The Choco Docs Trio!
13 posts
The shared social media account between Miss Eden Feng, Dr. Opelia Pebble, and Dr Finnigan Outlaw 🌟.Forward any questions, comments, compliments, or insults to the ask box.(RP blog owned by @hun-bun-bee)
Last active 60 minutes ago
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choco-docs · 22 hours ago
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Pebble: My shoulder still doesn't feel quite right. I am not fond of the... chaos that seems to follow Dr. House's team.
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choco-docs · 11 days ago
type 1 narcoleptic finn vs type 2 narcoleptic chase (headcanon,) who would win
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OOC: I'm sure Chase would feel some sense of superiority because "at least he doesn't have the cataplexy" but lets be real, there would be no winner when it comes to chronically exhausted surgeons.
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choco-docs · 12 days ago
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Eden: House is such a scary guy!!! I'm glad I'm on his good side.... I think?
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choco-docs · 23 days ago
what are the choco-docs’ relationships with their parents like?
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Eden: Heres a pic of my Dad, Step-mom, and Step-sister! I have a pretty good relationship with my family. They don’t live too far away, just a couple hours or so up north in Vermont. I try to visit them as much as i can! My sister calls me like every Saturday to make me help with her homework hehehe.
My dad is awesome, he was always pushing me to do hard stuff even when my memory made it easy.
My step mom is great too, i love the side of my dad she brings out :))) plus she also gave me a preeettty cool little sister.
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Pebble: My mother is a big part of who I am. I had my difficulties growing up but she never let me feel weak. Our father left when I was pretty young, but I never felt a loss. We were better off.
I brought a photo of my mother and brothers at a Diwali festival about a decade back.
My brothers, collectively, are troublesome but they are good people. I can look past their foolery. Even though they are local I don’t see them too often, they know how I am, I just get absorbed in what I have going on.
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Finn: Parents? Who needs em!
Trying to keep it breifff - my moms a prick, my dads a dick, and my sister has a stick up her ass. I moved across country for a reason. Thank fuck they live in Utah.
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choco-docs · 1 month ago
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you wake up in hospital and these guys are your doctors. what do you do.
( characters belong to the wonderful @choco-docs! )
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choco-docs · 1 month ago
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Finn: HAPPY VALENTINES DAYYYYY <333 Here is your reminder that those candies will be so fucking cheap tomorrow <3
Pebble: Happy Valentines day, remember this holiday isn't just for people in relationships.
Eden: Happy Valentines day! Reminder that you're loved no matter what you think :) Spend some time with your loved ones or friends if you can!
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choco-docs · 1 month ago
Do Finn and Eden call Ophelia “Pebble” while she calls them by their first names?? I just realized that Pebble is the only one who goes by last name in the color name tags
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Pebble: I'm at WORK. It's respectful to call medical colleagues by their last names! They refused to respond to me if I referred to them as Outlaw or Feng, so I refused to respond to them if they called me Ophelia. Plus, Pebble is a perfectly respectable name! It holds weight, it rolls of the tongue, and it's *simple*, I just-... I just like it better >:Y
Finn: The simple answer is Pebble is Pebble. Pebble does many things that are just Pebble ways of doing things. I have learned time and time again its not worth the trouble.
...I actually kind of regret not letting her call me Outlaw, shes the only one who would do it and take me seriously.
Eden: I think its endearing anyways :) She's always unapologetically herself and i envy that. Maybeee one day she'll let me use her first name, but I feel like Pebble suits her much better anyways ⭐
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choco-docs · 1 month ago
hi everyone!!!! do you guys like hugs? you look hug-able. especially finn for some reason idk.
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Finn: THANK YOUUU. I give the best hugs FOR SURE!!! I got a nice wide wingspan going for me. I give plenty of patients of hugs when they need some extra reassurance or after i see them all recovered! I like hugs too :) btw im putting "looks hug-able idk" on my resume.
Eden: I like hugs! Im a bit too awkward for them i think, I never know what to do with my hands!!! Luckily my friends don't mind dealing with me and hug me anyways^^
Pebble: Hugs are... ahh.. they're fine. They can be regulating and nice but eghh... People usually expect things after hugs and I hate expectation. It just leads to complexity I don't really care for. I only tolerate it from these two since I like them well enough.
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choco-docs · 2 months ago
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Finn: Get squished pea brain.
Pebble: How old are you again? 12?
Finn: 27 :)
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choco-docs · 2 months ago
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Eden: Finn takes "power naps" in the most absurd positions. They usually occur riiiiiiight before its time to take his meds at lunch time. Speaking of, the casual lunch table snooze is a very common Finn nap spot. I will keep my phone ready for some more... "uncommon" Finn nap spots! 😪😪😪
Pebble: You wake him up and he insists he wasn't asleep.
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choco-docs · 2 months ago
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Finn: Breakfast of kings!!!!…. (I was late and didnt have time to toast my bread)
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choco-docs · 2 months ago
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Finn: Good afternoon wondrous world of the internet. I finally convinced my colleagues to go in on a blog with me! We are a group of various medical professionals working at Princeton Plainsboro Hospital in New Jersey. In that photo, im the handsome (almost) surgeon on the left. Ill let the other two say a thing or two now <3
Eden: Hiiiiiiiii Im Eden. I'm a Pharmacist on PPTH :). Not super sure what Finn really expects to happen on this blog but im excited to see where it goes! Oh, and Im the girl on the far right with the cool socks ☺!!
Pebble: Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Pebble and I am a Endrochrinologist. I am the woman in the center of the photo. I'm mostly here to make sure nothing gets posted that could lead to anyone getting fired. Though, I suppose I don't mind answering a question every now and again. Have a good night.
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choco-docs · 2 months ago
Owner info
Name: Maddie/Dee
Nickname: Choco
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 23
🌷Main Blog🌷 -- @hun-bun-bee
My main blog has lots of art n stuff! If you see this blog follow of you/engage and ur like "who the f is this" check the blogs below and see if it makes more sense after that LMAO
✨Fandom Blog✨ -- @choco-worms
Blog for self-indulgent fandom art! mostly House MD right now :)
🧸Rebloggy Blog🧸 -- @choco-berry-bunny
This is just my misc blog for reblogging things i find cool or funny :)
OC RP Blog -- @choco-docs
Blog for my 3 House MD ocs :)
Hello! This blog is a role play/intractable blog for my 3 House MD ocs!
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I will distinguish between who is typing with the following format:
Finn: Hi I'm talking
Eden: Hi I'm talking
Pebble: Hi I'm talking
I hope to do a lot of fun in universe art on the blog so answers to asks may take some time as I create a drawing to go along with it!
Feel free to interact in any way! Im fine with dealing with asks that are rude or uncomfortable. Just be prepared for my ocs to respond in equally rude or uncomfortable ways!
I would love to interact with other oc blogs but i am honestly REAL shy and awkward about it. So bear with me lol
Overall, I would like to clarify that this blog is just for fun and a creative outlet. Any interactions I write for my ocs are not guaranteed to reflect personal feelings about any one person or any one given subject. Also, quite clearly i am not a medical professional. No medical advice should be taken from this blog and i will likely ignore the known laws of science just to make a comic work <3
Character tags:
#Finn Outlaw
#Eden Feng
#Ophelia Pebble
Tag for requests or drawings that i dont consider to be the a part of the larger canon of my ocs littlw universe! Just having fun!!: #chocodocs daydreams
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