ayoginiinthecity · 2 years
science and spirituality are two faces of the same Coin
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ayoginiinthecity · 2 years
Immortal science by the Mortal  human being
Science is constantly advancing, but are Humans advancing too? 
OR are we only using Science as a tool for “scientific advancements” that aren't really revolutionizing the human mind/life !?
Technology has taken over every aspect of life, from agriculture to the vast endless space. Every process of our life has been made “easier”/possible by science.
Today your brain does not need to remember every phone number, there's a phone book in your handheld wireless phone! hurray!!Now there's a machine for every operation, our ancestors did manually/mentally & so many things that weren't even possible in those days.
The food that our grandmothers cooked, would take a whole day in preparation, grinding stone, mortar pestle, overnight soaking of pulses/legumes, slow cooking methods, cleaning pulses by hand, sun drying, making clarified butter from scratch and what not! Not just that, they had been taught the science of Food, Body & Mind. Farm to Table, the current trend worldwide, was a way of Life for our ancestors! No wonder they lifespans and quality of Life was far richer than what we claim it be today.
Loving hands are now replaced by electric equipment, which makes life so much easier, but who told us that our KNOWLEDGE was redundant? Why did we throw away this knowledge, when we discarded that old grinding stone ?
  Today, with all the modern machinery you get everything done easier. Women today have more time & freedom on their hands, how are they utilizing it ?ex. are they becoming Healthier and giving birth to healthier than ever before, babies?  
With Technology in every minute area of life, has it become easier for Humans to go out there and earn a living? Now you don't have to go into the Jungle to hunt your meals, but do you still not need to “hustle” to succeed?
Children have the protection of vaccines in this century, but are they really experiencing a healthier atmosphere ? How is that Woman, Man & child benefitting from science on a personal level? how are you utilizing scientific advancements in your personal development/growth? have u achieved, Less hustle? disease free children? healthier lives? more Loving relationships?
Science is busy making our lives Easier, but are Humans making it easier for themselves? do the rich not get life threatening diseases anymore?  Today you have more room in your Brain, but how does one end up using it ??otts,social media,passive acts :/, indulgences of every kind!
The Science of Human Life has sadly become the most outdated subject on this planet. why are we not using science to attain healthier bodies, minds and lives? Are we only using science to better objects and ignoring the importance of the skill set of the user? 
Have we turned into the most consumeristic society of all times?
Have we really Calibrated our Minds in any way better than our Ancestors? or
Are we simply living off, the technological “comforts” and calling ourselves “Modern/advanced “ ?
Please share your thoughts/comments on [email protected]
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ayoginiinthecity · 2 years
Love dosent Hurt. It’s the Absence or the Rejection. Not Loving when u want to ,hurts. Not Recieving it when u need it ,hurts. Love doesn’t Hurt :)
Self, P.B. (via 1200volts)
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ayoginiinthecity · 2 years
I've got the Power
When you find yourself repeatedly falling into the same situation in life ..and you can’t make it stop or change it, what do you do? Next time it happens , change the Way You React To It. No kidding! You’ll be amazed how many little annoying events/people will leave u alone when u stop giving them the reactions they feed on! Stay peaceful :)
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ayoginiinthecity · 2 years
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Deep seated Feelings of failure/ rejection often lead to a Domino effect, where one falls into a cycle of SELF sabotage. And creates more painful events for themselves because they ‘feel 'unworthy due to past experiences.
therefore it’s important to get assistance and learn how simple it is to avoid these traps of Emotions.
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ayoginiinthecity · 2 years
Who Am I
So you found my website, and ME!
Have you been Looking for me...?
Well, here I am , A yogini in the City, trying no more, to lead a 'normal life' and committed to sharing all the unfolding of this surreal Journey with you.🙏
Your Turn..,👇
Tell me WHO are YOU....?
Are you the thoughts, that burn your Mind?
Are you the Feelings that fuel you.
Are you the Child of your Parents?
Are you the Parents of your Children?
Are you the blood that flows in your veins?
Are you a soul caught up in this Body?
Or are you a Body without any Purpose.
Who are you? or rather What are You?
I really will leave you Today with this,...so you better make that Thought Count! 😂
Because, before we Can dive deeper into this profound Topic, we have to start from the basics. Please take a good look at this presentation.
Carl Sagan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson,  two of the the Greatest Minds of our Time write,
"The nitrogen in our DNA. The calcium in our teeth. The iron in our blood. The Carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of Star Stuff"
Tyson- " We are not Figuratively but Literally Stardust"
so even though you are Just another
a child/parent
a mother/father
You Are Made of STARDUST
Not some  inorganic PU material ?😢

i leave you to ponder on this , leave me, your ponderings and questions.
next time lets delve deeper into You!

Do remember to Subscribe if you want to stay Updated 😊
Shubham Bhavatu
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
Everything I know, I know because of love.
Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace (via thelovejournals)
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama
(via purplebuddhaproject)
What we are doing and thinking Decides whether we End up happy or Not.
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
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Being a Therapist is not easy but it's worth it :)
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
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Deep seated Feelings of failure/ rejection often lead to a Domino effect, where one falls into a cycle of SELF sabotage. And creates more painful events for themselves because they 'feel 'unworthy due to past experiences. therefore it's important to get assistance and learn how simple it is to avoid these traps of Emotions. WE ARE MADE OF STARS! WE DESERVE THE STARS AND THE MOON !! :) YOU ARE MADE OF STARS :)
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
If you want to Love the World, Go Home and Love Your Family.
Mother Theresa (via ilovemylife-com)
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
Now that's what they need to put in the School curriculums.!
Super Plan Louisa! xx More Power to You :) 
tomorrow I must remember to (self care edition):
1. CARE FOR MY PHYSICAL HEALTH.. - Shower and wear clean clothes. - Eat 3 meals. - Get enough sleep (even if it means small naps). - Take my medications.
2. CARE FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH: - Think a positive thought when I wake up. - Be grateful for at least 3 things about the day when I go to sleep (write them down). - Take mindfulness breaks throughout the day - at least 2.
3. CARE FOR NY SPIRITUAL HEALTH: - Meditate upon waking up and going to sleep. - express gratitude for the beauty around me throughout the day. - give self acts of compassion (kindness meditation, celebrate accomplishments, etc.)
4. CARE FOR MY SOCIAL HEALTH: - Apologize where need be. - Forgive those who hurt me (or work towards forgiveness). - Spend time with at least one person - don’t isolate myself - Be honest with those around me.
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
If only we were taught this in school, the world would've been less depressed !!!
Superb Plan Louisa .! :) sending you a prayer for Joy . x
tomorrow I must remember to (self care edition):
1. CARE FOR MY PHYSICAL HEALTH.. - Shower and wear clean clothes. - Eat 3 meals. - Get enough sleep (even if it means small naps). - Take my medications.
2. CARE FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH: - Think a positive thought when I wake up. - Be grateful for at least 3 things about the day when I go to sleep (write them down). - Take mindfulness breaks throughout the day - at least 2.
3. CARE FOR NY SPIRITUAL HEALTH: - Meditate upon waking up and going to sleep. - express gratitude for the beauty around me throughout the day. - give self acts of compassion (kindness meditation, celebrate accomplishments, etc.)
4. CARE FOR MY SOCIAL HEALTH: - Apologize where need be. - Forgive those who hurt me (or work towards forgiveness). - Spend time with at least one person - don’t isolate myself - Be honest with those around me.
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
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ayoginiinthecity · 8 years
I've got the Power
When you find yourself repeatedly falling into the same situation in life ..and you can't make it stop or change it, what do you do? Next time it happens , change the Way You React To It. No kidding! You'll be amazed how many little annoying events/people will leave u alone when u stop giving them the reactions they feed on! Stay peaceful :)
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