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DO YOU LIKE READING ? -- Hey guys im finally back :P sorry for my inactivity last 3 weeks first i went for holidays for two weeks and saying trully it was awersome time. How is ur summer going ? Any one started school already ? Im actually still studying my new academic year will start by lot of exams so i must be ready for them :) and here is some new notes in biology i made. Actually i also want sometimes take some breaks from study and what i wantrd to do is to read some books so i would be interesteed to know any suggestion from you guys :) let me know in the comment section bellow ♡♡♡ - Use code COLORFUL to get 10% off @kawaiipenshop their stationerry is soo pretty (This is an affilate code using it u support my work) - #study #notes #notetaking #studygram #studygramcommunity #student #colorfullllstudy #biologynotes #studyspo #studyinspo #studyinspiration #studymotivation #motivation #inspiration #studyblr #stationery #stationeryaddict #studylove #bujo #bulletjournal #studyaccount #instastudy #homeschool #homeschooling #colorful #university
#study#notes#study notes#my notes#love notes#sticky notes#notetaking#studygram#studygramcommunity#colorfullllstudy#biologynotes#studyblr#stationery#stationeryaddict#studylove#bujo#bujolove#bujoinspire#bujo spread#bujocommunity#studyaccount#student#students#study motivation#studyspo#inspiration#motivation#colorful#university#school
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Whats your favorite cartoon ? - Hello everyone today not a study related feed but very requested one the pic of my water color painting of Walle... yeah a PIXAR cartoon which actually i dont think is popular and isnt my fav one i mostly prefer 2D animation. But i really was inspired by soemthings and also wanted draw for my friend who is a big fan of this cartoon. But i really enjoyed to draw it and even tought that this might be a good idea for bujo as well ;) And yeha my fav cartoons are "the secret of kells", "songs of the Sea", "Paddington bear" series(not the new hollywood movie), Fantstic Mr. Fox and the last one i think "Die drei Räuber".. let me know your favorite in the comment section bellow ;) would be glad to find out some new ones♡♡♡ -- Use code COLORFUL to get 10% off @kawaiipenshop ... they have lovelly kawaii stationery The code is an affilate code if u use it u get 10 % and by this action you support my work ♡♡♡ Thank you soo much all of you for your support -- #notetaking #studygram #studyblr #studygramcommunity #studyaccount #instastudy #watercolor #pixar #disney #cartoon #walle #robot #galaxy #colorful #colorfullllstudy #studyinspo #studymotivation #notes #student #stationery #stationeryaddict #bujo #bulletjournal #studylove #homeschooling #kids #study #school #studyspo
#watercolor#watercolorillustration#illustration#cartoon#kids#walle#disney#disney pixar#pixar#micron#studyblr#student#studyspo#studyspiration#bujo#bujolove#bujo spread#drawning#art#studygram#notes#notebook#study notes#motivation#inspiration#robots#galaxy#colorful#colorfullllstudy#studysthetics
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Hello everyone, whats your favorite subject ? -- Today is really lovelly sunny summer day, i enjoyed some sunlight outside :) and its not too much hot due its windy. Today decided to study in evening so gonna start within few hours. Here is my notes which i made before my exams in the begining of june. Some history notes about the France gouverment after 2WW and thats really interesting topic which i will continue to study today. And you Do you like history ? Let me know in the comment section bellow ;) - Pen used Pilot G1 0,5 @pilotpenfrance Paper lined paper from @silvine_uk - Use code COLORFUL for 10% off @kawaiipenshop - #notetaking #study #notes #studygram #studygramcomunity #student #colorfullllstudy #historynotes #studyinspo #studyinspo #studyinspiration #studymotivation #motivation #inspiration #studyblr #stationery #stationeryaddict #studylove #bujo #bulletjournal #studyaccount #instastudy #homeschooling #homeschool #school #university
#studyblr#study#student#study motivation#studygram#study notes#note taking#biology notes#history notes#history#map#maps#france#colorful#colorfullllstudy#study love#studygrammer#stationery#bujolove#bujo#bujo spread#bujo inspo#planner#homeschooling#school#university#geography#geography notes#notes#notebook
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Is anyone studying this summer ? - Happy monday guys !! As u seen my question is abt study during summer... well the thing is that actually for some reasons im gonna not have summer holidays this year haha ... so wanted know if anyone is any one in same case... and if you r having ur holidays normally im very happy for u dont forget to share whats ur plan for summer break ;) are you going visit any new place? -- Wish you all a lovelly day/evening ahead ♡♡♡ - Dont forget to check out @kawaiipenshop For cute kawaii stationery with 10% discount with code COLORFUL (Its an affilate code, using this code u get discount and support my work♡) #studylove #study #studygram #notes #notetaking #studygramcomunity #student #colorfullllstudy #biologynotes #studyspo #studyinspo #studyinspiration #studyblr #studymotivation #motivation #inspiration #stationery #stationeryaddict #bujo #studyaccount #homeschooling #homeschool #instastudy #bulletjournal #exam #summer #school
#study#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#studygram#studylove#insta study#students#notebook#my notes#love notes#study notes#sticky notes#colorful#biology#biology notes#note taking#motivation#inspiration#studymotivation#school#homeschooling#study inspiration#study motivator#productivity#summer#student#university#colorfullllstudy
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Hello hello, Finally im back & first of all thank you soo much for 2,3 K followers ♡ it makes soo much happy I have been sick for a while and also had my exams but finally im good and exams are done for the moment. Im feeling so happy to being able to share with you some new notes . Hope you will like it ♡ How about your exams? Is anything remaing for u? - And yeah of course not forgetting that now i have a discout code* COLORFUL @kawaiipenshop they have a cool stationery be sure to check them out. - *its affilate code if u use it u get 10% and u support me too i would be really thankful if while ur shopping @kawaiipenshop u use my code COLORFUL - #stationery #note #notetaking #notes #biologynotes #studyaccount #study #studyblr #studyaccount #studylove #instastudy #motivation #studymotivation #student #exam #studygram #studyinspo #studyinspiration #studygramcomunity #planning #student #colorfullllstudy #bujo #bulletjournal #homeschooling #stationeryaddict #school #university
#stationery#study#studygram#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#study inspiration#note taking#notes#study notes#sticky notes#school#biology#planner#planning#planneraddict#bujo#bujolove#bujo inspo#bullet journal#homeschooling#student#university#productivity#100 days of productivity#stationeryaddict#colorful#colorfullllstudy#instagram#exam
41 notes
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Hey hey whats ur fav pen to use ? .... as it has been asked by some of you here it is my handwriting more close. I usually use pilot pen for the writing and for headers i use miniso black brush pen ( @miniso.official ) i really like the quality it doesnt bleed trought paper. Actually its not my natural handwriting i mostly used cursive before but from some.months i started to work on my handwriting and try to change it. So here is some tips which helped me to change my handwriting # 1 tip is to just think how u want it look like (cursive, neat... etc) # 2 tip select size u wanna letters to be # 3 tip use a good quality paper # 4 tip chose your pen, which is confortable for your hand and which is easy to control # 5 final tip is to just try your best in the beggining to make ur hand used to write that new way . Even u will be a bit slow but later u will be able to write faster. Hope this tips will be iseful to you ♡♡ Let me know in the comment section ♡ --- #notes #notetaking #stationeryaddict #studylove #studyspo #studygram #studyblr #handwriting #calligraphy #colorfullllstudy #studyaccount #instastudy #studymotivation #studyinspiration #student #homeschool #bujo #bulletjournal #stationery #university #notebook #school #lettering #studyinspo #planner #planning #studentlife
#note#notes#student#study notes#love notes#my notes#students#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#studygram#colorfullllstudy#studyaccount#bulletjournal#handwriting#calligraphy#alphabet#handwriten#lettering#planner#stationery#study#homeschool#notebook#school#bujo#bujolove#bujo spread#back to school#brushlettering
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Hello everyone :) hope you are doing well. Im finally recovering from flu and trying to study atleast a little in day.. Today I have been asking in stories about the idea of making my YT channel and lots of you support this idea , thank you soo much. Well actually i would like to know which type of videos you would like to see (study with me, my study favorites, how i take notes or any other study related ) please let me know in the comment section bellow. ♡♡♡ Paper i used for this notes are from @silvine_uk / @silvineoriginals And pen from @pilotpenfrance Pilot G-1 0,5 -- #study #studylove #notes #notetaking #studyspo #studyblr #studygram #studyaccount #studymotivation #studyinspiration #colorfullllstudy #stationery #stationeryaddict #biologynotes #motivation #inspiration #instastudy #homeschooling #school #studygramcomunity #student #university #notebook #bulletjournal #bujo #planner #planneraddict
#notes#science#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#studygram#study inspiration#study inspo#planner#planneraddict#aesthetic#bujo#studylove#study account#student#university#note taking#colorfullllstudy#motivation#inspiration#homeschooling#homeschool#school#bujo spread#biology#stationery#stationery addict
79 notes
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Hello everyone, how does your week started? My day was pretty good today even if a bit sick but atleast sun is back after few days of rain. ;) In this post im sharing with you my notes in biology i made. Have a lovely evening ♡♡♡ Pen used : pilot @pilotpenusa Paper used @silvine_uk @silvineoriginal -- #notes #notetaking #studylove #study #studyspo #studygram #studyblr #student #studyaccount #stationery #inspiration #motivation #exam #studygramcomunity #homeschool #homeschooling #education #handwriting #colorful #colorfullllstudy #school #biology #biologynotes #studyinspiration #studymotivation
#notes#study notes#notebook#note#study#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#studygram#student#studentlife#notetaking#note taking#study account#motivation#inspiration#100 days of productivity#colorful#colorfullllstudy#bujolove#studylove#studygram community#studyblr community
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Hello everyone ... happy friday ♡ hope you all are doing well :) here today is rainy day and electricity was off for some hours but some how it was good for me as there was no any distruction so i was productive in my studies (but yeah i was afraid that wouldnt be able to post today) But now finally its all fine and i can share with you my bujo set up for june ;). I decided to make it fresh with floral ornament in watercolors on the letter J and im happy with the result :) hope you like it too and it will help you to make your set up... Did you had a productive day today ? #bujo #bulletjournal #watercolor #notes #studygram #notetaking #bujolove #bujocommunity #bujolife #bujogram #study #student #studyblr #organization #notebook #inspiration #studyspo #stationery #planner #studyaccount #journal #studylove #planning #planwithme
#bujo#bujolove#my bujo#bujo spread#bujoinspire#bujo june#summer#june#bullet journal#colorfullllstudy#student#study#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#studygram#students#notes#note taking#planner#planning#planneraddict#bujocommunity#bujochallenges#inspiration#watercolor#plannercommunity#plannerlove#studyaccount#stusyspiration
8 notes
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Hello happy Monday everyone, today I'm sharing with you some of my notes in biology and as you can see it's about the brain. As well as I have got several time a question "How to get more followers?" I'm gonna talk about what TO DO and NOT TO DO while trying to grow your followers. - # 1 DO good content its really really important because if you want REAL followers you need to have a content that people have to wish to follow you. - # 2 DONT buy followers because ....that won't be real people who appreciate your work so no engagement(no likes no comments) - # 3 DONT do f4f u can follow someone and they follow you back but only in case if you really like the content or you have friendly relationships with the person because anyways you won't be able to see all post of all person u followed if it's more then 200 or so because there will be tooo much new feed so probably u wont scroll it all down to like or comment everyone. - # 4 DO TALK TO PEOPLE...for example,open the hashtag you need and comment on recent post tell people what you think about their work if there is any question in the caption answer them ... get to know people,make friends yes why not to ask them to check out your feed too if they come and do like or comment give them a return as well (self-promotion isn't bad till you don't behave as a selfish) ... personally, I think studygram it's a large and really friendly community of student which are supporting and inspiring each other each and every day and I'm really happy to be a part of this community:) and I try to keep contact with all of you within my possibility - # 5 And finally DO reply to comments which people leave to your posts ...reply to their questions and just some friendly comments - Thank you soooo much for all your support guys and hope this few tips were useful Hope your start of the week was good I know Monday isn't the easiest day generally hehe but summer holidays are soon When ur holidays start? Pen – Pilot G-1 0,5 Paper – 📒 from @silvineoriginal / @silvine_uk notebook - - #studygram #study #notes #notetaking#biologynotes #brain #medecine #student#studyblr #handwriting #bujo #studylove#studymotivation #motivation #inspiration#studyspo #studyinspo #stationery#colorfullllstudy #colorful #instastudy
#study#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#studygram#motivation#inspiration#notes#notetaking#handwritng#school#biology#student#studentlife#lifestyle#education#homeschooling#homeschool#colorful#aesthetic#brain
10 notes
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Hello everyone, And first of all, I wanna thank you ALL for the 1000+ followers and for your lovely words and your support it really feels amazing. Hope you will enjoy my content in future as well :) Today I'm sharing you the notes I took in biology related to the immune system topic (the macrophage) - Today I wanted to refer to some questions I'm used listen as a studygrammer from friends or relative which may give some doupt who is actually right: 1. 💬 What for you waste your time on neat handwriting and drawing all this stuff on your notes? - Actually, this is the method of study which personally works for me ... I memorize better all that ever I write so it makes my study easy and faster. Because it's using not only writing, listening, reading memory but also as I draw and colour all diagrams. So while drawing ✍🏻 I understand how it actually works. 2. (other question similar to this one) 💬 You could do more exercise instead of wasting time on notes. - Well I would like to say that if I do write neat notes it doesn't mean I don't do exercises, exercises is another method which I use as well and I think the most efficient way of learning I think is to differentiate the methods I'm not blaming anyone just I'm actually want to say that everyone has their own method which works for them and most important is the result (how much u had learned) So doesn't matter are u a studygrammer or someone who don't make pretty notes and find it useless. Don't worry you are doing great till your method is working for you. :) Just focus on your goals and archive them ... and always stay happy, You are awesome 💕💕 Tell me in the comment section below 👇����👇🏼👇🏼 if you can refer those questions has been asked to you or I'm the only one 🤣🤣 - Pen -- Pilot G-1 0,5 Paper -- 📒 from @silvineoriginal / @silvine_uk notebook - - #study #notes #notetaking #studygram#studygramcommunity #student#colorfullllstudy #biologynotes #studyspo#studyinspo #studyinspiration#studymotivation #motivation #inspiration#studyblr #stationery #stationeryaddict#studylove #bulletjournal #bujo#studyaccount #instastudy#homeschooling #homeschool #school#university
#study#studyblr#study motivation#studygram#study notes#note#notes#notes taking#biology#stationery#staionery addict#college#uni#university#student#studentlife#studygrammer#study inspiration#studyinspo#studyspo#inspiration#motivation#lifestyle#school#homeschooling#homeschool#study love#biology notes
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Hello lovely people 🤗🤗🤗 here I am finally with a new post today was quite difficult to take a pic and unfortunately, I wasn't able to take before. And today was no electricity than the whole day it was sunny🌞 hehe so totally not the best day for the photography📷 but I tried my best and still decided to post to don't make you wait too long. And respect my schedule of posting 📅 (every Monday and Wednesday or Thursday) ✍️Well here is one of my last notes I made in biology🌱 this one is about the lymph and the blood. My exams are coming in June and I have to prepare for them the stress is getting more and more with each day😬... thank God I finish all chapters in all subject almost so this last 4 weeks I can sacrifice for the exam revisions, doing past papers and many more exercises 📚📄 - How about your exams? Did you finish yours or still some remaining? and How do you deal with your stress before and during exams? Let me know in the comment section below 👇👇👇 - - 📒 Paper I used is from @silvineoriginal / @silvine_uk notebook (160 lined pages perforated Perfect Bound) which I really loved coz the paper is really good quality, as well as the lines, are almost not distracting 🖊 Pen i used was Pilot G-1 (0,5 mm) - - - #notes #note #notetaking #studygram#study #studyspo #studymotivation#motivation #inspiration #stationery#student #handwriting #stationeryaddict#colorful #colorfullllstudy #studyblr #exam#biologynotes #studyaccount #studytime#studygramcomunity #studygrammer#studying
#notes#studyblr#study motivation#student#students#studygram#notestaking#study notes#inspiration#study inspiration#studyspo#biology#biology notes#exam#science#pilotpen#studygramcommunity#college#university#stationery#stationeryaddict#colorful#human
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Hello, hello everyone, First of all, thank you so much for your lovely comments and for 800+ followers on Instagram that really feels so motivating when people support you and are interesting in what you are doing so you wanna continue it! So as I asked earlier in stories and almost 90% supported this idea. Today I will talk about photography and give you few tips I think are useful to take good pictures: - 📍 Tip #1 Think about which camera📷 you gonna use (I'm using a CANON EOS20D which is quite an old version but its still a good one) not everyone has a professional camera so yeah sure you can use your phone to take a picture but here the tip2 - 📍 Tip # 2 this one I think is the most important tip THE LIGHTING yes lighting is tooo much important if you take a picture in night for sure you will have a bad quality picture. - 📍 Tip # 3 you must be wondering I talk about light but when and which light is better? exactly very good question and here you must have remembered that best lighting is at CLOUDY WEATHER☁️ around 1-4 pm in the summer time and in winter (as days are shorter) the better time is from 12-2 pm ⌚️ - 📍 Tip # 4 NO FLASH yes don't use your flash if you think your picture is dark even with bright exposure. You can try it later maybe the result will be even better. - 📍 Tip # 5 use editor it can help you the one which is not difficult to use for a beginner I would recommend the FOTOR editor - Well for the moment that's it ... tell me in the comment if it was useful 😉 Have a lovely evening - #notes #studytips #notetaking #stationery#colorfullllstudy #study #studygram#studygramcommunity #aesthetic#homeschooling #homeschool #colorful#map #studyspo #inspiration #motivation#school #studentlife #photographytips#photography #aesthetics #bright#notebook #studyblr #handwriting#lettering #exam #bujo
#note#notes#studyblr#study#studygram#study motivation#study notes#student#colorful#map#maps#handwriting#notebook#motivation#inspiration#bujo#exam#aesthetic#homeschool#note taking#history#history notes#university
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@happy Monday !! Saturday I have been finishing my chapter in biology and studied about GMO (in my notes its OGM as I study in French) Thant was pretty interesting topic. Now I'm gonna study some immune system and then one more chapter about nerves. Well my exams are approaching and I'm glad I didn't procrastinate too many last months and I almost finish all chapters in all subject 😊😊 How about your exams? Do you have any soon or already finish them ? Tell me in the comment section below -- Take care your self and study well See you soon 😍😍 - Follow my instagram @colorfullllstudy - #studygram #study #note #notes#notetaking #biology #school #student#colorful #stationery #stationeryaddict #svt#homeschooling #homeschool #exams#studylove #studyblr #studybreak#stickynotes #gelpen #muji#colorfullllstudy #whitelinespaper #pencils#sketch #biologynotes #backtoschool#bujo #university #college
#note#notes#study notes#biology#student#studyspo#motivation#inspiration#handwriting#studyblr#study motivation#studygram
18 notes
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Happy Saturday everyone 😊😊 I'm back to show you some of my new notes and also to THANKYOU for 500+ followers that going so fast. I'm amazed you like what I do as well as my tips are useful 🤗🤗 as well as I have got a lot of comments with really interesting questions😍😍 And today I wanna to tell you some cheap tips for a studygrammer Yeah nowadays community of studygram gets larger day by day and if you are thinking to start one or you are already a studygrammer I think that most of the time we wanna get the stationary branded. But the main problem is that they are not available in every country and not cheap and so then I asked my self-does it really worth to pay such a price for that? And is it really needed to have branded to make pretty notes? - So today in gonna share my criteria to chose stationary to make it stylish and better customise your budget Tip # 1 : First of all make a decision in which palet you wanna have it (Neon/pastel etc.) - Tip # 2 : Chose your paper (square, lines, dimensions A5/A4) then decide gonna you use a copybook or you prefer separate papers which you will keep in a binder. - Tip # 3 : Then chose which items you gonna need (brush pen/pencils/highlighters/gel pen/etc.) for example for colouring my maps and other things I use simple pencils so than in 100% sure it won't lick on the other side of the sheet. - Tip # 4 : While choosing your item for example before buying the branded one check out if there is no any professional version of the item (which may be the same price as regular branded stationary but may be of better quality) as I do for pencils which I take at Faber Castel. - Tip # 5 : Except palet try to find in the same style (i prefer to have in minimalistic style so that its easier to find a match at any store and different price) Hope it was useful Sleep well, Eat well, study hard and be happy 😉 #study #note #notetaking #handwriting#bujo #studylove #studyspo #studygram#studymotivation #instastudy #studytips#student #stationeryaddict #colorful #map#studyblr #bright #motivation #inspiration#homeschooling #homeschool #lettering#stabilo #muji #studygramcommunity#thankyou #colorfullllstudy
#notes#bujo#study#studyblr#study motivation#studygram#study notes#student#homeschool#motivation#inspiration
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hey guys... I'm finally back with new pix And finally, some new notes as everyone was waiting for some new notes here it is By the way, thanks to 200+ followers and 300+ likes for the last pic :) im so glad you like what I do!! well today i wanted to make my post quiet longer and today wanted to talk about how to motivate yourself to study and how to keep this motivation especially when you are homeschool well that not only is regarding homeschool student so today i wanna write my 5 TIPS to stay motivated : 📍tip n1 : would eat properly at your mealtime yeah that necessary so you won't feel hungry in the middle of a study session - 📍tip n2 : make your study place nice and attractive so you feel happy to begin at that place (if you go to the library 📚 then search that one which you like and feel comfortable, if you have your desk then make it look nice to put some motivational notes and so on ) - 📍tip n3 if you get lazy to do your homework you wanna go on youtube or watch a movie or anything else personally i would suggest then force yourself to not watch random things but if you go on youtube then search for a "study with me" video type i really like those one coz even you watch them then you get kinda inspired and motivational to do something like that - 📍tip n4 : make a schedule BUT one important thing set up a weekly goal because it's not always your circumstances are so that you will be able to finish your daily plan. - 📍tip n5: give your self a gift 🎁 yeah exactly 😆a gift it can be anything for example set up a goal to yourself and tell to your self if you do it then you can watch new episode of your fav series or a new movie or go hang out with your friend.🚶♀️ Hope it was interesting and useful Do you have any tips for yours? Share with me in the comment bellow 👩🎓 😉 😊 - - #stationery #study #motivation #studytips#notes #notetaking #handwriting #student#bujo #studygram #studyspo #studyspace#color #colorful #notebook #highlighter#pencilcase #ornament #quote #studyblr#muji #stabilo #blue #inspiration #white
#note#notes#note taking#study#student#studyblr#studygram#colorful#motivation#inspiration#quotes#happy#joy#university#organization#stationery#stationeryaddict#bujo
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lovelly notes

03.31.17 || Notes and research for upcoming philosophy paper 💫
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