curls & carry-ons
89 posts
Healing through self-love, travel and transparency
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curlsncarryons · 5 years ago
Black People Should Celebrate the 4th of July Every Year, Here’s How
Black People Should Celebrate the 4th of July Every Year, Here’s How
The fourth of July is normally just another reason to BBQ, light some fireworks and gather with family, but this year of 2020, the holiday is hitting way different. The Uprising can not be ignored and celebrating a day in history when Black people were still in chains holds no value for us. Frankly, the the day should be renamed ‘Colonial Independence Day.’
Redirecting the narrative of the vial…
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curlsncarryons · 5 years ago
A Flight Attendant’s POV of the Future of Travel Post-Pandemic
We’re all feeling the wanderlust, the quarantine fatigue, and the cabin fever to be anywhere, but home. Many of my cabin crew friends that are still in the air wish they could be in your shoes. As flight attendants, we are asked to manage panic and create a comfortable and safe environment, regardless of current circumstances. However, this virus has been unlike any other disruption to…
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curlsncarryons · 5 years ago
ATL Mayor Bottoms Sites POTUS’s Xenophobia Over Racist Texts
ATL Mayor Bottoms Sites POTUS’s Xenophobia Over Racist Texts
ATL Mayor Bottoms Says “Its like the Twilight Zone”
It may come as a shock that a major metropolitan city mayor would receive racist text messages. However, those that live in the south have decades of stories and historical context to keep them being blind-sighted by hate speech against their black leaders. The anonymous texts…
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curlsncarryons · 5 years ago
These 31 Powerful Images of the Global Impact of COVID-19 Will Probably Be in History Books
These 31 Powerful Images of the Global Impact of COVID-19 Will Probably Be in History Books
BuzzFeed has curated an incredible collection of coronavirus-related photos from around the globe. The collection illustrates the tangible and intangible effects on billions of lives in the last six months. It also shows how differently this Great Equalizer has interrupted the lives of individuals in poorer versus richer countries.
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Venice Beach, CA
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Let me know in the comments what number photo…
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curlsncarryons · 5 years ago
How the Pandemic has Affected My Mother
On March 19, 2020, Gavin Newsom shut down California. It was a bit shocking at the time, but it was necessary. I was grateful to live in a state that seemed to be taking some form of action during the early weeks of the spread of COVID-19. Everything just got weirder by the day. Current news was irrelevant only hours later.
In Georgia, where my mom lives with my step-dad, the governor held out…
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curlsncarryons · 5 years ago
How COVID-19 Shut Down the World and Healed the Planet
You are probably up to your protective surgical mask in memes, news articles, text messages and instagram posts about COVID-19. It has touched more than 150+ countries with Italy’s hospitals bursting at the seams and the U.S. medical system threatening to do the same if we dont flatten the curve.
Since February, the slow progression of denial, panic and apocalyptic hoarding has made each day feel…
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curlsncarryons · 5 years ago
LISTEN: My Guest Appearance on Women on the Road Podcast
Last month, I had the pleasure of connecting with Laura Hughes from the Women on the Road, a podcast about life on the road from the feminine perspective. She invited me to be a guest because of the amount of solo travel I’ve experienced as a woman of color, the campervan conversion I began this passed Spring and the green beauty company I have set to launch in 2020. These are a combination of…
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curlsncarryons · 5 years ago
Turning the Dirty Thirty (2 Weeks to Go)
Turning the Dirty Thirty (2 Weeks to Go)
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curlsncarryons · 6 years ago
So This is How My Van Build is Going
So This is How My #VanBuild is Going
After I Venmo’d the price of the vehicle, the keys to the delivery truck were placed in my hand. I sat in the squeaky driver’s seat, looking around at the dirty cargo where my future house would be. This wacky project from my notepads was now staring at me in Santa Fe Springs, California, ready to take me wherever I chose. The drive back to the 405 created some of the most spirited Car Karaoke…
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curlsncarryons · 6 years ago
ROAD to #VANLIFE (episodes)
Since I began looking for a reliable vessel that would steer me through life on the road, I’ve been micro-documenting my experiences. From trekking for long hours at a time just to visit a truck for all of 10 minutes to navigating male dominated spaces that left no room for women. Even now that I have purchased my truck and have spent weeks working inside of it, I still get hit with the question:…
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curlsncarryons · 6 years ago
Community Outraged After Police Shoot 3 Children in the Head
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curlsncarryons · 6 years ago
How to Tell the Difference Between Intuition & Fear
How to Tell the Difference Between Intuition & Fear
Imagine that you have just arrived in one of the most unique cities you have ever visited. Its sunset. You have on tiny shorts showing off all the hard work you put in at the gym. Your hair is doing magical tricks its never done before. You are accompanied by a fun friend, who is just as beautiful, and the possibilities for your first girls trip together feel endless. Music is floating on a light…
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curlsncarryons · 6 years ago
Self-Love on Valentine’s Day
On a day that’s meant for celebrating couples, no one wants to hear “love yourself.” Well, get over it, gorgeous, because just like every other day, that’s exactly what you have to do. Laughter, trust, and orgasms. That’s really what falling in love boils down to. And you can do all of that your damn self. So let’s get started!
Maybe you slept in today and cuddled all your fluffy pillows. Maybe…
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curlsncarryons · 6 years ago
Safety as a Black Solo Female Traveler
Safety as a Black Solo Female Traveler
The #TravelNoire explosion is a very recent phenomenon. In previous generations, black travel was extremely limited and very dangerous. It was necessary to subscribe to the Green Book, a mid 20th century printed travel guide, to navigate places that aided black travelers. Thanks to many of our ancestors’ sacrifices and advancements in recent decades, this is no longer the case. Yet, precautions…
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curlsncarryons · 6 years ago
Running Scenarios
I been running all my life.
But only just broke in my sneakers.
Taking on challenges,
Yet fleeing from chaos.
Protecting my peace,
Yet weakening my resilience.
Am I retreating before the storm hits?
Or quitting before it calms?
Should I trust my forethought?
Or regret my hindsight?
I am stuck on the fence,
Comparing lawns, counting flowers,
Gauging the temperature,
Forgetting that God is on…
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curlsncarryons · 6 years ago
Here’s WHY I’m Living in a Van This Year
Here’s WHY I’m Living in a Van This Year
The last time I lived in LA was nearly 20 years ago, before I’d hit puberty. I’ve missed my home and carried it with me ever since. Christmas 2017, I moved in with my grandparents with the intention to save for an investment, whether that was for property or a commercial space. At that time, I really didnt have a clear vision. When June 2018 rolled around, the tiny living…
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curlsncarryons · 7 years ago
In Love on a Layover: a travel romance novella
In Love on a Layover: a travel romance novella
This is my first novella. I will be publishing each chapter, as its written, online. Please download for free and enjoy.
CHAPTER ONE (posted on 11May)
Chapter Two (posts 18May)
Chapter Three (TBA)
Chapter Four (TBA)
Chapter Five (TBA)
  Thanks for joining me 🙂
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