his fingers) T- Thirteen... jesus christ. [REDACTED]: Wait, is this becoming like- is this like a group therapy thingy again? Bonnie: I dunno if I NEED need a hug- but hey, couldn’t hurt! Bring it in, anon!  [REDACTED]: Guys, seriously are we doing group therapy cause like, I said in the last session that I was gonna bring my group therapy crab dip!!  MOTHER: I’ve needed a hug since the day I was born.  Mayo: I find that... as the kids would call it- “hashtag relatable.”  MOTHER: Please never speak ever again.  [REDACTED]: You guys need to like- WARN me in advance!!!! Like- I dunno, make a group calendar or something??? Toby: You know, speaking of hugs, my idea for a hug booth is STILL on the tabl-  Cookie: Shut up, Toby. 
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
Hey, Jack, it’s the girl who asked you about that hypnosis thing. If it isn’t too much to ask, can you like, control people with it? like the typical “you will do (so and so)” and they’re like “yes my British overlord.” Or is it just only limited to making people sleep?
(totally not asking this just to see buzz lippman do something funny. nope.)
Jack: Ah, ‘ello again. Welllllll... I WOULD tell you more about my whole hypnosis deal. But then I’d have to kill you.  (silence)  Guy: Wh- really- Jack: AHAHAHA- just kidding!! Buzz: Mmmghh- fuckin- (smacks a hand over Jack’s face) stupid alarm- Jack: (chuckles) Well, to answer your question, miss Booloocrew, I COULD control people with it- used to do that in secondary school every now n’ then. Bit of karmic justice and all that, if ya get my drift.  Guy: What- did you- (snicker) make them pants themselves or something? Jack: Oh NO, are you kidding me??? I’m not a monster! I’d make them fight ducks or tie themselves to the flagpole or dance like those blasted back to school commercials- oh- oh! A good one was- they’d drag out a big ol’ cauldron and I’d force them to make explosive pea soup! Guy: Explosive pea soup!?  Jack: It was pea soup, but with a bit of gunpower for flavor.  Guy: I... alright.  Jack: E’yup, yknow, your usual childhood shenanigans. After a while, kinda realized it wasn’t worth my time-  Guy: Yeah, I getcha. I used to try and do that bucket over the door prank to get back at the seniors- but then THEY would have a bucket over the door, and it would fall on me every time! And eventually Bob was like “Guy, you gotta stoppppp- it’s not worth it!! And go dry off in the sun or something, you smell like a wet dog.” And I was like “holy smokes, my brother was RIGHT about something!?” A- About the “it’s not worth it” part- not the- not the wet dog part.  Jack: Oh, you sure as hell do not smell like a wet dog. Obnoxious and overpowering body spray, sure- but I love that in a man.  Guy: Wait you what-  Jack: ANYHOO, nah, that wasn’t the case. I just realized I could do SO much more damage with just my hands- and a crowbar. And as for you totally not asking this to see Buzzy boy here do something funny- watch his standups. 
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
do y'all like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mario
Bob: Ehhhh, kinda? I've never played a mario game, honestly. Baby Diva: You've NEVER played a mario game? Seriously. You. Bob "Makes His Own Gamer T-Shirts About How He Would Marry The Enderman If They Were Real Because He's That Much Of A Gamer" Headrush Towers!? Bob: I mean whats the point!? It's some Italian guy doing parkour and going "yahoo yayayayayayaya!!!" It's all the same, Bee-Dee!!! Baby Diva: Fair. Bob: PAPER MARIO AND Mario And Luigi, on the other hand- there's a set of games!!! Yes, EVEN the Origami King AND Sticker Star, and Prince Peasley is a fruit, I will DIE on this hill. Milian: Bob, you utter dumbass, everyone knows beans are legumes- Baby Diva: Hold up, Paper Mario AND Mario and Luigi ARE Mario games. Bob: They're spin-offs!!! It's a whole other ballpark, Bee-Dee!! Baby Diva: ...It's Paper MARIO. The Paper MARIO franchise. And MARIO and Luigi. Yknow. The games where you play as MARIO... and Luigi. Bob: ...Oh. - [REDACTED]: -and it's like, he LOVES her, like, a LOT- and he was just like, in so much despair and stuff because he thought that was it!!! Like, he had looked EVERYWHERE for her, and like, he couldn't find her! HE EVEN WENT TO THE UNDERWEAR AND OVERTHERE, DUDE. AND BLUMIERE COULDN'T EVEN FIND HER THERE. Like DUDE I would be super messed up about that too-!!! Guess: I lost you the second you mentioned the giant chameleon who's also a nerd, but yknow what, I like your funny words, magic man! - Gene: Oh, Mario...? I only really watch the cartoons... and the movie with Todd- Todd: he needs emotional support over how weird "toad" looks. Gene: I can't believe a movie with the hit classic Everybody Walk The Dinosaur also has... (shivers) that in it. But- speaking of my friend Todd, he really loves Mario! He even does Mario 64 speed runs on uhhh... twitch. Todd: yep. hahaha funny mario go yahooyyayayayayayayyayayayaayWAAAAAA- - Dandelion: Mario Galaxy is the BEST GAME EVERRRRRRRRRR!!! It’s SUPER inaccurate about space, I hate catching those bunny rabbits, the plants are SUPER cool, love the fact that Bowser can crush you, killing an Italian instantly!! ANDDDD if I HAD to honest, if I was straight and she was straight, I would marry Rosalina on the spot. But I’m not straight, sooooooo... best game ever, would feed it all of my ravioli sauce!!! - Bonnie: Wait, what do you MEAN Mario and Luigi weren't invented by Vinny from Vinesauce???!
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
I'm getting a free therapy card for y'all. whoever gets here fastest will get it. good luck
M. Bubbles: Welllllll... if we’re talking about “free therapy” here, I think I should be the one who gets the card, because I’m the manager! And we all know you can’t help your employees jump down the cool rubber airplane slide unless you have your metaphorical oxygen mask on first! It’s my first rule of management-  Cookie: Nuh-uh, its mine, bubble brain. I’m the most fucked up, and I deserve financial compensation in the form of either free therapy, or in the form of a LOT of ice cream. And some donuts.  M. Bubbles: Hey!!! I was gonna share that card with Chuck Hull for his birthday! Cookie: Well, I was going to share it with Schmitty!!! I’m not greedy. Todd: I thought you and Schmitty were already getting therapy for the Binjpipe thing.  Cookie: YEAH, that’s only about our Binj-induced trauma! We could use this to try and unpack- (stammers) whatever the hell you’d describe our upbringings.  Mayonnaise: Ahem.  Cookie: ...What?  Mayonnaise: Aren’t you forgetting someone?  Cookie: ...OH yeah! I’ll give it to Snicker too.  Mayonnaise: ...Someone like your psudo-son who was made sapient against his will and has to live with the fact that he’s an affront to the laws of nature? Cookie: Oh... um... fuck, sorry about that, Mayo.  Tippet: Not to be rude, but I think that card should go to someone who’s... oh, I don’t know, had to live with witnessing countless mur- GREAT FLYING SPAGHETTI BALLS!!!!!! ([REDACTED] runs in on all fours, and bites Cookie’s arm)  Cookie: WHAT THE HELL-!?!? BLA-!!  ([REDACTED] lets go of Cookie’s arm, and flops onto the floor)  [REDACTED]: MMMM yummy arm!! And uhhh, whatever the heck that other thing was!  Mayonnaise: It. It was for free therapy.  [REDACTED]: Oh. Eh, don’t need it!  Tippet: Wh- you’re just going to WASTE it?!?  [REDACTED]: Tippet, my guy, my buddy pal chum amigo bestie, my last therapist QUIT on ME after I tried to stab and bite them because they said maybe I idolize my mother in a desperate attempt to have some sort of responsible parental figure in my life. In retrospect, they were kinda right, and I do feel like a jerk for biting them, but uhhhh... yknow, that’s undead life I guess! Wait, where was I? Oh yeah, so I’m, like, not gonna do therapy, wouldn’t really help. Also, happy Disability Pride Month you guys!!! XD (Leaves) Tippet: ...That’s a thing?  Cookie: IT’S JULY ALREADY-??!??
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
hey big ol' fuckin wheel what do you think of the other two games that deal with eleanore forte [Bad End Theater, Buddy Simulator 1984]
Wheel: Oh, Bad End Theater? Ohohohoh, I need to catch up on that one! I've been meaning to watch market-pliers's playthrough- he's a really funny guy, you should check out his in space series! (chuckles) It's so funny to see mortals try to wrap their tiny little apple fritter brains around complex moral dilemmas... anyway, Bad End Theater... I'll have to get back to you on that one, anon. Anddddd as for Buddy Simulator- I've actually watched [REDACTED] play though that one! Woof, that was a heck of a ride. No, not for me, I'm used to seeing the struggles of game design. [REDACTED], on the other hand, they... well, they said the game reminded them of a family member... a brother or something... ... Hey- on a lighter note, the song was great! Man, I remember when computers could only read holes, it felt like it was only 3 seconds ago! (sighs) What a time, what a time!
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
quick update lolz: so it's been a hot second, I've been busy with school and stuff, but I'm gonna try to make this blog active again now that I've got more free time and I'm hype for pack 9 and all, yippee!!!! :D
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
Hey, redacted, Schmitty! What’s it like working with each other? do you guys get along?
((they’re answering separately because together, they would just be unbearably awkward. also im putting this under a read more, tw for mentions of the simulation and implied kidnapping))
Schmitty: Uhh... (deep breath) aw jeez, this is... (sigh) I. We don’t really WORK work together? We did uh... once, but... that was under that- god fucking AWFUL streaming service!  (sighs)  I uh... listen, the deal between me and Bla- [REDACTED] is... it’s complicated, ok? He... he’s creepy as fuck, THATS for sure. He keeps telling me all these facts about bones and shit and how “hey Schmitty, you should check out my tied chicken bones necklace collection!” LIKE- (stammers) what the fuck even IS that?! ...But I- it’s not like I HATE it- it’s just- its scary, ok?! Its fucking scary, didn’t help that I was in that- HOTEL. I- I just...  I dunno. It was wrong place, wrong time, and... I dunno what I should do. Cookie doesn’t really mind his deal. I just... (sighs) I know he meant well, keeping me in that... nightmare palace, but... I just hope he gets better, honestly. I know how much shitty parents can fuck you up. I dunno, maybe... maybe someday we can try again. Try, yknow, actually hosting together without having some stupid streaming service breathing down our goddamn necks. (chuckles) That would be... nice.  [REDACTED]: OH, Schmitty??? Uh... (chuckles) funny story there, Booloo... you’re gonna wanna sit down for... this one.  So it was like- idk, 2015 or something, cringepipe had just like, attacked me in a supermarket, knocked me out, next thing ya know, this weird looking turtleneck dude is like “HEY. WE KNOW YOUR GRANDPA OR SOMETHING, MAKE TMP2.” Which like, usually, I’d SOOOO be on board for that! Its Trivia Murder Party? MY show??? TWO??? Holy crap, that would be SICK! But like, this tutleneck guy- UGH, he wanted to control EVERYTHING about my show!!! And its like, hello, I am the HOST, I make the RULES here! I guess they were, like, sick of that, so they kept cryogenically freezing me in my OWN hotel, smh! So uh... cut to a few months later, cringepipe is talking about Schmitty, and I’m like HOLY CRAP??? SCHMITTY QUIPLASH!?!?!?!?! I was like, SO happy! But then I was like, less happy when I realized it was because they kidnapped him too...  I had heard of like. The simulation stuff. And that... me and Glargie and Toby and Lena... we were lucky, I guess. And... Binjpipe, they... they had plans for him. That involved that simulation. So I uh... I... I convinced that weird turtleneck dude to let Schmitty be a part of my game!!!  ...It was... it was a weird time, tbh. I won’t deny that. We were both... like... SUPER tense. And like, I can’t blame him, he had a lot on his mind!  ...But uh- in terms of doing a colab again... I mean, I’d be rlly open to it, tbh! But uhhh... yknow, I’m bad at making the first move. (awkward chuckle) 
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
((quick update lol sorry for being behind on answering posts, ive got exams and stuff so ive been super busy, i’ll promise i’ll try to get to your asks soon ^^))
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
I will commit old man arson
Dandelion: ONE STEP AHEAD ON THE HEAD, BUDDY!!!! (pulls out a gas canister) WITH THIS, OLD MAN WILL POP UP IN FLAMES LIKE A BONFIRE IN JULY!!!!  Gerard: Dandy, ily, but oh my god dont do that.  Dandelion: Why not??????  Gerard: BECAUSE Helen is gonna get on our asses for it!  Dandelion: Oh, don’t worry, she’s on her lunch break!!!!  Gerard: Holy shit rlly???  Dandelion: YEA!  Gerard: Ok nvm, go ahead, burn the bastard to a crisp  Dandelion: YOU BETCHA!!!! HEY OLD MAN-!  Old Man: Whatza is it, uhhhh... pansy lock- Dandelion: GET BEANED!!! (throws the canister at old man, it hits him, they fall down a flight of stairs)  Gerard: Dandy.  Dandelion: YESSSS?  Gerard: You need FIRE to commit arson Dandelion: OH SHIT I forgot about that part!!!! Gerard: (sighs) I mean, at least ya got a hit on the bastard XD  Dandelion: OH YEAH!!! And nothing explod-  (an explosion can be heard across the hallway)  Old Man: I’M OK!!!!! Gerard: GODDAMNIT-
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
Beatrice, what made you choose the name binjpipe? It’s a pretty catchy name ngl.
Beatrice: I. Huh? I uh. I think you’re confused. Not in a bad way! Um. I uh. You’ve got it backwards, I mean. Beatrice, is the name Beatr- I mean, I chose for myself! :D  I looked at myself, thought I was a Beatrice, and according to my sisters, that’s how you get a name I think! It’s so easy, I don’t even know why baby naming websites exist, the baby can just name themselves, how fun!  Oh, sorry. Tangent.  As for... that other name. That was not me. It. It was not me. It was... his company. Not me. I don’t look in the mirror and see that. I see Beatrice.  So... I like Beatrice more. And it’s really nice that you called me Beatrice. Thank you. :)
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
Sam! Scale of 1-10! How much do you wanna kill Old Man?
Sam: Ehhhh... as much as I really wanna answer this, for the sake of politeness and whatnot, I don’t think I can do that. For one thing, it’d take me forever to... I guess figure out a number? I mean- I dunno, it changes. Sometimes I feel like I can just move on and pretend he isn’t there at all, and other times- it’s like he’s a mayor shaped thorn in my side that JUST. WON’T. LEAVE. Oh, and two, I’d probably get fired from my job if I openly admitted how much I wanted to throw the mayor into the sun. And the kicker is, I’d get pelted with tomatoes on the way out. I dunno what it is, but SO many people in Doodle Valley just love the guy! (aside) I think it’s the uranium, if you ask me. (no longer aside) But... yea. I don’t think I can be fully honest. BUT, say someone who wasn’t me, but was exactly like me, just didn’t have this job, was to answer, it would beeeeee... 5?  But then again, I think he’s basically immortal, sooooo... (sighs) that’s life. 
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
redacted what is yuor favorite animal and/or bug ...............
[REDACTED]: OOOOO now this is... this is a toughie, tbh. I mean, I've got like, a LOTTA favorite animals! Like BIRDS, those guys are CRAZY. Like, have you SEEN a bird??? They've got like, feathers and stuff, and those beaks, and they have all the cool advice in the world, and they would answer questions for you when your parents weren't there for you- like, full disclosure, if I didn't like being a ghost so much, I would want to become a bird SO. FRICKING. BAD. I mean, can you blame me??? OH, oh, AND snakes! They're SOOOO cute! Like, sure, they CAN be a little freaky, but aren't ALL cute things a little scary and freaky on the inside? Like, THEY SHEAD!!! THEY GO HISSSSSS! And you can boop their little snake noses!!! That's peak animal right there! BUT sadly, I like, never really had a snake as a pet. I had some living in the walls of my hotel, but I don't really think they knew the REAL me, yknow? BUT I did have a pet dog! Or uh- more accurately, I had pet DOGS. Let me explain, so like, I was living in an abandoned cabin back in the day, trying to find myself, blah blah blah, and there was this Golden Retriever that would like, sometimes drop by and stuff! And so, I'd give her food, play fetch a bit, yknow, normal dog stuff. And uh- I guess she really liked it, cause then she started visiting me like, every day! And THEN, cut to like, a month later, it's raining like CRAZY, and I hear her barking outside! And PLOT TWISTTTT, she had pups! And uh- yknow, I uh. Let them stay at my place. And stuff. They were uh... they were cute. I mean, no DUH, they're puppies! But like... I dunno, I guess in a cosmic sorta way, I was a... puppy grandma. ...I wonder where they are now. Probs just doing like... dog stuff. Barking at trees and squirrels and stuff. ...OH uh- there also was my pet cat, Muffin! She's been uh... doing pretty good, as of late. She's taking the whole "gotten brought back to life by strange dark forces" thing well, tbh. I uh... haven't seen her in a while. She doesn't really recognize me. Which... yeah. ...Wait, where was I? Oh yeah, fave animals. I... I guess my favorite animal is cats. I like cats. I've uh... I've actually been thinking about adopting one... Dunno if I'll actually go through with it but... yeah, yknow how it is.
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
glargan how bout you inform us about some alien species will ya
Glargan: SO! You wanna know about aliens??? Well strap in Anon, because DO I HAVE ALIENS!!!!  I’ve met a lot of them in THE ZEEPLE DOME, and when you hear them, oh, your foot sweaters will be blown CLEAN OFFFFFF!!! OKOKOK, first off, I guess you could count OUR ZEEPLE DOME ENEMIES as aliens, the Space Brute, the Yurg Tracker, Stunely, the Yawg Bomber- that’s my favorite, those EXPLODE when you hit them!!!! THENNNN you have uh- some of the dome visitors are aliens! There’s flying little disks with legs, those are really fun!!!! They LOVE me! I’ve even seen some uh- slimy creatures? They have limbs and stuff! And a lot of eyes!!!!! You’d LOVE them!!!  OH, and lets not forget, HUMANS! The weirdest aliens of all. But they’re the COOLEST! Sure, most of them ARE kinda boring, but not the humans in Jackbox Games, NO SIR-EEE!!! Have you SEEN some of them!? Horns, tails, wings, purple shapeshifters, KAI DOLO, humans have the COOLEST traits-!  Dr. Ro: Um. Glargan.  Glargan: YESSSSS? Dr. Ro: Those- uh. Aren’t common for the human species.  Glargan: ...WHAT.  Dr. Ro: Yeahhhh... things like Seymore, Sam, May, Schmitty... and basically everyone’s deal here are... traits like that are considered inhuman.  Glargan: ... Dr. Ro: Um... you good? Glargan: GOD FUCKING DAMNIT-
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
hey, jack cake. I heard somewhere you have like, hypnosis powers or something? How does it manifest and what do you use it for?
Jack: Ah, that power- not gonna question HOW you got hold of that information- we’ll leave that for a later date. But yes, I do have quote unquote “hypnosis powers”. It’s a lot like that one pokemon creepypasta, with that cursed hairless creature that goes (inhuman screeching noises). But I’m not like that thing at all, no no no! For one thing, I’m far more fit. The other thing is, I'd never do that- I can hardly keep a goldfish in its bowl, ya think I can maintain an army of mindless kids who make their little pocket monsters spar???  Buzz: W- Wait, when you say the bowl thing... do ya mean...  Jack: Yes, poor thing grew legs, said I wasn’t its real dad, and ran off to enter a polycule with Amazonian fish people.  Buzz: Wh-  Jack: I know, I know, it was shocking for me too, but yknow what they say, when you love something, you haveta let it go. Anyhoo, back to your question, Booloo. My method of hypnosis is quite different! You see, it involves this necklace around my neck, my eyes, and... Buzz?  Buzz: Already ahead of ya. (Sits across from Jack)  Jack: You see, I take off my glasses, and I’ve got all these sprial eyes here- lookat ‘em go, spinning like a pinwheel! So- I look someone, like Buzz, in the eyes- and then I swing this necklace in front of him... just relax, Buzz, it’s ok, I’m here... you’re in my arms... and you’re feeling very s-  Buzz: (instantly conks out in Jack’s arms)  Jack: Anddd that’s how the cheese wheel rolls! (chuckles) I haven’t done it a lot, but at least with Buzz, this is how it always ends.  Buzz: (snores)  Jack: Awww... what a cute lil’ bugger... don’t tell him I said that. ;) 
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
Hey [REDACTED]? I need you to play any instrument with your heart, like just open it up [metaphorically, of course]. And then I need you to play D E F G A eventually. Don't ask its just for the funsies it's a new challenge too all the tiktokers will enjoy it /ref
[REDACTED]: Ok, uh, a few things, one, I'm kinda glad you pointed out that it's metaphorical, because I would've tried to like, literally open up my heart, and WOO that would be a mess! And uh- two, Anon, a new ghost possessed my body. I dunno if that's like, a part of the challenge or something, but uh- Oliver: HA-HA!!! This HARPOON GUN will take you out, you stupid ragd- (LOUD CLANG) OWWWWWW!!! M.O.T.H.E.R.: What is it now?! Glargan: EARTHLING DOWN!!! Oliver: I STUBBED! MY! TOE!!! Glargan: NEVERMIND!!!! [REDACTED]: Yeeeahhhh... I- or, well, my body is in hot water now. Metaphorically. But hey! At least I finally get to fight myself!!! Helen: DAMNIT, Shadowlurker, get OVER here already! (EVEN LOUDER CLANG) Lena: How the hell is your body so resistant to metal chairs!?!? [REDACTED]: You don't wanna know that! OKBYEANONSEEYOULATERRRRRR-!
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jbhostaskblog · 3 years ago
Hey Schmitty im gonna play in the hall of the mountain king on the piano [the piano is set on fire the moment my fingers hit the keys]
Schmitty: Oh- uh- good- good job, kiddo! Y- you're uh- you're really knocking it outta the park! (shaky thumbs up) You uh- keep on doing that, I'm gonna... uhhhh... (runs out of the room) OH MY FUCKING GOD THERE'S A FIRE IN THE BREAK ROOM- Guy: Nice try, Schmitty, I'm NOT falling for your stupid "there's a fire in the break room because someone is playing hall of the mountain king on the piano" prank AGAIN! Schmitty: Guy, no I'm SERIOUS, there's a fucking fire- Guy: Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, that's on me, fool me 46 times, that's just pathetic- Schmitty: Oh my fucking- for the love of Pete, just LOOK- Guy: Hey-! Quit dragging me y- (sees the piano) oh. Huh. Schmitty: SEE?! Guy: ...Uhhhh... just leave the kid alone, Schmitty. Piano playing is just- uh- like that. Schmitty: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT Guy: Yknow, I used to play the organ as a kid- sometimes that thing would just straight up EXPLODE whenever I played it! Schmitty: GUY WHAT THE FUCK-
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