367 posts
Musician. Artist. Madwoman.
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destroyermariko · 4 years ago
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I scare myself sometimes... didn't plan this mood, it just happened... 私は怖いですか? #witchyvibes #scarygirl #怖い #witchygirl #魔女 #punkrave #sithgirl #metalgirl #femalemetalvocalist #femalemetalsinger #metalvocalist #metalgoth #gothgirlsofinstagram #ゴス #ゴシック #thedarkside #darkmagic #hellgirl #occultvibes #witchaesthetic #gothicaesthetic #darkaesthetic #invertedpentagram #spikedcollar #spikedchoker #bluebraids #womeninmetal #shadowself #gothchick #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 4 years ago
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Thank you @teeturtle ending my year in style! Didn't expect these to arrive on New Year's Eve! I made a video showing them off:
#teeturtle #tshirt #tシャツ #casualstyle #reversibleoctopus #graphictshirt #graphictees #cutetees #shirtsofinstagram #notapeopleperson #doilooklikeapeopleperson #peopleperson #asocial #pretendingtocare #lovemyenemies #lionstigersbears #dragonshirt #dragontshirt #rabbitshirt #rabbittshirt #fireeyes #casualgoth #newyearseve2020 #youtubersofinstagram #明けまして #かわいい #femalemetalvocalist #femalemetalsinger #womeninmetal #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 4 years ago
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Merry Christmas from PikachuMariko and my new buddy, Koffing! Sorry I haven't posted much this year, have been meaning to but keep getting sidetracked lol. Hope you all have a safe holiday! メリークリスマス! 今日はピカチュウです。新しいポケモンの友達に会いました。今年はあまり投稿しなかったのでごめんなさい。2020年は奇妙でしたね。みなさん、良い休日を! #pikachu #pokémon #pokemon #koffing #pokemongirl #pikachu⚡ #pokeplush #nintendo #pokegirl #pokemonplush #pokemonplushies #plushie #pokemoncollector #poisonpokemon #electricpokemon #gottacatchemall #koffingplush #pikachuonesie #bluehair #altgirl #catmask #pokemonchristmas #pokemonxmas #ポケモン #ピカチュウ #ポケスタグラム #ポケモンクリスマス #womeninmetal #femalemetalvocalist #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 4 years ago
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I haven't been this excited about my appearance in ages! 😍 Today I visited @britishflower to drop off some merch from my old band @rainbowdeathrayband, and went to @sydneyfishmarket with my mum for lunch. It was a good day!
今日私のファッションはとても楽しいと思います!😍 新しい友達に会いました。彼女は私の古いバンドから商品を買いました。次に、母と一緒にシドニーフィッシュマーケットで昼食を行きました。いい日でした!
Hair 髪型: @escape_hair_newtown T-shirt Tシャツ: @toofastclothing Pants パンツ: @drughoney_official
#alternativehair #alternativehairstyle #creativehaircolor #creativehairstyles #escapehairnewtown #髪 #髪の色 #animehair #metalgirls #femalemetalsinger #femalemetalvocalist #womeninmetal #femalegrowler #femalescreamer #metalmusician #harajukufashion #harajukugoth #原宿ファッション #gothpunk #punkgoth #ゴスパンク #sydneyfishmarket #シドニー #drughoney #australianmetal #sydneymetal #metalgoth #unicornskeleton #deadunicorn #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 4 years ago
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Ocean Volcano style 海の火山スタイル 🌊🌊🌊🔥🌋🔥 - Epic work by Alex of @escape_hair_newtown
Finally feel like myself again, and have quite possibly found my forever hair...!? I used to change colours all the time, but I really really like this one! 新しい髪!大好き!多分私の好きな色... いいね!
Maybe sometime I'll upload pics of my old coloured hairstyles... 昔の私の色とりどりの髪の写真を見たいですか?
#oceanhair #volcanohair #firehair #oceanvolcano #alternativehair #alternativehairstyle #brighthair #vividhaircolor #hairtransformation #creativehaircolor #creativehairstyles #vividhair #alternativegirl #beforeandafterhair #newtownhair #sydneyhair #escapehairnewtown #epichair #髪 #髪の色 #metalgirl #femalemetalsinger #femalemetalvocalist #womeninmetal #femalegrowler #femalescreamer #metalmusician #animehair #原宿ファッション #destroyermariko (at Escape Hair + Aesthetics)
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destroyermariko · 4 years ago
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Rediscovery... 再発見... #gothpunk #punkgoth #ゴスパンク #ゴス #ゴシック #ゴシックファッション #australiangothic #metalgoth #harajukugoth #原宿ファッション #gothoutfit #metalmusician #gothsofinstagram #gothicgirl #gothgirl #metalgirl #femalemetalsinger #gothicstyle #metalstyle #trebleclef #gothicmask #sydneygoth #aussiegoth #femalescreamer #darkstyle #femalegrowler #womeninmetal #bassclef #femalemetalvocalist #destroyermariko (at Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Finally got to hang out with my friend @therightalice again! 久しぶりに友達に会えてうれしいです! #gothpunk #punkgoth #ゴスパンク #ゴス #ゴシック #ゴシックファッション #australiangothic #metalgoth #harajukugoth #原宿ファッション #gothoutfit #gothfriends #gothsofinstagram #gothicgirl #gothgirl #metalgirls #gothicmetalgirls #gothicstyle #metalstyle #gothicmask #bathroomselfie #sydneygoth #aussiegoth #gothgirlfriend #darkstyle #covidlife #womeninmetal #girlsinmetal #femalemetalvocalist #destroyermariko (at Westfield Chatswood)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Today I got to have some fun! Auditioning for @halloscreamsydney again, nice way to get out of the house, and they are very #covidsafe! I also enjoyed a moment to be a tourist in my own city, I hardly go anywhere now thanks to covid, hadn't even seen our own Sydney Harbour Bridge in aaages. But look at me go with my double mask (surgical + novelty) and the bus was so nice and empty!
Mask マスク: @gonoturn
@lunaparksydney @sydneyoperahouse #lunaparksydney #lunapark #halloscream #halloween #ハロウィン #ルナパーク #ルナパークシドニー #sydneyharbour #sydneyharbourbridge #sydneylunapark #harbourbridge #harbourbridgesydney #遊園地 #amusementpark #シドニーハーバーブリッジ #auditionlife #gonoturn #operahousesydney #sydneyoperahouse #maskedgirl #pandemicfashion #femalemetalvocalist #aussiemetal #womeninmetal #sydneymetal #scareacting #sydneybuses #lazygoth #destroyermariko (at Luna Park Sydney)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Happy birthday to me! I hope you don't mind my lazy pic, but it's been a rough year and I can't even go gig like I normally would as my party! I'm just glad my pup is still with me though, we've been together 8 years now, thanks to @sash_vets saving his life! 今日は私の誕生日です!だから怠け者です笑。今年はとても大変ですね。私のパーティーのためにコンサートで歌いたいのですが、ロックダウンのためにできません。しかし、私の犬はまだ生きているので、私はまだ幸せです!獣医師、ありがとう! #birthdaygirl #誕生日 #ilovemydog #dogs_of_instagram #instadogs #犬 #子犬 #survivordog #vetspecialist #sydneydogs #dogsofaustralia #maltesechihuahua #rescuedog #ワンちゃん大好き #ワンちゃん #sashvets #sydneymusicians #ミュージシャン #girlsinmetal #womeninmetal #femalescreamer #femalegrowler #lazybirthday #獣医師 #lockdownlife #femalemetalvocalist #aussiemetal #sydneymetal #covidlife #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Have you heard my new music yet? Click here! 🤘 Happy Friday, I just finished my work for the day! Nowhere to go so this is how I prowl the neighbourhood lol. Btw, this outfit has nothing to do with A.D.Destroyer, I was just having fun with our logo and got carried away... 😂 It's a cool little logo though! And it's my own design!
私の新しい音楽はもう聞いた?🤘 金曜日なので嬉しいです!今週末どこにも行けないけど、とにかくクレイジーな服を着ている笑笑。この写真は背景が好きですか?A.D. Destroyerバンドのロゴです。自分で設計しました!
Mask マスク: @gonoturn Jacket ジャケット: #MarisRock Pants パンツ: @drughoney_official
#gonoturn #drughoney #kuromi #gothpunk #ゴスパンク #punkgoth #パンク #nekogirl #neko #猫娘 #japanesefashion #tokyofashion #原宿ファッション #harajukugirls #harajukufashion #harajukustyle #マスク #catmask #lockdownlife #maskedgirl #pandemicfashion #covidfashion #industrialmetal #femalefrontedmetal #womeninmetal #femalemetalvocalist #aussiemetal #addestroyer #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Introducing A.D.Destroyer! My latest music project! Please have a listen at and let me know what you think! ☺ It's industrial metal with me singing and screaming, lots of fun, even has some cinematic vibes! My friend wrote the music side of things, he's very talented and it's also his birthday today, great time to celebrate the EP launch! Happy birthday, AD!
#industrialmetal #heavymusic #metalbands #femalefrontedmetal #メタル #ヘビーメタル #womeninmusic #womeninmetal #metalmusician #femalescreamer #femalegrowler #sydneymusic #sydneymetal #aussiemetal #australianmetal #femalemetalsinger #girlsinmetal #postapocalyptic #apocalyptic #surrealart #biohazard #bleak #wasteland #endoftheworld #destruction #rustart #newmusicfriday #generationexcess #addestroyer #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Today's dog walking outfit! 😂 There's nowhere else to go with lockdown, my fav udon place went out of business and now Sydney is worried about a new outbreak. Just as venues start planning metal gigs again. 😭 I can't even remember the last time I wore eyeliner either, there's no point right now. So I resign myself to terrorising my conservative neighbourhood with lazy gothpunk dog walk fashion lol. Didn't realise til later I was wearing ace colours tho - black hoodie, purple jumper, white t-shirt, grey trackies. Bleh, I'm such a stereotype, guess I should go find me some cake... これが今日の犬の散歩用の服です!😂 ロックダウンのため、他に行くところはありません。シドニーでの新しいコロナウイルスの発生が心配です。でもメタルコンサートが恋しいです。😭 今化粧すらしない。最近犬を散歩するためだけにゴスパンクファッションを着ています。奇妙な年ですね! #punkrave #punkraveclothing #punkravebrand #gothpunk #ゴスパンク #punkgoth #パンク #ゴシック #ゴス #mohawkstyle #gothchick #metalgirl #メタル #sydneygoth #gothmask #facemaskoftheday #quarantinechic #sydneywinter #australiangoth #aussiegoth #nomakeupgoth #asexuality #asexualflag #aroace #gothaustralia #lockdownlife #gonoturn #maskedgirl #covidfashion #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Sorry I've been quiet again, Hope got very sick last month, we didn't know if he was going to survive! Thankfully he's doing much better now, but will need ongoing treatment for the next few months. It was a very scary time for us! I made a video about it on my YouTube, click here to watch. Dogs are family, I'm so glad things worked out in the end. Hope you guys are all doing well too!
#ilovemydog #dogs_of_instagram #instadogs #犬 #子犬 #puppy #dog #pup #pupper #immunemediatedthrombocytopenia #survivordog #itpawareness #vetvisit #emergencyvet #dogbloodtest #dogbandage #vetmedicine #veterinarymedicine #vetspecialist #vethospital #vethospitalisation #sickdog #sydneydogs #dogsofaustralia #maltesechihuahua #rescuedog #ワンちゃん大好き #ワンちゃん #youtubersofinstagram #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Introducing Arachni - an incredible half-human half-spider hybrid art doll made by the talented @kittipilla! I was so excited when she arrived in the post that I went and made an unboxing video on my YouTube haha! Please check out @kittipilla's work, it's so detailed and amazing, I'm so glad I was able to support a local artist like her with the way this year's been by snapping this creation up. She's based in Wollongong, an Australian city just south of Sydney where I live!
Arachniのご紹介!面白い半分人間の半分クモです。@kittipillaが作った、すごいね!彼女のページにアクセスして、アートワークをお楽しみください。最近は厳しい時代なので、地元のアーティストから買えてよかったです。彼女はオーストラリアのウロンゴン出身、 シドニーのすぐ南です。 だから私が住んでいるところにとても近いね!
#kittipilla #arachni #arachne #arachnid #arachnidsofinstagram #spider #spiderdoll #artdoll #monsterdoll #fantasydoll #gothicdoll #gothicart #gothart #gothicartwork #spookyart #darkaesthetic #spiderlady #spiderhuman #hybridcreature #クモ #ゴシックアート #ゴシック #ゴス #怖い #ホラー #creepyart #人形 #supportlocal #australianart #destroyermariko (at NSW, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Sorry I haven't posted lately. Life under lockdown has been very distracting. I'm doing okay though! Luckily I live in Australia where we are doing pretty well so far, but we have to be careful because it's so easy for this crisis to explode. So since I can't really go anywhere, everyone is home, and I haven't been doing any reviews, it's been harder for me to think about fashion and Instagram.
To be completely honest though, I actually don't like Instagram that much. It's such a limited platform with too many restrictions. I definitely prefer Facebook, where I can post links, easily share fun things, and actually type with a real keyboard instead of a touchscreen! I don't like how Instagram only lets me see my messages on my phone too, I prefer real computers but they won't let me use it. Point being, if you want to see more from me, find me on Facebook by searching for DestroyerMariko - I always use the same name. A warning though, my Facebook is more "real" so it's not as fashion-focused as my Instagram. It does have more of my music though. However if Facebook isn't for you, maybe you can subscribe to my YouTube instead, but I've been taking a break from that as well, and once again, it's not just about fashion.
Anyway, I will try to think more about Instagram, but I can't guarantee it. We are living through a very strange time! I hope you are all staying safe out there. x
すみません、あまり投稿しません。 今日は英語で申し訳ありませんが、私の日本語はあまり上手ではありません。訳して、私はなぜ今インスタグラムをあまり使っていないのかを説明しています。オーストラリアのパンデミックロックダウンのため、難しいです。フェイスブックがもっと好き、またはユーチューブもよいです、あそこで「DestroyerMariko」を見つけてください。でも英語だけ、ごめんなさい!今後も頑張ります、でも少し時間が必要。じゃ、皆さんは元気ですか?
Hoodie ジャケット: Top トップ: @sexpot_designer Pants パンツ: @acdcrag_harajuku
@sexpot_tokyo #qodfashion #sexpotrevenge #acdcrag #セクポ #metalgirl #metalgirlsofinstagram #femalemetalvocalist #femalemetalsinger #gothicfashion #gothoutfit #metalgoth #gothpunk #ゴスパンク #ゴス #ゴシック #hellgirl #metalstyle #visualkei #v系 #stayhome #stayathome #stayinside #socialdistancing #pandemiclife #covidlife #introvert #flattenthecurve #lockdown #lockdownlife #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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Steampunk lolita style! What do you think? It's a new experience for me, and a good one for autumn starting here in Sydney! 🍂 If you like it, there are some extra photos in my latest YouTube video. Thank you @punkraveau as usual!
スチームパンクロリータスタイル! どう思いますか? これはシドニーの秋の楽しい新しいスタイルね!🍂 再びありがとう、@punkraveau!
#steampunklolita #steampunk #steampunkfashion #steampunkstyle #steampunklife #steampunkgirl #steampunklady #lolita #lolitafashion #steamlolita #lolitacoord #lolitasofinstagram #gothiclolita #gothlolita #gothloli #egl #eglfashion #lolitadress #casuallolita #kawaiifashion #スチームパンク #スチパン #スチームパンクファッション #ロリィタファッション #ロリィタ #ロリィタコーデ #ゴシックロリータ #ゴスロリ #punkrave #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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What do you think of my new summer style? ☀️ It's not easy to do goth/punk in the Aussie heat, but I think we found the perfect solution! Check out my latest review on YouTube. Thank you @punkraveau, I love it!
#punkrave #punkraveclothing #punkraveoutfit #punkravebrand #summergoth #summergothoutfit #summergothfashion #gothpunk #punkgoth #ゴスパンク #gothyoutuber #ゴシックファッション #cyber #cybergoth #サイバー #cyberpunk #cyberpunkfashion #cyberpunkgirl #thematrix #gothgirl #metalgirl #metalgirlsofinstagram #metalheadgirl #altgirl #ゴス #ゴシック #gothsummer #aussiegoth #sydneygoth #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia)
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