iwritemush · 1 year
Hey, I don't usually like to talk about heavy topics like these on an obey me blog but my mom had a great idea and I thought it was worth sharing.
So I was supposed to clean and declutter my closet years ago (but didn't). And I think most of us know what happened in Turkey and Syria. My mom decluttered her closet and donated the clothes to the people there. This is honestly a great idea and I will do the same.
If you need to clean up your wardrobe a bit, you could do this too. Or help in another way (like donating to a charity). These people probably need all the help they can get. Thank you for your attention.
Feel free to reblog!!
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iwritemush · 1 year
Really wanna make twst but also don’t know if I’ll write them good 😭
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iwritemush · 1 year
Just had to block so many beautiful ladies 😔😔
Life is hard
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iwritemush · 2 years
Anyone wanna mammon with drunk mc fluff fic?
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iwritemush · 2 years
Everytime I stumble across this fic I feel happiness
Late Night Cuddles (Ft. Mammon, Asmodeus and GN!MC)
Warnings: Touch-starved MC, Mammon being a tsundere and by extent, a bit of a jerk, self-depreciating thoughts, MC makes sure Asmo is gonna be SFW.
Length: 1.4k words
Genre: Slight bit of angst, mostly fluff and comfort though!
Summary: You need a hug.
A/N: Honestly I wrote the outline for this while I was feeling very tired and clingy, and I decided to polish it up. There isn't much plot, just some mindless, tooth-rotting fluff. I hope you enjoy it!
-Ethereal (✿◡‿◡)
Story below, please don't claim as your own!
You’d been in the Devildom for about three weeks now, and you were starting to feel a bit down.
Were you homesick? Was the lack of Vitamin D finally starting to get to you? Were you immensely stressed because you always had to be on guard during school?
None of that helped, that’s for sure. However, the real problem didn’t come to light until Simeon randomly hugged you upon seeing you. You immediately felt a hundred times better.
Oh. So that’s what it was.
Well, three weeks was a long time to go without physical contact.
While it was wonderful that you’d figured out what the problem was, that didn’t really help you solve it.
Though you were on decent terms with everyone, you weren’t sure you were close enough to straight-up ask for cuddles.  Even if you were, you were much too shy to do so anyways.
You managed to hold your resolve for about a week before you finally broke, rather late in the evening.  Yes, it might be awkward, but the worst they could say was no, right?
Not wanting to overthink it, you quickly sent a message to your closest friend in the Devildom.
You: Hey Mammon, this is going to sound kind of stupid…
You: I’ve been feeling kind of down lately, and I could really use a hug.
You: …Can I have a hug?
Mammon: What!?
Mammon: Pfft, why would I want to hug you?
You: I shouldn’t have asked.
You: I’m sorry.
You: Never mind.
You: Forget I ever said anything.
He started typing something else, but you didn’t wait for him to finish. You clicked the power button, making your screen go dark.
Turns out ‘no’ was not the worst thing they could say.
Your phone buzzed- probably Mammon- as you tossed your phone on the bed and stood up. You couldn’t be bothered to read his messages right now.
While he hadn’t exactly said no, it was pretty clear you weren’t getting a yes.
That was fine. You were fine. You didn’t need a hug anyways; you’d be fine without one. No human had ever died by ‘lack of hugs’.
Even though the very idea of receiving one made your chest ache, you would be fine.
Your phone kept buzzing—how many messages was he sending you, anyways? —as you stepped out of your room and began to wander.
It was honestly stupid of you to ask. You knew you weren’t close enough for that sort of thing, and you’d asked anyways. Now you’d gone and made things awkward, just like you knew you would.
Your wandering brought you to the kitchen, where you decided to make hot chocolate. Maybe the warmth of the drink would help you feel a little better.
You grabbed a mug from the cupboard and filled it with milk. Then you put it in the microwave.
While you searched for the hot chocolate powder, your mind began to drift again.
If you couldn’t even last a few days without a hug, how in the hell were you supposed to survive down here?
“Well, you’re up awfully late.”
You jumped, whirling around to face the voice behind you.
“Oh, I’m sorry darling.” Asmo frowned. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
You shook your head, smiling. “Don’t worry about it, it’s fine.”
The microwave beeped, and you quickly jumped to shut it up. Yes, the entire household was probably still awake, especially if the text chains were anything to go by, but it still felt odd to make too much noise.
You placed the mug of steaming milk on the counter and added a few spoonfuls of powder. While you stirred it in, Asmo slid up beside you.
You could feel his eyes on you.
“Is something the matter?” He asked after a moment.
“I’m fine,” you answered just a bit too quickly.
“No…you’re not. Look at me?” He requested.
You turned your face towards him, though you don’t make eye contact.
Unsurprisingly, that doesn’t convince him.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” He asked softly.
“It’s stupid.” You answered.
He tilts his head slightly but doesn’t respond. That was surprisingly effective at getting you to continue.
“It’s just…I’ve been here a while, and I’m starting to feel a little down. Not enough physical contact. But—” you wave your hand “—I’ll be fine.”
“…Is that it?” Asmo asked, giving you a funny look.
You scoffed. “Yeah. I told you it was stupid.”
He gasped. “Sorry, no! I didn’t mean it like it was stupid or something! It’s just…if you wanted some physical contact, you could’ve asked me, you know!”
 “Not that kind of physical contact,” you elaborated. “I just want a hug…or maybe some snuggles,” you added quietly.
“No, no, I understand what you mean. And I still mean what I said,” He reassured you. “If you wanted some snuggles, all you needed to do was ask me!”
Suddenly he wrapped his arms around you, and you instantly melted. You felt him rub your back a little.
He giggled. “Aw, you should’ve come to me sooner, love.”
All too soon, he pulled away, and you couldn’t help the pout that appeared on your face.
“Now, how about some proper snuggles in my room?” He suggested with a smile.
You hesitated for a second, then nodded. You needed this more than you were embarrassed.
As soon as you confirmed, he beamed and grabbed your hand, pulling you behind him towards his room.
He closed the door behind you two, then turned to you. “Now, would you like to cuddle in the bed, or would you prefer the couch?”
“Maybe…the couch?” You suggested. “And maybe we could watch a movie?”
“That sounds lovely,” he agreed, sitting down. He scooted to one side, then reached his arm out. You took that as an invitation, sitting down beside him.
He giggled, pulling you so you were properly leaning against him. “Come on, don’t be shy,” he cooed.  
He selected a movie—some cheesy romcom— and as it progressed, you slowly began to relax, even nuzzling him now and then.
He ran a hand through your hair, making you hum contentedly. “There, see?” he purred. “Aren’t I the absolute best person to snuggle with?”
You nodded, starting to feel a little tired. It was awfully late after all.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You’re welcome to sleep here,” he said.
You nod. Maybe you’ll take him up on that offer.
Suddenly, a loud crash jolted you out of your sleepy daze.
“Oi, Asmo!”
You raised your head, blinking as the intruder came into focus.
“Have ya seen the human anywhere?” Mammon asked, too distracted by his phone to notice the human in question was right in front of him.   “They ain’t in their room, and they ain’t answering their messages-“
He glanced up to stare accusingly at his brother, but he saw you instead. Then he saw Asmo.
Then he realized the two of you were sitting together, and just how close you two were.
“What the hell is going on in here?” He exclaimed, closing the door behind him.
Starting to feel awkward again, you attempt to push away from Asmo. He doesn’t allow you to, keeping his arm snug around your shoulders and throwing a smirk to his brother instead.
“We’re snuggling,” he responded simply.
“Wha- why!?” He asked, coming further into the room.
“They were a little lonely is all,” Asmo responded sweetly, kissing the top of your head again. You blushed, but didn’t find it in yourself to protest.
“And ya didn’t ask me first!?” Mammon exclaimed, taking off his jacket and throwing it on a nearby chair.
“I did, but you said-“ He cut you off.
“Ugh, you dummy! If I knew you were gonna go ask one of my brothers—” he paused midsentence, kicking off his shoes and untucking you from the blanket.
He slid in beside you, tucking himself in as well. “If you wanted attention, you could’ve just asked for it…” he muttered.
You debate reminding him a second time of the earlier events but decide against it.
“Excuse me, I don’t remember inviting you.” Asmo scowled at his older brother.
“The human needs attention, and I don’t want the stupid thing to die,” Mammon said. “Now, c’mere so I can love you,” he mumbled, suddenly tugging you towards him.
“Hey!” Asmo protested, crossing his arms.
Mimicking his previous actions, you stretch your arm out towards him.
He easily complied, snuggling into your arms this time.
This certainly wasn’t how you were expecting your night to go, but you definitely weren’t complaining.
And next time you want attention, you know you’ve got two demons who are more than willing to give it to you.
These are the messages MC missed from Mammon.
Mammon: Wait, hang on.
Mammon: Fine.
Mammon: If you want a hug from me, then I'll give ya one. Only because you're asking, and not because I want one, got it!?
Mammon: Don't say the great Mammon never gave ya anything!
Mammon: Why aren't ya readin' my messages?
Mammon: Whatever, I'll be at your room in a sec.
Mammon: Wait for me, okay?
Mammon: Hey, where are ya?
Mammon: I told ya I was comin', didn't I?
Mammon: Your phone is buzzin'.
Mammon: I guess you left it here.
Mammon: Wait, you ain't getting these anyways.
Mammon: Whatever, I'll just come find ya.
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iwritemush · 2 years
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iwritemush · 2 years
Babe wake up new santa clause lore just dropped
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Are you trying to tell me Santa Clause IS A DEMON???????
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iwritemush · 2 years
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Any ideas for what we should do? 👀
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iwritemush · 2 years
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iwritemush · 2 years
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iwritemush · 2 years
Scheduling this for 365 days from now
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iwritemush · 2 years
Obey me request open, mainly wanna do hc but can do fics/stables
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iwritemush · 2 years
Hi! Could I request Smiley x male reader where the reader keeps knitting smiley stuff and smiley doesn't want to make his boyfriend sad so he keeps wearing them
If you don't do male reader im totally fine with gender neutral, if you decide to take this request thank you and if you don't well oh well lol
Hey I actually do male/transmasc readers the most (next to gender neut, fem the least)
Would love to do a request for you but I don’t know who that is :( sorry
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iwritemush · 2 years
Public call out to @yourboibi123
@yourboibi123 has stolen my work and is passing it off as they own.
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In terms of this story, it is good to know that @otomeanimemanga-fandom-writer is my second Profile where in 2021 posted my own works that had not received much visibility.
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This is not even everything. There are at least three more of these. Total plagiarism. Even the GIF of those posts is taken directly from the original. And they probably didn't know that my "main blog" is this big. Probably they just deliberately targeted a small blog so that this wouldn't become such a big deal. This really says a lot about their morals.
And if that's not enough. Nope.
They still had to take @silversparkz art and post it on their own account and still admit that it is not their doing. They didn't even tag the original artist on it. And a mere mention is definitely not enough.
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That is really shameless and gross.
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iwritemush · 2 years
Hi! Where's your rule list? I just don't want to request something that could make you uncomfortable lol
Hi I don’t really have one, sorry! I’m going to make one soon thought, for now here is what I won’t do (I feel like I’m mostly open to free roam and trying new things, so if your unsure feel free to send it and if I don’t do it no pressure on you and you can request anything else!)
Anything noncon
Anything illegal
Big age gaps/power gaps (teacherXstudent, bossXemployee)
I don’t do smut/Lemon/porn
Here’s a list of other things I won’t do
Anyway I’m probably gonna work on an actual rule list idk what I should put there though lol
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iwritemush · 2 years
Would you guys be interested in a lil bit heavy angst with some comfort of mc x belphie? 👀👀
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iwritemush · 2 years
Manager: *over radio as they talk to an employee* Sir please tell your sister to relax, everything is going to be okay
Lucifer: that’s a man
Mammon: *distant high pitch screaming*
Thinking on what would Mammon do if he lost sheep mc in a mall. It's definitely will become chaos and the other brothers will have to be involved. The only thing you can hear in the speaker is the worker talking, someone is freaking out(or crying) in the background while shut ups are heard.
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