was 2018 *really* my year?
was 2018 *really* my year?
I think I finally reached that point in my life where I’ve really come to know myself. This year, as quick as it went, really helped me reflect on everything. And I just wanted to share with you all, as friends, what this year has done for me, and meant for me. Hope that’s ok.
Let’s talk about family. 
Through out a majority of my life…I’ve felt really out of touch with my four sisters and my…
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The Reading Slump: A Guide
The Reading Slump: A Guide 📚
As readers we’ve all felt or caught that deadly – okay…maybe not deadly, but definitely frustrating – feeling we call The Reading Slump. You know, that feeling when you just can’t enjoy reading or reading feels like such a chores. Or when you actually feel like reading but you just CAN’T. 
*Cries in to book that put me in a slump* Please tell me I’m not alone in this. 
This feeling can last…
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Belated Mid Year Freak Out
I'm so behind, but heres a belated mid year freak out ✨
Can you believe it’s almost August? No? Oh okay, me either. The last seven months of reading have been my best in what feels like years and I’m so proud of myself for reading almost 70 books since the beginning of the year.
2017 was the year of slumps for me, and I’m so glad I’ve only experience the one slump this year. So I thought I would go ahead and do the midyear freakout tag to kinda…
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April Wrap Up
✰ Don't forget to check out my April Wrap Up! How many books did you read last month? ✰
I honestly can’t believe that it’s already May. May as in, you know, the fifth month of the year? Time has literally been ticking on by so damn fast. I don’t even know what I’ve done this year, it’s still January to me! Anyway, new month, new wrap up. Let’s tuck in to the books that I read in April.
I’m sure you all know that I’m a massive fan of audio books. I’m always driving or on a train or…
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Goooooood morning, ya filthy bookworms!
It’s suddenly come to my attention that I haven’t posted my February wrap up yet xD So….I’m going to do a joint wrap up of everything I’ve picked up and put down since January! And there’s a lot – this has been my most productive year in a while. Last year I managed to read 65 books in total, and this year I’ve already read/listened to 31 amazing novels, not including the one I DNF’d.
I’m actually kinda proud of how much I’ve managed to read this year! I guess my goal of reading each and every single day has really helped with that -so without further a do, let’s go through what I’ve read this year!
Golden Son by Pierce Brown ✰✰✰✰✰
This is the sequel to Red Rising and it was bloody damn amazing! I loved it….even though Brown ended it with a PAINFUL cliff hanger.
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff ✰✰✰✰
I thought this story was really gorgeous! It basically explains a form of Buddhism through the characters from Winnie the Pooh. Definitely made me think a lot.
The One & Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate ✰✰✰✰✰
I hadn’t read a middle grade in ages before picking this up and omgggg, my heart! I cried and laughed and cried some more! Such a beautiful, yet painfully real, story – which was actually loosely based on a real event.
Scythe by Neal Shusterman ✰✰✰✰
I’ve already reviewed this amazing YA here! Thanks so much for sending a copy my way, Walker!
Love, Hate & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed  ✰✰✰✰
Our February book of the month was this gorgeous little gem. I was really touched by Maya’s story, however, I definitely wish the romance wasn’t made to be the major conflict for the majority of the novel!
Morning Star by Pierce Brown ✰✰✰✰✰
Holy moly….so many feels in this! I’m so happy with how everything ended and I can’t wait to read Iron Gold! I’m so glad that I was able to finish the trilogy so quickly *lowkey proud*
The Stone Keepers by Kazu Kibuishi ✰✰✰
The Stone Keepers is the first of seven in a middle grade graphic novel saga. I wasn’t blown away by the story line, but the drawings are amazing and they make me super jealous that I can’t draw.
The Stone Keeper’s Curse by Kazu Kibuishi ✰✰✰✰
The sequel was so much better than the first. It was exciting, and really developed the story line. We also got to see a bit more of the main villain and I’m looking forward to picking up the third one once my work restocks it.
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff ✰✰✰✰✰
Is this cheating because it’s a reread? I don’t care! I’m still counting it. This book KILLED me. Not really, but I wish it had *le sigh* I love everything about this series. The format is amazing, the writing is amazing, the characters are EPIC, and it makes you fall head over heels for a damn computer.
Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff ✰✰✰✰✰
I love when you read series that you think can’t possibly get any better . . . But then it does? These authors are damn amazing and I can’t wait to read the series their currently working on once it’s out!
Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay  ✰✰✰✰✰
*would tell you my feelings but I’m dead*
The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher ✰✰✰.5
Don’t get me wrong, I love Carrie Fisher. I love her acting, and just her. She was so amazing. But I just couldn’t connect with the last third of this autobiography – I listened to this on Audible, and it’s even narrated by her IT’S SO TRIPPY. – The last third was just diary entries, and most of them just didn’t make me *feel* anything. Other than that, I really enjoyed it all!
Fence Vol. 4 by C. S. Pacat ✰✰✰✰
Yet again another amazing instalment to this series *heart eyes* I need Vol. 5 STAT.
Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz ✰✰✰✰
All the damn feels. That’s what this book gave me. I loved it, I loved the plot and the character development and the incredible lack of instalove. I wouldn’t read it again though! I’ve already given it a new home where I know it will be loved and protected.
All My Friends Are Dead by Avery Monsen ✰✰✰✰✰
This sort little humour book was surprisingly deep and I wasn’t read for it. How can something so meaningful be relayed in twenty odd pages?
Mythos by Stephen Fry ✰✰✰✰✰
THIS. BOOK. Oh boy. Fry has rekindled my love for all things mythology and gosh what a book. I loved hearing retelling that had their own little twist. For example, during a story about the creation of man, there are also blue and purple figures that are meant to be given life – but then someone STEPS ON THEM. And that my friends is why there are no blue people . . . . Well, not that I know of anyway (sorry if you’re a blue person)
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff ✰✰✰✰✰
One question. Why didn’t I read these books sooner? All my friends have been telling me to read this book for almost two years and I never did. But now I have and I loved it! This is exactly my kind of book and I love all the characters so much I want to give them all kisses.
The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion ✰✰✰✰
I don’t usually read adult fiction, so I’m surprised myself when I decided to download this from my local library. It’s pretty popular apparently – it made 101 for Dymocks both last year and this year so! I actually really liked it? I haven’t read from this sort of narrator before and well I found that it was melodramatic sometimes, I didn’t hate it. In fact, I’ve already borrowed the sequel.
Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff ✰✰✰✰✰
The sequel was just as epic! EXCEPT FOR THAT DAMN CLIFF HANGER. WHy would you do this, Kristoff? I need answers. Also the footnotes are my favourite. Actually, everything is my favourite.
YIKES How have I read so many books these past couple of months? I’ve impressed myself, wow.
What’s been a stand out book for you this year? Let me know in the comments down below so I can check it out.
Stay safe, and happy reading,
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How did I manage to read so many books? Goooooood morning, ya filthy bookworms! It’s suddenly come to my attention that I haven’t posted my February wrap up yet xD So....I’m going to do a joint wrap up of everything I’ve picked up and put down since January!
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So, you want to listen to a book!
✰ Hey guys, I've made a little list of audiobooks I think *everyone* should listen to! Check them out ✰
Hi guys! Welcome back to another really inconsistent post on my extremely inconsistent blog, except this time I have a thread of amazing recommendations for you – that’s right, I want to talk about the audiobooks that I think everyone should pick up IMMEDIATELY. For those of you who don’t know, audio books are actual books spoken out loud. Some have casts, some have cool music, but the best part…
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Scythe - Neal Shusterman & Q+A
✰ I read Scythe and loved it! You can check our a review and a special Q&A by clicking the link ✰
Welcome back! I hope you’ve all been achieving all your reading goals, and if not! Oh well! Goals aren’t everything, you know? And if you have stuck to them, YAY, that’s so exciting and I hope you’re proud of yourself. Today I thought I’d share my review of Scythe by Neal Shusterman, which came out early this month for Australia – which is exciting. I’ve always thought that most American books…
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January Reading Wrap Up | 2018
✰ I read so many good books last month! I talk about all of them in my January Wrap-Up if you want to check it out ✰
Hello! How are you all going?! I hope January was a brilliant reading month for you, and if it wasn’t THAT’S OKAY!!!! Speaking of January, how in the book fairy’s name is it already over? I honestly feel like I accomplished absolutely nothing this month, but then I search through the #YADay threads on Instagram and Twitter and I go holy shittttt, I did something good with a great friend of mine.…
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Call Me By Your Name - André Aciman
Am I the only one who hates this book? This review contains #Spoilers
Good morning and welcome back to another review! Unlike like my last post where I commented on my amazing progress with in my reading resolutions, today . . . I have failed one. AND IT’S NOT EVEN MID JANUARY YET! At least . . . it wasn’t when I started writing this review. LE SIGH. One resolution I had this year was to tell myself that it’s okay to stop reading a book. It’s okay to DNF something,…
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Bookish Goals & Resolutions
It's already the third tuesday of this year and I'm definitely not freaking out or anything.
Good morning and welcome to my blog! This year I’ve decided to participate in a weekly meme created by Broke & Bookish – although it has recently been given a new home over at The Artsy Reader Girl – where every Tuesday you’re given a bookish topic and today the topic is . . . . . . . . . . BOOKISH RESOLUTIONS! So here are my top ten bookish resolutions for 2018! I want to read more. This is such…
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The Cruel Prince - Holly Black
✰ I loved #TheCruelPrince so much and reviewed it SPONTANEOUSLY. Check out my thoughts here ✰
Hey guys, welcome back to another shitty review! It’s not even mid-January and I’ve already read a handful of books and that’s something that I’m really impressed by, I’m actually sticking to new resolutions (mostly) and considering last month were I only read two books? New Year New Me, am I right? Anyway enough about me, have you started the year of to a good start and kept to any mundane…
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17 Books I Wish I Read In 2017 | TTT
✰ I shared 17 books I wish I read in 2017, click the link to find out what they were! ✰
2017 was the first year in a long time where my reading levels drastically improved. It’s been the first year that I actively changed my reading habits and implemented reading time into my rarely busy schedule of being a twenty one year old, which is something I hadn’t done for years! As much as I did read this month, there’s always going to be those books that I’m kicking myself for not making…
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New Authors I Discovered In 2017
✩ What new authors did you discover last year? Check out who I discovered in 2017 ✩
I thought I’d join the TTT gang to commit myself to my blog on a regular basis. What a better way to start a brand new year than to write a blog post as a part of one of my new year resolutions. Let’s see how long this last, aye? Top Ten Tuesday started in 2011 over on Broke & Bookish and has since become a part of the blogging world, and I’m so excited to finally join the family today with my…
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November Wrap-Up
♡ I read so much last month! Check out this post for what I read and mini reviews ♡
I’m actually really impressed with myself this month, I had a good week or two where I didn’t pick up a book or actively read – and I still managed to read nine books. I’m really happy with that! A lot of the books I read where quite lengthy, so without anymore delay, let’s get into what I managed to finish this month! Name of The Wind – Patrick Rothfuss ✰✰✰✰✰ I listened to the audio of this bad…
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Why do I start so many books and NEVER finish them?
I'm a horrible reader, so here's a small list of books I haven't finished but want to finish
Every single month I tell myself that I’m going to finish every single book I pick up . . . and every single month without fail, I abandon at least 12 books the moment I am so close to finishing them. Just think, how many books would I actually finish each year if I actually finished them? At least twelve more than usual, that’s for sure. So, for December, I’m going to try and finish all the…
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#LoveOzYA Bingo Recommendations Our #LoveOzYA Month is fast approaching! If you don’t already know, we’re going to be hosting a #LoveOzYA Bingo Challenge throughout December.
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A Month of #LoveOzYA Goodness — The YA Room Next month, we’re celebrating all things #LoveOzYA! As The YA Room is coming up to its first birthday, we want to spread the love for the community that welcomed us with open arms.
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