bright-beautiful-lights · 7 years ago
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Treat yoself!! Tonight's snack is ice cream and I'm so happy about it. Logging it into MyFitnessPal it was 220 Cals (plus other good and not so good nutritional values). Not the healthiest snack I could have had but I'm proud of my portion control, and I also didn't end up eating it all :). I think developing a healthier relationship with food means enjoying a treat once in a while without making yourself feel bad about it #selflove #selfcare #weightloss #icecreamlove #treatyoself #treatyoselfright #portioncontrol #weightloss #weightlossjourney
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bright-beautiful-lights · 7 years ago
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Going home means going grilled! • grilled cod • grilled corn • grilled zucchini Rice and mushrooms not grilled obvs :P (It looks like there's way more rice than I really had on my plate - it's sitting over my fish and mushrooms. I'm so full!!! It was delish! We brought back the street corn because we couldn't get enough 🌽🌽🌽!! #grilling #bbq #healthybbq #healthyfood #weightloss #homecooking #healthjourney #healthyeating
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bright-beautiful-lights · 7 years ago
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(Messy )sneak preview - healthy dinner for the whole family tonight. Stand by for more pics :) #healthyfood #healthjourney #weightloss #foodporn #picodegallo
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bright-beautiful-lights · 7 years ago
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Savoury Breakfast this morning #foodporn #healthyfood #breakfast 🍳
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bright-beautiful-lights · 7 years ago
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Today's #smoothiebowl is a nut and fibre bowl! Frozen fruit, soy milk, chia seeds, unsweetened coconut, crushed almonds, coconut mango granola, and unsweetened almond butter #smoothieporn #smoothiepower #smoothie
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bright-beautiful-lights · 7 years ago
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My first #smoothiebowl. So easy and so delicious. I'm surprised at how filling it is! By the way, I'm down 6lbs from my starting weight!!
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
Has anyone GAINED weight in their first month?
I'm higher than my highest weight right now. What is going ON!?
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
Reblog if you've got a goal to lose 40+ lbs. in 2017!
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
What even
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
Me in ballet!!!!
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This mushroom is doing its best
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
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Tried a meat free meal today and I'm kinda loving it!
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
You know, my yoga asana practice isn’t pretty. It’s fucking gruesome most of the time. It’s a lot of sweating, crying, swearing, falling down, & picking myself back up again. For most of us, the gruesome reality of an asana practice is shocking- I mean, it’s all fun and games when you’re looking at instagram photos, but real life is on some different shit.
BUT THAT’S THE POINT. This practice isn’t supposed to be easy or pretty. And it’s not about the fucking poses. Flexibility and strength are cool & all, but don’t get it twisted- that’s not why we show up on the mat. There is a spirit inside each of us, and it needs to be nurtured and cleansed. And that nurturing/cleansing isn’t easy or pretty, and it sure as hell doesn’t have anything to do with social media. So while I’m pleased with where my eka pada raja kapotasana II prep is heading, the actual shape of my body doesn’t begin to measure the work that’s going on beneath the surface. And that work never really gets “easy”- even postures I’ve been practicing for years can feel brand spanking new depending on what’s going on in my brain. Don’t get hung up on making things “easy”- the point is to stand in the fire and challenge yourself, no matter what happens to your consciousness in the process.
BTW, all my @codyapp plans are 30% off until tomorrow night- use the code ‘NY2017’ at checkout. If you’re a brand new yoga practitioner, I would recommend starting with “Begin To Embody Yoga”, “Get Loud”, and “Bare Your Soul, Find Your Flow.” I am so proud to be part of your practice, Cody students- y'all impress the shit out of me. I’ve been blessed to watch so many of you grow, and I’m so inspired by the work you’ve put in to become more in tune with your spirit. If you’ve just started one of my Cody plans and you want to ask a question, check out my youtube channel before clicking send on that email because I have several videos answering new student FAQs that will more than likely offer necessary guidance. Put in the time, pick yourself up when you fall, and trust me- all is coming. All is coming. And I honor the fuck out of your practice. (at Durham, North Carolina)
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
Reblog if you've got a goal to lose 40+ lbs. in 2017!
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
This is not an easy journey, but -
At some point it has to go from "This is too difficult." to "I'm worth the effort. ". Because you are. You are SO worth it .
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
i hope in 2017, your anxiety is lower, your self-esteem is higher, your writer’s block or artist’s block goes away, and you can come back on december 31st and say, “hey, that wasn’t so bad.”
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bright-beautiful-lights · 8 years ago
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See more at
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