Conservative | INTJ and INTP | Straight, White females | Anti-feminist | anti-SJW | Anti-BLM | Come send us an ask and we can have a civil discussion, we don't bite, but we do respond to hate with the same amount of crap the haters give us.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
In regards to my last ask, can I ask what your opinion is on me having had an abortion?
Hi again,
Honestly it’s your life and you can do what you want. Even if I personally disagree with something, you had your reasons and I am in no position to tell you those were wrong. I don’t know you personally so I can’t say what you did was wrong if I don’t know why you did it. You might not have been financially, emotionally or physically ready for it, you might have had to do it for medical reasons, or you might have had a negative experience which led to it. I can’t tell you what you can or cannot do, or how you can think. All I can do is express my own opinions and my own values in the way I see fit.
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Can I ask if you're pro-life or pro-choice? I'm guessing you're pro-life but I don't want to assume.
In general I guess you could say I’m pro life, however I completely understand in cases of rape, the health of either mother or baby is threatened or situations like that. I do believe that every child has a right to be born and have a chance at life, and I think adoption is a good option, however I know the American foster system is overrun. It’s a hard situation but I would generally say I’m pro life.
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Okay, as a journalism student I have a few things to say about Tucker Carlson.
Recently he made an editorial about how the New York Times were planning to publish his home address. They made a response to it today. In this article they basically frowned upon Carlson for even suggesting it, while simultaneously posting at the end of their article the general areas in which reports are that he lives.
No matter how much you hate the guy, you cannot deny that this NY Times article is intentionally leading people to finding out where Carlson lives by indirect means. I’m doing a media law class this semester, and this absolutely falls under what you SHOULDN’T do.
A couple years ago, antifa protestors showed up at Carlson’s house and terrorised his wife while he was at work and their four children were not at home. The protestors were heard on video threatening to throw Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs at the house. They also spray painted insults and the anarchy symbol on his house and driveway. Since then he had received death threats practically daily. It eventually got so bad they moved. Lately, people have tried to get Carlson taken off the air. He had one of the highest, if not the highest, rated news programs in America and many people in other countries watch him as well.
Think about this.
#tucker carlson#new york times#fox news#gettriggeredmedia#conservative#republican#democrat#journalism
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Hi all, this is my first post in a while as this blog is very much inactive these days - due to personal reasons. However I wanted to take the time to address what’s been going on.
George Floyd’s death at the hands of Derek Chauvin, a police office trusted to protect and serve, was terrible and completely unacceptable and inexcusable. For this reason, and the unlawful deaths under police custody that have been plaguing the country for many, many years, I will say this: I stand by the peaceful protestors and those who choose to stand up to police brutality as it is a very real thing and something we should all condemn.
However, I don’t believe how the situation has been escalating will help the cause at all. Protests turning into riots, which turn into looting and burning buildings, flags, and attempting to burn police as some have done. Do not bring children to these protests, do not bring elderly, do not subject your children to violence and hate and anything you are tasked with protecting them from. Do not take your children into a situation where rubber bullets, tear gas, tasers, batons, horses and flash bangs are used for crowd dispersal. Do not take children.
Do not burn buildings, do not burn police vehicles and precincts, do not cause more harm because enough harm has been done. Not very long ago a group of protestors swarmed the streets in front of the White House, burned the guard house and the historical church nearby, as well as forcing President Trump into the bunker. This is a clear threat to the president, who had no part in George Floyd’s murder as plenty of African-American men and women have been killed under police custody and under police hands for years before President Trump was elected.
This is chaos, civil unrest and part of it is completely and totally justified - however it is getting out of hand.
The police are using sometimes completely unjustified force because one or two people in an otherwise peaceful protest decide to throw something at an officer, or yell an insult. Keep in mind the police’s job here is to disperse a crowd in which would otherwise turn more violent. The actions of some officers are not justified, however what happened in LA a few days ago where the ‘peaceful protest’ turned violent because of police presence, the police were called in because protestors were surrounding a bus and the bus driver was scared so he called the police.
There are two sides to everything. There are people protesting with peaceful intent and people protesting with violent intent. There are people who are using the chaos as an excuse to loot and get free stuff, and there are people looting as a form of protest - both are illegal, protesting is not. There are police who are following orders and police who are using their position for an abuse of power. There are police who are marching with the protestors.
Stay safe. I’ll maybe start making GTM more active in the future.
#gettriggeredmedia#george floyd#usa riots#riots 2020#minnesota riots#blm protests#la riots#american riots#race riots#george floyd riots
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UK General Election
So I haven’t really commented on the UK, or anything really lately (been too busy to keep up with this), but I'd like to say that I am happy with the landslide victory for the Tories. I’m not invested in UK politics, but I am well versed and I will say that Jeremy Corbyn scares me, and even before Boris Johnson was PM, I said that he should’ve been instead of Teresa May.
#UK election#UK#UK general election#conservatives#tories#boris johnson#gettriggeredmedia#get brexit done
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I absolutely refuse to believe that 0% of Labour ads have contained a lie. That is actually impossible in politics. Literally every party will lie in their ads at some point, always for their own gain and to denounce their opposition, there’s no getting around it. Biased ‘research’ is not real research, and should not be taken as such. Sure, the Tories lied in their ads, but there is no actual way Labour did not. The fact that people don’t hold the common sense to realise that politicians - ALL POLITICIANS - lie, and they do a lot, is honestly troubling but what can you do when. the Twitter residents vote.
#UK#UK Politics#Boris Johnson#jermey corbyn#Conservatives#UK Labour#Labour#Tories#UK election#UK General election
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If there HAD to be another Democrat in as president for 2020
Let it at least be Tulsi Gabbard. She’s the best Democratic candidate by far. Honestly, that’s saying something considering, but I honestly think she’s the best shot the Democratic Party has at this point. Like all candidates (even Trump TBH) she says some bullshit from time to time, but what can you do, I guess?
Obviously I'm Trump 2020 all the way, but if a Democrat got in, I'd hope it was Tulsi Gabbard.
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Why have you been continually reblogging this post for over two weeks when it’s clear that I don’t care to respond to you? People think what they think, and I honestly didn’t find anything to respond to so I left it at that. What I don’t understand is you reblogging this almost every day.
@youngfreeradical replied to your post “Eyo, any advice on combating the argument that Trump...”
“Why does the KKK and neonazi groups support Trump?”
That honestly depends on what you consider KKK and neo-nazi, because it’s different whether you’re on the right, on the left, or even centrist. I can tell you now, that Trump is not responsible for those groups supporting him, if they even are, and he has condemned white supremacy and the supporters of that ideology so many times.
So, I don’t know what else to tell you.
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I found the only other conservative here!!! I remember now why I left tumblr in the first place, most people here want us dead. All I wanted to do was look at cool art. Thank you 😙
Nice to hear! There’s heaps of conservatives around, even this is my side-blog so I keep politics off main. If my followers on main ever found out that I’m a conservative, I’d lose them so quickly and I’d get hate.
- Fletch (admin)
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hi! personally i’ve always advocated for BLM and the feminist movement. in saying you’re against these groups you are inherently saying you’re against what they stand for, which after reading a few of your posts clearly isn’t the case. if i’m correct in saying you’re against the radical members of these groups (“feminists” advocating for genocide of men and blm advocates who ostracise white people) it would make more sense to say that itself rather than opposing the entire equality movement.
Hi there!
You’re correct in saying that, however I do not advocate for modern feminism or the BLM movement, and I would never call myself a feminist. I am primarily against the radical members of the groups, however a lot of what I see now are radical groups, and the line between radical and peaceful is blurring even more.
So I suppose it would make more sense to say I oppose the radical members, but I'm currently of the mind of not against the idea, but against the movements.
Hope that cleared things up a bit, if not feel free to ask something else.
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Oh my god this Little mermaid movie is getting worse with casting decisions...fricken Harry Styles as Prince Eric...really?
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That recent convention where they were all like “Point of Personal privilege” and “thank you comrade” really missed an opportunity to call it ‘Commie Con’
#gettriggeredmedia#conservative#republican#donald trump#politics#maga#capitalism#humour#political humour
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@youngfreeradical replied...
“So you’re against blm for their rhetoric that inspires evil attacks but you’re not against trump for inspiring evil attacks am I getting that right?”
I’m against organisations that directly call for violence. Such as BLM and AntiFa. I’m not against Trump for the reasons I stated, he never directly calls for violence, but he says a lot of poorly-worded shit that some people take the wrong way. I’m not pretending that he’s a saint because he isn’t, but I believe he’s the best thing for the US at this time.
Like I said, every ideology inspires extremism, but I don’t know why you’re so focused on Trump’s ideology inspiring extremism, when I brought up the Ohio shooter and ISIS as people and/or groups who were inspired by generally relatively civil ideologies to do extremist acts. Like I said, it’s direct calls to violence that I’m against.
Send me an ask if you want to discuss this stuff with me. There, you can ask me a direct question that you want to know and I will answer it as best I can. I’m not pretending to be an expert in anything but these are just my opinions, and I don’t know if you’re just trying to establish what I think or don’t, or if you’re intentionally trolling my account. You don’t follow me, yet you’re always coming up in posts you haven’t been tagged in. I notice.
Send me an ask and then we can talk further. Ask me a direct and conscise question and I will answer.
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If anyone wants to have a chat about something we disagree on, go to my ask box so you can ask me directly. I always encourage civil discourse.
- Fletch (Admin)
#gettriggeredmedia#conservative#republican#donald trump#politics#maga#capitalism#leftism#communism#socialism
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@youngfreeradical replied to your post...
““The group was not directly involved with BLM, but it’s possible the rhetoric inspired the evil attack. I’m not entirely sure, though.”
Hey fletch I wonder if you have the awareness to say the same about trumps rhetoric and the fact that hate crimes against minorities have risen dramatically since he was elected.”
Extremism happens on both sides, so yeah I’m aware enough to say the Texas shooter was an extremely right wing radicalising Trump’s words. I’m also aware enough to know that the Ohio shooter was a radical leftist. So yeah, stuff inspires extremism on both sides, just like how ISIS is extremist Muslim views, but we don’t demonise the entire Muslim faith, now do we?
Ohio shooter backed Warren, wanted gun control and supported AntiFa.
Read this:
“Self described leftist who worshipped Satan”
I’m against the BLM organisation for the same reasons I’m against AntiFa groups, both groups outwardly call for violence against white people and conservatives so I’m not about that.
Trump may say a lot of stupid shit and he definitely needs to word his tweets better, but he has never once said anything or done anything like this:

My question is why do you keep responding to me? It’s obvious we won’t agree but instead of sending in a respectful ask like most people do, you choose to reply to my posts.
Next time you want to respond to some of my views, I’d invite you to my ask box. It’s a much nicer place there, maybe we can have some civil discourse instead of what’s already been going down.
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Hi, I haven't been scrolling through your blog for thatlong but I just wanted to know why you were anti BLM. Thanks!
Hi there!
I haven’t actually said why on my blog yet, but I have a few reasons.
I’m not against the statement of Black Lives Matter, I’m against the organisation. A large amount of the time, the organisation behaves like AntiFa and are quite on the violent sides of protests, and there have been instances where they deliberately make sure no white people attend their rally’s. If white people do attend, they’re pushed to the back of the crowd.
Also, a group of black youth a few years ago tortured a disable white 18 year old. He was Mentally handicapped and the incident was live-streamed. The young man was bound, beaten, taunted and had part of his scalp removed with a knife. He was forced to kiss the floor and drink toilet water all while the attackers are shouting “Fuck Trump” and “Fuck white people”. The young man was bound for hours.
The group was not directly involved with BLM, but it’s possible the rhetoric inspired the evil attack. I’m not entirely sure, though.
I’m also not sure why people saying All Lives Matter in response to BLM was a racist attack because it really wasn’t, and both statements are correct, though I’m not overly invested in this topic.
I’m basically just against the organisation, not the statement.
Hope I answered your question, but if you have any more questions then feel free to send in more asks.
- Fletch (Admin)
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