Jason's Lawyer
47 posts
DC rambles - let's hope this hyperfixation sticks long enough for me to finish all my planned art projects
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jasons-lawyer · 2 days ago
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Handful 🐣
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jasons-lawyer · 2 days ago
after Jason reveals his identity as the Red Hood i like to think about the kids begging for Jason to hang out with them and rejoin the family and that but Jason’s being a little bitch about it so when Dick asks for his phone number he just throws an ouija board at him and says ‘i’ll sense it’
issue is that while slightly drunk and sad that his brother hates him, Dick decided to try it out, and Damian watching him through a crack in the door thought it would be funny to text Jason (because he actually does have his league bro’s number) about it so that Jason could maybe mention it the next time they see each other on patrol to freak Dick out, except Jason was working not too far from the manor at the time and he thought it would be even funnier to swing by, slam up against the window and scream through the glass ‘STOP FUCKING DRUNK TEXTING ME’ and absolutely scares the shit out of Dick. so now Dick thinks that ouija boards actually work on Jason because he’s still part ghost and Jason and Damian are scrambling to try and keep up the ruse because of how funny it is.
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jasons-lawyer · 2 days ago
Akutagawa would have made a great Robin
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jasons-lawyer · 2 days ago
Dick: Alfred and Bruce are not here, and I'm the oldest, which makes me the one in charge. Dick: Jason is the second oldest, so he's my wife. Tim: That's not how it works. Jason: Don't talk back to your father.
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jasons-lawyer · 2 days ago
Jason: Why is Damian duct-taped to the wall?
Dick: He insulted my cooking.
Jason: So you taped him to the wall?
Damian: I stand by my statement. His "lasagna" was an assault on humanity.
Dick: And now he’s part of the decor. I think it really ties the room together.
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jasons-lawyer · 2 days ago
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Eldest sibling drawing an eldest sibling
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jasons-lawyer · 3 days ago
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the sillies
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jasons-lawyer · 3 days ago
Talia: *attempting to calm a newly conscious Jason Todd* I am sure this must come as a shock to you, child, but it’s been three years since- Jason: *jolting up in bed, scaring the shit out of five watching assassins* FUCK, MY FICS HAVE GONE UN-UPDATED FOR THREE YEARS? Talia: Jason: I PROMISED MY SUBSCRIBERS— Ra’s: *leaning over to Talia* what is a . . “Fic”? Talia: *shrugs*
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jasons-lawyer · 3 days ago
sometimes dick has nightmares or thinks that jason being alive is a dream, so he checks up on jason pretty often. dick would sneak into his room, at night and see if hes breathing. so, jason would wake up to a dick grayson looming over his bed and it would creep him out.
Dick: *had a nightmare that jason wasnt actually alive and it was all a figment of his imagination. breaks into his apartment/room and checks on jason.*
Jason: *wakes up to see someone standing over his bed, watching him sleep. doesnt see its dick bc its dark in his room, but knows his presence. is still freaked the fuck out.*
Jason: what the actual fuck, grayson?
Dick: *realizes the absurdity of the situation.*
Dick: ..sorry.
Jason: its okay.
Dick: sleepover?
Jason: fine. just this once. dont get used to it.
jason allows it bc hes happy that someone actually cares enough about him to check if hes alive.
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jasons-lawyer · 5 days ago
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big fan of Damian in the mikel janín style that is talia al ghuls baby he looks like her so much. al ghul face card doesn’t decline and personally I think we should draw him to look like her instead of Bruce clone 27
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jasons-lawyer · 5 days ago
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I giggled doing this hehe
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jasons-lawyer · 8 days ago
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freckled scarred jason you will always be famous
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jasons-lawyer · 8 days ago
Not to be nitpicky, just trying to be informative, but I think it might be more appropriate to use "akhi jason" here.
Also, "akh" is formal Arabic, which is never rlly used in daily spoken language. Arab people usually speak in their dialect, and every country has a different dialect. However, Damian speaks formally even in English, so I think formal Arabic being his normal way of speaking to not be so far-fetched, even though usage of formal Arabic is like twice as weird as formal English, since formal Arabic is like sooo different from the Arab dialects.
People argue Dick is Damian's favorite big brother, but I feel like that's everyone's favorite. In reality, he definitely likes Jason more. I love to imagine due to the headcanon of them knowing each other when he was a baby, Damian grew attached to him more, but hides it. Yet he'll believe nonsense lies like Jason having one night stands.
Damian: Akh Jason, in school I learned about different families and ... I've been thinking about how you raised me when I was a baby. You made me so happy and still do so just wanted to say... I love you and you will always my first akh.
Damian patted Jason on the hand then returned to drawing. Everyone in the room was silent, questioning if that just happened.
Tim: Aww, that was actually sweet.
Dick (offended): What?!
Damian: I just wanted to say he's the first brother I knew. He raised me well and was the one sliver of good I had before meeting all of you. He's... Akh Jason. Yeah... So there. Drake don't expect me to say the same.
Tim: Yep, fuck you too.
Jason (sniffled, holding his head down): I knew he liked me more... I you're face Dick.
Dick: I raised him while Bruce was off being a teacher!
Jason: And I changed his diapers and was the only good thing while he was raised around Ra's Al Ghul.
Alfred (on his tea break): That's a good point. He dealt with the terrible toddler years and Ra's. Jason, I'm honestly very proud of you. You raised this child right.
Dick (jealous): Et freaking tu, Alfred?
Jason (smugly): I wish I had recorded this just so I can replay it whenever I need to rub this in your face... But I'm still going to rub this in your face.
Bruce (reading a newspaper): I feel like chopped liver... I didn't know he existed for 8 years of his life but I feel like I've done a pretty good job raising him.
Dick, Tim, Alfred, Damian, and Jason: This isn't about you!
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jasons-lawyer · 8 days ago
Bruce: I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room.
Damian: There's no elephant in the room.
Bruce: I know, I mean that we have to talk about the problem even if it is uncomfortable.
Damian: That's a relief. I thought you had found the baby elephant I hid in my room.
Bruce: What?
Damian: What?
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jasons-lawyer · 8 days ago
Dick: What do you do when your gf gets angry with you and yall get into an argument?
Jason: me and my girl dont argue, she tells me to shut up and I do
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jasons-lawyer · 8 days ago
his hair just-
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jasons-lawyer · 14 days ago
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