Luna Salix
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hernamewasluna 2 years ago
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We鈥檙e inside Aquarius season. The last fixed air sign, the Aquarius is a revolutionary who connects intellectually first. Known for challenging convention, always breaking boundaries for social progress. Flow is the name of the game for an Aquarius, not one for small talk, the Aquarius doesn鈥檛 respond well to flattery or disruptions. They team up well with fellow air signs for deep conversations and crackle with fire signs for catalytic brainstorms. Seduce the Aquarius with your mind first and everything else will fall into place. Be mindful if you鈥檙e an Aquarius that you don鈥檛 dismiss the value of slow and steady workers who can hold down the fort as air and fire bring out their best to paint the town red. 鉂わ笍馃挮馃檹馃徏
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
Click link above to read more about it
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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Just a walking double yellow line, nothing to see here
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
Twin Flame Funny Humans
Fable has it that we all have a twin flame within a lifetime, we're born as a flame meant to seek another one. This translates to love of my life, once in a lifetime, in modern language. Someone who is so alike us in many ways but polar opposites in some, that we have been travelling in parallel lines, not knowing when we meet.
The twin flame energy is used to having loads of tension, a chaser and a runner is common. It's an exhilarating yet exhausting quest to find genuine love in this world, that leads people to swim across oceans and take giant leaps of faith to meet The One.
It's frightening because it opens us up to a level of intimacy, reliance on spiritual faith and enlightened conscious thinking that modern destructive societies are actively against.
Conversations draw out our shadow selves, we find ourselves being who usually aren't, for better or for worse. We start to understand what we didn't before, the willingness to make sacrifices, the willingness to be patient, to be gentle and loving, even when someone else isn't.
It surpasses the psychological understanding of how we're suppose to think, what constitutes functional or healthy, it's beyond the realm of most human understanding.
Parts of us that lay dormant are activated, we really see ourselves in all our glory plus gory.
This giving is so moving that we dare not receive, it's so pure and true that we run from it, least we destroy the beauty of what has now been found.
A usually chill cool girl is suddenly a possessive jealous one, a nonchalant non committal dude is suddenly a I will go to hell and back, let's get married one.
May all twin flames unite as one, to charge each other as destined partners travelling together in this short burst of stars that we call life.
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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Hiss like a snake, dress like a poison shroom
Sharpen those claws and keep those fangs
Stay alive to spite your enemies
Live well to drive them to their graves
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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When the witch said she lives in a tree house, I didn't think she meant this
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
Victorian Slangs For Spell Code
Gigglemug (always smiling)
Bitch the pot (pour the tea)
Got the mobs (temporary sadness)
Tight as a boiled owl (drunk)
Poked up (embarrassed)
Sauce-box (mouth)
Cupid's kettle drums (breasts)
Not up to dick (unwell)
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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Never mess with a fairy
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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I just read some misinformed junk about how people should want energy vampires around, to suck them dry as a way to help them stabilise.
What a crock of shit!
Energy vampires want you to stay a chaotic train wreck, so they get their supply of emotional charge, cheap thrills, gossip, submissiveness, ego stroking, biochemical hits while dragging you into their own hell for company.
Being drained around energy vampires isn't calming down, it's due to fatigue and deflation for being around someone who feed on your life force.
Energy vampires are like vultures, they feed on the carcasses of people in despair, vulnerable people like women and children, the sick and the old.
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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The Focus Pocus Talisman is designed to invoke tantric stillness inside, it allows you to keep excitement while having laser focus on your goals.
Check out my digital Focus Pocus Maker Guide & Focus Pocus User Guide, available worldwide. Click link below for more info.
Ultra limited edition physical talisman is only available in Singapore.
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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Hi, I'm Luna Salix, it means moon willow.
According to the akashic records, I'm a 723 year old soul. So I'm a crone before I was a maiden or a mother. I always joke about how I'm a female Benjamin Button, I lived life the opposite way.
My creed is simple, do no harm and take no shit. Simple but not so simple in reality of course.
I'm not freaked out by vague ideas of karma enough to defang me, I'm not socially programmed enough to be a stereotype either.
I meditate, do yoga, cast spells, pray and live out my magick daily. Never failed to manifest any wishes into reality, never abandoned by a higher power, all things in their own good time is how I see it.
I used to smile and flip my hair, tell my childhood friends "it's magick" when I was too tired to explain. Little did I know, it was a prophecy more than it was a cheeky flirty comment.
Welcome to my Tumblr, hit follow if you would like more tips about holistic healing, mental health, spells and personal empowerment.
I do both Moon magick and Soleil magick, merging the light and dark sources for a balanced life is always my priority.
Thank you for stopping by, hit follow for updates!
Love Light Peace
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
With the ruling planet Mercury, Gemini's quick wittedness that pivots at a moment's notice can be mistaken for disinterest. Infamous for going off on a tangent like a runaway train, they sometimes need a ride back home.
The Twins are like 2 people in one, you can never be bored with them around. Randomness is the Gemini's greatest gift, they can come up with the most fascinating angles to the most mundane things.
Sometimes the twins fight each other in one dizzying head of combusting fireworks that go off in the midnight sky. You're unsure where to look but sure to be impressed.
Communication will be muted until early June, it's like catching a fly with chopsticks, only the most patient people will be able to break through the chaos.
If you want more attention from a Gemini, catch them during June, after the May 30th New Moon.
In order for Gemini to not come across as scattered, try to scale down a notch or two, don't multiple task. Getting too used to chaos can become complacency, filter down your ambitions to maximise your potential in a specific area.
Plan a New Moon ritual together if you're dating one, to cleanse the energy and clear the air of any misunderstandings.
An overwhelmed Gemini would have shut down and retreated during May, tired of being viewed as an airhead and accused of being flighty.
Ask for me time when you want to concentrate then go back to engage with their curious childlike nature.
Maturity for a Gemini would be appreciating the stabilising force that fixed signs bring to mutable signs, finding a balance with them.
Have a happy Gemini season!
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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Anti Anxiety Tea
Camomile, blue pea, peppermint and roselle.
It smells and taste so good, like I鈥檓 bathing my insides. It feels like flowers bloom through the crown of my head and I鈥檓 an evergreen tree that birds nest in.
Caffeine represses anxiety, it however is addictive, so you need more to get the same effects.
When the anxiety returns, another hit is required, it makes you deny the existence of anxiety.
Some teas like oolong or green tea have mild levels of caffeine.
So they can be used as transitional caffeine to non caffeine drinks, to prevent debilitating withdrawal symptoms.
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
It鈥檚 more important to live out your magick than intellectualise it, illustrate it, photograph it or subject yourself to only moon magick.
Integrate into your daily living, what routines do you already have?
How can you add a dash of fairy dust here, a pat of glamour magick there, a quick morning tea leaves reading, a pinch of salty humour to disarm your haters and gain you genuine friends?
Don鈥檛 fixate on getting it right or doing things perfectly.
Wing it, start late, laugh at yourself and always revive like the resilient willow tree.
Unbreakable, adaptive, softly swaying in the gentle breeze, vulnerable, raw and untameable.
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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"The sorceress kit", a bizzare collection of about 100 trinkets found buried inside a box, in the garden of a house in Pompeii, believed to be a fortune teller's tool kit.
Image not mine.
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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To infuse magick into your existing yoga practice,
1. Draw a bind rune or sigil in the upper right corner of your mat.
2. Document experiences in a grimoire.
3. Smudge body and space with incense to chase away bad energy prior to starting.
4. Drink fresh coconut water instead of plain.
5. Place your favourite rose quartz crystal on your right palm during cool down.
Follow @hernamewasluna for more spiritual tips!
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hernamewasluna 3 years ago
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Herbal sun tea making tutorial below
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