busy girls are skinny girls. GET MOVING!!!
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give me your best ana tips🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Bitches be like "Stop babying me!!" And then ⭐️ve to feel tiny and worthy of safety.
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The feeling when you ate nothing but monster zero and the malnutrition is colliding with the caffeine and sugar and now all you do is uncontrollably shaking while trying not to faint >>>>>>>>>
Combine this with being at work or school and you’ll have a perfectly accurate ed-anxiety-cocktail ✨
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gain control, loose weight
loos control, gain weight
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aaaaaahhhhhhh …
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“I used to wonder if being skinny would be worth if I could die from it, but then I found out being loved and being small are synonymous.”
- Diet Coke by Leanna Firestone 🎶
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reblog if you want a buddy ✨
I’m 22, she/her, bi/pan
I want to stay on the healthier side of weight loss (no I won’t, who am I kidding…still gonna try to not trip tho)
And I would prefer buddies around my age like 18 and older
Feel free to dm 🍄🌼
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pls I want to get back to the days where 900 cals was my weekly intake …
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a poem by stoicdreamss
I could not stop wasting time,
it was crazy.
I wanted to do something with my life,
but instead I went to sleep
or sung in the shower
or sat and stared at the wall.
I couldn’t even tell you anything that I saw.
I didn’t talk to anybody,
the cicadas kept dying outside,
and as I dreamed my mouth grew thick and venomous,
with silence.
Oh but it’s embarrassing.
Sometimes when the wanting shows how much I just need someone’s hands on mine,
how I just want a soft voice to call me out of sleep,
somebody to drink coffee with while the sun wakes up.
I am so good at being alone,
until I remember what it’s like to be loved.
And then, I am aching all over again.
Then I’m calling you up in the middle of the day and ask for something impossible.
Couldn’t you pretend that I’m not all together too much.
Just for this one afternoon.
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My stomach is hungry
She needs another coffee✨
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Invitation to our
An4 WhatsApp-Group
We are a small group of 15 people who found each other in this group a year ago. We have great communication and support each other no matter how.
Now we decided to open it up for new people that could be part of our journey.
Everyone is invited, so feel free to click on the link below and join our group
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Green tea is all I need.
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