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heliohmystars · 7 months ago
hotel cavalier review
I think one (or two?) of my friends were possessed?
do go to the swans little parade tho this is rich people shit (THEY DUSTED ME)
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mahvaladara · 4 years ago
Can I have all for Apollo? (the 40 ask ^^) and if you want too, Anika too 😘
I went in game just to take this picture. Spoilers bellow, be warned.
For Anika and Apollo
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1. How does your character sleep? Peacefully, fitfully? What position do they sleep in? What is their typical bedding like?
Mostly dreamless. He has insomnia, and has a hard time getting to sleep, he tends to check on his brother often, as their rooms are side by side, he can hear when Arlo is having a particularly bad night and that interferes with his sleep.  When he dreams it’s nightmares. His bedding is blue, obviously, fluffy and cool.
She’s a heavy sleeper and goes to sleep quickly. She has a lot of blankets and is a blanket hoarder, she’s also a little spoon. Since her mother passed away she has a lot easier time sleeping, I guess her worries have evaporated, even if she feels someone else’s worries now.
2. Does your oc have dreams or nightmares? What are they like? Is there a recurring one?
His nightmares often involve a much worse outcome of the “accident”, usually it ends with Arlo’s death. Though Arlo’s survival was not without it’s consequences, in his nightmares they always fail to save him, and he often dies. Another variant of the dream has Arlo surviving and killing Apollo, telling him all those painful words they throw at one another like jabs and jokes despite the fact that they really can’t stand eachother. 
Her nightmares are actually strange. Though this has never happened to her, she often has nightmares of being chased and raped. She hasn’t told her father, nor Apollo about it. She has these types of dreams because she fears being manipulated and controled once more, like she has been in the past.
3. How easy to annoy is your oc? Do they have common pet-peeves or are they stoic in response to everything? What is their reaction if the source doesn’t stop?
As a kid, Apollo was pretty easy to annoy, currently he has a lot more patience. He’s a smart kid, so his biggest annoyance is flat out stupidity. people who try to debunk scientific facts like anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers and supernatural deniers will have him fuming. 
Arlo also annoyed him, he used to believe Arlo was an asshole, a racist and a stupid idiot. But kids grow up. Arlo still annoys him, but because he doesn’t want to keep living.
She’s pretty hard to annoy, but a pet peeve of her would be chewing with your mouth open. Like, close your mouth, you gross pig, no one needs to know what the fuck you’re digesting.
4. How does your oc view housework? Do they absolutely hate it? Do they enjoy having their surroundings neat and tidy or do they not notice?
She enjoys having her surroundings clean and tidy, but she has had and does have a maid who cleans up her house everyday. But she does well in Domestic Economics and is not the type to try and shoehorn her duties when it’s her class’s week to clean their floor.
He likes organization and tidyness, so he cleans up pretty well and is comfortable with doing chores. Arlo annoys him on this, as Arlo barely ever cleans up after himself, he usually yells at Arlo over it, but then he feels guilty as he knows why Arlo is like this. 
5.Your oc has to make something for an art exhibition. What would they make? How terrible is it? Would they enjoy making it?
He’s go for a more scientific exhibihit. Probably do something related with stars and the solar system. He’d actually be pretty good at it, Apollo is a bit of a natural genius and is usually “good at everything”.
An acrilyc painting, stylized art. She likes painting women, usually black women, and especially faces, spcifically stylesed with a french animation touch to it, like if DC met japanese manga. She’s not amazing at it, not as good as her own mother who was a great artist, but she’s pretty good. 
6. What is your oc’s vocabulary like? Does it match the way they talk? How would you describe their speech?
He does not swear unless extreme emotions are at hand. As a kid he used to curse, but as a teen he doesn’t feel the need to.
Proper, but this time associated with her education and status. She tends to look the way she talks and her vocabulary is posh and very proper. She’s as “british” as you get when it comes to her speech. 
7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
Apollo and Arlo (Bonus):
For this one I have to compare Apollo to Arlo. Apollo’s voice is very sweet, calm and mellowed. He tends to speak more mature and it shows in his voice. As a kid he had a high pitch, tended to sound like a little girl, but when he hit puberty, he hit pubery. His voice is like the VA Aranas, from Skyrim’s interesting NPCs. He speaks much like Valgus if Valgus was more temperamental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-3Jo_zoiJs
Arlo as a kid had the same voice as Apollo, but tended to talk brasher which made his voice even more annoying and high pitched. After his accident, when puberty hit, his voice became much more raspier and deeper than Apollo’s. He doesn’t speak much so he has a “smoker’s voice”. Arlo sounds like Fenris from Dragon Age: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXKcBAwSpzo
Her voice is very open and clear. She tends to slurr her words, which makes Arlo refer to her as “mouthbreather”. She kinda sounds like Gal Gadot if she spoke like Kristen Stewart.
8. Is your oc more likely to follow instructions exactly, throw them out and figure it out on their own, or make it all up? What are the results like?
Apollo always follows the instructions to the word, and usually it turns out exactly as instructed. If the instructions are wrong, it’ll turn out wrong too. He’s pretty good at it though, and you can bet he’ll put an IKEA shelf together.
Anika is a bit 50/50. She mixes a bit of instructions with instinct. Usually she gets off pretty well.
9. Is your oc afraid of touch or do they actively seek it out? Is there a reason for this? What are the exceptions?
He’s pretty positive to touch, and actually seeks it. The person he most enjoys touching and being touched by is, without a doubt is Anika. It’s more than sharing a heart, they are just compatible.
Anika is a bit more privy to touch. Her parents were never particularly affectionate with her, and she is ticklish. The exception is Apollo and her mother, when she was alive. She enjoys Apollo’s touch, and she enjoys touching him. 
10. How is your oc about medical care? Do they avoid any form of healthcare that they can, do they seek it out over every little scrape? Do they treat their injuries/illness all by themselves?
Apollo does seek doctors, he actually wishes to study to become a doctor. It’s an objective of his, so he is a strong supporter of the healthcare system.
She hates hospitals as much as the next person who has had a chronically and terminally ill family member. But if she’s really hurt and can’t fix it herself with magic, she does go to doctors.
11. How competitive is your oc? Is every little task something that they can win, or are they just in competitions for the fun of it? Is there anyone they’re most competitive with?
He is very competitive, and he is competitive with everyone, especially Arlo, though these days Arlo proves little of a challenge. Apollo is very skilled, and he works very hard to be so, he’s a natural born genius, and he’s also very responsible and determined, which helps. He always has to win and when he doesn’t, it upsets him. He’s bad dealing with frustration, something Arlo beats him to. The only two things he looses at are being the oldest, Arlo is older than him by two minutes, and magic. In raw power, Arlo can wipe the floor with Apollo’s arse.
Anika has never been competitive. As an only child she’s never had reasons to be best at anything as she was the only one. As long as she worked hard and had good grades, all was good with her parents, So, most competitions are for the fun of it.
12. How skilled at lying is your oc? How frequently do they lie? For what reason? What situations would be the exception?
He is a terrible liar. He couldn’t lie for the life of him, so he usually doesn’t. He’s pretty honest with everything, and only lies when trying to protect someone.
She’s a good liar, so and so. She couldn’t trick a skilled detective, but she’s good enough at lies to get herself off the hook and get her way.
13 . What is your oc’s immune system like? Are they invincible to illness, or are they compromised completely from the slightest of dirt?
Pretty good. Apollo, like his father, is immune to most illnesses, virus basically brush through him like the flu, though he does get sick on occasion. He however is blind as a bat, and without contacts or glasses all he sees are blotches of colour.
She has always had a tough immune system. Probably because she has spent a lot of time in hospitals with her mom, she’s caught all type of bugs, and these days is pretty tough to most of them.
14. Does your oc do anything “just for the aesthetic”? Or are they completely practical in everything?
He wears contacts just for the aesthetic, but also because as he plays football, it’s safer if he uses contacts instead of his glasses. His glasses would be much more practical though, as his contacts don’t have the strength he needs, and they don’t have the colour correction his glasses do for his color blindness.
That nose ring, anything that makes her look “witchy”. And she does wear box braids just for the aesthetic.
15. If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
A stetoscope. He’s a doctor, a magical doctor but still a doctor. Though he dreams to be a doctor and prefers to aid and heal those around him.
A star wand. She’s a spellcaster, one who enjoys using her magic to grant wishes, both her own and those of those around her.
16. If your oc could only eat one thing for the rest of their life (while miraculously not suffering from malnutrition), what would it be? Does this match their favourite food?
Pizza. It’s his favourite food.
Ice-cream. Though not her favourite food, the amount of flavors and ways you can eat ice-cream pleases her.
17. How prepared is your oc? Ready for the worst no matter what, or completely lost in every situation? Would they have a medkit when it was needed? Would they have an umbrella if it rains?
Super prepared. Now more than ever. He’s always ready for the very worse situation. That’s why he’s the “mom” friend.
50/50. She usually gets ready for a bad outcome, but she’s not the type to walk around with an umbrella if the weather forecast said it would be sunny.
18. How charitable is your oc? Or are they more stingy with their resources and money?
Apollo is stingy. He does give away things if he really doesn’t need them anymore, and he’s usually careful so when he gives something away it’s practically new, but giving money is a no. 
She is charitable, but much like Apollo, she’s more into giving away needed goods like food, meds and clothes, and not so much money. In the middle of a crisys you’d see her volunteering and giving away tons of food and first need goods, but don’t expect her to donate money anytime soon, even if it’s for a cause she believes in.
19. If someone was describing your oc to someone who had never met them, what distinguishing features would they mention? How would one identify your oc in a crowd?
Anika: Apollo is that tall black haired with sharp green eyes. He is will be wearing blue, he always does. He might be wearing glasses if he’s out of contacts. He stands out, tall like a pole.
Apollo: Black girl, black hair, sometimes braids her curls, has the most beautiful black eyes you have ever seen. Always wears yellow or violet. Loves highwaisted everything. She’s always wearing these star earrings, impossible not to spot her in a crowd. Her eyes are like the core of a star, they’re beautiful.
19. Does your oc have any pleasure that embarrasses them so they keep it secret? Or are they open about all the things they enjoy?
Yoga. He does yoga, in leggings. He won’t admit he likes it, and if you ask he’ll deny it. But he likes yoga.
Three words. Rainbow, Unicorn, Onesie. It’s fluffy, it’s colourful, she loves it, but won’t be caught dead wearing it publically and if you ever catch her, she’ll deny it.
20. What is your oc’s stamina like? Would they be able to run a marathon, or not run at all? What about walking/another physical activity? How are they with exercise in general?
Has energy to spare. Plays in the school football team, plays basket and jogs regularly. He could run a marathon and has great grades at Gym class. 
A-okay. She likes football, could probably score well at the mile. Not a marathon fan and doesn’t like running, but does well enough at exercise.
21. How long can your oc stay focused on one task before they get bored? Do they constantly have to switch things up or do they hyperfocus? What sort of things is it the opposite for?
Apollo can focus pretty well at tasks. He doesn’t hyperfocus and sometimes needs to switch things up a bit so he doesn’t bore, but can focus pretty well at the task at hand. Unlike Arlo, he has no attention span issues.
She can stay focused at anything related with magic and art, usually hiperfocuses at easal as it’s her go to stuff. Movies and television bores her and she can’t watch a movie all the way to the end, same with books. Though she enjoys reading, it’s very hard for a story to hold her longer than a few chapters.
22. What is the most annoying sound to your oc? What’s the most pleasant? Is there any reason?
Dogs barking. Like his father and brother, he is not a dog fan, so he hates the sound of dogs barking or howling.
He finds the sound of birds very soothing.
The sound of someone chewing drives her up a wall. She hates it. 
Much like Apollo she enjoys the sound of birds and leaves rustling.
23. What smells bring back specific memories to your oc? What are those memories like?
The scent of earth and plants always remind him off his dad and their garden. Flowers too.
The scent of blood and flesh reminds him of the accident.
The scent of lavender reminds her of her mother, the same with the scent of antiseptic. The later more specifically reminds her of her mother’s illness.
24. How jumpy or easily spooked is your oc? Do they have a fight or flight reflex to being startled, or are they never startled at all?
He isn’t easy to spook, but hearing people yelling puts him on high alert. A yell would activate his fight or flight/heal or kill response. But again, he’s very alert, so he isn’t easy to startle. Mom friend.
Also not particularly easy to startle. You can’t exactly spook her with silly things. But lightening and fire do startle her and scare her, especially after the accident, as lightning and fire are Arlo’s main magical elements. If she gets scared her fight and flight reflex is very present and her first reaction is to run and then fight.
25. How polite is your oc? Do they do everything with the utmost courtesy, or do they completely refuse to say please and thank you?
He’s pretty polite. He doesn’t do everything with the utmost courtesy, but he does have his manners. At first contact he is always polite, but if you behave rudely towards him, he’ll answer in the same coin, though he rarely swears.
Anika is always polite and proper. She doesn’t easily bend to insults, she is used to them, so she always answers with courtesy. She finds proper ways of making things clear to those being complete assholes.
26. How flexible is your oc? Can they touch their toes or do they have trouble just sitting down because of how stiff they are?
Apollo: Very flexible. He does yoga to calm himself, as he is terrible at dealing with frustration and he has a bad temper. So he can bend pretty well anywhere.
Anika: She is also quite flexible. As a young girl, she used to do ballet before her mother got sick and as she enjoys sports, she never really lost that flexibility.
27. What is your oc’s typical walking like? Do they speed-walk everywhere, do they take quick short steps or long paces? On their tiptoe, the sides or heels of their feet? How loud are their footsteps?
Apollo: Long quick steps. He’s tall so he does take very long steps, but he also is loud. He has heavy and loud footsteps, as if he’s always in a hurry.
Anika: Her steps are shorter, but also loud and quick.
28. If your oc was in a video game, what would their idle animation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation that plays.)
Apollo: He’d be shifting weight between his heels and he’d be crossing his arms and looking around annoyed that he’s standing around doing nothing.
Anika: She’d be putting her hand on her waist and shifting weight, checking her nails and hand back to waist.
29. What topics does your oc know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
Apollo: This one a bit unfair because Apollo is a natural born genius and that boy knows a bit of everything. It’s annoying at times.
Anika: She knows a lot about magic and art. She even knows more about magic and art than most people you know. It’s actually debated rather or not she should become a sage, for all her skill and ability.
30. What time of day is your oc most awake? What about most tired? Do they get up at the same time every morning without need of an alarm, or is their sleep schedule all over the place?
Apollo: He’s pretty much a morning person and always gets up at 7 am straight regardless of tiredness degree.
Anika: She’s more of a night-owl and likes to laze in bed in the morning. She’s the type to wake up and spend at least 15 minutes in bed awake getting mentally ready to get up.
31. What five ingredients would you throw into a cauldron to make a potion based on your oc? How would you cook/mix them? What would the potion do?
Apollo: Batteries, gray cat, an Oxford compedium of medecine, a beaker, a football.
Anika: A unicorn, a magic wand, a fantasy book, balett shoes, an easal.
32. Describe your oc’s favourite environment. Urban or rural? Wild or controlled? What’s the climate like?
Apollo: He likes cities. Large cities full of people, the noise of cars and sirens in the background and the sound of people talking. He loves libraries as much as he loves stadiums, this is why he loves cities, because you have a bit of everything.
Anika: She has lived on the countryside her whole life, so that’s what she is used to. She enjoys the quiet and the fresh air, 
33. What would someone blackmail your oc with? Would they be successful in getting what they wanted?
Apollo: His siblings and Anika. You could blackmail Apollo with things related with the wellbeing of Arlo, Syra or Anika and he’d do whatever you wanted. But that’s pretty much it. It’s hard to find other dirt on Apollo as he tends to be a “model” citizen and he’s too smart to let trail when he isn’t.
But with the wellbeing of his family, you’d be garanteed to get your way.
Anika: Once her mother and it was used to get their way. Currently depends, threatening her with Apollo could get your way, also threatening to reveal to her father what she and Apollo truly did that got her mother killed and nearly killed Arlo would also get your way, thankfully only three people know the truth, and that’s her, Apollo and Arlo and they’d rather keep that skeleton burried.
34. How easily does your oc get attached to things? Does everything have a sentimental value to them, or do they see nothing as more valuable than its practical use? What about with people/animals?
She doesn’t get attached to things. She has always been pretty well off in life, so material goods is not something she ever struggled with. The only objects she’s very attached to are her nose piercing, Apollo gifted her, and her easal that used to belong to her mother. 
As for people, Anika is very attached to the people she considers important, same with animals. She doesn’t like loosing people and has a certain dificulty with loss. 
Apollo is stingy, so of course he is attached to objects. With him, any object he aquires must last as long as it’s decribed in it’s run time. He doesn’t like sharing and holds everything he owns as valuable.
As for people and animals. Apollo is less attached to people, he can shut people off his life with an extreme ease. Despite being very popular and loved by his class , his true friends are reduced. Despite feeling an extreme devotion and brotherly love for Arlo, Apollo doesn’t actually consider Arlo his friend. 
35. How stubborn is your oc? Are they easily convinced of the opposite opinion, do they not agree but let it happen anyways? Or do they cause conflicts with their inability to budge in their decisions?
A natural born genius and leader, so he is often right on what he says as right. If you’re denying facts he will not step down from his opinion or his decision if he is sure he is right. But as a genius he actually can be quite reasonable and accept opposing positions as long as they make sense.
Not stubborn at all. She likes to hear all points of a decision or opinion and will respect opposing positions. When coming to decisions, she usually prefers to make informed decisions, so she often waits until she has all sides of the coin known. 
36. How much has your oc traveled? Why is this? Would they like to travel more? Or are they perfectly fine with staying home?
Not particularly well traveled. He has traveled to a parallel universe, but he’s been bound to a specific locations of this universe. Outside from this, only a student outing to Granite Falls.
He’d like to travel more. He wants to visit Mt Komorebi when he’s financially stable.
Quite well traveled as a kid. Went to Oasis Springs, Del Sol Valley, Sulani and even mt Komerobi.
She likes traveling, but she’s perfectly fine staying at home.
37. What signs tell that your oc is nervous? Do they fidget, is it in their expression or the way they say things? Or are they very skilled at hiding it?
Apollo: It’s easy to see when he gets nervous, as his temper flares. He usually starts talking louder as if to get heard and he frowns profusely if nervous. He also fidgets his feet around and nervous taps. It’s clear in his expression.
Anika: When nervous she pulls on her lower lip repeatedly. 
38. How superstitious your oc? Do they end up following them ‘just in case’? Or are superstitions incredibly important to your oc? What are some that they believe? What about the ones they don’t?
Apollo: Is not supersticious at all. His scientific and magical knowledge is too great for him to actually believe in supersticions. One supersticion he has however is that after 2:30 am nothing good happens. So because of this supersticion, when he’s on a night out, he usually returns home around 2, 2:30, but never stays past it.
Anika: Anika does believe in some supersticions. Namely the friday the thirteenth being a day of renewal and strong magic. 2020 being an unlucky number and black cats being the best familiars.
39. Are there any habits your oc has picked up from people around them? Do they know where they’re from? Does your oc try to stop themselves from doing it?
Apollo: He has picked Anika’s way of speach and expressions. He doesn’t stop himself from doing it.
Anika: She hasn’t really picked any habit from anyone. She’s pretty much her own self.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years ago
OK, June 8
Cover: Cher Turns 74 -- in hiding and in love 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Kristin Chenoweth in a Winnie the Pooh onesie with boyfriend Josh Bryant and her dog Thunder 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Kristin Cavallari dating again -- she’s ready for romance just one month after her split from husband Jay Cutler 
Page 6: Meghan Markle chronicled her time in the U.K. in a secret diary and the revelation has sent The Firm into a tailspin -- it’s confirmed everyone’s worst fears that Meghan has them over a barrel and could bring them down with the click of a finger 
Page 7: After Jennifer Lopez’s daughter Emme wowed the crowd with a surprise appearance during the Super Bowl halftime show J.Lo’s ready to take on the full-time role of stage mom as the 12-year-old preps to release a bilingual children’s book of prayers, three years after her split from music producer Jack Antonoff it seems Lena Dunham is still nursing a broken heart so much so that’s it’s affecting her day-to-day life, after more than 15 years of friendship Ashton Kutcher and Dax Shepard are still thick as thieves 
Page 8: Though it’s been two years since Tom Hardy wrapped up filming as the titular character in Capone which has just recently been released but the renowned Method actor still can’t get out of the notorious gangster’s mindset so much so that even his wife Charlotte Riley who is used to Tom’s extreme behavior during a film shoot is rattled by his demeanor and she’s telling him not to take any more weirdo roles because it affects their personal life, Jon Hamm is desperate to work intimately with January Jones again and the quickest path to that is through a Mad Men reunion -- Jon still feels deeply connected to January and in a lot of ways she’s the closest he’s had to a real-life spouse after the years they spent as an onscreen couple, The Bachelorette Hannah Brown is feeling the consequences of her actions after blurting out the N-word while singing along to DaBaby’s track Rockstar in an Instagram Live video and she apologized immediately but the backlash has been pretty brutal 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- silver gowns -- Diane Kruger, Reese Witherspoon, Janelle Monae 
Page 11: Nina Kiri, Catherine Zeta-Jones 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Betty Gilpin vs. Nina Dobrev ✅, Chiara Ferragni vs. Dakota Fanning ✅
Page 13: Kaia Gerber vs. Nicky Hilton Rothschild ✅
Page 14: News in Photos -- during her televised City of Lover Concert Taylor Swift unveiled a few personal photos from her trip to France last September 
Page 15: Pierce Brosnan congratulated son Dylan for graduating from the USC School of Cinematic Arts, Vanessa Hudgens, Adriana Lima relaxing in Florida, Ariana Grande shows off her new butterfly tattoo in an Instagram selfie 
Page 16: Lance Bass pointed out his platinum locks before dyeing them blue, Gwyneth Paltrow shared a snap of her and Chris Martin’s daughter Apple 
Page 17: Adam Sandler on a bike, Kate Beckinsale brushes her cat Clive, Elizabeth Hurley and her dog Ava, Britney Spears 
Page 18: Dean McDermott and son Beau playing golf, Sara Gilbert and estranged wife Linda Perry with son Rhodes at an L.A. park, Melissa Gorga played basketball with kids Antonia and Gino and Joey 
Page 19: Drew Barrymore read to her Instagram followers to take part in the Save With Stories fund, Shawn Johnson East and daughter Drew, Pink and kids Jameson and Willow
Page 20: Color Theory -- these ladies brightened up their looks at home -- Elle Fanning, Lottie Moss 
Page 21: Taraji P. Henson, Jennifer Love Hewitt 
Page 22: Arnold Schwarzenegger on a bike, Brooke Burke filmed a new exercise routine for her fitness app, Devon Windsor is having way too much fun doing physical couples challenges with husband Jonathan Barbara
Page 23: Josh Hutcherson on a bike ride around the neighborhood, Nicole Scherzinger and her boyfriend Thom Evans demonstrated easy workouts you can do at home, Venus Williams on the tennis court in Palm Beach Gardens 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Kelly Clarkson’s modern mansion in L.A.’s ritzy Encino community is for sale for $9.9 million 
Page 26: What went wrong between Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox 
Page 27: Blake Shelton is worried history will repeat itself now that he and girlfriend Gwen Stefani have splashed out $13 million for a mansion in L.A. which is their first home together but Blake thought things were going great with ex-wife Miranda Lambert until they really started pooling their money and putting down roots then they started to fall apart with arguments and bad feelings, just weeks after Ashley Benson and Cara Delevingne ended their two-year relationship Ashley was spotted locking lips with rapper G-Eazy but an insider claims it’s more of a rebound than a full-fledged romance, Ariel Winter and her boyfriend Luke Benward are talking marriage just six months into their romance
Page 28: Scott Disick and his girlfriend of two years Sofia Richie are taking some time apart and the official line is that Sofia’s giving him space to work on his personal issues but everyone knows they were hanging by a thread before his rehab stint, Ryan Reynolds has kicked up his workout regimen while at home in Bedford during the quarantine and it’s all about maintaining his physique and being able to fit into his tight Deadpool gear at a moment’s notice and she’s trying to get wife Blake Lively to join him in his three-times-a-day workouts but she’s become much more relaxed about staying in shape since becoming a mom, Love Bites -- Jaime King and husband Kyle Newman split, Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix expecting, Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner welcomed a son 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Inside Cher’s Private World -- from ongoing health issues to her secret new romance sources tell all about Cher’s wild life 
Page 34: Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s unbreakable bond -- inside the Olsen twins special relationship and how Ashley is helping Mary-Kate move past her messy divorce 
Page 36: Matthew Perry on the mend -- after a rough few weeks Matthew has started to get his life back in order 
Page 38: Exes tackling quarantine together -- these former celeb couples have chosen to hunker down with each other. What could go wrong? -- Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson, Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, Mario and Ramona Singer 
Page 39: Tyler Cameron and Hannah Brown, Jesse Metcalfe and Cara Santana, Getting Some Space -- these still-coupled duos have socially distanced from each other -- Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich, Johnny McDaid and Courteney Cox, Emma Heming and Bruce Willis 
Page 40: Interview -- Dua Lipa opens up about her new album and her life off stage 
Page 42: Summer Stunners -- swimsuit models spill fitness and diet secrets that will have you beach-ready in no time -- Nina Agdal, Irina Shayk 
Page 43: Emily Ratajkowski, Olivia Culpo 
Page 46: Style Week -- Gabrielle Union recently unveiled her Spring/Summer 2020 NY&Co collection with a sizzling campaign shot in Miami’s Little Haiti 
Page 48: Summersalt X Tanya Taylor swim collection, Katy Perry’s favorite headband 
Page 50: Warm-weather must haves -- Emily Ratajkowski 
Page 52: Beauty -- fast and east beauty boosters -- Kristen Bell, Ashley Graham 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 58: Buzz -- Sarah Jessica Parker commemorated her and Matthew Broderick’s 23rd wedding anniversary with an IG tribute 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Ellie Goulding occasionally fasts for 40 hours, Jonah Hill is the actor who swears the most in his films, Ryan Seacrest’s droopy eye and slurred speech during the American Idol finale was from exhaustion, Mindy Kaling will be cowriting the Legally Blonde 3 script, Brad Pitt recorded a surprise message for Missouri State University grads, Kanye West’s former bodyguard Steve Stanulis revealed his time working for the rapper 
Page 61: Sound Bites -- Chris Evans on why he caved and joined Instagram, Catherine Zeta-Jones on why her husband Michael Douglas doesn’t use TikTok, Ellie Kemper on shooting the Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt special with Daniel Radcliffe, Ryan Reynolds on quarantining with his three daughters 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Gemini Heidi Klum 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Denise Richards 
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julesplanb-blog · 7 years ago
Don’t cross the themes!
The following note contains heavy spoilers about the plot of both 1984 & 2016 Ghostbusters movies, and a tiny one - a line of dialogue - from Ocean’s 8.
“Having only girls in the new Ghostbusters movie makes no sense and is as sexist as having only males, you -”
Ok so, this is where I’m gonna cut that quote from about 78 random dudes sharing their opinion on Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters with me (so much love I did not ask for <3), because this is usually where said opinion goes from PG to NC-17. I said in a previous note that arguing with people about movies was one of the greatest things in life... provided that people’s opinions were at least a tad respectful, and a tad built on something, ANYTHING, beyond basic casual hatred for women (oh hello, guys who want to remake The Last Jedi!). That being said, I’m going to be the bigger person here and still take time to answer those 78 gentlemen with a little piece on why, in my humble opinion, having women in the Ghostbusters reboot not only makes sense, but makes it a more functioning movie when it comes to characters and even themes. Ok, let’s do this.
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First things first: while I’m interested in comparison, I don't think it's relevant to try and rank the 2 movies: I personally enjoy the 2016 more, but I can acknowledge its weaknesses. It’s just than what works in it is way more compelling to me as a viewer (and, yes, as a female viewer). On the other hand, I’ll admit the qualities of the original, mostly to be an effortless piece of good writing, but it’s weaker where the 2016 shines, and vice-versa. Ultimately, those are 2 different movies, actually telling two different stories. Yes, I know, both are about a team of semi-misfits chasing ghosts. But one story focus (1984) is around a philosophical idea, and the second is about human/women condition (2016). One is built around a (fun, entertaining and functioning) concept, i.e. busting ghosts, the other is about characters paths. To the point where I think there’s close to no character arc in the original Ghostbusters. I mean think about it: how did the characters changed between beginning and end? When the film starts, they already know each other’s, have a functioning relationship and it turns out all along that they were pretty much right on everything from the start. They’re not exactly challenged on their beliefs, way to see the world, behaviours or just plain personalities, not even Bill Murray’s Peter Venkman, when this character is actually both a jerk and a fraud. Sure, Sigourney Weaver’s Dana calls him a fraud at some point, but this is a Tchekov gun being flashed without being shot, since from there, Dana is possessed by Zuul and kind of written off the movie (which is a shame). Now, I won’t make this piece a full digression on why Peter Venkman is a jerk and how this fact could make us file the movie itself under “lovable but still a bit problematic”, yet this still deserves a couple lines because when you look closely: Peter Venkman is a jerk, borderline creepy (and the movie never gives us fuel to think otherwise, for real). Actually, Peter Venkman is pretty much what the bad guy of Ghostbusters 2016 (Rowan) could have become if he had any kind of power. We see Peter act just the way Rowan would if he had the upper hand on someone: he cheats on his own experiment, abuses a student as a faculty, make creepy innuendos to women who did not ask for this...  I make this point because as the 2016 bad guy, Rowan makes perfect sense. Meanwhile, there’s no actual human big bad in the 1984 version, because there’s no specific reason for the events to happen when they happen.
Exactly, why is New York infected by ghosts in the original Ghostbusters? Ok, I wasn’t alive back in 1984 and maybe there's something I miss, a reference to a historical “mood” if you’ll have it, maybe an “end of the world vibe” I don’t not know about. But between some obvious referencing to Exorcist and the general comedic tone of the film, I’ve always watched Ghostbusters as some kind of parody or reappropriation of a genre, and not a reflection of its time. And it’s okay. All of the above (well, maybe not Venkman never being called on his jerkiness): the lack of proper character arcs, human villain or symbolic reason for the infestation to happen. First, because, thanks to great dialogues & great acting by already beloved actors, we still care for those guys. But more important: because you can have great stories without it. Stories propulsed by something else than character development, such as... a theme. And 1984 Ghostbusters statement is a pretty damn interesting one: science beats superstition, well, science can explain supernatural, science beats ghosts, science beats freakin’ Gods, so man can beat god. Seriously, This is a great theme, and the script is nicely built around it, up to an ending where we see nerds vanquish a god with scientific tech. 1984 Ghosbusters makes writing choices and works, and as a movie about defeating incarnations of both childhood and adulthood fears (monsters and gods) it turns out to be a smart and timeless piece of pop culture. 
Now you can argue that if it’s timeless, did it really needed to be rebooted in the first place? But see, the beauty of this reboot is that it does not try to redo the same thing. Because the 2016 Ghostbusters makes completely different writing choices, revolves around something else entirely, and if its theme also features some universal / timeless aspects, its treatment makes it a very relevant piece to the time it came out. So let’s break it down: 
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First, I believe its writing to be deeply entwined with characters’ flaws and development. What they want, what they lack, is the main propulsion for the story. And if we agree to say Kristen Wiig’s Erin Gilbert is our main character here, what she wants is consideration by her pairs. You can argue she has that at the beginning: teacher in a decent university, about to get tenure, but remember that to get this far, she had to leave behind her best friend and what she actually believed in. She had to fit. Meanwhile Abby is still working on what she wants but in a D-list school and only because the dean has no idea who she is. Both have to hide what matters to them to be included. And this theme as well as Erin’s relationship with Abby is one of the pivot point of the movie: the past and the complicated present of the characters weigh into the script, introduce conflict, propulsion and ultimately, resolution.
But this quest for being legit really works for the 4 of our characters: Abby & Jillian get their a** fired as soon as the dean actually remembers what they’re working on. Patty too: while she works un ungrateful job below the surface, she actually knows the city above ground better than any other character, not only places and localisation but historical perspective, arts... (It’s also interesting to note, if we want to compare the 2 movies that in 1984, Dana sees a ghost and become a client of the Ghostbusters (then a victim of said ghost). In 2016, the woman who sees a ghost, i.e. Patty, joins the team as a Ghostbuster herself. Women are no more plot devices here: they have they own agendas & needs, they’re the engine of the story.)
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So you have this characters trying to be acknowledged as professionals, which works perfectly with the concept “scientists turning into ghosts hunters”. But what’s even better: it works perfectly with an all-female group of characters. Why? Well, because in real life, you can totally be denied the legitimacy you deserve just. for. being. a. woman.
It’s also completely in resonance with a movie about sorority and the way girls have to stick out for each other (Abby & Erin reconciliation). Sexism could actually be seen as the villain here. It’s a picture paint with small brushes (and that’s something to add to the film credit) but it’s there: the little jokes about online comments - an obvious yes short nod to the guys who managed to troll the movie notation before it even came out (isn’t it grand though? I mean those douchebags are so freaking predictable Paul Feig managed to write them in before they even manifest themselves) - the dean behaviour... Apart from that, 2016 Ghostbusters does not state out loud the fact those women are depreciated for being women, for it doesn’t need to. Because you know what? Women knows. And it's their freaking film.
Of course the clearest illustration of that idea has to be the bad guy. Rowan is indeed a misogynist jerk, but beyond that, is the perfect incarnation of those women antagonist in 2016. So in 1984 Ghostbusters, we don’t know exactly why the wall between the worlds is getting thinner right now: the guy behind it is a god and well, gods work in mysterious ways. But in 2016, the grand master is a human. Because that version is not about god vs men, it’s about men vs men. Because not all men / humans are equal. 
It makes perfect sense her to have the ghosts being summoned by a villain who happens to be a persona of entitled jerks feeling they’re not recognized for their true value (hey! theme again!). Except Rowan / those guys are not denied respect on an essentialist aspect of themselves (being a woman, black, gay...) but because they’re actually not as good as they thing they are.
It's a (lighter, more comedy-compatible) version of that awfully sad and way too real guy who randomly shoot at people because one girl turned down his advances one day, the guy blaming his lack of acknowledgement by the society on society being unfair to him, but deciding that the best course of action is to destroy said society instead of proving it wrong. While Abby, Erin, Jillian and Patty decide to take action and working their a** off on proving they ARE RIGHT (to extreme extend too, with Erin releasing the ghost to prove a point in her need for legitimacy), Rowan just wants to burn it all, to no one’s benefit but his own crave for power and destruction. Do you see why that guy nemesis needed to be a Erin Gilbert and not a Peter Venkman?
Having women serves the movie all the way, up till the end. And as a character-driven movie, its script does the best possible thing: giving characters, not what they wanted, but what they needed. For in the end, it’s not that much about acknowledgment (though the skyline scene is heartwarming <3) for the city still ask the theam to be super discreet, it’s about doing what you want regardless of people’s opinion, knowking yourself that you are good at what you’re doing, and doing it because you are good at it. Trust me boys, that speaks to every girl here.
In fact everything in the new Ghostbusters makes sense for the viewers of its time. Which is exactly what a good reboot should do. It’s all in the details, and mostly in the references to the previous one.
The Ghostbuster 2016 doesn't aim at telling the 1984 one is bad, but states that things have changed. The references are smart and symbolic but not too obvious that a new viewer would miss a plot point for not knowing it. It’s the perfect balance: taking what worked and was good and put it in a different time. And the times, they are a-changing, people. Sometimes for the better, such as Bill Murray being again a jerk but getting punished for it, sometimes for worse.
For instance : the brownstone that the guys get at the beginning of 1984 but the girls can’t afford before the end, stating, maybe, just maybe, that women or in this instance, that this new generation will have to work harder for stuff such as rent. And take the biggest symbol / reference to the original: the giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
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In this movie, he’s not being defeated by high tech, but by the Swiss army knife “every girl should have on her” (because, yes, being a girl is a source of danger just by itself). While the cast of the new movie is literally being smothered by the incarnation of the previous movie, by the “good old times”, the girl who finally came to believe in herself defeats it by "being a girl" If this not exhilarating metaphor, what is? This is both an homage and refusal to say "original is better because it's the first!" Nope, times change, women are here to claim their places in movies, in the real world, and that new Ghostbusters wasn't gender swapped for nothing, it was because it fits tis day and age, and it was because it fits the theme
Ghostbusters 2016 is grounded in its time, thus being not a useless reboot but a reappropriation of a great idea, playing it across a different era in terms of economy, society, women position...
It's not gratuitous. It's better this way.
Now, I’m aware this piece comes out a bit late to end it on “go see the new Ghostbusters ladies, it rocks and those trolls are just petty men realizing the world is not ENTIRELY them anymore”.  So I’m going to end it on “go see Ocean’s 8 ladies, it rocks and those trolls are just...” you get the point. Truth is: Ocean’s 8 is a decent summer movie, functioning, fun, witty and supported by a great cast.   
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It also acknowledges, in *one line*, why the team is only women, in a very clever, resonant way: it’s smarter to make a heist with women, because women are ignored. That’s it. The movie doesn’t say more, doesn’t need to say more. Because women know that’s true, know they’re not as visible and considered as their male co-workers even when doing an equal or better job. Women will get it just hearing that line. And it’s their freaking movie. You know what’s the narrative justification for Ocean’s 11 (11!) or original Ghostbusters to be all male? Well, there isn’t any. Because that was just default setting. And boy am I glad to see this changing. Even if it’s just line by line.
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the-collective · 8 years ago
Willing to answer all them?
Always up for a challenge, have fun reading all this shit 😂1. The meaning behind my url: Answered2. A picture of me: I'll upload one shortly3. How many tattoos i have and what they are: A few, Charmander on my ankle, "Turn wounds into wisdom" along my arm, a little anchor on my thumb, an unalome one the back of my left arm, a compass on the back of my right arm, "My mind is a colourful place in the darkest of shades" on the back of my head/down my neck, a little mandala on top of my left hand and an elephant mandala on my left forearm4. Last time i cried and why: Few days ago because I found out someone has been trying to bait my dog 5. Piercings i have: None!6. Favorite band: Front Porch Step7. Biggest turn offs: Answered 8. Top 5 (insert subject): Need a subject 9. Tattoos i want: So many10. Biggest turn ons: Answered but also anything is a turn on if the right person does it11. Age: Twenty one12. Ideas of a perfect date: Something spontaneous where we talk about everything and anything 13. Life goal: To be able to remember the positive things rather than the negative14. Piercings i want: None really15. Relationship status: Very single16. Favorite movie: Answered17. A fact about my life: I've been through too much for someone my age18. Phobia: Hospitals19. Middle name: Louise20. Height: Just under 170cm21. Are you a virgin? Nope22. What’s your shoe size? 7-823. What’s your sexual orientation? Queer24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? I smoke but am cutting down, rarely drink and rarely do drugs25. Someone you miss: My mum26. What’s one thing you regret? Losing track of someone before I could put them in jail.27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Kristen Stewart28. Favorite ice cream? Changes but vanilla is great29. One insecurity: Scars30. What my last text message says: Answered31. Have you ever taken a picture naked? Amazingly not32. Have you ever painted your room? Yes33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Sure have34. Have you ever slept naked? Yep35. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? Fuck yes36. Have you ever had a crush? Sure have37. Have you ever been dumped? Yes38. Have you ever stole money from a friend? Nope39. Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? Yes40. Have you ever been in a fist fight? No, I hate violence41. Have you ever snuck out of your house? Never needed to42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Yees43. Have you ever been arrested? Nope44. Have you ever made out with a stranger? Hahaha yeaaah45. Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Yep46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? Probably47. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? Nope48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? Not really49. Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Life would be shit if I hadn't50. Have you ever seen someone die? Yep, watched someone die slowly over a course of 5 years and also watched.someone die right in front of me51. Have you ever been on a plane? Yes52. Have you ever kissed a picture? Not that I can remember53. Have you ever slept in until 3? Lol ive slept in much later than 354. Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? This doesnt make sense but no not right now55. Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? All the time56. Have you ever made a snow angel? Nope, never seem the snow 😭57. Have you ever played dress up? Of course58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game? Probably59. Have you ever been lonely? When am I ever not lonely60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? Probably 61. Have you ever been to a club? Yes 62. Have you ever felt an earthquake? Yes63. Have you ever touched a snake? A lot I grew up on a farm64. Have you ever ran a red light? Nope65. Have you ever been suspended from school? No66. Have you ever had detention? Yes67. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah did a few flips too68. Have you ever hated the way you look? Definitely 69. Have you ever witnessed a crime? Many times70. Have you ever pole danced? As a joke yes71. Have you ever been lost? In life, all the time ha72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? Kind of in a way I guess73. Have you ever felt like dying? Way too many times74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Again, way too many times75. Have you ever sang karaoke? Yeees 76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Unfortunately 77. Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yep78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? 8 years older 79. Have you ever kissed in the rain? Yes80. Have you ever sang in the shower? Who doesnt? 81. Have you ever made out in a park? Yes82. Have you ever dream that you married someone? Amazingly not 83. Have you ever glued your hand to something? Lol yes84. Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No 85. Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? I went skinny dipping in the school pool once 86. Have you ever been a cheerleader? Nope87. Have you ever sat on a roof top? A lot of times88. Have you ever brush your teeth? Who tf doesn't ew89. Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? No I love them90. Have you ever played chicken? Nope91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? Amazingly yes93. Have you ever broken a bone? Yes, knuckles and toes 94. Have you ever been easily amused? Yes95. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Yes96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? Nope97. Have you ever cheated on a test? Yes98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? Yes99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? God yes100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows? I talk to my mum more than I talk to others about my problems
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thewebofslime · 6 years ago
national Log in education Christchurch's Cashmere High School principal Mark Wilson resigns Adele Redmond 17:43, Jan 07 2019 Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Comments22 SUPPLIED Mark Wilson is leaving Cashmere High School after 10 years as principal. The principal of Christchurch's second largest school, Cashmere High, has resigned. Mark Wilson will leave his post of nearly 10 years at the end of Term 1 to become executive principal of Kristin College in Auckland. "While I will be very sad that my time as principal here at Cashmere is coming to a close, I leave knowing it is in a very strong place," Wilson said. "The very difficult challenges we have all faced over the past ten years have actually deepened my love and connection with this school and its community." READ MORE: * Cashmere High School unveils $21.8m rebuild proposal * Christchurch schools reject 'extreme' open plan spaces * Family moving house to get into Cashmere High not alone Wilson led the school through the Canterbury earthquakes, site-sharing with Linwood College in 2011. While it had faced some "extreme difficulties", the school's growing profile meant it did not share many other schools' issues with teacher retention, Wilson said. Cashmere has become a victim of its own success in recent years, enrolling hundreds more students than it had space for in 2018. Its board shrunk the school's enrolment zone last year in response to the growth. It is also pursuing a $22 million redevelopment, with an 800-seat performing arts centre due to be completed in July. "Once completed, the property facilities here are going to be absolutely stunning," Wilson said. In a letter to families on Monday, board of trustees chairman Geordie Hooft said Cashmere had benefited from Wilson's "inspiring leadership ... through challenging times". Wilson's "highly valued" leadership had helped grow the school's reputation and success, Hooft said. "Mark leaves Cashmere High School in a strong position." Recruitment for a new principal will begin as soon as possible. Stuff Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Comments22 Comments Login/Join to post a comment Read Stuff's rules for comments Post 22 Comments SortSubscribeRSS 60 days ago 4WatItsWorth Great loss for Cashmere as Mark is a great leader. All the best Mark ReplyShare+1 61 days ago Merlin19 All the best Mark. I always enjoyed working with you as a student. Proud of what you have achieved. Graham Y ReplyShare+4 61 days ago Delboy12 Congratulations Mark, you are a tireless worker and inspirational leader. I feel privileged to have had my children under your guidance. You deserve every success. ReplyShare+4 62 days ago Waveslam I know Mark both professionally and personally and he is the most genuine, capable and decent guy you will ever meet. I am genuinely sad to see him go as he has done an amazing job of building Cashmere to what it is now, and a bloody nice guy to boot. Good on you Mark! ReplyShare+8 62 days ago Stout1 Ten years is too long in that position. Move on and get some new blood into the place. ReplyShare4 replies-26 62 days ago davegranger Says the renowned educationalist! ReplyShare2 replies+12 61 days ago Stout1 Goes for any job these days, if you read between the lines, he can’t handle the pace of the growth of the school. You no nothing of my background in education by the way. Share-10 61 days ago cynicas Someone else reading between the lines! Ten years in a huge school is no walk in the park, especially in these days of change and people get burnt out. Some can’t accept that. Good luck to him. Share+6 62 days ago Original cantab Actually 10 years is about right. The 5 years recommended by Bali Haque is too short. It takes 5 years for a year-group to progress through a secondary school so up to 5 years means that the previous principal's students (and thus values) are still in the school. So after 5 years the principal can really see the outcome of their efforts as all the students have came through under their system. But anything over 10 years and they mostly do go a bit stale. 15 - 20 years and they may as well not be there. I worked for one principal and the joke was that instead of announcing he would be away for a day or two, he would announce when he would actually be at school. This left the school effectively with no leader and hence no coordination/cohesion. Individual senior managers started progressing their own (opposing) individual agendas and the place fell apart. Worst piece is that the principal held his job for another 5 years before retiring. ReplyShare+9 62 days ago FishGirl Congratulations Mark, you have been an inspirational leader. Cashmere have been lucky to have you for the past 10 years. Best wishes for your new job. ReplyShare+13 62 days ago Beanzo Moving from the state sector to a priviledged middle class school on the North Shore that charges $22K plus per year - he might have some skills as a principal but hardly a career to be proud of that contributes to making NZ a fair and equitible society. Hopefully Cashmere will benefit from getting a new principal with a social justice conscience who lives those values him/herself and inspires them in teachers and learners ReplyShare10 replies-39 62 days ago Coyote1 Who do you think you are? You obviously know nothing about this fine man who has served Cashmere High School superbly well and who has every right to accept a position that benefits him and his family. You sound like some sort of communist. How about you start by giving us all a list of your distinguished achievements and contributions to making NZ a fair and equitable society? ReplyShare1 reply+15 62 days ago John D M ‘some sort of communist’.... really? I agree they are pretty fowl comments but I can’t really see communist doctrine espoused. Share+4 62 days ago R Drew Why so angry? Good wishes to him I say. ReplyShare+20 62 days ago Billx35 He has done a great job, and as a parent I am grateful for his contribution. Teachers and Principals are undervalued and underpaid, and good on him for taking the opportunity to earn more than in the public sector. We are only on the planet once. ReplyShare2 replies+15 61 days ago Clerk At the grand salary of $400k+ for this role...not underpaid in my humble opinion Share0 61 days ago Billx35 Clerk. I was talking about state school Principals salaries. Share+2 62 days ago Waveslam So in your view of the world, nobody should try and better themselves then? Should we all just sit round whining when other people move ahead with life while we sit back and watch? Perhaps you would prefer Mark to be a man with no ambition or vision or drive, as perhaps that's more what you would prefer to see in a ahigh school principal? Grow up and join the real world, man. ReplyShare+8 62 days ago davegranger Not one of the world's great learners there, Beanzo1. Two words you could brush-up on with your own spelling: privileged and equitable. ReplyShare+10 61 days ago FeralCoaster Why should he not pursue a career move that benefits him professionally? Why do people like you think that just because someone is a teacher they have to disadvantage themselves for the greater good constantly? What are you personally doing that's so great for a fair and equitable society we might well ask. ReplyShare+8 61 days ago R S What a lot of hot air,trotting out platitudes. You don't have to be in a low decile school to have a social conscience. A tinge of envy coming through. He has led the school to success and his legacy can be built on. A fair and equable society is a lofty aim but life is not fair,wake up to opportunities out there and do your bit. ReplyShare+3 62 days ago Cmon Sense A job very well done. Cashmere’s loss and Kristen’s gain ReplyShare+22 most popular Denver Chance: further sightings of missing Auckland man Pink blasts fan in sweary swipe after criticism of family photo posted on social media Black Caps v Bangladesh live - second test Christchurch man upset at being fined for parking outside his own home Capital gains tax should be just the start, says Green co-leader Marama Davidson Luke Perry's fiancee Wendy Madison Bauer breaks silence after his death Bankrupt builder fitted out multimillion-dollar penthouses, leaving workers hungry at Christmas Question mark hangs over 31 homes bought for Wellington's second Mt Victoria Tunnel School spends $1.2 million on overseas travel including business class flights and five star hotels Meghan Markle wears Karen Walker jewellery at International Women's Day panel in London Stuff FibreIndexedNeighbourlyDeath NoticesAdvertisingCareersPrivacy PolicyTerms & ConditionsContact Us Breaking news? 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trendingnewsb · 8 years ago
Are You a Potential Entrepreneur? These 15 Signs Can Tell You the Answer
So you think that you’re ready to become an entrepreneur? It’s not all glitz and glamour, and for most people, it takes dedication, time and a lot of late nights to get a business off the ground. Being an entrepreneur is one of the most difficult ways to earn a living, but also one of the most rewarding. These 15 signs, all backed up by successful business people and entrepreneurs, show the qualities you need to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur. How many do you see in yourself?
A Fiercely Determined Mind
The first thing that you will need to be an entrepreneur is ironclad determination. Someone that doesn’t give up at the first sign of difficulty.
When asked about what it takes to become a entrepreneur, Nitin Aswani, Founder & Head of Product of Oganikk Superfoods[1] said,
You can brush off negative, non-constructive criticism; you know that if you want to satisfy everyone, you should just sell ice cream. You are driven by purpose and are passionate – you understand that money is an output of resolving customer problems, not the other way round.
Always Go For The Leading Role
When you work with people in a group, do you find that you can’t help but assume a leadership role? Do you take it personally if a project doesn’t live up to your expectations? Then you might have what it takes to run your own business.
Evan Harris, Co-Founder & CEO of SD Equity Partners[2] explains,
The difference between a manager and a leader is vast. Just because you have held a management position for X number of years, does not mean you will succeed as an entrepreneur. To be a great entrepreneur, you must be able to lead. Your team needs to believe in your vision and trust that you can get them there. You need to inspire and incite passion. These are the qualities of a leader, not a manager. One who has these leadership qualities is on the path to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Gritty? Okay.
A true entrepreneur isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty when needed, as did founder of Kent Dating[3]. He said,
In the early days of your startup, you will likely be doing a lot of the grunt work yourself until you can afford to hire some additional help. Be prepared to get into the trenches and get dirty, metaphorically speaking.
A Goer For Risks
Are you prepared to be yelled at by your customers the moment that something in your business goes wrong? As an entrepreneur, you will be in charge of dealing with difficult people. You’ll also need to be ready to give up time, comfort, and financial security if you expect your business to stand a chance. Evan Harris, Co-Founder & CEO of SD Equity Partners[4] said,
Starting your own business generally involves taking a lot of risks. In order to be successful, you must be able to understand the risks involved in a decision but also know that there will always be risk and not allow it to hold you back. Someone who can assess risk and then make an informed decision, without being sidelined by fear, is definitely an entrepreneur in the making.
On risk-taking, Fred D. Winchar, President of Max Cash Title Loans[5] adds,
You are a risk taker but only when the risk is in your favor. You don’t blindly risk but when you do, you are confident you will win.
A Contrarian
When everyone else says “why?”, you say “why not?” You don’t just want to go along with business as usual; you want to really mix things up and change the world for the better. Gene Caballero, Co-Founder of GreenPal[6], is this kind of person who said,
One of the most important character traits of a successful entrepreneur is they have to be contrarian – but right. Contrarians are the ones that challenge the majority but have the stubbornness to see an idea through till the end.
Always Asking To Know More
Were you the kind of child that took the family appliances apart to try and figure out how they worked? You likely have the inquisitive mindset necessary to start a business.
Jeff Kear, Founder of Planning Pod[7] says
Are you are always interested in learning other parts of the business in which you work even though they aren’t your responsibility and you might annoy others working in those roles or departments? When I had jobs prior to running my own businesses, I was always asking questions and looking into ways to improve how I worked and how the business functioned.
Unsettled With Traditional 9 to 5 Roles
Are you bored with your day job, doing the same task over and over? Does it all feel meaningless, and like you’re just undervalued and lining someone else’s pockets with your hard work? It might be time to get into business for yourself:
Ben Taylor, Founder of Home Working Club[8] says,
If you feel constantly stifled in traditional jobs and convinced you could do things better, this probably marks you out as an entrepreneur-type – so long as those convictions are based on reality!
Kristen Gagné, Founder of Webtawks[9] adds,
The typical 9-5 job feels wrong. You loath office politics. You detest being put in a corporate box. You don’t feel the value in working in a position that isn’t useful. You feel stifled.
Comfortable With The Unknown
Entrepreneurs are comfortable with the fact they may not know where or who their next paycheck is coming from: “You are more than comfortable losing everything you have until you succeed. Everything. You live your life “all chips in” and if you lose, you are prepared to live like a pauper till you get another opportunity to win” says Fred D. Winchar, President, Max Cash Title Loans.
Sarah Glass, Founder of Kent Singles [10] adds,
You’re comfortable with the unknown. You enjoy not knowing what one day will be like to the next. You enjoy the process of not having all the answers. Predictability is boring.
A Jack-Of-All-Trades
An entrepreneur wears a lot of different hats in their business. Early on in your business, you may be in charge of sales, customer service, accounting, marketing, manufacture, and other tasks all by yourself. You will definitely need to be able to budget your time and complete multiple different tasks.
On what makes you a great potential entrepreneur, Steven Benson, Founder and CEO of Badger Maps[11] says,
When you have the basic blocking and tackling in each area of business – Sales, Marketing, Technology, Accounting, Finance etc. A big surprise to a lot of people who start companies is how much time they need to spend selling to be successful. You need to be a jack of all trades, because a big miss in any of these areas can be company killing.
A Doer Rather Than A Sayer
Many people sit and dream, but an entrepreneur actually takes action and turns their dreams into a reality. You can’t just think about great business ideas and have them magically happen; you’re going to need to actually put in some hard work. As what Fred D. Winchar, President of Max Cash Title Loans[12] says,
The difference between a potential entrepreneur and a SUCCESSFUL Entrepreneur is the ones who can truly live a life that others fear to live and know others will mock you as you live out your dreams. Inside, your heart is burning to be more than just an employee and you know that you are relentless in your pursuit to make it. Their fear is not yours.
A Meticulous Planner
A good entrepreneur plans for any possible outcomes. You need to think in advance of any opportunities or risk that may impact your business and have action plans to adjust accordingly.
Steven Benson, Founder and CEO of Badger Maps[13] says
I think that a great indication of being a potential entrepreneur is when you consider yourself a ‘planner’. That’s someone who really enjoys planning things, whether it’s events or business strategies. If you are going to run your own business, you have to get used to thinking a couple of steps ahead and you have to develop a concrete action plan to get started.
You also know how to manage your time on a day-to-day basis, Brandon Latack, President of 651 Lab[14] , once said,
Deciding how you are going to spend your time throughout the day is one of the key aspects of being a successful entrepreneur. You and Elon Musk are both given 24 hours in a day. Use those hours wisely.
No Fear For Hard Work
You’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Entrepreneurs often put in 60 or 80 hour weeks in the first year of their business! If that sounds unappealing to you, you may want to stick to a salaried job working for someone else. Deborah Sweeney, CEO of MyCorporation.com[15], says,
One of the greatest signs that you’re destined to be an entrepreneur is found in the hard work you’ve done over the years and the amount of initiative you’ve taken/shown for what you’re passionate about. Entrepreneurs embrace hard work and do not shy away from it. Rather; they enjoy it especially when it ties in with their passions. Ultimately, you become what you believe you will become and if you set your intention, stay focused and positive, and believe in yourself while working hard, great things will happen.
Fred D. Winchar, President, Max Cash Title Loans[16] concludes
You have no concept of weekdays verses weekends. Every day is a day to work. Money is made 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Vegas proves that.
An Especially Innovative Mind
Ben Taylor, Founder, Home Working Club[17], says,
With plans and schemes of making money since school, then that entrepreneurial spirit is probably in your blood – especially if some of those ideas were successful.
For people to buy your product, it’s going to need to be something new that they may have never seen before. You can take inspiration from other brand’s ideas and improve upon them, but merely copying a product or service that already exists isn’t going to make you rich. On this, Kristen Gagné, Founder of Webtawks[18], says.
You always think of ways to improve everything – from the way to tie your shoes to the design of the picnic table in the park – you seek out efficiencies and betterment of your world.
Nothing Can Beat You Up
Entrepreneurs don’t take no for an answer! You’re going to have to stick to it when things get rough and don’t seem to be working exactly the way you had planned. Fred D. Winchar, President of Max Cash Title Loans[19] also says,
When you fall, you are the fastest person you know to stand back up. Everyone falls. Failure is part of success. I have yet to know the successful entrepreneur who has not failed multiple time and had crushing losses.
On bouncing back from failures, Brandon Latack, President of 651 Lab[20] added
There will be several roadblocks when starting a business. The bigger the idea, the more roadblocks there will be. [Entrepreneurs] think of each failure as a learning experience. Next time you will be ready for it!
Highly Disciplined
If you’re able to succeed in other areas of your life such as dieting or mastering a particular skill, then you may have the discipline required to become an entrepreneur.
Commenting on the discipline it takes to be your own boss, Nitin Aswani, Founder of Oganikk Superfoods[21],
You are highly internally motivated – being your own boss can be a challenge for those who tend to slack off if there is nothing pressing.
Brandon Latack, President, 651 Lab[22], also says
You have the discipline to stick to challenges. It’s easy to become less enthusiastic and talk yourself out of a challenge once adversity smacks you in the face. Entrepreneurs continue to push forward when things start to get tough.
So there you have it, 15 sure-fire signs that you’ve got what it takes to become an entrepreneur. If you answered yes to over half of these 15 questions, then you’re well on your way to making that dream of being your own boss a reality.
[1]^Oganikk: Home[2]^SD Equity Partners: Home[3]^Kent Dating: Home[4]^SD Equity Partners: Home[5]^Max Cash Title Loans: Home[6]^GreenPal: Home[7]^Planning Pod: Home[8]^Home Working Club: Home[9]^Webtawks: Home[10]^Kent Singles: Home[11]^Badger Maps: Home[12]^Max Cash Title Loans: Home[13]^Badger Maps: Home[14]^651 Lab: Home[15]^MyCorporation: Home[16]^Max Cash Title Loans: Home[17]^Home Working Club: Home[18]^Webtawks: Home[19]^Max Cash Title Loans: Home[20]^651 Lab: Home[21]^Oganikk: Home[22]^651 Lab: Home
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The post Are You a Potential Entrepreneur? These 15 Signs Can Tell You the Answer appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2rmQ1rx via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 8 years ago
Are You a Potential Entrepreneur? These 15 Signs Can Tell You the Answer
So you think that you’re ready to become an entrepreneur? It’s not all glitz and glamour, and for most people, it takes dedication, time and a lot of late nights to get a business off the ground. Being an entrepreneur is one of the most difficult ways to earn a living, but also one of the most rewarding. These 15 signs, all backed up by successful business people and entrepreneurs, show the qualities you need to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur. How many do you see in yourself?
A Fiercely Determined Mind
The first thing that you will need to be an entrepreneur is ironclad determination. Someone that doesn’t give up at the first sign of difficulty.
When asked about what it takes to become a entrepreneur, Nitin Aswani, Founder & Head of Product of Oganikk Superfoods[1] said,
You can brush off negative, non-constructive criticism; you know that if you want to satisfy everyone, you should just sell ice cream. You are driven by purpose and are passionate – you understand that money is an output of resolving customer problems, not the other way round.
Always Go For The Leading Role
When you work with people in a group, do you find that you can’t help but assume a leadership role? Do you take it personally if a project doesn’t live up to your expectations? Then you might have what it takes to run your own business.
Evan Harris, Co-Founder & CEO of SD Equity Partners[2] explains,
The difference between a manager and a leader is vast. Just because you have held a management position for X number of years, does not mean you will succeed as an entrepreneur. To be a great entrepreneur, you must be able to lead. Your team needs to believe in your vision and trust that you can get them there. You need to inspire and incite passion. These are the qualities of a leader, not a manager. One who has these leadership qualities is on the path to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Gritty? Okay.
A true entrepreneur isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty when needed, as did founder of Kent Dating[3]. He said,
In the early days of your startup, you will likely be doing a lot of the grunt work yourself until you can afford to hire some additional help. Be prepared to get into the trenches and get dirty, metaphorically speaking.
A Goer For Risks
Are you prepared to be yelled at by your customers the moment that something in your business goes wrong? As an entrepreneur, you will be in charge of dealing with difficult people. You’ll also need to be ready to give up time, comfort, and financial security if you expect your business to stand a chance. Evan Harris, Co-Founder & CEO of SD Equity Partners[4] said,
Starting your own business generally involves taking a lot of risks. In order to be successful, you must be able to understand the risks involved in a decision but also know that there will always be risk and not allow it to hold you back. Someone who can assess risk and then make an informed decision, without being sidelined by fear, is definitely an entrepreneur in the making.
On risk-taking, Fred D. Winchar, President of Max Cash Title Loans[5] adds,
You are a risk taker but only when the risk is in your favor. You don’t blindly risk but when you do, you are confident you will win.
A Contrarian
When everyone else says “why?”, you say “why not?” You don’t just want to go along with business as usual; you want to really mix things up and change the world for the better. Gene Caballero, Co-Founder of GreenPal[6], is this kind of person who said,
One of the most important character traits of a successful entrepreneur is they have to be contrarian – but right. Contrarians are the ones that challenge the majority but have the stubbornness to see an idea through till the end.
Always Asking To Know More
Were you the kind of child that took the family appliances apart to try and figure out how they worked? You likely have the inquisitive mindset necessary to start a business.
Jeff Kear, Founder of Planning Pod[7] says
Are you are always interested in learning other parts of the business in which you work even though they aren’t your responsibility and you might annoy others working in those roles or departments? When I had jobs prior to running my own businesses, I was always asking questions and looking into ways to improve how I worked and how the business functioned.
Unsettled With Traditional 9 to 5 Roles
Are you bored with your day job, doing the same task over and over? Does it all feel meaningless, and like you’re just undervalued and lining someone else’s pockets with your hard work? It might be time to get into business for yourself:
Ben Taylor, Founder of Home Working Club[8] says,
If you feel constantly stifled in traditional jobs and convinced you could do things better, this probably marks you out as an entrepreneur-type – so long as those convictions are based on reality!
Kristen Gagné, Founder of Webtawks[9] adds,
The typical 9-5 job feels wrong. You loath office politics. You detest being put in a corporate box. You don’t feel the value in working in a position that isn’t useful. You feel stifled.
Comfortable With The Unknown
Entrepreneurs are comfortable with the fact they may not know where or who their next paycheck is coming from: “You are more than comfortable losing everything you have until you succeed. Everything. You live your life “all chips in” and if you lose, you are prepared to live like a pauper till you get another opportunity to win” says Fred D. Winchar, President, Max Cash Title Loans.
Sarah Glass, Founder of Kent Singles [10] adds,
You’re comfortable with the unknown. You enjoy not knowing what one day will be like to the next. You enjoy the process of not having all the answers. Predictability is boring.
A Jack-Of-All-Trades
An entrepreneur wears a lot of different hats in their business. Early on in your business, you may be in charge of sales, customer service, accounting, marketing, manufacture, and other tasks all by yourself. You will definitely need to be able to budget your time and complete multiple different tasks.
On what makes you a great potential entrepreneur, Steven Benson, Founder and CEO of Badger Maps[11] says,
When you have the basic blocking and tackling in each area of business – Sales, Marketing, Technology, Accounting, Finance etc. A big surprise to a lot of people who start companies is how much time they need to spend selling to be successful. You need to be a jack of all trades, because a big miss in any of these areas can be company killing.
A Doer Rather Than A Sayer
Many people sit and dream, but an entrepreneur actually takes action and turns their dreams into a reality. You can’t just think about great business ideas and have them magically happen; you’re going to need to actually put in some hard work. As what Fred D. Winchar, President of Max Cash Title Loans[12] says,
The difference between a potential entrepreneur and a SUCCESSFUL Entrepreneur is the ones who can truly live a life that others fear to live and know others will mock you as you live out your dreams. Inside, your heart is burning to be more than just an employee and you know that you are relentless in your pursuit to make it. Their fear is not yours.
A Meticulous Planner
A good entrepreneur plans for any possible outcomes. You need to think in advance of any opportunities or risk that may impact your business and have action plans to adjust accordingly.
Steven Benson, Founder and CEO of Badger Maps[13] says
I think that a great indication of being a potential entrepreneur is when you consider yourself a ‘planner’. That’s someone who really enjoys planning things, whether it’s events or business strategies. If you are going to run your own business, you have to get used to thinking a couple of steps ahead and you have to develop a concrete action plan to get started.
You also know how to manage your time on a day-to-day basis, Brandon Latack, President of 651 Lab[14] , once said,
Deciding how you are going to spend your time throughout the day is one of the key aspects of being a successful entrepreneur. You and Elon Musk are both given 24 hours in a day. Use those hours wisely.
No Fear For Hard Work
You’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Entrepreneurs often put in 60 or 80 hour weeks in the first year of their business! If that sounds unappealing to you, you may want to stick to a salaried job working for someone else. Deborah Sweeney, CEO of MyCorporation.com[15], says,
One of the greatest signs that you’re destined to be an entrepreneur is found in the hard work you’ve done over the years and the amount of initiative you’ve taken/shown for what you’re passionate about. Entrepreneurs embrace hard work and do not shy away from it. Rather; they enjoy it especially when it ties in with their passions. Ultimately, you become what you believe you will become and if you set your intention, stay focused and positive, and believe in yourself while working hard, great things will happen.
Fred D. Winchar, President, Max Cash Title Loans[16] concludes
You have no concept of weekdays verses weekends. Every day is a day to work. Money is made 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Vegas proves that.
An Especially Innovative Mind
Ben Taylor, Founder, Home Working Club[17], says,
With plans and schemes of making money since school, then that entrepreneurial spirit is probably in your blood – especially if some of those ideas were successful.
For people to buy your product, it’s going to need to be something new that they may have never seen before. You can take inspiration from other brand’s ideas and improve upon them, but merely copying a product or service that already exists isn’t going to make you rich. On this, Kristen Gagné, Founder of Webtawks[18], says.
You always think of ways to improve everything – from the way to tie your shoes to the design of the picnic table in the park – you seek out efficiencies and betterment of your world.
Nothing Can Beat You Up
Entrepreneurs don’t take no for an answer! You’re going to have to stick to it when things get rough and don’t seem to be working exactly the way you had planned. Fred D. Winchar, President of Max Cash Title Loans[19] also says,
When you fall, you are the fastest person you know to stand back up. Everyone falls. Failure is part of success. I have yet to know the successful entrepreneur who has not failed multiple time and had crushing losses.
On bouncing back from failures, Brandon Latack, President of 651 Lab[20] added
There will be several roadblocks when starting a business. The bigger the idea, the more roadblocks there will be. [Entrepreneurs] think of each failure as a learning experience. Next time you will be ready for it!
Highly Disciplined
If you’re able to succeed in other areas of your life such as dieting or mastering a particular skill, then you may have the discipline required to become an entrepreneur.
Commenting on the discipline it takes to be your own boss, Nitin Aswani, Founder of Oganikk Superfoods[21],
You are highly internally motivated – being your own boss can be a challenge for those who tend to slack off if there is nothing pressing.
Brandon Latack, President, 651 Lab[22], also says
You have the discipline to stick to challenges. It’s easy to become less enthusiastic and talk yourself out of a challenge once adversity smacks you in the face. Entrepreneurs continue to push forward when things start to get tough.
So there you have it, 15 sure-fire signs that you’ve got what it takes to become an entrepreneur. If you answered yes to over half of these 15 questions, then you’re well on your way to making that dream of being your own boss a reality.
[1]^Oganikk: Home[2]^SD Equity Partners: Home[3]^Kent Dating: Home[4]^SD Equity Partners: Home[5]^Max Cash Title Loans: Home[6]^GreenPal: Home[7]^Planning Pod: Home[8]^Home Working Club: Home[9]^Webtawks: Home[10]^Kent Singles: Home[11]^Badger Maps: Home[12]^Max Cash Title Loans: Home[13]^Badger Maps: Home[14]^651 Lab: Home[15]^MyCorporation: Home[16]^Max Cash Title Loans: Home[17]^Home Working Club: Home[18]^Webtawks: Home[19]^Max Cash Title Loans: Home[20]^651 Lab: Home[21]^Oganikk: Home[22]^651 Lab: Home
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The post Are You a Potential Entrepreneur? These 15 Signs Can Tell You the Answer appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2rmQ1rx via Viral News HQ
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