Three Oni, One Ask Blog.... What Could Go Wrong?
60 posts
-ON INDEFINITE HIATUS-Mystaké, while writing the history of Ninjago, must relive the life she led before she became who she is today- Decer, the ruthless Oni Warlord of Deception.Meanwhile, deep in the past: The three Oni Warlords and their respective tribes have traveled to Ninjago in hopes of finding the First Spinjitzu Master. Whether they appear to him as friend or foe depends on the approach they choose. As of now, they are open to your mortal queries.
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 1 year ago
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“Of course it did,” Ha’eed said, allowing a slight, proud smile to escape him. “It is the first trick any Oni in the Clan of Hatred with the gift learns, and arguably the most important. You will need practice, however.”
He reached down and grasped Pup by the scruff, lifting him over his horns to settle him on his shoulders. Tiny claws wrapped around his horns. “Will you teach me?” Pup asked. “Decer is my mentor, but she’s from the Clan of Deception. She doesn’t have the same gift.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Ha’eed agreed. “I will teach you.” Decer needs to be notified immediately, he thought. His gift already seems as strong if not stronger than mine. His own power had been the strongest the Clan of Hatred had seen in centuries. It had been one of the reasons he won his title as Warlord. He began picking his way back through the jungle, ducking lower than usual under branches as to not slam Pup’s face into them.
A slight smirk twisted his lips. But the pup belongs to my Clan after all, no matter where she found him. She isn’t going to be pleased she lost that wager.
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 1 year ago
#ask the oni warlords is my biggest hobby... and my greatest fear.
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 2 years ago
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(Guess what. I lied. My perfectionism didn’t let me not fully color and shade the page)
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 2 years ago
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My favorite boy
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 2 years ago
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
So let me get this straight. The First Spinjitzu Master, a being that is nearly a god that could have ended the war by destroying you or the dragons, offered you instead a peaceful end to the war where both sides have a truce that Firstbourne had already agreed to, and you declined? The fsm probably could have restored your realm to its former glory. Are you really so prideful that you declined a peaceful end, or is there another reason you refused a truce with the dragons?
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OOC: So, quick clarification- I really don’t know where this headcanon came from, but I don’t really headcanon that Firstbourne was the first dragon, and somehow I ended up having the idea of her being very young when the Oni left. Not sure why or how it happened, but that’s the explanation! Also, anon, I’m sorry if I got any canon lore wrong! It’s been a hot second since I watched Ninjago so I don’t know if this response is lore accurate. Thanks for the ask!
(P.S: Ha’eed is going to be answering asks for a little while because Venge and Decer are out of commission)
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
So how did the events leading up to the birth of the fsm play out. Was his father always strange or was his birth a complete surprise
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
Haha everyone wants to see Garm during this garma-drought #same
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
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I posted 44 times in 2021
36 posts created (82%)
8 posts reblogged (18%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.2 posts.
I added 220 tags in 2021
#ninjago oni warlords - 25 posts
#ooc - 24 posts
#art - 24 posts
#ninjago oni - 24 posts
#ask-the-oni-warlords - 23 posts
#venge - 21 posts
#ninjago venge - 21 posts
#decer - 20 posts
#ninjago decer - 20 posts
#ha’eed - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#there is a hybrid pup character (or there’s technically two?? i guess?? kind of??) that will be making an appearance soon!
My Top Posts in 2021
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Age: Over 1,500
Gender: Male
Height: 7’2
Status: Leader of the Oni Clan of Hatred
Preferred Weapon: Bare hands
- Empathetic abilities (can sense others emotions and detect their deepest fears and desires)
- With Mask:
- Invincibility
- Heightened empathetic abilities
- High pain tolerance
- Super strength
Personality: Angry/grumpy, irritable, serious
Other facts:
- Decer nicknamed him “pigtails.” He hates that nickname. She loves using it.
- He constantly bullies Decer about her height
- He also teases her about being small and compact like an Oni Scout
- This stems from the fact that when Venge and Ha’eed first met her, Ha’eed mistook her for a scout instead of the Warlord of Deception
- Although he will never admit it, Ha’eed considers Venge and Decer his siblings and would die for them.
- Constantly declaring war on everybody (it’s an empty threat... most of the time)
Information about the Oni Clan of Hatred:
- Everyone is this clan is a tank. Even the smallest of these oni tend to be bigger and more muscular than your average oni
- They have extremely high pain tolerances
- There is a small chance for some of the oni in this clan to have empathetic abilities. So far, Ha’eed is the most powerful empath in oni history, but that doesn’t mean he’s the only one with these powers
- Warriors are highly valued in oni society, but especially in the Clan of Hatred
- This clan in particular has a long history of war, and before the three warlords became allies, was at odds with the other clans as well as the dragons the most out of the three clans
13 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 00:17:47 GMT
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Mystaké clutched her quill a little tighter as the Thinker’s Tea’s effects made her head swirl. Her eyes hazed over as the tea brought back centuries worth of memories. She began to write, struggling a bit to focus on the page instead of the images in her mind.
Ah, the miracle of Thinker’s tea, she thought. She only wished that she could choose what not to remember, instead of remembering both the good and the bad alike.
The book in the first frame is based off of this image from the Ninjago canon book thing that Tommy Andreasen made a post about:
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This is the first of two introduction pages! Asks will open soon!
13 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 21:02:16 GMT
So correct me if I'm wrong the oni hunt the human's the human's hunt the dragons and the dragon hunt bought human's and oni alike right? If the human's hunt the dragons shouldn't you let the human's do the dirty work for you? you could save a lot of time and soldiers that way. Maybe you can even make a alliance until the dragons are gone? Our maybe you can't because of oni pride.
by the way while we are on the topic of the humans... how did they even get to the first relm?
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“…moving on. The dragon hunters are not quite human, or at least not like the humans of Ninjago. They appeared alongside the dragons and the oni when the First Realm was created.”
16 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 16:34:51 GMT
Can we see your human form? (And Ha’eed calm the fuck down we’re just invisible people who know way too much about you guys, nothing to worry about)
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The explanation is under the cut!
This AU is mainly based off of that one tweet Tommy Andreasen made where he said that it was heavily implied that Mystaké was one of the three oni warlords and killed the other two (I can’t find the original tweet). Personally, I headcanon that Mystaké used to be the Oni Warlord of Deception- it kind of fits her character, given the fact that she has kept her identity as an oni secret for so long and plays tricks on the SOG (also, the markings above her eyes resemble the mask of deception).
So, this AU mainly follows Mystaké as she reflects on her past as a warlord. Of course, there’s going to be a lot more AU stuff, this is probably going to deviate from canon quite a bit. Namely the fact that the three warlords have a sibling-like relationship, and in canon they probably hated each other. However, how the AU ends is going to be up to you ;)
23 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 01:02:27 GMT
Your welcome.
Veng quick question have run into a serpentine yet?
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31 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 22:19:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
Quick update! This blog isn’t dead and I’m not abandoning it or losing motivation. I am applying for college and between that and school, I have been having a tough time balancing school work, this blog, and having time to relax. Also, the asks I am working on mainly have to do with lore and are probably going to be several pages long so that slows things down too
I’m probably going to post a couple of pages not having to do with asks so I can jump into the lore, but updates are probably going to be a lot slower for a bit. I should have more time soon though, so I’m hoping to update more!
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
Fairly open about the location you're home base? Are you sure that a good idea? How can you be so sure that there are no spy's that now know you're location?
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
So about your current location is it your main base or is it an outpost?
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 3 years ago
Ha'eed what is it like being in the oni clan of hatred?
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Quick update: I am probably going to stop posting as often. School has started back up again and I am really, really busy. But don’t worry, I’m still working on asks!
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 4 years ago
Sketchbook Friday #12
Alternate Title: Literally just. Oni Warlords Content. Sorry to anyone who follows me for anything else
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Here is the third and final design of the former warlords! I’ve finally caught up on names (as you’ll see in the tags on my ask blog) and this is Tavarious. He was the Warlord of Vengeance before Venge.
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Here are a couple more doodles of the former warlords! In order, their names are Sigma, Runihara (Runi for short), and of course, Tavarious. Also, ignore the dialogue - it’s just notes I wrote down about them.
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A newly coronated Ha’eed meeting his allies for the first time. It doesn’t go very well :)
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Backstory stuff :)
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Okay so I lied about all of this being Oni Warlords stuff. Have a persona doodle
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And, as per usual, we’re finishing off with a shitpost! Not really canon or anything, just something I came up with randomly
And now for a quick announcement - I might have to stop doing this for a while. Not because I don’t want to! I’ve run out of drawings to post. I only have a few things that I can post next week, and it’s not enough. I’ll just have to wait for a little while before I can start posting these again. Thank you!
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