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privateanxieties · 8 months ago
anyone else feeling like everything's being made into a luxury experience nowadays but without the actual luxury? coffee and a treat? luxury. a piece of pastry? luxury. a fruit salad?? in peak season?? might as well book a plane ticket to Bora Bora for that money.
it's just gotten to the point that nothing can be enjoyed anymore because it feels like a gross indulgence. it doesn't feel like treating yourself, it feels like a sacrifice. of course no treat is worth it when it feels like a sacrifice or like getting hustled. which it inevitably feels like (and is) when they charge you $4.50 for fries they made out of half a potato, if that.
and don't get me wrong - when people feel this way even when they make decent money (i.e. can at least afford all the basic necessities and are not in debt) then you can only imagine how fucking far the rich have gone with the latest and most massive transfer of wealth in centuries.
this is only going to accentuate everything else that's fucked about our current society. nobody has the money to even go out to eat fast food anymore, and so they stay home. they grow even more isolated. more disenchanted with life and living. their mental health deteriorates. the newest generations are already experiencing the worst of the mental health crisis, more than any previous generations.
and I just feel like I'm going a little insane here. reasonably, I know I'm not making stuff up or being unreasonable. many people are talking about this and even analyzing it in depth. but there is no universal acknowledgement in the media or the government. nobody is protesting this outright theft. nobody is enacting policy. I just don't know where this will lead if nothing happens. And I don't know what to do in the meantime to feel sane.
are we just so exhausted from the pandemic that we've simply stopped ackowledging that "unprecedented times" are still happening? we don't want to admit that everything is still kinda batshit insane right now? it just feels like we are collectively, with few exceptions, trying to pretend like it is what it is and there's nothing that can be done about the state and cost of living. everyone is resigned to it.
and the job market ohmygod-
the fact that, exactly like in the worst recessions of all time, people feel grateful to even have a job, even a shitty job, in 2024 - is insane. and the reaction is nowhere near proportional.
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shawnrealty · 7 months ago
Real Estate and Economic Outlook: Insights from Dr. Lawrence Yun
Home Sales: A Pre-COVID and Recent Comparison Let’s start by examining home sales data. Pre-COVID, approximately 5.5 million homes were sold annually. During the height of the market in 2021, sales surged to 6.12 million, fueled by intense competition and multiple offers on listings. However, in 2023, sales numbers dropped significantly to around 4 million homes. This decrease is attributed to…
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thoughtportal · 1 year ago
Opinion Here’s how to get free Paxlovid as many times as you need it
When the public health emergency around covid-19 ended, vaccines and treatments became commercial products, meaning companies could charge for them as they do other pharmaceuticals. Paxlovid, the highly effective antiviral pill that can prevent covid from becoming severe, now has a list price of nearly $1,400 for a five-day treatment course.
Thanks to an innovative agreement between the Biden administration and the drug’s manufacturer, Pfizer, Americans can still access the medication free or at very low cost through a program called Paxcess. The problem is that too few people — including pharmacists — are aware of it.
I learned of Paxcess only after readers wrote that pharmacies were charging them hundreds of dollars — or even the full list price — to fill their Paxlovid prescription. This shouldn’t be happening. A representative from Pfizer, which runs the program, explained to me that patients on Medicare and Medicaid or who are uninsured should get free Paxlovid. They need to sign up by going to paxlovid.iassist.com or by calling 877-219-7225. “We wanted to make enrollment as easy and as quick as possible,” the representative said.
Indeed, the process is straightforward. I clicked through the web form myself, and there are only three sets of information required. Patients first enter their name, date of birth and address. They then input their prescriber’s name and address and select their insurance type.
All this should take less than five minutes and can be done at home or at the pharmacy. A physician or pharmacist can fill it out on behalf of the patient, too. Importantly, this form does not ask for medical history, proof of a positive coronavirus test, income verification, citizenship status or other potentially sensitive and time-consuming information.
But there is one key requirement people need to be aware of: Patients must have a prescription for Paxlovid to start the enrollment process. It is not possible to pre-enroll. (Though, in a sense, people on Medicare or Medicaid are already pre-enrolled.)
Once the questionnaire is complete, the website generates a voucher within seconds. People can print it or email it themselves, and then they can exchange it for a free course of Paxlovid at most pharmacies.
Pfizer’s representative tells me that more than 57,000 pharmacies are contracted to participate in this program, including major chain drugstores such as CVS and Walgreens and large retail chains such as Walmart, Kroger and Costco. For those unable to go in person, a mail-order option is available, too.
The program works a little differently for patients with commercial insurance. Some insurance plans already cover Paxlovid without a co-pay. Anyone who is told there will be a charge should sign up for Paxcess, which would further bring down their co-pay and might even cover the entire cost.
Several readers have attested that Paxcess’s process was fast and seamless. I was also glad to learn that there is basically no limit to the number of times someone could use it. A person who contracts the coronavirus three times in a year could access Paxlovid free or at low cost each time.
Unfortunately, readers informed me of one major glitch: Though the Paxcess voucher is honored when presented, some pharmacies are not offering the program proactively. As a result, many patients are still being charged high co-pays even if they could have gotten the medication at no cost.
This is incredibly frustrating. However, after interviewing multiple people involved in the process, including representatives of major pharmacy chains and Biden administration officials, I believe everyone is sincere in trying to make things right. As we saw in the early days of the coronavirus vaccine rollout, it’s hard to get a new program off the ground. Policies that look good on paper run into multiple barriers during implementation.
Those involved are actively identifying and addressing these problems. For instance, a Walgreens representative explained to me that in addition to educating pharmacists and pharmacy techs about the program, the company learned it also had to make system changes to account for a different workflow. Normally, when pharmacists process a prescription, they inform patients of the co-pay and dispense the medication. But with Paxlovid, the system needs to stop them if there is a co-pay, so they can prompt patients to sign up for Paxcess.
Here is where patients and consumers must take a proactive role. That might not feel fair; after all, if someone is ill, people expect that the system will work to help them. But that’s not our reality. While pharmacies work to fix their system glitches, patients need to be their own best advocates. That means signing up for Paxcess as soon as they receive a Paxlovid prescription and helping spread the word so that others can get the antiviral at little or no cost, too.
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easterneyenews · 1 year ago
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milf--adjacent · 5 months ago
Salmonella is "a part of life" too, but y'all don't go around forcing others to lick raw chicken. Why have you given up all caution around covid and other airborne diseases?
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sarah-gratton · 2 years ago
Finished uni. Dunno what to do with myself. Wrote this instead.
"I already know which friends are never going to meet with me again, and what unhealthy habits I’ll ditch, and how I’ll keep my bedroom tidy. Little things I’ve learned by living with myself and spending the last 4 years as not just a student, but as an adult learning how to survive. I know which order to do my dishes, I know which cleaning products work best for what, I know how to keep a shower clean and how to keep mold off of things. And now I’ll be going home with all this incredible knowledge… but with a bachelor’s. I think that’s a good start." -Sarah Gratton
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thelawandmore · 2 years ago
The 2023 Bellwether report by LexisNexis Legal & Professional 
 Some interesting insights into the current state and future prospects of small law firms and solo practitioners have been revealed by this new report. Based on a survey of 200 independent lawyers, it shows how they are coping with the challenges and opportunities of a post-pandemic and post-cost-of-living crisis legal market.  According to the report, small law firms have moderated their growth…
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elodieunderglass · 1 year ago
Horror isekai where Perceiving the Weird Eldritch Thing gets you catapulted into a nightmare labyrinth of puzzle-solving.
I.e Those Who Perceive The Hunt of the Goblin King Must Partake In The Labyrinth and Can Only Be Freed If They Complete It In One Day and One Night. By Fae Law. For Reasons.
But the definition of “perception” clearly needs to be updated because some normal guy simply films the Hunt of the Goblin King Behind Arby’s, and puts it on Facebook -
No, not instagram or TikTok, it’s important that it be Facebook -
Because the rules are pretty clear, “the rules are the rules” as is carved ominously in elvish runes above the grim gate, and the Contract is Sealed. and so therefore the guy and 25 of their most random real-life acquaintances must run the gauntlet together. It’s Some Guy, their immediate neighbors, their first partner’s mom, their friends from hobby Facebook groups (oh this poor guy and their hobbies; the elderly birdwatchers from Facebook and the young up-and-coming drag king community), their random teen kid niece, college friends, a dog who also watched the video, a couple consisting of a woman who is the guy’s Facebook friend and showed her husband the video, and the husband doesn’t even know Some Guy, so he’s in the labyrinth and absolutely furious about being forced to be involved, and they proceed to break up over the course of the puzzle.
It’s important that the narrative keeps trying to be a sexy dark horror isekai! but within this the comedic reality of Catherine, 52, the guy’s horse-riding instructor, being passionately involved in escape-room-style puzzle solving and grappling with minor goblins. They are in fact speedrunning the gauntlet.
The Goblin King finally has to say: all right, actually, I only really set all this up to fuck with one (1) guy at a time, thanks for your willingness to participate, but I think all 25 of you can consider the gauntlet fully run.
And the group would be quite hurt by that. The rules are the rules. We have a contract, actually. Let Catherine cook.
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sauldie · 2 years ago
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reasonsforhope · 2 years ago
"A team of researchers at Washington University in St. Louis has developed a real-time air monitor that can detect any of the SARS-CoV-2 virus variants that are present in a room in about 5 minutes.
The proof-of-concept device was created by researchers from the McKelvey School of Engineering and the School of Medicine at Washington University...
The results are contained in a July 10 publication in Nature Communications that provides details about how the technology works.
The device holds promise as a breakthrough that - when commercially available - could be used in hospitals and health care facilities, schools, congregate living quarters, and other public places to help detect not only the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but other respiratory virus aerosol such as influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) as well.
“There is nothing at the moment that tells us how safe a room is,” Cirrito said, in the university’s news release. “If you are in a room with 100 people, you don’t want to find out five days later whether you could be sick or not. The idea with this device is that you can know essentially in real time, or every 5 minutes, if there is a live virus in the air.”
How It Works
The team combined expertise in biosensing with knowhow in designing instruments that measure the toxicity of air. The resulting device is an air sampler that operates based on what’s called “wet cyclone technology.” Air is sucked into the sampler at very high speeds and is then mixed centrifugally with a fluid containing a nanobody that recognizes the spike protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That fluid, which lines the walls of the sampler, creates a surface vortex that traps the virus aerosols. The wet cyclone sampler has a pump that collects the fluid and sends it to the biosensor for detection of the virus using electrochemistry.
The success of the instrument is linked to the extremely high velocity it generates - the monitor has a flow rate of about 1,000 liters per minute - allowing it to sample a much larger volume of air over a 5-minute collection period than what is possible with currently available commercial samplers. It’s also compact - about one foot wide and 10 inches tall - and lights up when a virus is detected, alerting users to increase airflow or circulation in the room.
Testing the Monitor
To test the monitor, the team placed it in the apartments of two Covid-positive patients. The real-time air samples from the bedrooms were then compared with air samples collected from a virus-free control room. The device detected the RNA of the virus in the air samples from the bedrooms but did not detect any in the control air samples.
In laboratory experiments that aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 into a room-sized chamber, the wet cyclone and biosensor were able to detect varying levels of airborne virus concentrations after only a few minutes of sampling, according to the study.
“We are starting with SARS-CoV-2, but there are plans to also measure influenza, RSV, rhinovirus and other top pathogens that routinely infect people,” Cirrito said. “In a hospital setting, the monitor could be used to measure for staph or strep, which cause all kinds of complications for patients. This could really have a major impact on people’s health.”
The Washington University team is now working to commercialize the air quality monitor."
-via Forbes, July 11, 2023
Holy shit. I know it's still early in the technology and more testing will inevitably be needed but holy shit.
Literally, if it bears out, this could revolutionize medicine. And maybe let immunocompromised people fucking go places again
Also, for those who don't know, Nature Communications is a very prestigious scientific journal that focuses on Pretty Big Deal research. Their review process is incredibly rigorous. This is an absolutely HUGE credibility boost to this research and prototype
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give-grian-rights · 8 months ago
Tommy's dsmp video is regressing me rn. it was such a horrible time in everyone's life as the world was essentially shut down. but god you had connections, good and bad, with SO MANY PEOPLE. you all rallied behind one thing, a piece of media that is near impossible to experience again. A moment in time that you had to be there for
I'm glad Tommy could look at it and laugh, and be proud, and realize how much it meant and how deep it was for so many people who really sunk their teeth into it.
really without it or hermitcraft i'd have nothing right now. even with all thats been revealed i can still say that DSMP changed my life for the better and I hope that those behind it can be proud of that.
Special thanks to Eret, for really founding the roleplaying aspect of the server, and shaping it with a few simple words. It was never meant to be.
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stjohnstarling · 25 days ago
We’ve now found ourselves amid another shift in mass communication. One where algorithms successfully replaced ink and airwaves. And, just as 20th-century mass media created the concept of the consumer a hundred years ago, so too has this current shift redefined how we interact with the world. And accepting that this shift is permanent, in the sense that we can’t simply reverse it, is, I’m convinced, the only way forward. We are now either influencers or influenced.
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afroflowerr · 2 months ago
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You are doing the right thing! I know it feels awkward, and uncomfortable, and scary, and you wish people cared more to be inconvenienced to stand out in showing how they resist a system that hurts us; but YOU do, and I see you.
I see You in the grocery store, I see You walking down the street, I see You add “mask required” to your event flyers, I see You mask blocs, I see You sharing information, I see You protesting mask bans, I see how much You will fight to protect people and yourself.
I see all the notes in the tags, the comments, the hurt you express on how long it’s been, the feelings of betrayal from family, loved ones, friends, community organizers and leaders that seem to care about everything…but somehow leave out people who respect and are hurting deeply from global, life-stopping, airborne virus.
“Masks suggested” is polite…but an insult at best.
We may blame our governments for the overall neglect and disregard, but it is how those close to you—act or don’t act—that hurts the most.
But you are not alone. My dear, please believe me, you are not alone.
We protect each other.
We protect each other.
We protect each other.
• UnMasked Thoughts: 10 - Medium, face masks and paint markers •
• January 2025, Ave •
Image description under keep-reading and in alt text
[Image Description of a black surgical mask against a white desk background. Written on the mask in white paint markers are the words “You are doing the right thing!!!” And in the bottom right corner of the mask is the artist Instagram handle vertically spelled out “@afroflowerr” END ID]
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segernatural · 1 year ago
sure it was a perfect storm of a pressure cooker but i promise destiel was about destiel
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mud-muffin · 1 year ago
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Robin has gotten sick with a strange virus that's only targeting the kids of Gotham. So they rush to Dr. Thompkins to get help and also try to find a cure.
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s-4pphics · 1 year ago
make the bed. (e.w.)
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“𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝓂𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝑜𝑒𝓈𝓃'𝓉 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒, 𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐼 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒶 𝓈𝒾𝑔𝓃.”
omggg my first writing challenge YIPPPEEEE shoutout to olivia rodrigo
ty to the post-pandemic prose and my babies @elliesbelle and @totheblood for pointers :D love yall down 
wc;cw: 1.1K, just angst YAAAAY, internalized homophobia, ellies so sad :(, mentions of alcohol
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“lf I liked girls,” you slurred, your lips brushing against the shell of Ellie’s ear, the pounding speakers synched with the squeezes in her chest, “I swear t’god… you’d be mine.” 
Whenever you drunkenly murmur to her like this, Ellie wishes she didn’t hear you; She was shocked she could over the ruckus happening all around, rattling the bubble she created for the two of you. You always sounded so sure with your lies. They never fail to throw her into fight or flight mode. She tensed and her stomach churned in despair. 
“Y’so perfect, Ellie. Love y’so… fuckin’ much. All mine.” 
All she could do was nod and whirl you around with a pained smile before burying it into your clothed shoulder. You didn’t bat an eye; You were always the affectionate drunk. 
But she wanted to scream. To cry and beg and ask — demand that you fall into her right where you stand. To love her the way she’s loved you since she showed you how to ride a bicycle in elementary school. She flinched at every delicate kiss you planted on her neck, her hands squeezing at your hips. She doesn’t know if she wants to push or pull you closer. 
She knows. Her arms enclosed around your waist and you giggle into her skin. 
This is exactly how you two should be. She’s envisioned it since middle school: completely infatuated and engulfed in each other, secluded off in your own little world filled with nothing but solace. Closeness. Affection and desire. 
So why was she sick to her stomach at your scent? Lavender and sage no longer brought her the comfort that they used to in adolescence. She was being torn apart from the inside out, but she couldn’t scream. 
She only listened, digested every drunk fallacy that you directed to her in secret. With no one watching. No one ever watched. No one could know. That was your only rule when she climbed through your window months prior. Please just keep it between us, you’d whispered before leaning in to kiss her. 
At least Ellie could imagine that this was real as she held you tight: recreate the same image in her mind over and over. The two of you are together and happy to be in love with no selfishness or regrets in her mind. All she had to do was close her eyes, and you were all hers, just like you said. She’s so, so in love with you. 
But you didn’t want her. You never did. 
She’s instantly reminded of that day a few months ago. The memory feels like a ghost over her shoulder; Maybe that’s why she’s constantly peeking over it, picking at it with her nails. 
The two of you often reserved study rooms during exam season for review, but you had other plans. You were exactly where you were supposed to be — room 213 — but you weren’t by yourself. 
You — beautiful, as always — brought… friends. Friends that Ellie knew, that you knew, didn’t like her. She never actually talked to them, but she always felt… off. She was instantly riddled with anxiety, the books that she checked out ten minutes ago almost hitting the floor as her arms weakened. Sweat pebbled on her forehead as she stood and watched everyone stare at her. 
Why did it look like they were all laughing? She couldn’t hear any chuckles, but there was laughter. Someone’s laughing at her. Do they know? You have to know, but do they know about the two of you? About how Ellie feels—
Ellie? you’d called. 
… Mhm? she recalls almost fainting. 
Your eyes were confused; You knew something was off, and it made her even more nervous. 
Sit down, honey. Come meet everyone. You made sure to massage her knee under the table; It always soothed her. 
The introductions were surprisingly smooth. Ellie never expected your friends to be so polite considering how rowdy they seemed outside of class. She was pleasantly surprised and put at ease. Until the end of your study session. 
Everyone was packing their bags and cracking jokes. Ellie even got a couple laughs out of some of them during the quiet few hours. 
Ellie wasn’t sure what came over her, but she eased closer to you, still gathering your books. She relaxed at your scent. When you turned to face her with that gentle smile, her mouth moved on autopilot. 
I missed you so much. You never hit me back last night.  
Maybe it was the way Ellie said it. She shouldn’t have looked into your eyes the way she did, whispered to you like that, said she missed you with so much devotion. But she did, and she wished she didn’t. 
Your smile turned to worry instantaneously, and Ellie’s heart plummeted when your head whipped around the room to check if anyone heard before turning back to her. No one cared. 
Ellie felt like she’d been stabbed. It happened so quickly; she probably would’ve missed it if she blinked. Her nails dug into the hardcover of her books, tears jerking in her eyes before she tossed a stiff see you guys later over her shoulder and rushed out the room. You tried to grab her arm, but she shoved you off. She had to fight her instincts so she wouldn’t turn around and apologize for being too rough. 
She got back to her dorm and… trashed it while she cried. Disgust and anger flooded her system while she threw her clothes, her trinkets, the photo of you, Ellie, and her mother at your shared high school graduation across the room (she only sobbed harder when she noticed it cracked when it hit the floor). The emotions that rushed through her weren’t even for you, but for herself. Ellie’s own hope destroyed her, and she only has herself to blame. 
She should’ve known at the time to never speak to you again, but she loved you. She loves you. Every fiber, every cell of her being lived to see you at your happiest; It’s tortuous how you expose the darkest parts that she wished to keep hidden until the end of time. She hasn’t felt like this since she was a teenager. 
And yet, she still swayed you. Kept you close so she could breathe you in. This is the most you allow, at least: physical touch. She knew better than to allow you to mistreat her, but she couldn’t leave you. You both danced until your legs burned, and you fell into her bed the same night. 
She forced herself to lay in the massacred mattress that she’d tried to keep made since she was a kid. The least you could do was fluff the pillow you slept on every night.
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