Ramblings of Life
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janielynned · 7 years ago
Day 4 Half Marathon Training
Today I tackled 3 miles and it felt pretty good.  I chose a rather hilly course to run just because I was getting tired of the normal route that I tend to run so I went for a different one.  I managed to stay within 2 minutes of my regular time but I ended up walking a lot more than I had hoped too.  I think on Saturday when I go for a run I’ll stick more towards my normal route with less hills just to make my life easier but I’ll be checking back in on this route to see how I am improving and what I can do to move forward with it.  I’m excited that I could do all of the hills and flats like I did but it wasn’t my favorite.  I know it will need to hurt sometimes but I also want to build up my strength before I tackle more hills.  If not only just to keep up my moral but to also help me to become a better runner.
I’m still excited for the half marathon but I’m kind of scared of the pace that I have set myself on.  I trust that with my training that I will be able to attain it but it is going to take a lot of hard work.  I’m ready for at least now!
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janielynned · 7 years ago
Day 2 Half Marathon Training
So today i chickened out and ran on the treadmill.  It was snowing and I didn’t want to have to dodge snow piles while running but never again!  I hate the treadmill.  It took me way longer to run and the room was way to hot and I failed.  I quit after 1 mile and took a five minute break and then convinced myself to go back and finish.  After a hard and fast half mile I quit again.  I took time to move back the things that I had moved to set up my music and then thought to myself.  You have half a mile left to do, do you really want to give up with that little left?  With a little persuading I got back on the treadmill and finished the last half mile.  
Admittedly I failed on this run and it shouldn’t have been any problem.  I run 2 miles without a problem outside so I don’t know what happened today.  But I’m glad that I got back on the treadmill and finished.  I now though will be running outside no matter what.  I guess the only time I’ll give myself a break to run inside will be on days when it is hailing or sleeting but other than that I’m going outside to run no matter what.  
Day 2 done and I’m ready for more tomorrow!  Here’s to running and making a 2:30 half marathon!!
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janielynned · 7 years ago
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Missing the beauty of Iceland today.  I can’t wait to go back and explore more.
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janielynned · 7 years ago
This summer has been one filled with rejection.  I have applied to nearly 25 schools with only 4 interviews.  Resulting in no jobs.  I guess I am lucky to have had 4 interviews but it sucks to be rejected so many times.  I wish I knew what was wrong with my application and/or interview to know why I was looked over.  I have been getting down about the rejection and failure to secure a job.  Today in church, we sang “One Thing Remains” and I was reminded that God’s love always remains.  No matter what job situation I am in, God still loves me.  He is pursuing me and covering me unconditionally with his love.  I may be failing while searching for a job but I have secured the love of God who ultimately has my best interest in mind all the time.  His plans are better for my life than my own by far.  I am soaking in his love and trusting the plan he has for me even though I don’t know what it is currently.
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.  Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
- Psalm 143:8
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janielynned · 9 years ago
June 12 - 3 gifts full
Stomach, day of rest, heart ready to pursue God
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janielynned · 9 years ago
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So as the sun sets on another day I had decided to give blogging/journaling another go. I always start but fizzle out after a short period of time. Here's to hoping it lasts longer this time!
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janielynned · 10 years ago
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janielynned · 10 years ago
#FitByFirst Why
I want to be more confident in myself. I want to gain back energy for life. I want to work towards a goal for myself to be better prepared to big changes coming up in my life.
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janielynned · 10 years ago
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Why am I wasting my time worrying about the little and insignificant moments in my life??? They are only causing me to worry more and lead to bigger troubles. It is time I start listening and believing in the power of God's word and letting the little things slid by without worrying so much. God's will will be done I. My life even if there are a few bumps and detours on the road! 😄
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janielynned · 10 years ago
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Who am I trying to live my life for? Who comes to my mind when I complete a task or do something for another person? Where is my mind focus? Moving in a better direction lately and becoming more focused on God and HIS will for my life!!
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janielynned · 10 years ago
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Bible/sermon doodles from church today!
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janielynned · 10 years ago
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Sun, oh sun, why do you hate me so... First nice day for phys ed outside and I get sun burned. Just my luck. First awkward burn of the year!
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janielynned · 10 years ago
Physical education sayings
"Ms. D. Do you know what I used to do as a kid?" Second grader. "No, what?" me. "I used to knock pins over with pins!" second grader. Oh to be young again!
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janielynned · 10 years ago
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Octopus silly band a student gave to me today, makes me feel like I am doing something right :)
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janielynned · 10 years ago
Panic/anxiety attack
Just had an anxiety attack for no reason that I can logically think of. Maybe work this weekend? School tomorrow? Supervisor visit next week? Placement ending in 2 weeks? Life in general? I don't know. I wish when I had an attack I knew why it would help so much to process it. Oh well. Went on a mile run in the freezing cold and am now feeling much better. Exercise is my life saver when I have an attack. If I can run "away" or run through it I seem to be able to get over it quicker and with more ease... Here's to exercise!!!
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janielynned · 10 years ago
Work Happenings
While answering phones at work last night I got a call from an older lady who wanted a salad but with light lettuce because she didn't have teeth and would not be able to chew the lettuce... Could barely hold it together while on the phone. Oh the things people openly tell you!
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janielynned · 10 years ago
Song of my life right now, learning to see myself as God would and understand how despite all my flaws He is still able to love me with an endless grace and overflowing love. On repeat :)
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