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gen-z-ninja · 1 month ago
I’m not good at memes but have this-
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gen-z-ninja · 2 months ago
Nya: How dumb does Zane think you are?
Kai: Sometimes he leaves me pictures of food instead of a shopping list.
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gen-z-ninja · 2 months ago
Reformed Morro Headcannons and other Shenanigans
Note: I am perfectly aware that this is purely a hypothetical situation, and that the likelihood of any of this stuff happening is basically impossible at this point, but I just love thinking about this sort of idea so much that I wanted to share how I would personally want a Morro redemption arc to go. (And yes, fluff and angst will both be part of these headcannons. Enjoy)
Morro plays the role of the newest and most awkward seventh member of the group, he still keeps his cynical personality but he doesn’t want to hurt the other Ninja again in fear of letting down the people who are giving him another chance.
Morro being the newest, less experienced, and already has a bad history with the Ninja, (especially Lloyd,) he has a really hard time sorting through his own thoughts and emotions of what he wants verses what’s good for him. He’s split between resenting the others, wanting to make up to them, and if he’s even worth the effort.
All the Ninja have varying degrees of acceptance and patience towards Morro.
Lloyd, even though was affected by Morro most in the past, still sympathies with him and relates to him being confused and unhappy with his own worth like he himself used to be around when he found the snakes, that was until he was shown the right path and forgiven for what he did. Because of that he’s determined to help Morro become good and happy as well.
Zane and Nya while a little weary of him, are still open to helping him as well, as long as he doesn’t try to do anything bad again. Zane has a kind heart and holds the belief that anyone can be good if they tried, and Nya while she and Morro don’t quite like to get along, she’s smart enough to know that accepting people is an all around better thing for everyone than rejecting them.
Cole and Jay are still very skeptical about him, and often tend to feel unconformable while he’s around, they’re still willing to attempt to accept him, and even let him hang out with them sometimes if they feel up to it. While they are unsure, they’re still curious to see what having a seventh member on the team could lead to.
Kai out of all them is the most hostile and antagonistic towards Morro. Kai has never been good at accepting new things, new people, and especially new people who used to be enemies, and Morro was no exception. Morro possesing one of his closest friends and fighting him has left Kai very close minded to the idea of Morro ever being a trustworthy partner in battle. And he lets Morro know this by messing with him and not being willing to compromise with him.
Morro for the first few months of being on the team is either a whiny brat around the Ninja or an anxious wreck since he’s so emotionally confused about himself. Mostly because he hates himself and doesn’t see why he’s worth the care Sensei Wu and the Ninja give him. After a while of getting along with the ninja however he will feel more comfortable with being on the team.
Lloyd is always trying to reach out to him, and Morro for a few months being not too happy whenever he tries to do something nice for him. Mostly because he can’t help but think that Lloyd is just doing it to show that he’s a better person than him, and making himself feel worse in comparison.
Since Morro has spent most of recent history in the Cursed Realm, Zane and Lloyd both help him catch up on everything that’s happened. Explaining what happened to Garmadon, the Overlord, and everything else.
Cole and Jay are mostly responsible for helping Morro adapt to modern life and culture. Teaching him about technology, entertainment, New Ninjago City, etc.
Lloyd has to fill the roll of helping Morro with his social skills with other people, teaching him manners and how to sympathize with other people, since he knows that will be a good thing for him to know to get better.
Morro takes a fascination with technology, most notably when Cole and Jay decided to introduce him to television and videogames, and they learn that Morro will get super invested into certain difficult videogames to the point where they’ll soon have to stop him from breaking the controller from rage.
The only kind of problems Morro will intentionally cause is with Nya. Morro will often try to annoy Nya and troll her for the soul purpose of his own entertainment. And while Nya is all around very intelligent, Morro is very smart in terms of getting people to do what he wants, so it’s kind of like a battle of wits instead of brawn.
The only one of the group who Morro will (at least openly) show his respect for is Zane. Zane being much different than anyone Morro has ever met, being a nindroid, Morro feels both intimidated and interested in him and his opinions.
After a long time of Morro and Kai being together and working together, they will learn how to lower their shields a bit and start to see each other with less hate. They still like to give each other a hard time, but more in a rivalry sort of way.
Morro after a long time of working with the ninja will soon be able to feel better about himself and not feel like he’s alone anymore. Cause now he’ll finally have a family.
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gen-z-ninja · 2 months ago
headcanon that every time someone asks lloyd about his age he makes up a different answer because even he doesnt know at this point
"how old are you?" "420. i look a little younger, i know, but its the oni-dragon genes"
"im 69, i just dont have any wrinkles thanks to my intensive skincare regime"
"im 2" "but you were the green ninja for 3 years" "honestly i havent replaced my calender in a long time so idk"
lloyd: *counts on his fingers* person: "i just asked for your ag--" lloyd: "SHHH" *finishes counting* "im a billion"
"how old are you?" "im babye." "but how old exactly?" "choilde."
"i dont know, how old do i have to be to watch this movie?"
"how old are y--" "uhhh would you look at that! its time to feed my dragon" "but you dont have a dragon anymore" "im part-dragon. obviously im talking about myself"
"14..." "really?" "...15926535 are the first 10 digits of pi after 3 decimal"
"every night i combust into ashes then get reborn like a phoenix so that i am forever 1 day old"
"im old as fuck" "woah, i didnt know you swear" "the usage of the word 'fuck' was first attested to around 1475 which makes me 545"
person: "how old are you?" lloyd: *fingerguns*
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gen-z-ninja · 6 months ago
probably already been done but HAPPY BIRTHDAY LLOYD 🙏‼️‼️‼️🎉🍰🎁🎊🎂
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gen-z-ninja · 6 months ago
Conversations I Think Happened in the Grasslands Pt. 2:
Part 1 here
Lloyd: So your the First Spinjitzu Master right. Does that mean you’re good at all types of spinning or just spinjitzu?
FSM: Elaborate.
Lloyd: Like pirouettes and fouettés? Because Cole taught me how to do them and they’re really fun.
FSM, sighing: Yes, I can do those and I’m rather good at them.
Lloyd, delighted: This is the best day of my life!
Lloyd: So what was my dad like as a child?
FSM: He was a lot nicer than you’d think. Quite a lovely child, even after the venom. The venom didn’t really properly kick in until his late teens you know.
FSM: Now Wu on the other hand.
Lloyd: So if you’re half Oni and half dragon why do you look human?
FSM: Because Oni are shapeshifters and I didn’t want to spend the entire time you were here bending over to look at you and end up myself back pain.
Lloyd: Why would be you be bending over?
FSM: Because I’m 10’6.
Lloyd: What?! Why am I short then?
FSM: I don’t know but you certainly didn’t get it from me.
Lloyd: So why'd you have to divid the continent in two anyway
FSM: It seemed like a good idea at the time. Besides it worked didn't it?
Lloyd: ...
FSM: Will you stop judging me I was a teenager!
Lloyd: So was I and I didn't have to divided the continent.
Lloyd: *Thinking*
Lloyd: Wait how old were you when made Ninjago then?
FSM: Younger than that.
Part 3 here
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gen-z-ninja · 6 months ago
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“Zane smiles, a bubble of laughter welling up in his chest as Lloyd looks at him in awe, his own smile bright.”
art for @lloydskywalkers fic ‘what stays and what fades away’ bc like… god tier
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gen-z-ninja · 6 months ago
I have a small AU where on the Day of the Departed some souls are able to go down to Ninjago to see their loved ones.
(Such as souls who have recently died, souls who are remembered, or souls who are trusted enough to go down (when a dangerous soul is one of the first two they either are not allowed to go down or must travel down with a ‘Guardian’ such as Garmadon with Morro (yes this is a Morro AU are you actually surprised)))
So imagine how Cole feels when years down the pipe line something triggers his previous ghostly-ness (maybe evil Garms resurrection) and he sees Morro and Garmadon bickering near a Lloyd, Cryptor making fun of Zane and Pixal, Dr Julien admiring all the changes that has occurred, his mom admiring how big he’s gotten, and the damn First spinjitzu master snorting at Wu and (evil) Garmadon bickering.
No Kai he’s not hallucinating Harumi’s birth parents and adopted parents hovering over her what the hell.
Imagine how baffled he would be when he sees some random blonde woman and a guy who looks way too familiar babying a Jay who has no idea why Cole both looks traumatised and amused when looking at him.
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
Seems like we found a new meme
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he is actively seeing a god
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
Conversations I Think Happened in the Grasslands:
Lloyd: So people use you to justify hate towards queer people, but uncle Wu's chill with queer people, so does that mean you're okay with queer people too?
FSM: I don't what that means.
Lloyd: Uhhh, queer people are people who aren't exclusively attracted to the opposite gender as them, and/or don't identify as their birth gender.
FSM: You have words for that now? Well then yes, I am fine with queer people. And I don't appreciate others using me as an excuse to hate people because of the way they were born. I've had enough of that in my lifetime.
Lloyd, lying on his back: Hey, do you have wifi here?
FSM: No.
Lloyd: Can you get wifi here?
FSM: I’m God, so probably.
Lloyd, sitting up: You should get a twitter account.
FSM: No thank you.
Lloyd: So being gay means you're exclusively attracted to people of the same gender as you, being bisexual mean you're attracted to both genders and-
FSM: Is there a word for not being attracted to people at all?
Lloyd: Um yeah, asexual means you don't feel sexual attraction and aromantic means you don't feel romantic attraction.
FSM: Oh it's wonderful that humanity’s finally figured that we exist. Whenever I told people I didn't want a spouse because I wasn't attracted to anyone they always said 'you haven't found the right person yet'. I'm thousands of years old, I really don't that's going to happen Takeshi.
Lloyd: You're queer?! Ha suck it homophobes!
Lloyd: Wait who's Takeshi?
FSM: Don't worry about it. He's dead now.
Lloyd, squinting suspiciously: Like, did he die of old age or...
FSM, smiling: I said don't worry about it.
FSM: So how is Mystake?
Lloyd: Dead.
FSM: Really? I didn’t know she could die.
Part 2 here
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
"You said the greatest villain was the one who got away. Then what am I?"
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
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"Every five years, The Dragon Day Festival takes place in the city. It’s one of the very few times you have the opportunity to see the Royal family, including their Master-at-Arms.…” -S
“I had a Sister, I do not speak of her, but I do recall she was always destined to be the highest of our ranks.” - H
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
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crystallized and oni lloyd and overlord and yadda yadda you get it im back on my bullshit
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
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🌋 a guide to cole 🌋
when u look like ⛓🖤🎸🎧 but ur really 💕🍰🌱☕
[ kai | jay | lloyd | nya | cole | zane ]
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
LEGO Ninjago | Season 8 - Sons Of Garmadon | Alternative Ending | Angst With A Happy Ending | Emperor Garmadon VS Lloyd Garmadon
Unbreakable Bond by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
"I've played many roles. Worn many masks: Father. Husband. Brother. Teacher. But only one was summoned back…. DESTROYER!"
The Garmadon 'family reunion' takes a very different turn. (Alternative ending for Episode 83 and SoG)
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
The LEGO Ninjago Movie | Secret Identities | Secret Ninja Force | Shovel Talks | 5+1 Things | Misunderstandings |
Five Times Everyone Thought The Green Ninja Was Dating Lloyd Garmadon by Anonymous
and the one time he proved that they weren't.
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gen-z-ninja · 7 months ago
LEGO Ninjago | Season 8 -Sons Of Garmadon | Hurt/Comfort | Sensei Garmadon Is Back |
So Much (For) Stardust by Honestmouse
Harumi brought back only the worst parts of Garmadon. The only thing that was left was a heartless Oni. The Destroyer.
But- what if she didn't plan on something Else coming back too. Another part of Garmadon.
Sensei Garmadon comes back just in time to see the aftermath of the Kryptarium fight. Angst ensues
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