2025- What's Your Word Heading into this Year?
Continuing this “Tradition” that started a few years ago (in 2022) with a group of friends via a Bible Study, I’ll add my word for 2025 and add to my prior year’s words: 2025 Word: rûaḥ, רוּחַ (Hebrew) I love what this word represents to me: “wind,” the freedom in Christ, when a person is guided by the Holy Spirit, we truly don’t know what comes next; it is the Holy Spirit who guides us: “The…
#2025 Goals#Being Called#Bible#born again#christianity#Confession#death#FRIENDS#God#God&039;s Kingdom#Holy Spirit#INSPIRATION#Jesus#joy#Love#New Year&039;s Eve#New Years Goals#POSITIVITY#prayer#preparation#Redemption#Ruah#scripture#SELF-IMPROVEMENT#sow and reap#spiritual#Trust and Obey#Truth Seeker#Wake Up
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Surrender? (Next Steps/Resources)
I should probably explain “Surrender.” YOUR LIFE IS NOT WHAT YOU WANTED OR EXPECTED First you realize your life isn’t happening the way you anticipated: you’ve been “let down,” or you’ve let others down, there’s a feeling of pain, suffering, disappointment, hurt, guilt, shame, or lack of enjoyment in life and you simply want those feelings to “go away!” You tried to solve this by: escaping from…
#alcohol#Bible#Book Recommendation#busy#Church#disappointment#drugs#escape#FAITH#FAMILY#FITNESS#focus#FRIENDS#fulfillment#GOALS#God#God&039;s Kingdom#GRATITUDE#guilt#HAPPINESS#Holy Spirit#hurt#INSPIRATION#Jesus#longing#pain#POSITIVITY#pray#problems#RELATIONSHIPS
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Time, Talent and Treasure (2025 Goal Setting)
There are only a few more days of 2024, then the calendar rolls to 2025. So what will next year be like? What’s in store? And most importantly it’s time to think about: what can I do with what I’ve been given? How will I make what I have grow? TIME Time is limited here on earth, there is a “time for everything”, time is a God given ��resource” that isn’t replenished, once it passes, it’s gone;…
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The Gift and Power of The Holy Spirit
Here we go again: I’m not only awakened at 4:30 am with “Holy Spirit” on my mind, but wide awake. Immediately, the thought of interrupting my ongoing Bible Study podcast (which is currently covering the Book of Judges) and sharing what I’ve learned the past five years about the Holy Spirit with others. But then I thought: I have all this in my head and people will not believe what I’m saying if I…
#addiction#baptism#believe#BENEFITS#FAITH#FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT#GIFT#God#God&039;s Kingdom#GOD&039;S WILL#Holy Spirit#Jesus#patience#power#prayer#RESPONSIBILITY#scripture#self control#TIMING#YESHUA
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"Once Saved Always Saved" - or Not?
Three years ago (in 2021) this question made its way to me. I guess every person seeking God comes across this question at some point when exploring beliefs. My Early Life as a “Christian” To be honest, as a person who called myself a Christian every since I can remember, I never even thought of this question, it wasn’t a statement in the faith community I was part of. I never personally…
#believe#christian#compassion#Convicted#FAITH#FAMILY#forgiveness#FRIENDS#gifts#grace#Holy#Holy Spirit#INSPIRATION#Jesus#Love#Lukewarm Christian#mercy#obedience#Once Saved Always Saved#persevere#repentance#SALVATION#SAVED#Seeking God#SELF-IMPROVEMENT#Sinning#surrender
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You're Invited!
The most valuable conversation I will have with you is to let you know: “You’re Invited!” Maybe we didn’t have that conversation because of lack of time, not being in a conducive environment, or simply my hesitation? No matter what the reason is, I’m glad you’re here reading this now. Reflecting on the past 9 years of my life, I realize now, God employs willing people to reach others and…
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The "Mark" - Prophecy
I’m seeing some speculation among those who study Eschatology (the end times) about something big possibly happening in 2024, which prompted me to write this. Even if something “big” doesn’t happen in 2024, it is beneficial for all of us to be mentally prepared ahead of time for whenever it does happen. The warning in this writing is DO NOT TAKE THE MARK- whenever it is rolled out because this…
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#666#Anti-Christ#beast#bible prophecy#deceiver#deception#dragon#FAITH#false prophet#false prophets#global government#God&039;s Kingdom#Jesus#power#signs and wonders#The Mark of the Beast
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2024- What's Your Word Heading into this Year?
This “Tradition” started a couple years ago (in 2022) with a group of friends from a Bible Study group I unexpectedly joined in October 2021. I say “unexpectedly” because I wasn’t looking for a group to join, I only went to be supportive of a friend who wanted to check it out, at the last minute one evening. So I went and ended up joining the group. Reflecting on this and knowing who God is, this…
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#2024#2024 goal#Ark of the Covenant#Ashdod#Ashkelon#Being Called#Bible#born again#Confession#death#Ekron#Gath#Gaza#God#God&039;s Kingdom#Holy Spirit#Israel#Jesus#joy#judgement#Love#Middle East#Millenium#new creation#New Year&039;s Eve#prayer#preparation#Redemption#scripture#Second Coming
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Are we Predestined by God to Eternal Life or Damnation before we are born?
Predestined and Election Doctrine: (A Refreshing Understanding) If you’ve been following my posts, you’ll know that I first read the Bible in 2019 from cover to cover and have been studying it since then (for 4 years now). I continue learning from scripture, I’m not an expert, and what I learned was from reading scripture first, then seeking other’s explanations of aspects that weren’t…
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#bible study#Calvinism#Election#FAITH#God#Holy Spirit#INSPIRATION#Israel#Jesus#Jews#John Calvin#Predestination#Predestined#Redemption#SALVATION#scripture#The Chosen#The Elect
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Alcohol, Drugs, Addictions & Demons
I don’t write or post for the “art of writing,” I write with one purpose: to inform, after reading you can decide what you do with the information. Recently, someone wisely said: “Knowledge is NOT power” – it’s what you do after you receive the knowledge that can be powerful! Most of us are aware that using any drug or consuming alcohol usually starts out casual and for some it remains that way,…
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#addiction#alcohol#belief#demons#drugs#FAITH#help#Hope#INSPIRATION#Israel#Jesus#knowledge#Love#motivation#October 7#power#SELF-IMPROVEMENT#strength#wisdom
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Tribulation vs. Wrath? (Pre-Trib, Mid-TriB, Post-Trib)
After hearing about the future return of Jesus for the first time, just four years ago, from reading the Bible for the first time, I wanted to understand “when” this happens and “what” the signs would be because I heard different opinions from people: Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation and wondered: which one is correct? After researching this in scripture and looking deeper…
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#FAITH#FAMILY#FRIENDS#God#Holy Spirit#INSPIRATION#Israel#Jesus#Jesus&039; second coming#Mark of the Beast#Mid-tribulation#Post-Tribulation#Pre-tribulation#Pre-Wrath#Return of Jesus#SELF-IMPROVEMENT#signs#tribulation#United States
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Revelation Timeline (Commentary/Subject to Change!)
I started writing about the book of Revelation in February 2022 but stopped after the first sentence, then woke up this morning thinking it’s time to complete this. If you found my podcast, on Spotify or Apple (episodes 201 – 215), you will know I just completed a chapter by chapter reading and discussion on the book of Revelation, so I won’t go chapter by chapter here. This will be a…
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#action plan#antichrist#born again#Egypt#end times#Ezekiel 38#FAITH#FEAR#Gathering#Gaza#God#guide#Holy Spirit#INSPIRATION#Iran#Iraq#Israel#Jesus#Jordan#judgement#Lebanon#Mediterranean#Messiah#Middle East#Millennium#Peace and Security#preparation#prepare#protection#rapture
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What is so Bad about Sex?!
According to the analysis, by age 44, 99% of respondents had had sex, and 95%��had done so before marriage. Even among those who abstained from sex until age 20 or older, 81% had had premarital sex by age 44. “This is reality-check research. 2006- Guttmacher Institute Many people justify sex without marriage by saying: as long as it’s two consenting adults, it’s a “committed relationship,”…
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Fear of God: The Beginning of Wisdom
Does it seem like not many people have the “fear of God” in our world to you? People are living with the belief of “my truth” – which is a deception, a lie. “Truth” is being distorted like never before, in the past, we referred to this as “delusional or insane.” People need help and Truth. But what is Truth? Truth is the Word of God. What is the Word of God? (Read these passages to comprehend…
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#belief#believe#Bible#bible prophecy#Book of Life#born again#christian#Christians#Eternity#FAITH#FAMILY#fear of God#FRIENDS#God&039;s Kingdom#History#INSPIRATION#life after death#RELATIONSHIPS#SALVATION#SAVED#scripture#SELF-IMPROVEMENT#sin#Trust#truth#wisdom
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Avoiding Deception and Manipulation
Valuable information is found in scripture and if we learn and apply this, it will keep us from being deceived or manipulated. The tool to know if a person is a deceiver or manipulator is found in Galatians 5, a letter Paul wrote to the Galatians around 50 AD (about 20 years after Jesus was crucified to put this in historical context). Pay attention to the descriptive qualities of a person to…
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From Feeling Unloved to Experiencing Love
Life is full of lessons: we learn something (good or bad) from each experience. Hindsight often makes the lesson clear. I’ve gone from not feeling loved to experiencing love, but before you “exit” from this story – this is for everyone’s benefit, so keep reading. If it happened for me; it WILL happen for you too, if you seek “Love”. Before we seek the experience of love, we need to know what…
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Growing Our Faith
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17 I found this statement to be true -personally. I knew of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit since I was a child, emphasizing the word knew “of” because I didn’t “personally know God”- just was taught about Him, but that all changed as I studied the Bible. No longer was God some…
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