heliohmystars · 2 months
hotel cavalier review
I think one (or two?) of my friends were possessed?
do go to the swans little parade tho this is rich people shit (THEY DUSTED ME)
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heliohmystars · 2 months
hey artists
Im not one of you so like. Go easy k
but like. When you’re drawing faces is it like... impossible for you to draw someone from memory? When you first started I guess because I lowkey can’t figure out how to
advice is appreciated but it’s whatever
anywayysssss happy spring break Im going on a vaycay with the gf :) pretty excited!
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heliohmystars · 2 months
happy spring break. 3rd quarter kicked my ass idk bout you. i’m gonna kick back anddddd honestly maybe get a little fucked up. also nap, im fucking exhausted
n e ways. moving day! exciting shit, hope the new place has some nice rooms
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heliohmystars · 2 months
oh my god if i had to sit through ONE MORE spellcasting lecture i would’ve jumped out the window, i’m being so serious.
thank god the semesters over, i’m so tired of studying =_=
we’re having a bash at the black pit? i think? tracker and I will be there, fig might be playing- im unsure, her touring schedule’s kinda nuts
swing around :)
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heliohmystars · 3 months
its almost break !! hope everyone enjoys their solstice if they celebrate
fig and gorgug have a gig at the old mintheral factory this saturday, actually- gorthalax helped put a stage up there, so they’re playing a show :)
annddddd this thursday is the last meeting of the queer students union before break! jawbone has a surprise for us? apparently? so make sure you come around the AV room! again, we have free snacks
the blood rush season is also coming to a head soon, and fabian’s been killing it on the field, gorgug too, the games are genuinely so good (i don’t know sports)
butttt yeah! hope everyone’s first semester was great!
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heliohmystars · 3 months
Y'all killing that dude was HELLA sick. What was y'all's party name again? Gotta spread the word about how sick y'all are.
- prom spread anon
good to hear from you again! sorry i think this has been sitting in my ask box a while
uhhh we’re The Bad Kids! we’re not really doing much right now because everything’s still kinda cooling down from international peace and processing when we killed him n everything but yeah we’re super cool >:)
hope you’re doing well man! this years prom is gonna be so much cooler just you wait
dw i’ll make sure there’s a killer spread
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heliohmystars · 3 months
hey so a couple friends and I started the LGBTQ club on campus and we’re looking for more people to join! all classes, all races, doesn’t matter
if you’re interested, we host meetings on thursdays in the AV club room! we bring snacks :)
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heliohmystars · 3 months
ahhhh sophomore year starts tomorrow!!! if there are any freshmen in the cleric classes i’m in feel free to say hi!
uhhh but some advice in the mean time
most of the staff is actually pretty nice
if you encounter aguefort, no, you’re not tripping balls. he’s just like that
if anyone on the blood rush team gives you a hard time, just let me know
it’ll be great!
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heliohmystars · 3 months
heyyyyy if you’ve got nothing to do on saturday you should come down to the black pit! fig and gorgug’s band is playing their first public gig and they’re SO good i promise. before them i only listened to worship music and i genuinely cannot get enough of them
free entry, the doorman’s tough tho
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heliohmystars · 3 months
Mission Trip #17
I don’t miss being helionic, but i kinda miss these :)
It went great! Tracker and I went down to the swamps to help rebuild homes and distribute food. The food part went great!
unfortunately, most of the houses sank. i’m really busy with school this year, but hopefully i’ll be able to make time to revisit when i have time off!
if you’re interested in learning about YES! i’m always happy to reach out. i’d love to have you, but only if you want :)
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heliohmystars · 3 months
what a year
lotta things changed this year, and not all of them bad
freshman year was really scary for me, i was really afraid of messing up, or failing, or not making friends
but ya know. didn’t have to worry about any of that :)
if there are any incoming freshman reading this, don’t be afraid. you’ll be okay. i’m okay, kinda, and i literally died twice. things will go to hell, maybe, but adventurers learn, above all else, how to persevere.
sorry for the state of some of my posts this year btw, it’s been a weird time dnsnsns
have a great summer everyone!
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heliohmystars · 3 months
Oh bro I'm already at prom, they got this bomb ass spread. Like, if the world came crashing down I'd stay for this spread.
duddeeee we saw you in the corner! pretty sick how we killed that fucking dragon right :)
anyways, does anyone want to fundraise for a new gym. the old one is kinda. covered in blood.
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heliohmystars · 3 months
nd maybe just get out of town too
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heliohmystars · 3 months
okayyy so the cops in here are so fucking stupid and haven’t taken our crystals for some reason???
oh right, we’re in prison
but i don’t have the storage for any games or anything and we’re so fucking bored so pleeeeeassseeeee give us some ideas for like road trip games to play except they can’t involve touch because we’re all in our own cells
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heliohmystars · 3 months
pls giv me quic video game tips
never played b4 + its rly important
thxxxxx bai
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heliohmystars · 3 months
i havve an scert
guysssssss i like girlsssssssss
and if itolf my parentnss i thinks they’d disown me lolllllllllll
fuck oenlooee everoetal she’s a HUGGEGEGEGEG bitch
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heliohmystars · 3 months
what’s normal to do at a house party. fig says body shots. what are body shots. should i ask to do body shots????
okay it’s a hudol party those kids probably drink like. communion wine or something
it’ll be fine, right? right
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