#ninjago first realm
and once more i bring you spoilers
wait, are they in the (former) first realm?
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toastingpencils37 · 8 months
Is the beginning of the realms tied to the first realm?
Probably, as it is the first realm, and it holds dragons, which are entities of creation.
And if the Source Dragons are from there or created it as well, that gives further evidence of the beginning of the realms being tied to the first realm.
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kindaasrikal · 4 months
Morro and Garmadon are both in the Departed realm, why haven’t we used this information as stupidly as we could.
Part 2
Morro: so…Your son-
Garmadon: one more word, and I will break my vow of peace.
Morro: he kinda stunk.
Garmadon: *swings*
Garmadon: Isn’t it funny, how at one point in time, you thought you were destined to be the guy to defeat me?
Morro: *laying face down on the ground after losing another sparring match, is tempted to blast Garmadon*
Garmadon: hilarious, isn’t it? Ninjago would’ve been very protected.
Garmadon: *is trying to teach Morro about accepting change* change is nothing to be afraid of. Sure, it can be shocking, like the first time i grew four arms, but-
Morro: what.
Garmadon: it doesn’t-…yes?
Morro: say that part again.
Garmadon: change is nothing to be afraid of?
Morro: No, the other thing.
Garmadon:…it can be shocking?-
Morro: No. The other other thing.
Garmadon: Oh, you mean when i said Wu was you’re-
Morro: NO- the OTHER OTHER OTHER, thing!
Garmadon: when i had four arms?
Morro: YES! What do you MEAN you had four arms???
Garmadon: exactly what it implies, i had four arms.
Morro: does that mean you technically classify as an insect
Garmadon: What.
Morro: did you know-
Garmadon: Morro, I am thousands of years old. Whatever you try to tell me, I probably already know of.
Morro: oh.
Morro: damn, i guess i didn’t need to tell you Lloyd died and visited your dad.
Garmadon: WHAT-
Morro: oh yeah, you must already know that the water ninja became water too, right?
Garmadon: What do you even MEAN BY THAT-
Morro: and that Wu apparently just died too, huh?
Garmadon: HE DID WHAT
Morro: he did death, apparently.
Garmadon: for today’s session, I was hoping to discuss some past traumas with you.
Morro: no. I don’t have trauma.
Garmadon: Morro, everyone has trauma.
Morro: well, I don’t.
Garmadon: Child, just because you call your past experiences ‘character development’ does not mean they weren’t traumas.
Morro: hey, old man.
Morro: heyyy, you four armed loser.
Morro: Garmadon! Stop ignoring me dammit!
Morro: ugh- you- SENSEI!
Morro: oh for the love of- I am NOT calling you… That.
Garmadon: *turns away*
Morro: dammit-it’s important!
Garmadon: *begins to walk away*
Morro: oh, you- you petty old man- UNCLE.
Garmadon: *turns around with a smile* yes?
Morro: I hope you get resurrected and die again.
A good half of these are rlly bad but i found it fun so let me off this once 😭
Anyways, they have a love hate relationship with the hate coming from Morro, the care coming from Garmadon, who tbh just wants to uncle Wu’s kid the same way Wu did his own (after managing his own annoyance at Morro after what happened)
Garmadon likes bullying Morro, Morro likes mocking Garmadon. Thats their relationship.
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nyaskitten · 4 months
One the One Hand I think all the designs of Wu, FSM, and Lloyd with non-human features (big chompers, claws, horns, tails, etc) are Extremely cool I love them keep up the good work gang, on the Other I think it's really funny to draw them all as Just Some Guy and then Garmadon is just there, the Least human .
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thecatundertheladder · 3 months
Season 9 First Realm arc but little Wu spends the entire time wondering why they need the Dragon Armor to control Firstbourne when he could just ask her - his grandma - to take them all back to Ninjago.
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revrads · 2 years
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“The Bo-Staff”
Some angst based off my Ninjago redesign! There’s a reason why I gave Zane a bo-staff from the start and if you’re interested in reading it, proceed to the tags cause I’m too embarassed to do it in captions lmao (Spoiler- it has something to do with the Ice Emperor)
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riptidesblog · 2 months
Do you ever think how Wu had two candidates for the role of the green ninja and both of them were the ones that didn't get their powers from FSM?
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parachutingkitten · 9 months
Akita and Faith bonding over having to babysit the dumb blondes related to the first spinjitzu master.
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thepajamamen · 7 months
Ik u haven't watched DR yet, but I also know (from the brief convos we've had ab it) that ur interested in Wyldfyre, so I think u should draw her and Kai drinking Monster energy drinks.
I know you asked for something more specific and I did start with that but then I realized I never solidified my Wyldfyre design for The Rewrite and it turned into just her
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Wu's Diary 1: The First Realm, the Oni, the Dragon, and Ninjago
An excerpt from Master Wu's diary:
From all the centuries I had this collection of diaries, it never had gone trough my head going over some of them to review some important information. Only now, after experiencing so much horrible things, the truth has come to me. Sometimes the solution we look for is in the past, as such as the answers for difficult questions we have. I found some interesting bits on the earlier ones:
"Along all the Sixteen Realms, the ones my father never talks too much about with me and Garmadon are the Departed Realm, which I guess makes sense, you would have to be dead to know how things are by that side. The only thing I know is that it's almost impossible to bring the ones who are truly dead back without making several consequences to their semi-lifes; the Never- Realm, which he says it's a really dire place to be, and his old home: The First Realm.
According to him, the Dragons and Oni were born probably at the same time. The Dragons had control over almost any element imaginable. The Oni had a similar kind of control, but the only thing they could do with it was destroy and bring perish, nothing more. My father said he was a product of this two polarized species, who naturally had some sense of rivalry.
The Dragons, being beings of light and creation, were given the ability to travel to any Realm they desired. The Oni, being the complete oposite, were damned to be on their home-realm, unable to bring darkness to other places. My father, as a newborn from both sides, had not the ability of travel. That didn't stopped him on finding ways to make way to other Realms, though.
After deciding that he didn't wanted to choose any side of his bloodlines, my father fled from his home, trying to find a new place where he could belong to. I guess Ninjago became the home he was looking for. At first a void land with nothing on it, my father used the powers he inherited and the allies he made at home to create the Golden Peaks, the place where he would soon create the legendary Four Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu. Using them, he made Ninjago look what it looks now, and what a beautiful land he made, I must say.
Sometimes me and Garmadon discuss what would we have done if we were at our father's position. The discussion always turns into a argument about how the Dragons are way much cooler than the Oni and how much of them we would destroy. Garmadon thinks he would beat more than me, and sometimes I think he can be right... Of course, I won't be telling him that."
Wu's Diary will be a bit of Lore exploration I will do involving some more obscure points of my AU, such as the Golden Weapons, Elemental Masters and more. All of this will be addreased in the future chapters, but I think it's better to pass some about some more complicated things, especially the ones that Wu doesn't share with the Ninja. Thanks for reading 😊🫶🏼
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taddymason · 11 months
the fact that in your fic, jay before loosing his memories was fighting craglings in the realm of madness and then ended up staying in the adminstration
which canonically also turned out to be in the realm of madness 👀
Fr I swear my reaction when Zane said that was "Sure, that makes a lot of sense" to then think about this drawing I did a few months ago
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Long story short, the time Jay was hit in the head really hard twice and ended up electrocuting himself by accident.
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i mean it makes sense with how old they are, but i think they are dragons in DR who we know the original home realm of, apart from Zanth. Also the Wyldness must be huge if not only the wolf clan never found R&E but the ninja also had to take the destiny‘s bounty to get anywhere close to the shadow dojo
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toastingpencils37 · 9 months
An interesting thing about Traveler's Tea is that in the Seasons except SOG, the user's typically use it as tea, rather than leaves.
So obviously it isn't a tea where it must be in tea form to be used.
But we generally see it used in tea form, and only in leaf form when the users are scared and thinking they're about to die. And when they use it in leaf form they end up in a random place because one of the users was thinking about a story regarding it.
Possibly meaning that using Traveler's Tea in its tea form is easier and more stable to use, resulting in less issues with the intended destination.
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
Garmadon and Morro, and their unused dumbassery in the departed realm, part 5:
Part 4 - Part 6
*arguing with someone, maybe Chen*
Morro: yeah? Well why don’t you go SUCK MY-
Garmadon: *covers his mouth* he didn’t mean that.
Garmadon: Well, he did, and I share the sentiment, but in a more dignified manner.
Morro: Garmadon, what’s that.
Garmadon: what is what?
Morro: *pointing at the very fast flying object hurtling towards them.* that.
Garmadon: *turns around uninterestedly to see.* hm?-
Garmadon: *look up to see his father flying full speed ahead on top of a dragon, standing with a sign saying “WELCOME SON AND GRAND CHILD, WORDS WILL BE SHARED IN THE NEXT FEW SECONDS, BE PREPARED.” In bold.*
Garmadon: *blinks up at it*
Garmadon: *picks Morro up and makes a run for it* all of our mistakes hurtling towards us, child.
Morro:…why, is your father, the First Spinjitzu master, chasing us?
Garmadon: It’s punishment in the form of torture.
Fsm: *wishes to smother them* YOU CANNOT RUN, MY CHILDREN.
Garmadon: Morro, dear child, genuinely, what is wrong with you.
Morro: *standing being half alive half not (literally half alive half dead one side of his form has a body the other does not. You can see his insides.), glowing pink, and tied to a tree as he floats upwards. He has the most blank expression known to man.* I blame Wu, and only Wu.
Garmadon: He is not even dead.
Morro: yet.
Garmadon:….what did you do-
Garmadon: Morro.
Morro: mmshshh *laying face down on the ground, just cause he can*
Garmadon: No- Morro.
Morro: what? *muffled by the grass.*
Garmadon: Child, you had a bowl cut?
Morro: *shoots up* WHERE WHAT WHY HOW-
Morro: *having just entered the Departed realm, bumping into Garmadon for the first time since the other was chained up*
Garmadon: Morro, what a pleasure.
Morro: *jumps.* Garmadon, I see you made it out of-
Garmadon: *raises an eyebrow.*
Morro: ah
Morro: what…are you wearing?
Garmadon, who traded his clothes with Lloyd right before he left, as a last minute gift before they never see each other again: *scowls* it’s better than what you’re wearing.
Guys please im losing ideas i gotta scrounge up the worst ones imaginable in my head.
Anyways the Fsm defo jumped Garm and Morro, bullied them, and smothered them in love. He’s been lonely for the past few years. No i do not take criticism this is definitely the fsm.
I miss Morro. And Sensei Garmadon. I rlly want smth on these two.
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nyaskitten · 3 months
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The ... creachurrr...
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thecatundertheladder · 3 months
Here me out. The First Realm should be fucking massive. Like it has multiple continents, some of which are bigger than entire realms.
That desert the ninja were in? Bigger than Ninjago as a whole. It should take weeks- if not months - to cross it.
Trust me this is a good idea.
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