godsbraid · 5 years
When the Greybeards teach one ONE shout and you think you can take on a dragon:
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godsbraid · 7 years
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Every book in the History of Literature summed up in a single sentence
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godsbraid · 7 years
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Spot the Hogwarts student:
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godsbraid · 7 years
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How To Train Your Drogon
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godsbraid · 7 years
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Medieval castle stairs were often built to ascend in narrow, clockwise spirals so right-handed castle defenders could use their swords more easily. This design put those on the way up at a disadvantage (unless they were left-handed). The steps were also uneven to give defenders the advantage of anticipating each step’s size while attackers tripped over them. Source Source 2 Source 3
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godsbraid · 7 years
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When Duo has been watching too much Game of Thrones...
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godsbraid · 7 years
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Go on, Duo. Rub it in!
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godsbraid · 7 years
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Fun fact: According to Wikipedia, on Novembet 16th, Ivanka Trump was Iranian (untill someone changed it back).
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godsbraid · 7 years
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A quick guide if you ever want to communicate with animals.
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godsbraid · 7 years
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When duo makes its own caption...
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godsbraid · 7 years
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This is, if anything, the definition of hybris.
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godsbraid · 8 years
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I can’t get over how cute these creatures are sometimes <3
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godsbraid · 8 years
Currenty rereading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (or, more accurately; Harry Potter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Mondays).
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godsbraid · 8 years
The Cursed Child was basically a rewrite of A Very Potter Sequel, but with more future children and less music.
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godsbraid · 8 years
Arya Stark vs. the Waif
“My Cabbages Oranges!”
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Honestly waited to hear this as Arya fell down the stairs. 
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godsbraid · 8 years
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Daenerys the Pelican, Queen of the Sea, the River and the Sky, Mother of Chicks and Breaker of Plastic Ring Carriers.
Original photo here
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godsbraid · 8 years
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When things gets just a tad passive-aggressive during a historical debate:
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