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 I specialize in cold/flu based anime sickfics but I can always try new styles, hope you enjoy reading and thank you for visiting my page!
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animesickfics · 10 months ago
In Another Life: Bokuaka Poem
Hello everyone, I know it's been some time since I've been on this account because I've been pretty occupied with the tasks and situations going on in my personal life for awhile now, but I wanted to share this poem that I wrote tonight (even though its kind of "off-brand" from the original fics I write).
I recently finished re-reading "In another life" by LittleLuxray for the first time in over a year, which, if you've been a part of the Haikyuu fandom before, you'll know just how sad it is and everything that happens throughout the fanfic (I'm still crying from it now). So here's a poem I wrote inspired by it that I thought I should share with everyone or for those of you who are still a part of this fandom:
In Another Life
Sounds of laughter and cries from the room
Couldn’t help but one day think that I’d lose you
Tears run down your face, “Oh I don’t want to say goodbye…”
“You are beautiful” 
The snow felt soft and pure
Chills run down the back
“You can see the snow” A boy asks
“They aren’t there...are they?” 
Months go by, the situation gets worse
“Because life is unfair”
Things could be better. Things could be worse.
So many more things to say but don’t say a word
Sounds of laughter and cries from the room
Couldn’t help but one day think that I’d lose you
One final sentence escapes the lips, before he goes...
“I found you”
“You found me”
The sky is gray, the sky is dark, and sighs escape the crowd
Somewhere, someday, we’ll meet again
In another life…
If you last till the end without crying, you're lying. We're all crying now.
It was very hard to write this without crying in between sentences and I cannot bear the thought of Bokuto ever leaving Akaashi. Even though this is just a fanfiction, it will forever be one of the saddest ones I'll ever read (besides the one for Kuroken called "the galaxy is endless (I thought we were too)"
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I hope you guys liked this poem. Let me know if I should write another one for "the galaxy is endless". And, as always and long overdue, happy reading and have a good day/night everyone! :)
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animesickfics · 2 years ago
Hiiiiii! I rlly loved your sick scenario with Bakugo! Do u think you can do one with Tamaki, and Shinsou? If it doesn’t bother you.
Thank you! Of course I can do both!
Would you like Tamaki or Shinsou to be the care takers or the ones who are sick?
I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner. I've been so busy with school and sports that there's been little to no time for anything else. However, I would be happy to write a scenario for you :)
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animesickfics · 2 years ago
[Shintaro Midorima x Sick!Reader]~Worry
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A/N-Hey Everyone! I am so sorry I haven’t been very active these last 2 months. The first quarter of the school year is really busy and my classes have a lot of work and give us not even a day to get it all done. I’ve been busy with studying and making sure my grades are good and haven’t be able to do other activities because of my schooling. However, like everyone says, “School always comes first.” Since the first quarter is almost over I have a little more time to get back into posting for you all. I have a few ideas in mind that I’d like to do tonight if possible. The story today, is originally from one of my other accounts on Deviantart. Which, I haven’t had time to post on there either but I will try to as soon as I can. I hope you enjoy the story and as always happy reading!
For the past hour it had been a constant battle for you to fall asleep; One minute you were hot and the next you felt shivers down your back. Your head was pounding, your nose was stuffy, and your voice was about gone. Even just talking mildly hurt. All in all you felt terrible from head to toe. It  wasn't until about 2:30 in the morning that you managed to get a semi-comfortable position in bed and at least try closing your eyes that were strained from staying up late. You fell asleep for about  25 minutes before you got hot again and kicked all the blankets on the floor. You were so sleep-deprived and tired of being hot that you decided to turn your desk fan on full blast. Even though you knew you'd go back to being cold, it was better than overheating the rest of the night. When you laid back down and covered yourself with now just a thin sheet, you felt the cold air hit your face as you made a satisfied but also relieved sigh and finally thought you'd be able to get a decent sleep at most right? Wrong. About another 25 minutes later you scared yourself awake to the sound of your phone ringtone going off. You sluggishly reached over your desk to see the caller id. It was Takao.
"Damn it....I was just about to fall asleep" You cursed out loud, your voice indeed on its last leg. You coughed hoarsely as you sat up and pressed 'answer.'  "Hello?...It's too early."
"Y/n-chan!" Takao yelled a little too loudly into the speaker.
"Kazunari...too loud-" you croaked.
"Wow y/n-chan, you sound terrible" Takao said quite bluntly.
"As if I didn't already know that" You scoffed. This was the last thing you needed. Especially at 3 in the morning. "Is there something you want or did you just call to annoy me?" You snipped.
"Well I thought you'd like to know that there's been a schedule change for the basketball team," Takao explained. "Apparently the coach decided to set up a practice game with Kaijo tomorrow."
You rolled your eyes up at the ceiling. "And you had to tell me this early why?"
"Because coach just told everyone right now and I figured I'd tell you since Shin-chan is sleeping and would probably forget to mention it" Takao laughed quietly.
"Well thank you Kazunari, if there's nothing else can I go back to sleep?" You coughed, followed by a sick sounding sniffle.
"Yes, but y/n-chan?" Takao asked.
"Yeah?" You said, just wanting to get some sleep.
"Are you sick?" He asked bluntly and straight-forward.
Takao's question caught you so off guard and surprised you, causing a sudden coughing fit and your head hurt more. "Y/n-chan?" Takao repeated, hearing your coughing; it worried him a little.
You managed to clear your throat before speaking, but as you did, it hurt. "I'm sorry Kazunari,  I didn't mean to scare you."
"Oh no it's fine, but are you okay?" Takao asked again.
"I really don't feel good. I've actually been up for hours trying to sleep. Right as you called I was finally able to" You explained, your voice very sore.
"I'm so sorry Y/n-chan I had no idea!" Takao started apologizing, "I can hear it in your voice too, you do sound sick."
"It's alright, I think it's time we get to bed okay?" You asked, with a strong sigh.
"Okay y/n-chan, but will you still be at school tomorrow?" He asked one last question.
"I'm not sure. If I feel this bad tomorrow then probably not but I can always try, I  don't want to leave Shintaro alone all day. Plus you mentioned an extra game after school and I want to watch him play" You smiled, hoping you'd feel good enough for school.
"I hope you can come" Takao smiled, hoping you would be able too.
"Me too, good night Kazunari" You said, with a yawn.
"Good night y/n-chan, feel better!" Takao said, happily.
"I'll try-" You said, then hanging up the call.
You rubbed your very tired eyes as you plugged your phone back on the charger, setting it back on your desk and trying to ACTUALLY sleep. Although, it was now close to 4 a.m. You didn't realize that you and Takao talked that long. You blew your nose before laying down and closed your eyes for the remaining 3 hours you had before needing to get up for class.
[3 hours later]
Last night was a very very long night to say the least. You managed to stay asleep for those 3 hours as your arm lazily hit the alarm on your phone. You sat up and looked at the time on the screen. It was '7:02 a.m.'  You sat against your pillows before you noticed that the blankets you had previously kicked on the floor, were back wrapped around you. You pushed your messy hair out of your face as you rubbed your nose that was very red and irritated. Just as you did that, you reached for the blankets and covered your nose to sneeze. You sniffled loudly as you took your last tissue from the box to wipe away the snot and threw it in the full trashcan beside your bed. Guess you used tissues throughout the night without realizing.
"Great...I can barely talk-" You said to yourself. Your voice sounded worse than last night. "I should get ready for school, but Shutoku is a long walk from my house and I really...really don't feel like moving around-" You coughed in between your sentences. You stood up from your bed as you pulled your hair back in a hair-tie before walking to the bathroom. You looked in front of the mirror before chuckling slightly. "Gosh, I look so bad."
Despite how you thought you looked, you decided to take a hot shower and attempt to clear your very blocked sinuses and really try to go to school; If Shutoku weren't playing a practice game against Kaijo later you would stay home. At the same time you didn't want to leave your boyfriend alone all day because you would feel bad if you did. However, you didn't plan on telling him that you were sick either. Although you had a gut feeling that Takao already did. You'd kill him if that were true...You stayed in the shower for a good 10 minutes before drying off and getting out. When you tried to breathe it only made your nose hurt more and you felt more stuffy than before. You looked at your very red face in the mirror and sighed.
"Don't tell me I have a fever too.." You mumbled under your breath. Your voice, again, very hoarse.
To play it safe, you took your temperature with the thermometer. After it beeped you could only cough. It read '101.2.' "I can't go to school like that, even if I did they would send me home for a fever. I really didn't want to leave Shintaro alone today and I really wanted to watch the practice game. Talk about bad timing" You said aloud, and rolling your eyes. You knew you couldn't go to school now, you got dressed in light clothes as you got back in bed. You didn't plan on getting up for a while.
When you got back in bed, you looked at the clock and realized that you should probably text Takao and let him know that you weren't coming and not to wait for you to walk with them. You grabbed your phone as you opened his contact to start a new message.
To: Kazunari Takao
From: Y/n
I'm sorry Kazunari, I won't be at school today, still not feeling well. You and Shintaro don't have to wait to walk with me
To: Y/n-chan
From: Kazunari Takao
Aww too bad. I hope you feel better. Shin-chan will be sad all day without you :(
To: Kazunari Takao
From: Y/n
Sorry, I didn't mean too. I wish the both of you luck at the practice game. Send me the recording after, I'll be cheering for Shintaro!
To: Y/n-chan
From: Kazunari Takao
I will. Do you need anything else?
To: Kazunari Takao
From: Y/n
Can you copy notes for me and get my homework?
To: Y/n-chan
From: Kazunari Takao
Sure thing! Shin-chan and I are at school now I'll check on you later :)
To: Kazunari Takao
From: Y/n
Thank you, have a good day guys
You closed out of you and Takao's messages as you put your phone down and decided to regroup the sleep you missed last night. You hoped it would help.
Takao's POV:
As I re-read y/n's messages I felt bad that she was sick and I assume was on her own, since last I remember she lived alone. I don't know how Shin-chan is going to feel when he finds out that she isn't coming.
"Oi nanodayo! Aren't we walking with y/n?" I heard Shin-chan yell behind me. I didn't know what to say.
"Takao, are you gonna answer me?" Midorima asked again.
"Um she's not gonna be here today-" I said, quietly. I didn't want him to yell or anything.
"What's that mean? Funny joke-" Midorima said, although he didn't seem to understand that I wasn't joking.
"Shin-chan, I'm not joking. Y/n is staying home today" I sighed.
"What do you mean?" He asked, still not understanding.
"Sorry Shin-chan, but she's sick today" I looked at him.
"And she didn't tell me?" Midorima looked sad and surprised.
"Yeah, I only know cause she told me last night after I told her about the practice match later" I admitted.
"She won't be at the game either?" He asked, looking at me with a straight face.
"No, I'm sorry Shin-chan. She did wish you luck though. After the game I'm giving her the classwork if you wanna come" I offered, not sure if he'd accept that.
'She's sick and didn't tell me? I hope she's okay-' Midorima thought to himself and sighed. "Takao, give me the classwork after the game and I'll bring it to her myself."
"Are you sure?" I asked, but smug smiled. I figured he'd want to take care of her.
"Yes, does she need anything else?" He asked me, pulling out his phone. I assumed he was either writing down a list or checking the horoscope or maybe both.
"Not that she said, and what are you doing?" I asked, even though I knew I'd regret that.
"Checking today's horoscope of course. Sadly it says that {your zodiac sign} is to have bad luck today-" I heard Shin-chan scoff. Guess those horoscopes do work at times. I laughed.
"Let's worry about this later and focus on the practice game okay?" I asked, knowing without y/n, Shin-chan would be more focused on her than anything else. Maybe that would affect his shots too.
"Y-yeah okay idiot" He said, as we both walked into school.
[Time Skip]
It was about 2 p.m in the afternoon as you started to wake up from what seemed like a very good nap. By nap, you meant full on passed out sleep. You rubbed your head as you sat up. You looked at your phone to see that the basketball team would be practicing right now before the practice game. You also wondered how the school day went with Midorima and your absence from class. You hoped he wasn't mad or too unable to focus during the game because of it. As you tried to talk, your voice was still gone and it still hurt to talk. The bad thing is you didn't feel like getting up and getting cough drops, tea or anything. You did, however, get up and use the bathroom. When you looked in the mirror again, you noticed that your face was still beat red and that your clothes were soaked from the heat. You lazily dug through your closet to find something else to wear before deciding to get a drink and lay back down again.
[Meanwhile at Shutoku]
As the basketball team was warming up and practicing for the practice game against Kaijo, everyone was doing well and sinking every shot; everyone except Midorima. Every 3-pointer he tried to make would bounce off the rim or completely miss the hoop. He was too worried about you to think of anything else. As everyone started noticing his lack of concentration, the captain Taisuke Ōtsubo walked up to him. Takao was behind Midorima as he did so and knew this would happen.
"Midorima!" Ōtsubo yelled from the court.
"What?" Midorima snipped.
"What's with your 3's today? You never miss" Ōtsubo questioned.
"So? It's not a big deal or anything" Midorima could care less about what his captain was saying.
"Don't have an attitude with your upperclassmen. It is a big deal when we face Kaijo any minute and one of the Generation of Miracles can't even shoot a basket. What's up?" Ōtsubo said, sternly.
"I told you not to focus on y/n Shin-chan I knew this would happen" Takao mumbled.
"What was that Takao?" Ōtsubo asked.
"Nothing captain" Takao bowed.
"Do you know the reason Midorima's missing every shot?" Ōtsubo pressed.
"It's just y/n" Takao sighed.
"Ah our manager, speaking of where is she?" He asked, looking around the gym to not see you.
"She's out sick today captain-" Takao looked at Ōtsubo.
"How unfortunate, I hope she gets better soon" Ōtsubo sighed, looking at Takao and Midorima. "Is this why he's so off his game?" He continued.
"Yes, I was afraid this would happen. He's been worried all day" Takao looked at the green-haired boy beside him.
"Well on a normal day I would let him leave and let him take care of y/n but we need him for this game. It's really bad timing" Ōtsubo mumbled. "Hey Midorima!" He yelled again.
"What?" Midorima said, pushing up his glasses and walking over.
"For the 1st half I'm benching you unless we really need you against Kise and in the 2nd half I want you to do your best to win for y/n okay?" Ōtsubo looked at his underclassmen.
'I..I-" Midorima had no words.
"Glad we're on the same page, get ready because Kaijo is here" Ōtsubo said, as everyone was rushing to line up.
As Midorima and Takao were by the benches, Kise decided to walk over to them. "Hello Midorimacchi!" He smiled.
"What do you want Kise?" Midorima said, with an angry face.
"What happened to you?" Kise asked.
"Long story short his girlfriend is sick and he's worried" Takao cut in.
"Ah I see" Kise giggled, "This better not affect your performance."
"Takao let's go" Midorima snipped as he went to meet up with his team to start the game.
[Time Skip]
In the end Shutoku won 124-108 and Midorima didn't miss another shot. As the gym was being cleaned up, Midorima left with your classwork and a bag of supplies. He then walked to your house to see how you were doing....
You were laying in bed with the T.V on as you heard a knock on the door. "Come in-" Your weak voice croaked.
"You do sound bad-" You heard a voice say from afar.
"Takao if this is your idea of making me feel better than your way off..." You then started coughing harshly into the blanket again, with a sniffle.
"Nanodayo! It's me" You heard a familiar voice. When you looked up you saw Midorima in front of you.
"S-Shintaro? But I-" You started coughing again.
"Don't talk, I have your school work, don't worry I did it for you and I have food" he said, setting everything down.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this-" you sniffled.
"It's okay, just tell me next time. Do you have a fever?" He asked, walking over to you.
"Last I checked I did and-" Before you could finish, Midorima had placed his hand on your warm forehead and sighed.
"I want you to have a shower while I make food since I know you haven't eaten yet" He said, handing you your towel and some clothes.
"Alright Alright" You said, going into the bathroom and starting the water.
[20 minutes later]
As you stepped out of the shower you could vaguely smell something cooking in the kitchen. You walk over to see your boyfriend plating something. "Good you're out, sit by the couch so you can eat." He said, placing {your favorite meal} in front of you.
"This looks so good Shintaro, thank you" you smiled.
"You're welcome" he said, then coming to sit by you.
After you finished eating, Midorima cleared the plate and put it in the sink. He heard a cute sneeze escape your mouth as he laughed quietly behind the counter. He then handed you the recording of today's practice game from earlier. "Takao never told me if you won or not" you looked up at your boyfriend.
"Want to watch it now and find out?" He asked.
"Sure!" You smiled, as he put in the disc.
As the recording started, he placed his Shutoku jacket around you as he laid your head on his lap and pulled the blanket around you. By the time it was the 3rd quarter in the recording, Midorima looked to see that you were asleep. He smiled softly and took out his phone. He took a picture of you sleeping on him and sent it to Takao saying, "I love her so much."
A/N-Hope you all liked the story and I’ll get to other ones as soon as I can and if you have a request feel free to submit it. Have a great day/night everyone!
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
Would it be possible to get a sick reader with Makoto Tachibana 💕
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A/N-Of course it is possible! I wanted to write one for this character as well so I hope you like it :)
Since Makoto grew up as the eldest child with 2 younger twin siblings Ran and Ren Tachibana; he was more than used to and knew how to take care of someone who was sick. Even if that someone being sick was his s/o. He also knew how to deal with your stubborn behavior as well. The one thing he thought to himself while he was at your kitchen counter making soup for you while you were resting upstairs, was how much you and Haruka acted alike. In fact, you wouldn't even be sick right now if it wasn't for Haruka getting you sick. Somehow he managed to convince you into swimming with him back at Iwatobi in a 3-lap race. You aren't one to turn down challenges and Makoto knew that, but he also knew it was so close to the winter time and begged you not to swim in the very clearly cold water temperature. Although you didn't listen. Despite what your boyfriend told you, you ignored it and raced his best friend anyway. All in all you thought it was fun, but you didn't think about the end result and just how badly it would affect you. Luckily, Makoto knew this would happen and was overly prepared for it. One question still crossed his mind though; and that was, 'How did Haru not get a cold too.' Makoto chuckled to himself at his thoughts while he poured the soup in your favorite bowl. He placed some light salty crackers for some taste beside it, even though you couldn't taste anything very well right now, he just knew you liked it.
Makoto carried the bowl of soup in one hand, and crackers in the other as he walked slowly up the stairs to your bedroom. "Knock knock" he said quietly from your half open door. He looked to see your sleeping figure under the blankets and knew you weren't awake yet to answer. He walked in quietly as he placed the bowl on the desk.
You were sluggishly waking up to the feeling of something cold on your forehead. It was Makoto's hand. You moved around as you sat up against the pillows as you muffled a rather thick sounding cough into your elbow, and with a very congested sniffle as you looked at him.
"How are you feeling honey? Any better?" Makoto asked, brushing your loose hairs out of your face.
You rubbed your now watery eyes before speaking, "Not really, but sleeping helped a little bit. My head still hurts can't breathe through my nose"
Makoto smiled softly at you, he could hear how stuffy your nose was and how different it made your voice come out. He then grabbed the thermometer to take your temperature. "Let's see how your fever's doing" he asked, while he waited for it to go off.
When the thermometer went off Makoto sighed. "Is it bad?" You asked, looking at his face.
"No, it's still the same. I'll give you some more cold medicine after you eat and hope that helps" he smiled, setting the thermometer back on your desk. He stood up and brought the soup with crackers over to you as he set it in your lap.
"This looks so good!" You said happily, it made Makoto smile.
"I know you can't taste anything right now but I hope you like it. I'm going to get the medicine I'll be right back" Makoto said, as he ruffled your hair playfully, and went to grab the medicine from downstairs.
[Time Skip]
Some time passed after you finished eating and took your medicine; Makoto decided to get on top of and join you in the bed as he laid you in his lap. He started massaging your head in circles and went through it slowly. Each time he did it, he heard you sigh in relief as he watched the smile on your face and your eyes closed softly. He placed soft kisses on your still warm forehead as he smiled too. After about an hour, you started to wake up. Makoto was already out of your bed and headed towards you with a glass of cold water and some cough drops.
"You were coughing in your sleep so I thought this would help" he smiled, handing them to you.
"Thank you so much Makoto" you said, taking a sip of water and popping a cough drop in your mouth. They were the flavored ones you liked.
"Would you like me to do your hair?" Makoto asked, knowing you loved when he styled it for you.
"Please?" You pouted, not even hesitating to say yes.
"Alright then" Makoto smiled, braiding your hair into 2 cute braids.
[2 hours later]
The day was going by fast as it was slowly getting dark and the sun was setting outside your semi-open window that Makoto had opened earlier for some fresh air in the room. You laid in bed while reading a book when you felt Makoto's presence beside you again. "How are you feeling now honey?" He asked, as you felt his hand across your head again.
"Not as bad, still stuffy though" you smiled, folding your book on the page you were on for later.
"That's good, and the fever's lowered a bit" he smiled, as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
You laid your head on him with a smile. You felt your nose start to run again as Makoto watched you sniffle. Sure enough you sneezed. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that....or that" you started apologizing for sneezing more than once. Although it didn't bother Makoto at all.
Makoto reached behind your back to grab a tissue from your almost empty box before saying, "sit up."
You sat up. "I'm sorry" you repeated like 10 times but all Makoto did was chuckle.
"Don't be sorry, now blow your nose already" he joked, but he still held the tissue.
"I can blow my own nose thank you, I'm not a little kid" you scoffed, being stubborn.
"Just do it, I do this with my siblings all the time when they get sick it isn't weird or anything" Makoto persisted.
"It's weird for me. Having my boyfriend treat me like a little kid is kinda weird" you admitted.
"Oh come on y/n, we've been together over a year, I don't care how weird anything is or how you look at your worse times. We look out and do anything for one another and that includes when you're sick. It's like that vow, 'in sickness and in health.' " Makoto started going into his "mom mode" as you called it and finally decided to agree.
"Fine" you huffed. Not wanting to debate.
"Thank you, now I've got to get back home, but I'll be back tomorrow alright? Feel better honey and remember I will always love and care for you" Makoto smiled, kissing your forehead as he tucked you in. He turned on your fan to keep you cool before walking towards the door.
"Thanks for everything Makoto, I appreciate it" you smiled, giving him a small wave as he left.
"Forever and always y/n...forever and always" Makoto said aloud from behind your closed door.
He walked out with a smile on his face as he turned off all the lights to let you recover as soon as you could.
A/N-I hope you enjoyed the story and feel free to request something if anyone wishes to do so. Have a good day/night everyone!
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
Hello 🥰
Can you do sick reader x izuku from Mha?
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A/N-Of course I can! I hope you like it!
You hate being sick more than anything. Your muscles would ache as you moved around in bed with sudden cold or hot flashes, or you would get severe dizzy spells that knocked the wind out of you. Even your stomach hurts as it growls. You barely managed to take a sip of water because of how sore your throat was. Your eyes wouldn’t stop watering and you would occasionally cough roughly. You would rub your eyes with a tissue every couple minutes but they only watered more. As for the coughing, you could feel the mucus drain down the back of your throat as you painstakingly tried to get it out. You were dehydrated, very dehydrated, but looking at your bedside table you saw that your water bottle was empty. If body aches weren’t enough for you, getting out of bed was just as painful and aching as your body itself. Your chills felt like needles jabbing at your skin and you couldn’t shake the shaking feeling you had as you pried yourself up from your bed sheets, that were sticky with sweat. As you went to grab a fresh, cold water from your mini fridge, you would pause for a few seconds every so often to catch your breath or to sip from your full water bottle, that felt good going down your throat.
Before trying to walk back in bed you felt the room spin. Nothing was what it seemed as you felt the room go black. You don’t remember the seconds leading up to when you fainted, or even what time it was when you woke up. But when you opened your eyes you were back in your bed, with a cold towel that slid down your shoulder as you sat up. “Oh, you’re up. Are you alright?” You heard a voice say, although the blurry vision in your eyes kept you from making out the face of who was beside you. Izuku looked at how comfy you appeared to be, but remembered how miserable you were feeling when he saw you laying on the floor. He stared at the messy bun you had in your hair and down to how pink and rose colored your nose was. He couldn't help but chuckle at how cute he thought you were right now. Not that he didn't think you looked cute everyday. He gave you a soft smile before speaking.
"You scared me back there you know?” Izuku said, before you were able to make out his face, “When were you going to tell me about the dizzy spells?” 
“Izuku, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t think they’d be this bad” You said, hoarsely. 
“Don’t apologize, it’s okay. The flu works in many ways. It just looks like it hit you good and hard” Izuku joked, although he was serious. 
You felt Izuku push you back down into the bed, as he placed his very cold hand across your forehead. “Let’s take your temperature shall we?” He asked, looking in your drawers for the thermometer. 
“I know I have a fever already, I’ve been sick since yesterday remember?” You said, not sure why he was doing this. 
“Well I know that, but it doesn’t hurt to check. I want to make sure that your getting over the flu...unless you’d rather be sick forever?” Izuku said, putting the thermometer in your mouth. He then pulled your desk chair closer to you so he could sit down. You closed your eyes on the pillow, as you knew you couldn’t talk him out of whatever he was planning to do. 
When the thermometer beeped, you opened your eyes again when you felt something cool and damp placed onto your forehead. “It’s another cold washcloth,” Izuku explained. “It’ll help your fever go down” he smiled, as he looked at you. 
“Thank you again” You mumbled quietly. 
“I have some water and medicine for you to take, can you sit up again?” Izuku asked, holding them in his hands. 
You shook your head yes. 
“Alright, here you go” Izuku said, as he watched you take it. “Have you eaten anything since yesterday when I came by?” He then asked after, as you handed him the water. 
“No..I don’t want to throw up again, the thought of food makes me stomach hurt” you sighed, knowing you should eat but didn’t want to be more miserable later. 
Izuku placed his hand on your shoulder sympathetically. “I know, do you think you can handle some soup?”
“Maybe..can you feed me?” You smiled, into the covers. 
“Sure” Izuku smiled, as he grabbed the small bowl of soup from his bag. 
Izuku helped you finish the bowl of soup, even if you sipped slowly. When you finished, you couldn’t help but feel bad for having your boyfriend put up with you in the sick state you were in. 
“You shouldn’t be helping me,” you sighed “You’re gonna get sick.”
He just shrugged as he walked back to you. “If I get sick I get sick. What harm can be done?” He asked.
“Well you’ll...” you felt your stomach drop suddenly, followed by sharp pains. You waited a few seconds before speaking again, but one hand was clenched onto your stomach and the other over your mouth. Both you and Izuku knew what would happen next. Izuku saw the look on your face before bringing the trashcan towards you, as he helped you lean over the bed; The trashcan at your feet in front of you. 
“Easy now-” Izuku said, rubbing circles along your back as he watched you throw up. You thought with him being this close to you while you were sick would bother him or you thought he would at least be grossed out but he wasn’t. He was in fact calm about it. 
When you finished, Izuku helped you back into the covers, as he kept the trashcan in the corner in case you needed it for later. You yawned. The day seemed to go by so fast and you felt rather drained and tired. “I’m sorry about this, I promise I won’t do it again” you said weakly, as you stared at Izuku. 
“Don’t be sorry it’s alright. Take some more medicine with water and we’ll change your cloth out before you take a nap sound good?” Izuku said so calmly.
You nodded. 
Izuku handed you a glass of water as you took your medicine again, and watched him rinse the cloth in the cold bowl of water on the floor before placing it back on your forehead. He stood up and tucked you in bed as he plugged in your night light before you were ready to close your eyes. You smiled softly at him, thinking how lucky you were to have the most caring boyfriend in U.A Academy. 
“I’ll check on you tomorrow, if you need anything I’ll be there. Sleep well puppy and get better soon” Izuku said, planting a soft kiss on your cheek, as he closed the door behind him with the biggest smile on his face. 
A/N-Hope this is what you’re looking for and hope you liked it. I feel like this was one of my best stories so far. Have a good day/night everyone and feel free to request a fanfic or read anything from my page. See you all next time!
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
[Sick!Asahi x Reader]~Be Careful
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You could hear rather loud sneezes followed by harsh blowing honks of the nose from inside as you stood outside Asahi’s house before you knocked on the door. Too your surprise, when Asahi opened it he wasn’t dressed in his uniform, he didn’t even have a shirt on. His hair was down and looked kind of messy and it covered his eyes slightly, and he was holding a white towel with his left hand, as you watched him rub it under his nose. He. Was. Sick. There was no doubt in your mind that he wasn’t. He was sweating just by standing at the door. ‘Aww poor Asahi’ you thought to yourself.  
“Asahi...” you sighed, sympathetically. You just looked at your boyfriend who looked sleep deprived and not to mention very unwell. 
“Give me a few minutes and we’ll get going, sorry I woke up late. You can come in and wait” he said, letting you in.
‘He’s definitely congested’ you thought. “Wait a minute, I’m coming upstairs too” you yelled, as you dropped your school bag to fallow him. 
When you got to Asahi’s bedroom it was messier than normal. The bed looked destroyed, his homework and laptop still scattered on his desk and there were crumpled tissues all across the floor. You looked to the trashcan that was overfilled with them beside his bedside. ‘Looks like he had a rough night.’ You thought again. Just looking at how Asahi was now and the mess in his room, you knew he shouldn’t and couldn’t go to school like that. You also knew that if he did stay home today Daichi would be upset with him for skipping practice even though he wasn’t; and you knew that Noya would probably get the wrong idea’s about him quitting again. However, you knew that it did Asahi no good to go to school sick because he could make himself worse or get others on the team sick too. With the fall prelims approaching quickly, there was no time to get sick. As a manager for the volleyball team you decided that no matter what Asahi said, you were keeping him home to rest. This is for the good of the team and because you’re trying to be the best s/o you can. 
“Alright, we can go-” Asahi said, wobbling out of the bathroom in his uniform. 
‘He’s got a fever too’ your thoughts were becoming greater. 
“No” you said semi-sternly, as you looked at him. 
“No?” He questioned. Clearing his throat after. 
“Asahi, you’ve clearly got a cold. I mean it is the fall season for it. Prelims are in 2 weeks, there’s no way you can play if your sick. Plus Daichi wouldn’t let you. As your girlfriend and as a manager, I’m I’m telling you that you’re not going to school today” you said in a mouthful. You inhaled to catch your breath. 
“But y/n, I’m not...” You watched Asahi escape another loud sneeze into his elbow. “...sick” he said after. 
“Asahi,” you said, walking over and handing him a tissue. “You’re sneezing an awful lot, your nose is running, you’ve been clearing your throat and you’re sweating. Please stay home today” you said, as he took the tissue from your hand. 
He looked at you before you watched his breath become hitchy. “Excuse me I need to..” sure enough he sneezed again. And again. And again. Each sneeze you heard, you couldn’t help but feel bad for him. He was suffering. You heard him blow hard into the tissue that was now soggy before he spoke. 
“Alright fine...I’ve got a cold” he admitted. 
“Come on, let’s get you into bed” you said, grabbing his sweaty hand. 
“Y/n, Daichi’s gonna kill me...” he sighed, as you covered him with the covers. 
“No he won’t, I’ll take care of that alright?” You smiled. 
“Alright, can you hand me another tissue?” He asked, his voice very congested. 
“Sure thing..and let me empty this trashcan for you” You said, handing him a tissue, and picking up the scattered tissues from the floor as you walked downstairs with the trashcan to throw them away. 
‘She’s being so good to me while I’m sick..I love her’ Asahi thought, as he blew his nose again. 
[Meanwhile downstairs]
“Alright, let’s call Daichi and let him know that Asahi’s sick, and let’s get him something for breakfast, and a cold rag to cool him down, no doubt he has a fever” you said out loud. You then dialed Daichi’s number. 
‘Hello?’ Daichi said, as he answered his phone.
‘Hey Daichi, it’s y/n’ you said, with a sigh. 
‘Hey, school starts soon are you coming?’ He asked. 
‘Actually no. Asahi caught a cold and a bad fever, I’m staying to take care of him’ you explained, afraid of what he’d say.
‘Oh no, will he be okay in time for prelims?’ Daichi asked. 
‘If he stays home this week he should be, as a manager and his s/o I’ll do everything  I can too make sure he’s well by prelims I promise’ you said, while nodding your head. 
‘I hope so, but don’t get too close to him y/n while he’s sick’ Daichi warned you. 
‘Why not?’ You questioned. 
‘Because, you can pass a cold from one person to another by close contact. Did you not learn that yet?’ He explained. 
‘Yeah yeah I know, I’ll be careful. I just want him to get better’ you huffed.
‘I do too, just be careful’ Daichi said, sort of sternly. 
‘I will, and..I gotta go’ you said, hearing Asahi sneeze loudly again. 
‘What was that?’ Daichi asked. 
‘Asahi sneezing’ you giggled. 
‘That sounds bad’ Daichi sighed. 
‘It’s not, I gotta go check on him though, have a good day’ you smiled.  
‘You too y/n, please be careful..we don’t need our manager getting sick too’ Daichi wouldn’t drop it. 
‘I won’t get sick, have a good day’ you said, semi-angrily as you hung up. 
You walked back upstairs with the trashcan as you entered Asahi’s room to see him laying in his bed, with his nose indeed red. “Here you go babe, I called Daichi and told him that your sick so it’s all taken care of.”
“Thank you so much y/n” he smiled, grabbing your hand. 
“Anything for you Asahi. Now would you like to have a shower to clear your sinuses or try getting some rest?” You asked. 
“Can I do both?” He asked, looking at you. 
“Of course you can, let me start the water for you” you smiled, going into his bathroom and turning on the shower. 
‘I can’t believe she’s doing this for me, I really need to repay her when I get better’ Asahi smiled to himself. 
“Alright babe, I know you like the water semi-hot and cold so it should be about that temperature. Let’s get you some clothes for when you get out and let’s get you in the shower” you said, as you helped him to the bathroom. 
“I won’t be long I promise, and wait, aren’t you going to school?” He asked. 
“No, I’m taking care of you” you smiled. 
“You don’t need too” Asahi said, clearing his throat. 
“I want too, don’t worry” you smiled. 
“Alright, I won’t be long in the...shower” Asahi let out another powerful sneeze, fallowed by a cough. 
“Bless you” you said, handing him a tissue. “Let me leave these in the bathroom for you alright?”
“Thank you” Asahi said, and you closed the door to let him shower. 
[Time Skip]
As Asahi was in the shower you decided to make him some warm soup, grab a cold rag and cold medicine as you just wanted him to get better. Once he was out and you were done, you walked upstairs with the tray in your hands. “Asahi...I have food for you” you whispered, trying to wake him up slowly. 
“Y/n..that looks amazing” he said, sitting up. 
“It’s not too hot I promise. Take this cold medicine first and then you can eat” you smiled, giving him a spoonful. 
“This is delicious y/n. Although I can’t taste it very well it’s so good” Asahi smiled, as he finished the soup. 
“I’m glad you like it, I’ll take the tray downstairs while you get some rest okay? Also here’s a cold cloth to bring your fever down” you smiled, placing it on his head. 
“Thank you” he smiled. 
When you took the tray to the kitchen, Daichi called. 
‘Hello?’ You said, answering. 
‘Hey y/n, how’s Asahi feeling?’ Daichi asked. 
‘He’s doing better for sure, I got him some soup and gave him some cold medicine a few minutes ago so that should help’ you explained. 
‘Good, we really need him for prelims’ Daichi said. 
‘I know, I’m doing my best but I promise he’ll be ready for prelims’ you assured him. 
‘I hope, just remember what I said earlier’ Daichi pressed. 
‘Yeah I know, I won’t get sick if I don’t get to close. The closest I got was to give him the medicine that’s it’ you rolled your eyes in annoyance. 
‘Good, we gotta get practicing, I’ll talk later goodbye’ Daichi said, hanging up.
‘Good bye’ You said, instantly shutting off your phone. 
After daichi called, you went back into Asahi’s room. He was sleeping so peacefully as you joined him in the bed.
After about an hour he started to wake up he saw you asleep beside him as he took a picture of you with his phone. “Y/n, when did you get there?” 
“Oh Asahi you’re awake..I fell asleep with you” you smiled. 
“You looked so cute and I got a picture” He said, coughing. 
“Of course you did, are you feeling any better?” You asked, feeling his forehead. He still had a fever. 
“Yes, a little bit. Thanks for taking care of me today” he smiled. 
“Anytime Asahi, anytime” you smiled back. 
“When I recover I’m definitely paying you back for this” he said, kissing your forehead. 
“There’s no need for that” you insisted. 
“I want too, I care about you and you better get home before your parents get back” Asahi said, looking at the clock. 
“You’re right, I’ll check on you tomorrow too. Get well soon alright? I miss you at school” you said, grabbing your school bag and leaving.
“I miss you too y/n, I love you” Asahi said, as you turned off his lights to get some more rest. Hoping he’d feel better soon. 
[Extended Ending]
A week went by as y/n would visit Asahi every day before school because she didn’t want to get in trouble for skipping the whole week, and making sure he was feeling better for the prelims. It was a nice day on a Tuesday morning, the prelims we’re tomorrow. Asahi had finally recovered from his cold as he walked into the gym after class. There, everyone rushed towards him to greet him on his return. Daichi, of course, smacked him in the head for worrying him that he wouldn’t be ready by the prelims. 
“You gave us all a scare you know? But y/n was right, you definitely are back and healthy for the prelims just like she promised” Daichi smiled, along with everyone. 
“Yeah sorry guys, that cold really had me down for awhile” Asahi rubbed his neck nervously. 
“Well you’re here now so let’s get practicing” Sugawara suggested. 
“Good idea, but first I need to see y/n, I want her to know that I’m all okay now” Asahi smiled. He looked around the gym not to see you anywhere. Normally you we’re already here. “Um..where’s y/n?” Asahi asked. 
“Well...” Daichi paused. 
A/n-Sorry I got so into this story guys. I’m in one of those writing moods that I haven’t been in for awhile and it feels good to write new stories. I hope you all enjoyed and I will be writing Part 2 of this next where y/n’s the one whose sick now. Have a good day/night whenever your reading this! 
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
hey! would u do kiyoko from haikyuu taking care of a sick female reader who has a cold but wont admit it despite all her sneezing and sniffling?
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A/N-Ofc!! I was hoping someone would request a Kiyoko one! I just got back from a long camp for school and I'm happy to be writing again and I hope you enjoy!
Your throat felt like fire and your nose ran as you sniffled down the hallways of Karasuno. You knew you caught a cold last night because of how many times you sneezed or coughed, but you weren't going to admit it, let alone skip school because of it. Although, if you didn't have to manage another boys' volleyball game with Kiyoko and Yachi you sure would have stayed home today but no. You knew that even if Yachi and Kiyoko could handle managing the team while you were gone, it didn't mean that you were gonna just leave them for something so little. At least to you it seemed little. As you walked sluggishly to 3rd period, your eyes looked red and you had coughed a few times, before entering the classroom. The only thing you could think was, 'Damn, maybe I should have stayed home.'
Class felt like it was going slower than normal for you. From constantly zoning out, to almost falling asleep at your desk, you knew you couldn't wait to leave. Throughout the whole period you would sniffle or rub under your nose when it itched because it was dry and irritated from how many times you blew your nose this morning and in your last 2 classes. Your mom had also known you were sick, but had to work late and wasn't able to watch you, so either way you came to school. She had given you a small pack of tissues to carry in your jacket pocket in case you needed them and some cough drops in your bag. As you were sheepishly looking at the board and down at your desk, you felt your nose burn. You felt a tickle build up as you knew you were gonna sneeze again. But you didn't want to. You didn't want to sneeze anymore today and had tried all period not too. However, this time you couldn't do anything about it. You felt your head lift up as you grabbed the last tissue from your pocket and covered your nose just in time to stifle a loud sneeze.
After blowing your nose, all you could see was your class and the teacher looking at you. Your eyes stayed frozen in place. The teacher walked up to you and said, "Y/n. Are you okay?"
You simply said, "Yeah, just a slight cold"
"Why don't you go to the bathroom and clean your face-" Your teacher said, staring at how your nose was running.
You instantly covered your hands over your nose, bowed and ran out of the classroom...As you walked to the restroom, without any tissues, you just decided to wipe your nose on your sleeve, although it was your team jacket. You thought, 'I can wash it later right? Right.' As you turn the corner, there you see your girlfriend Kiyoko. She was walking with papers in her hands as she skipped across the hall. She stopped skipping to say hi.
"Hey darling, where are you heading?" She asked, with a smile.
"Just to the bathroom-" you sniffled, pretending you didn't.
"O-Okay, see you at practice later!" She said, happily as she continued to walk.
"See you later-" You said, quickly turning to the bathroom and cupping a sneeze in your hands, coughing after. You didn't know that Kiyoko secretly heard you.
'Y/n sounds sick, she doesn't look well either. Why didn't she say anything?' Kiyoko thought as she walked.
[Time Skip]
Finally, the end of all classes rolled around. Although, you felt worse than you did in the morning. You had sneezed an awful lot during lunch, sniffled in every class, coughed under your breath, and your jacket sleeve had dried snot on it from rubbing your nose across it. You just hoped practice with the boys would go by fast today. The faster the practice goes, the faster you would get to go home and rest. You were afraid to disappoint your girlfriend, and the team by not showing; that was the only thing keeping you from going straight home. But was staying at the school a good idea? As you walked to the gym, you couldn't help but feel really off. From your sinuses being completely messed up and your throat on fire, you now had a headache and your eyes were a blur. You stepped into the double doors before feeling faint. Luckily Kiyoko was there to catch you.
"Oh Kiyo, I didn't see you" You said, acting totally fine.
"Y/n, you almost fell, are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine why-" you said, then violently coughing.
"Uh-" She paused.
"Bad timing, i'm totally fine" you said, although you felt so bad inside.
Kiyoko leaned you up against her and wrapped your arm around her shoulder, as she felt your forehead. Your cheeks looking also red. "Y/n, darling, you have a fever. Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" She said finally.
"What? I'm not sick" you were still not admitting it.
"Y/n, when I saw you in the halls today your hair was a mess, your eyes looked tired, I heard you coughing, sniffling and I've heard you sneeze at least 5 times during lunch. Also your jacket sleeve is messy" Kiyoko started naming everything.
You were shocked. You had no words. All you did was sniffle, before coughing in your free arm. Your eyes watered, knowing you had no choice but to admit it. You sniffled loudly before speaking. "Fine, I caught a cold. I feel terrible. But my mom's working late and I didn't want to leave you guys alone" Kiyoko could hear the congestion in your voice.
Kiyoko smiled softly, "Y/n, you know you can always tell me things. I care about you and right now being sick doesn't help how you feel physically and you shouldn't be here while you have a cold. Let me take you home and we can rest okay?"
You simply rubbed your eyes before releasing your arms from your girlfriend. Kiyoko told Daichi about your cold and told Yachi to take over the rest of the practice. Kiyoko grabbed her bag, and a tissue box from the bench as she walked out of the gym with you. The whole way home, you would sneeze. Kiyoko handed you like 20 tissues by the time you got to your house and walked in.
"Thanks for walking with me-" your sniffled.
"You're welcome, you sound stuffy and your nose is running again" Kiyoko said, setting everything down and handing you another tissue.
"I'm sorry" you said, blowing your nose, and itching it as you walked upstairs.
"It's alright, go lay down okay, I'll be up in a minute" She smiled.
"Okay-" you coughed.
[Time Skip]
As Kiyoko finished making soup and tea for you, she could hear the sneezing from upstairs and the congested sniffles. She couldn't help but feel bad for you. She grabbed cold medicine, the thermometer and the tissues as she walked upstairs. When she entered the room to see her sick girlfriend in bed, she smiled softly. "How are you feeling?" She asked.
"I can't breathe through my nose and I can't stop-...sneezing" you said, sneezing mid-sentence. You took another tissue and blew into your sore nose.
“Don’t worry, I called your mom and I’m taking care of you tonight” Kiyoko smiled, as she set everything on a nearby table. 
“You’re gonna get sick though” you sighed, not knowing if this was a good idea.
“That’s alright, what’s important is that you get over your cold right?” She jokingly asked. 
“I guess, I’m sorry Kiyo” you apologized to the 3rd year in front of you. 
“Don’t be sorry, just tell me next time” she smiled softly, as she kissed your forehead. 
“Can you lay with me?” You asked, cutely. 
“Of course I can” Kiyoko said, as she got in bed with you. She started rubbing your head to get you to fall asleep and made sure the tissues were in reach. 
As Kiyoko watched you fall asleep, she whispered softly out loud, “I love you y/n, and I always will.” 
A/N-Sorry I kind of went overboard but I hope this was what you were looking for and have a great day/night everyone!
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
[Obi x Sick!Reader]~The Best Medicine
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A/N- Thank you @astreankitsune for another wonderful request: ”I have a request for you with my beloved Obi, from Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow white with the red hair) Sick! Reader who is trying to hide it but Shirayuki ends up finding out and has obi watch over and take care of them 👀👀” I am sorry it took so long to get done, but between finals, work and vacation planning I’ve been very busy. I have finally been able to finish this and Obi is so cute. I am very proud of how this turned out. Enjoy reading! 
It was a stormy night in the Kingdom of Tanbarun; Thunder strikes and rain pours excessively, you could hear the sounds of the raindrops against your bedroom window. Out of everyone in the castle, you were the only one not asleep. You would be asleep if you weren’t constantly in and out of bed every 10 minutes that is. For the last 2 hours tonight, you were shoving your covers on the floor or on the edge of the bed, and couldn’t get comfortable no matter how you laid. You were just way too hot. 
Your body felt hot and you could feel the sweat coming off of you at one point, but all you knew was that you weren’t going to get sleep if you were too hot. You went up, down, and all around the castle trying to cool down. From cold water to cold towels and fans blowing; nothing seemed to work. After the clock hit 2 you had given up. Everything you used or tried to get colder was scattered on the floor beside the bed, so you would clean it up in the morning. Even though you were hot and felt as if you were on fire, you did manage to fall asleep at some point. 
The next morning, instead of feeling better and less hot, you felt worse. Your body was hot to the touch and your face was completely colorless and red in the middle. Sweat dripped from your forehead and down your neck as you sat up from the light sheet you didn’t push away last night. Although, your bed felt moist and wet from how much you likely sweated at night. As you sat up, you sighed heavily. Your chest started to hurt as you did so. You went to get up as you felt dizzy. When you stood up again, you felt your nose run. 
“Great, I think I’m sick” you scoffed to yourself. 
You grabbed a tissue from beside your bed and blew your nose when you heard someone knock. “Just a minute-” you said quickly, not realizing how hoarse your voice sounded. You crumpled the tissue and threw it away before opening the door. You didn’t want anyone finding out that you had gotten sick. 
“Y/n, are you ready?” It was Shirayuki. 
“Ready for?” You questioned. 
“Ready to go over to the town markets with Obi?” She looked at you confused and kind of worried. 
“I forgot, I’ll get ready now” you mumbled, completely forgetting about shopping today. 
“Okay, uh y/n?” Shirayuki asked. 
“Yeah?” You said, not looking back at her. 
“A dumb question, but are you feeling alright?” She said. 
You froze. You didn’t expect her to ask that. “Yes, I feel fine Yuki” you lied. 
“Well alright, If you say so. I’ll be waiting outside the door for you” She said, hesitant about that. She would pay close attention just to be sure. 
[Time Skip]
As you walked around town with Shirayuki and Obi, you couldn’t help but still feel sick. Your chest was still tight, your face was hot, your nose runny and your voice scratchy. As you walked to the next store, you sat down beside a bench, waiting for Shirayuki and Obi to come out. You were glad to rest for a little bit. Although, you thought laying down in bed was a better idea. However, you still didn’t want anyone to know how badly you felt. You knew Shirayuki and Obi would overly worry if they found out. 
Once they came out, you had closed your eyes. They stared at you for a few seconds before Shirayuki pulled Obi to the side for a moment. “What’s wrong Shirayuki, are you okay?” Obi asked, as she tugged on his arm. 
“I’m fine Obi, but I think y/n’s sick. Actually I know she’s sick” Shirayuki looked at Obi and to you on the bench. 
“What do you mean?” Obi looked at Shirayuki confused. 
“Well when I came to her room this morning and she had forgotten about shopping today and she wasn’t dressed. Plus there was stuff all over the floor by her bed. And didn’t you notice the change in her voice? She sounds hoarse” Shirayuki explained. 
“I did notice, I just figured it was nothing” Obi said. 
“Well doesn’t her face look pale?” Shirayuki pointed. 
“It does, and the red mark around her face” Obi sighed. 
“Exactly, y/n’s sick Obi and its up to you to take care of her” Shirayuki smiles. 
“How do I do that?” Obi questioned.
“Well we can start by heading back to the castle to lay her into bed” Shirayuki suggests. 
“Good idea” Obi smiled. 
“You take y/n home and I’ll go to the shop and get her some medicine. Be careful not to wake her” Shiryuki said, running off in an opposite direction. 
“Alright” Obi said, then walking over to you. He picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the castle. You were heavily sleeping so there was no chance of waking you up. 
As Obi walked with you in his arms, he sighed, placing his hand across your forehead. “Oh y/n, you have a bad fever” he looked at you with worry. “Let’s get you back to the castle and into bed. I’ll look after you from there” he started talking to you, even though you were still sleeping. He knew you could hear him. 
[Time Skip]
Time seemed to pass so long that you didn’t remember anything after waiting for Shirayuki and Obi at a store. Now it looked as if you were back in bed at the castle, and you didn’t feel as hot. “W-what happened? Where am I?” You mumbled, looking around. Your voice still hard to talk with. 
“Shhh, don’t talk y/n. You’re okay” You heard Obi say, entering your room. 
“Obi? What happened?” You asked. 
“Shirayuki told me you were sick. I’m looking after you now” He sighed, walking to your bed. 
“What?” You rubbed your eyes. 
“It’s okay y/n, we can explain everything when you feel better. For now, have some warm soup. I made it myself” Obi said, putting some on a spoon and feeding it to you. 
“Mmm” you smiled as it went down your throat. 
“Does it taste good?” He asked. 
“It’s very good” you looked at Obi. 
“My pleasure y/n, just one thing though” he said, sitting the bowl on the desk.
“What is it?” You asked. 
“I have to give you your medicine now” he smirked. 
“Oh?” You said, confused. 
“Come here” Obi said, bringing you close to him.
“Close your eyes and you won’t taste it” he smiled. 
“Alright I guess” you said, closing your eyes. 
Without a warning, Obi pulled you close to him and kissed you long on the lips. “Obi-” you said, after letting you go. 
“Better?” He smiled. 
“Y-yes” you mumbled, at a loss of words. 
“I’m glad. Now get some rest y/n, I’ll check on you soon” he said, turning your lights off as he went to the door. 
“Thank you Obi, Good night” you yawned, and Obi tucked you in quickly. 
“You’re always welcome y/n, sleep tight” he whispered, leaving your room with the biggest smile as he closed the door. Hoping you feel better in no time. 
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
[Sick!Bakugou x Reader]~”It’s not your fault”
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A/N-I did not expect the last Bakugou story to blow up as much as it did so that you very much everyone and I’m glad you liked it! It would only be fitting if I did a sick Bakugou next. This would sort of carry on from the last story; where y/n is convinced that it was her fault that he got sick, but it wasn’t. I hope you like it! Credits to the artist for the picture!
Just as you were getting over your cold, it seemed that everyone around your class was starting to get sick as well. When you returned to class 3 days after recovering, out of the 20 students in class 1-A, only 10 were there. “Is there a cold running around the school?” You said aloud, looking around at all the empty seats. 
You were sitting in class with your other 9 classmates as Aizawa came in. “Alright let’s start the...” he paused, looking at how empty his class was now. 
“Is everyone sick?” He asked, everyone that was here today. 
Everyone shook their head yes. 
“Great, well I can’t start another lesson with half my hero’s missing. We’ll be behind either way” Aizawa scoffed, marking his attendance sheet. “Ah, Ms.Y/n, nice to see you back” he said, checking your name. 
“Good to be back sir” you smiled. 
“Well since everyone else isn’t here, just go to the cafeteria for the days lessons. Or go back to the dorms, I could care less” Aizawa mumbled, getting in his sleeping bag. 
“Great, class dismissed” you said, grabbing your bag and heading out the door. “Katsuki, are you coming?” You said, turning to see your boyfriend sluggishly standing up from his desk. 
“Yeah, I will catch up” he growled. He looked really angry. 
“Are you okay?” You asked. 
“I’m fine, I’m going to see the red head for a bit” he said, as he started to walk. 
“Okay, meet me in the cafeteria later! I love you!” You waved, leaving the classroom. 
“Love you too..” Bakugou said, his voice croaked. Just as he headed for the door, he felt his nose tickle. He turned to sneeze in his elbow. Sniffling after. 
“Don’t you go getting sick Bakugou” Aizawa said, from the floor. 
“I’m not, it’s just a sneeze” Bakugou growled at his teacher, leaving the room. 
As Bakugou walked he continued to sneeze. After the 10th time or so, his nose became stuffy and red. Snot dripped down his nostril as he wiped his nose with his uniform sleeve. “Ugh..I can’t get s-sick now-” he coughed, walking back to the dorms to see his friend. 
Even trying to hide or hold back a sneeze, looking at the sun or lights in the hallway made him sneeze. It was getting harder and harder to hide them. There was no doubt that you would question him about it if he met up with you. As he made his way to Kirishima’s room, he started sneezing, and clearing his now irritated throat before opening the door. 
“Hey, red head” Bakugou sniffled, looking at Kirishima in bed. Tissues scattered everywhere. 
“H-hey bakubro, what did I miss?” Kirishima said, sitting up. 
“Nothing, Aizawa sent us home. Hardly anyone was in class” Bakugou said, rubbing his red nose. 
“Are you okay? You look sick” Kirishima asked. 
“Don’t say that. I’m fine. My nose is just really itchy for some reason” Bakugou snapped. 
“Chill out, maybe your getting sick is all I’m saying” Kirishima coughed. 
“Well I’m not. Hero’s don’t have time to get sick. Getting sick is for the weak..ugh” Bakugou started to cough, turning away from Kirishima. 
“Yeah, coughing...your definitely not sick” Kirishima rolled his eyes as a joke. 
“Shut up, I’m not-” Bakugou said, violently rubbing his nose. He felt it tickle again. “Do you have anymore tissues?” He asked.
“On my desk, why?” Kirishima smirked. 
“Because I said!” Bakugou yelled, taking a tissue and blowing his nose. His face was now bright red and his nose irritated. 
“Bakubro, if you’re not feeling well you should tell y/n” Kirishima suggested. 
“I told you I’m fine, and I’m not telling y/n anything” Bakugou sniffled. 
“Yeah and if she asks why your red in the face?” Kirishima pointed out. 
“Uh...” Bakugou was at a loss of words. 
“Exactly, go lay down” Kirishima ordered. 
“F-fine, but I’m not telling y/n” Bakugou said, slamming the door as he left. 
“That’s fine, I will” Kirishima whispered as his friend left. 
[Time Skip]
After Kirishima texted you about Bakugou getting sick, you couldn’t help but feel responsible. Like it was perfect timing. As soon as you got better, he got sick. You felt sick to your stomach, that it was possibly your fault. All you wanted to do was apologize for it. As you walked to Bakugou’s dorm, you could hear the sound of him coughing, sneezing, and sniffling.
“Poor baby” you whispered, as you opened the door. “Hey Katsuki-” you sighed. 
“Y-y/n..what-” Bakugou sat up quickly, but started coughing. 
“Don’t talk, I know that you're sick-” you said, walking to his bed. He was in a thin black tank top and shorts. 
“How did you know? Red head told you didn’t he?” Bakugou growled, rolling his watery eyes. 
“Well yes, and the fact that both your face and nose are cherry red” you giggled. 
“I’m sorry you have to see me like this” Bakugou sighed, looking at you. 
“Getting sick is for the weak, this proves that I’m weak” Bakugou coughed. 
“Katsuki no...” you paused, grabbing his hand. “You’re not weak..this is all my fault..” You said, trying to hold back your tears. You hated seeing him sick like he was. 
“What are you on about?” He looked at you, grabbing your hand as well. 
“Think about it. Just as I got better, you and half our class was sick. It’s all my fault, and I’m sorry...I’m sorry I did this Katsuki..” you started to cry, burying your hands into your face. 
Bakugou’s eyes became sympathetic. “Y/n..don’t cry, look at me,” Bakugou said, grabbing your hands. “It’s not your fault” he sighed. 
“But..” you sniffled, as he wiped your tears. 
“It’s not your fault. Sure it looks that way, but I just got unlucky. You didn’t do anything wrong” he smiled. Although he was sick, he still helped you through crying. 
“Well there has to be something I can do to help maybe?” You asked. 
“Just get in bed with me, a nap will fix everything” he smiled, opening the covers. 
“I’d like that” you smiled, getting in with him. You wrapped your around around him and sighed in relief. 
“I love you, I hope you know that” he looked at you, before sleeping. 
“I love you too Katsuki and I’m still sorry” you looked at him. 
“If you say sorry again I’ll blast you” he giggled. 
“Hey!” You smiled. 
“Just kidding, but seriously y/n. This wasn’t your fault and it never will be. Sleep well” Bakugou said, kissing you as he too dozed off. 
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
[Bakugou x Sick!Reader]~My Idiot
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A/N-The stress with it almost being the end of another school year has really gotten to me. With final exams, state testing and big projects to finish, I just had to write whatever was in my mind and it really helped. I hope you all like it and have a good day/night! 
It was Monday. The first day to the start of another week. Another week for students of U.A high school. You were in class, Aizawa still not in the room as your head was laying on your desk; so far Monday, even if it was early, wasn’t going so well. Or rather, a certain someone wasn’t ‘feeling’ well. That someone being you. To say the least, you felt like shit. You woke up in the morning feeling absolutely horrible. From the aching in and throughout your body, down to the rosy-faced cheeks from your face, you were clearly sick. You desperately wanted to stay in your dorm and sleep but you didn’t want to miss training or having Bakugou complain that you weren’t in class to everyone he knew. So despite feeling shitty, you came to class anyway and decided to try pushing through the pain. Although, you had a feeling that you wouldn’t last long. Maybe not even till the end of attendance. 
It was 8:20 in the morning, Aizawa still wasn’t in the classroom. As you kept your head down, you felt your desk start to heat up. You knew then that you must of developed a fever. Your head was pounding and your body felt tight any which way you moved. As the bell rang to start, Aizawa had appeared and started with attendance. He went down the list until he got to your name. You were so exhausted and in a lot of pain to even realize that he called your name. 
“Y/n” Aizawa said, looking at his attendance sheet. 
“Y/n?” He repeated, his eyes still on your name. 
“Is y/n absent?” He finally said, looking up at his students. 
You were still laying on your desk before Kirishima tapped on your shoulder. “Y/n. Aizawa’s been calling your name” he whispered. 
You jumped, sitting up instantly. “I-I’m here!” Your eyes were watery and you could see the definite change of color on your face. 
“Try to remain awake for the rest of lessons hm?” Aizawa glared at you. He was obviously annoyed. 
“Y-yes sir” you said, feeling like coughing, but swallowed hard to try not to. Your headache felt worse and you still wished you had stayed in your dorm. It was too late now. Or was it?
Throughout the day you had been trying not to fall asleep, cough or sneeze but it was so hard to focus at times. When taking notes, your eyes would strain and your head pulsed. You would grab hold of your temples, waiting for the pain to stop. You thought no one would notice your actions, but you were wrong. Although Bakugo was in the back of the class, farther from your seat, he would constantly glare at and lock his eyes on you. He would slouch in his seat or rest his head with one hand, as his mind wandered. He couldn’t help after awhile, notice that you were off. At first he didn’t pay attention. Not until you rested your head on your desk again, and was almost asleep. 
[Time Skip]
It was almost lunch time and your body had just about had it. There was no way it would last any longer. You lifted your head and very visible flushed face off your desk and raised your hand. Aizawa shifted his eyes from the board onto you; the rest of the class wondering what was going on, especially your boyfriend Bakugou. 
“Did you have a question y/n?” Aizawa asked. 
Your head remained high as you tried not to feel the nauseous feeling in your stomach. “Sensei, I don’t feel very well”
Everyone in the class stared in shock. Bakugou’s mouth dropped and his body fled with worry. “Go to recovery girl this instant” Aizawa snipped at you. It was more like a direct order. 
You sighed, standing up before feeling dizzy. “Thank you” 
Bakugou noticed you struggling and instantly stood up. “Something wrong Bakugou?” Aizawa glared. 
Bakugou didn’t say a word to Aizawa. He simply walked over to you with an upset or angry looking face. “Let’s go.” He said, picking you up as you wrapped your arms around his waist. “I’m taking you back to the dorms” Bakugou said, and walked out of class. 
Aizawa and the other students were speechless. 
As Bakugou carried you out of the high school building he sighed. He looked at you in his arms, feeling the internal heat you gave off. He wanted to get you into bed right away. He knew something was off with you, he should of trusted his gut feeling. He continued to argue with his mind as he walked, before placing you in your bed. 
[Time Skip]
Your eyes fluttered open as you sat up. You looked around to see that you were in your dorm. “When did I get here? Is class over?” You said out loud. 
“Tch. Idiot” you heard a voice say. You looked up to see Bakugou in your room.
“Katsuki?” You mumbled. 
Bakugou came by your bed and sat down, placing his right hand on your free hand and his left hand on your forehead. “Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?”  He sighed, removing his hand as you shifted in the covers. 
“I’m sorry Katsuki, I thought I could last all day and rest after class” you sniffled. 
“Idiot, how many times have I told you not to push yourself?” Bakugou looked at you. “If you push yourself you’ll get sick. You did...” Bakugou’s eyes became soft. 
“Katsuki? Is something wrong?” You said, looking at Bakugou lowering his head. 
“Idiot...It’s just...just...” Bakugou mumbled. 
“Just what Katsuki?” You said, getting closer to him. 
Bakugou lifted his head and looked at you. “It’s just that you had me really worried today. I should have known you were sick before I knew earlier. I should have noticed sooner-” Bakugou was rambling so fast at this point. “I’m glad your okay, but you need to know when your body says to quit then quit. Do you understand?” Bakugou asked. 
“I understand, I’m sorry Katsuki, I really am” you sighed, Bakugou knew he made you feel bad and felt even worse now. 
“You really are stubborn you know? Idiot, I can’t keep my eyes off you for a second without you doing something possibly reckless” Bakugou laughed. 
“Oh, I wonder who I got my stubborness from?” You gave him a, ‘oh really’ look.  
“Yeah yeah, now let me take care of you. I don’t need you being sick forever” Bakugou scoffed, standing up.
“I’d like that” you smiled. 
“There’s that smile I love” he said, covering you back up. 
“Hehe, I love you Katsuki” you sniffled, as he fluffed your pillow. 
“I love you too idiot” he blushed.
“You need better nicknames other than idiot” you pointed out. 
“How about my idiot?” He said, smiling. 
“Not any better but it works, now cuddle me” you said, holding your arms out. 
“Alright, but if you get me sick I’ll kill you” Bakugou said, climbing in. 
“We’ll see” you said, wrapping your arms around Bakugou, and laying your head on his chest. Bakugou started massaging your head and you sighed in relief. He saw the smile on your face and kissed your forehead. 
[Extended Ending]
It was now the end of the day, classes had ended long ago. Your fellow UA classmates had all walked to your dorm and opened the door, dropping your bag off but saw Bakugou cuddling you. 
“Aw nice bakubro!” Kirishima yelled. 
Everyone made “sush” sounds. 
Bakugou woke up to the noise. “Be quiet, I got y/n to sleep easily, don’t wake her”
“Sorry Bakugou” Kirishima apologized. 
“You better be, now leave” Bakugou snipped. 
“Okay Okay” Everyone said, getting ready to leave. 
“Just tell y/n we hope she gets better soon” they said, before closing the door. 
“I will, good night” Bakugou said, as his watched his classmates leave your dorm. 
“Good night Bakugou” faint voices said through the door. 
Bakugou looked at you before heading back to sleep. “Don’t worry, I won’t let this happen again, I promise. Sleep well” he kissed you, covering back up and sleeping. 
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
[Suna x Sick!Reader]~Be Mine
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A/N-I apologize for not posting a lot of stories or requests, but I have had serious writers block for a few days, and for some reason when I’m in history I can write just fine! So I got bored in history today and was randomly able to write another Haikyuu character story. So hope you like Suna and yes I did go way overboard on his by accident, and I promise I’ll get to the requests when my writers block ends. Happy reading!
To say the least, being the boys volleyball manager for Inarizaki was more than what you expected from the start; you had to make the training schedule, wash uniforms, refill the waters, make sure everything was up to inventory in the locker and equipment room, balance your own all advanced classes, and make it to all the practices and games on time. You were running around like crazy everyday and lets just say that Kita pushes not only his team to there limits, but you as well. He would ask you to do many things at once and you had to learn how to multitask faster than it was physically possible for a 1st year. Not to mention, you had to deal with your idiotic twin brothers for the 2 hours of each practice and even longer during official matches and it was even worse at home. You were at practice, working on your homework for advanced Chemistry in the locker room when you heard the door open. You were solving an equation as your eyes glanced to the open door for a split second, dropping your pencil on the floor.  
“Whatcha workin’ on?” A voice said, from behind you on the bench. It was Suna.
“Oh Suna, you scared me” you joked, getting slightly startled.
“Sorry, but you didn’t answer my question-” he said, taking a spit of his water and sitting on the bench with you, and looking over your shoulder.
“It’s an advanced Chemistry worksheet. We have to solve equations and use them” you explained, bending down to get the pencil you dropped.
“I remember learning this, I didn’t know you took advanced chemistry?” He said, asking like it was a question. His face made you think that he was shocked by it.
“No one knows, only my brothers. I’m in all advanced classes actually” you said, stroking your hair in embarrassment.
“That’s awesome. Since when were 1st years so smart?” He joked.
“Hey! At least I’m passing my classes” you playfully punched his arm. He was still over your shoulder.
“Don’t start y/n, I’m only falling one class now” he laughed. You’ve never seen Suna smile before, and you liked it. He was always centered to himself and he was quiet or glued to his phone; to see him interested in something not related to electronics made you very happy.
“Which class would that be?” You gave him a look.
“Um…Pre-Calc” he gulped, you could see the nervous sweat down his neck.
“I’m took Pre-Calc last year, do you want help?” You asked, smiling.
“Seriously?” He asked.
“What?” You said, confused.
“You took 2nd year high school classes in middle school??” He seemed really surprised.
“Yeah I did, but it was easy. I was top of the class” you smiled brightly.
“Wow…can me?” He mumbled.
“Sure I can!” You smiled. “Shouldn’t you go back to practice before Kita scolds you for taking so long?” You then asked.
“Good point, are you coming?” Suna asked, standing up.
“I’m finishing this first, Kita let me” you said, looking back the worksheet.
“Alright, see you out there” he smiled. Your heart did a fluttery feeling.
“Okay see you…” you said, then started coughing for no reason.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” Suna asked, opening the door slightly.
“Yeah, just need a drink” you said, you haven’t had any water for about an hour.
“Here-” Suna said, handing you his water bottle.
“Oh Suna I couldn’t drink your water” you said, feeling bad that he would need it for the end of practice.
“It’s fine, I have another in my bag” he said, insisting you take it.
“Alright, thank you” you said, water-falling the water.
“You can drink it normally you know? I don’t mind you drinking from my water” he said, looking at you.
“Are you sure?” You asked.
“Of course, now I gotta go, see you after practice y/n” he said, waving and running out to the gym.
“See you after..Suna” you said, pausing for no reason.
You continued to work and take sips of Suna’s water that he had now given you. You were on the last 10 problems of the homework when you started to cough again. This time your eyes felt strained and you felt your throat to be dry. You started to get hot flashes but you felt goose bumps down your body at the same time. Your head started to hurt and you were starting to worry that something was wrong. You put your Chemistry folder way in your bag and decided to finish it when you got home so you could still watch some of Inarizaki’s practice and get some management things done for the end of the day. But as you stood up, you felt a wave of dizziness or something pass through you; you ended up laying on the benches and passing out asleep. You laid on the benches not knowing what was happening.
As practice was ending in 30 minutes, Suna had returned to the locker room to get his other water. When he came in he saw you on the benches. He approached you with confusion. “Y/n?” He asked.
No answer.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” He asked again.
Still no answer.
“Y/n, are you asleep? This isn’t funny” Suna said, he started to get really worried. “Y/n…” Suna said again, coming over to see your eyes shut. “She’s sleeping?” He asked himself. He then noticed the water bottle he gave you to be almost empty. “Did you seriously drink all of my water that fast?” He laughed.
He stood in front of your sleeping body, kneeling down to see the increased redness of your face. It also looked pale. “Hmmm?” Suna said, then placing his hand on your forehead. He stood up in worry.
‘Y/n’s burning up?’ he thought to himself.
‘Is she sick?’ He questioned.
‘Does she have a fever?’ His mind was going 100 miles a minute.
‘Should I get her idiotic siblings?’ He asked.
‘What should I do?’ he was starting to internally panic. He couldn’t help but feel bad that he didn’t notice that you were getting sick when he was talking with you earlier.
‘I have to do something’ he thought, looking around the locker room.
‘I care about y/n a lot, I feel like I could have a chance with her if I ask, but how did I not notice that she was coming down with something?’ he sighed.
‘Enough, I gotta take her to the clinic and tell Kita-kun’ Suna thought, snapping himself from his thoughts.
Suna wrapped his jacket around you before running to find his captain. “Kita, I gotta go” he said in a rush.
“Where are you going? We still have 25 minutes left of practice” Kita said, looking confused.
“I think Y/n’s coming down with something. She’s passed out on the benches and she doesn’t look well” Suna explained, trying not to freak out.
“Alright calm down, take y/n to the clinic okay?” Kita instructed.
“I will, thank you” Suna bowed, running back to grab you.
“Thank you for telling me” Kita said, watching Suna run to get you.
‘He sure does like y/n’ Kita chuckled as he thought to himself, walking back onto the court.
Suna scooped you up like a baby and rushed you out of the gym; he entered the school from the back entrance and ran down the hall in a panic all the way to the clinic’s office. When he arrived, he used his back to open the door to keep himself from dropping you. When he entered, the nurse wasn’t in the room. In worry, he placed you on a bed and covered you with the blanket and his jacket. He didn’t want to wait for the nurse to come back so he started rummaging through the drawers and desks. He found a thermometer on a table and grabbed an ice pack for the time being. He placed the thermometer under your arm because he didn’t want to open your mouth and scare you awake or something. As it went off Suna sighed. He realized that it was high and carefully placed the bag of ice on your warm face. He then grabbed a chair and pulled it beside your bed. He was going to wait until you woke up, no matter how long it took.
[Time Skip]
It was around 4 p.m when you started to wake up, the nurse still not anywhere to be found. As you started to wake up and saw Suna’s figure beside you. “S-Suna…” you yawned.
“Good, you’re awake” Suna said, looking up from his phone.
“Where am I? What happened?” You said, looking around.
“You passed out during practice, your at the clinic” he said, placing his hand across your forehead.
“How?” You said, not remembering anything except that your head hurts.
“Your coming down with a cold y/n, you need to take care of yourself” Suna said.
“You sound like Kita-senpai” you weakly laughed.
“Don’t try to talk, how are you feeling?” He said.
“Tired…I want a nap” you said.
“I’m all for a nap y/n, let me take you home okay?” Suna offered. “We can nap together”
“Sure..but you might get sick too-” you coughed and sniffled.
“I’m okay with that’ Suna laughed.
“Really?” You gave him a look.
“Mmm not like I’d really care if i did but it would get Kita off my back all day” Suna laughed.
“Fair enough” you agreed.
Suna picked you up and carried you home in his arms. As he was making his way to your house you tugged on his shoulder. “Hmm?” Suna looked at you.
“Can we go back to your place?” You asked.
“Um-” Suna was surprised.
“It’s just…Samu and Tsumu are gonna treat me like a baby if they find out I’m sick so can we go somewhere quiet?” You explained, Suna stared at your smile.
“S-sure, let’s go” Suna said, trying to hide the blushing.
[Time Skip]
When Suna got you to his house, he laid you on the bed and covered you up. He went to the bathroom and grabbed medicine. “Take this okay?” He said.
“Only if you feed me” you smirked.
“Ugh…fine” Suna returned the smirk.
“Yay" you smiled, letting Suna feed you.
Once Suna fed you the medicine, he climbed in the bed with you and cuddled you. "Do you need anything?" You asked.
Suna smirk smiled at you. "Just one thing-" he said, then kissing you on the lips intensely.
After Suna’s lips released from your mouth you gasped. "SUNA!" You yelled.
"What?" He looked at you.
"Now you're definitely gonna get my cold" you sighed.
"That's fine, kiss me again" Suna smiled.
"Why? You're gonna get sick even if I already told you that" you questioned.
"Be mine y/n, we can share anything" Suna said, sitting up.
"Is this your way of asking me out?" You laughed.
"Only if you want it to be" he looked evil.
"Then yes-" you said, Suna grabbed you instantly and kissed you once again.
He looked at you. "I was hoping you'd say that”
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
[Sakusa Kiyoomi x Sick!Reader]~Little Germ
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A/N-I love love Sakusa Kiyoomi he is high on my simp character list, and a friend from school asked me to write a story for them with Sakusa so I hope they like it, and that anyone who likes Sakusa likes it. I had a lot of fun writing this freestyle so hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and have a good day/night when you read it!
Sakusa Kiyoomi liked order, he liked coming home to a clean house, laundry done and dinner made; but when you got home the last thing you wanted to do was anything that involved moving around. Work felt like hell, you had left early because your head was pounding, your throat hurt and you felt like you had a fever. Your boss felt bad and didn’t want you to work in your condition so technically he sent you home and ordered you to get some rest. He also told you not to worry about completing the rest of your work from home; and that he had called someone to cover it which you thought was good and you were kind of relieved to not look at another screen for an hour. When you got home, you took your shoes off, and threw both your bag and keys on the desk by the door. You sluggishly walked to the couch to close your eyes for a bit, knowing Sakusa would be home in a few hours. Despite not wanting to move around you knew it was your job to still have dinner done and the house cleaned before he arrived. You were used to it after living with him for 3 years so you didn’t really mind. The only thing you did mind, was how bad you felt and how long it would take to go away.  
About an hour passed as the clock hit 4 p.m, you had been asleep since you got home around 3 as you rubbed your head and sat up against the pillows from the couch. You groaned as you felt the pounding sensation continue and feel even worse than before. Your throat felt scratchy and dry and you felt even hotter all over your body; you knew Sakusa was going to be home at 6, but you didn’t feel at all better enough to do your normal things for him. You slowly got up and walked upstairs to your shared bedroom with Sakusa, wearing your now soaked and sweaty clothes as you climbed into the very cold feeling of the bed. You buried your body in the covers as you fell back to sleep by the air conditioners circulation sound, and not caring about how hot your fever was getting. You just enjoyed the coldness you had before it were to stop.
[Time Skip]
It was now 6 p.m and Sakusa was walking through the door of the house to see the floor not clean, dinner not made, and your bag and key’s just shoved on the table from earlier. “The house is not clean, dinner is not made and her stuff is thrown on the table. This is unlike her, where is she?” Sakusa said out loud, as he locked the door, set down his gym bag and took off his shoes, placing them neatly against the door.
Sakusa looked all over the house and anywhere he could but wasn’t able to find you. He made his way to the bedroom to find a lump in the bed, and the covers scattered rather than folded when he left this morning. He made his way around to where your face was almost visible before removing the covers and leaving your whole body exposed, seeing the sweat and wetness of your morning outfit.
“Little Germ, why isn’t anything done?” Sakusa said, his tone spoken harshly, causing you to wake up but felt groggy.
“W-what? are home I, the time....dinner” you said, mumbling words, your head going at a mile a minute and you started to break out in a cough.
“What’s wrong with you?” Sakusa said, looking at you.
“N-nothing, I’ll get dinner started right-” You said, standing up, but then getting dizzy and falling forward.
“Babe!” Sakusa yelled, grabbing you instantly, tight enough to keep you from falling. When Sakusa picked you up and laid you back in the bed, he felt the sweat from your clothes and body on his hands, as he placed his thick hand on you. Feeling the heat radiate and drop down your skin. You definitely had a huge fever.
Sakusa rushed to the bathroom, grabbed the thermometer, and a damp rag and a cold bucket of water to put it in. He ran the thermometer along your forehead to see a fever of 102.7. “Babe...I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were this sick. You should of told me this morning, I would of taken care of you. I know I hate germs and you're really good about that and do everything for me, but I realized now your very precious to me and I need to help out more, and that we are both just as tired but could always make time for each other. I just need to take care of you” he said, grabbing your hand, although you were still passed out from the fever.
When you woke up you felt something cold slide down your head, you felt it slide down on your lap; it was a cold cloth. You looked around to see a patient Sakusa sitting beside you on the bed, reading a book. You then leaned onto his shoulder, and he kissed your head. For once he didn’t have his mask on around a sick person. Even when he was sick he kept a mask on and made you keep one on too. “You’re awake” he sighed, his low voice not as harsh.
“Omi-omi...” you swallowed.
“How are you feeling?” He asked.
“Like an idiot, I gotta make dinner-” you said, realizing it was already 8 p.m
“That’s not what I meant. Wait here” Sakusa said, getting up and going downstairs and back up with a bowl.
“Eat this okay?” He said, placing it in front of you.
“Oh no, I meant for you-” you said, confused.
“I ate already, and I want you to take some medicine” he said, putting some on a spoon to feed you.
“I’m sorry I got sick..I know you don’t like people like that” you sighed, eating the decent food Sakusa made but it was only his first time.
“Don’t be...It’s my fault. You’ve been good to me and this whole germaphobia so let me be with you” he said, kissing your forehead.
“Omi-Omi you should have a mask” you smiled, questioning why he didn’t.  
“I don’t need one, if I get sick even though I’ll hate it it’s worth it but only if I get sick by you. No one else. Anyways, I’ll run you a bath and get you a spare change of clothes okay?” Sakusa said, starting a bubble bath.
“Okay thank you” you said, coughing and clearing your throat.
“Alright, the bath is going with some bubbles, if it’s too hot I’ll fix the temperature” Sakusa said, helping you out of bed.
When you stepped in you felt so nice and warm. “This is great Omi-Omi” you smiled, he did too.
“Anything for you, I’ll get you some new clothes too” he said, closing the door to give you privacy.
[Time Skip]
When you got out of the shower, Omi wasn’t in the room. There were fresh clothes on the bed for you, all picked from his closet. You got dressed and headed back to bed. When you got in the covers you put a mask on, just to be extra safe. When Sakusa came in he opened the door and looked at you.
“Take the mask off babe” he said, still not wearing his own.
“But-” you said, as he came up to join you in the bed.
“I love you little germ” he said, pulling you to his chest.
“I-” you sighed, taking the mask off and leaning up against your boyfriend.
“Go a head and close your eyes baby, you need the rest. I’ll be here to monitor everything okay?” Sakusa smiled.
“Are you sure?” you looked at him.
“I’m sure, get some rest” he said, laying you on his lap, covering you to feel safe in his arms.
“Okay, good night Omi-Omi, I love you” you smiled, closing your eyes and instantly passing out asleep.
“I love you too, your worth getting sick from” he sighed, knowing he’d eventually get sick, but he only wants to make you happy. Also feeling loved.
A/N-That’s my Omi-Omi!
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
Since you're also writing for tokyo revengers, then I request a Chifuyu x sick reader. I love him so much!!
Also, bonus points if y/n had a stomach bug or something like that ksjsjhkajs
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A/N-Sure thing! Hopefully you like it!
Chifuyu Matsuno is a very sweet, loyal, and caring person; he would never leave anyone's side. Even if that meant risking his life and potentially hurting himself. When Matsuno finds out that your sick and were stuck in bed, he doesn't hesitate to rush right to you. He would try to be quiet when entering your room, but that doesn't hide the worry he feels for you. When he opens the door to see the lights dimmed, and a lump curled in a ball on your bed, he knew you must have felt way too sick to even move.
"'s me" he whispered, as he quietly walked in and shut your door.
You heard his faint voice as you shifted to see him, although your vision was fuzzy from just waking up. "Matsuno?" You question, as you rubbed your tired eyes.
" are you feeling?" He asked, still whispering, kinda treating you like a cute baby. (ah he's so cute)
"I've looked better-" you joke. Despite feeling like shit you still had some sense of humor to give him.
"You always look beautiful babe" he said, as he knelt beside you.
"Mm, thanks" you sigh, feeling the weigh on your chest as you breathed in.
"How are you feeling though?" Chifuyu asked again.
"My head feels like it's going to explode, my stomach is clearly angry with me, I feel like I'm gonna throw up, I'm hot and a bunch more things" you rambled, not feeling enough energy to explain more.
"Oooh I'm so sorry baby..." Matsuno said, placing his very cold hands on your forehead and down your neck. Feeling the definite heat you gave off. "You definitely have a temperature" he said, standing back up to face your body.
"I knew that, I feel like a roasted chicken in here but then I get too cold" you groaned, pushing your lava-like covers off you.
Matsuno couldn't help but give a soft chuckle; he knew you didn't feel well and he felt bad, but the reference you just said, he couldn't not laugh at it. "Have you thrown up yet?" He said, regaining his composure.
"A few times, I lost count after the 5th time" you coughed.
"Don't worry baby I'm here now, I'm not going anywhere" Chifuyu said, stroking your exposed hair from the bed.
"Thank you Matsuno" you smiled. Since you caught the flu you had been too weak for anything, but Chifuyu Matsuno made you feel somewhat better, at least mentally. But physically you felt horrible. Chifuyu was going to do everything he could to help you beat this. No matter what it took. (He would totally make a great husband!)
"Alright babe, my sweet cherry blossom, I found some medicine in the cabinet to help that upset stomach, did you take any yet?" He said, talking like a baby.
You shook your head no.
"Alright, sit up slowly so I can feed you a spoonful" he said, setting it down and grabbing you a glass of cold water.
"It'll taste icky" you said, making a gross face.
"If you don't take it you won't get better, and I sure don't want my baby sick any longer than they have to be" he said, kissing you on the forehead.
"Okay fine" you agreed, being stubborn.
"Good girl" he said, pouring some on a spoon and sitting on the bed beside you. "Open wide" he smiled.
"Ahh" you jokingly played along.
"There you go, drink the water" he said, putting it on your lips.
"Thanks baby" you sighed.
"Do you want something to eat?" He asked, taking his jacket off and putting it around you.
"I don't want to get sick again" you admitted.
"I'll make something small, I promise" Chifuyu said, softly.
"Maybe later I-" you said, putting your hand to your mouth.
"O-okay, here, easy baby, I'm here" Matsuno said, holding the trashcan to your hands as he rubbed your back.
"I'm sorry" you said, as your stomach started to settle.
"It's okay, the medicine will work soon" Chifuyu said, laying in the bed with you, pulling you close to his chest.
"Matsuno-" you said, feeling a sense of relief in his arms.
"I love you y/n, let's cuddle for now okay?" He said, kissing your forehead.
"I'd like that, and thank you" you smiled, feeling a little better.
"No need to thank me, I care about you and love you very much. I know you'll beat this bug soon" he said, pulling you even tighter, as he laid you flat on his chest so he could reach your back.
"I know, I just feel bad" you said, hoping you weren't a bother, as much as Chifuyu said it was fine.
"Don't, let me give you the comfort you deserve" he said, starting to scratch your back as he fluffed the pillows, still in your dimmed room. "Would you like it if I rubbed that upset stomach baby?" He smiled.
"Sure Matsuno" you said, falling asleep.
"Alright my love" Chifuyu said, watching your eyes flutter shut.
Chifuyu hoped the bug would pass by morning, as he ended the day with loving kisses and cuddles with you safe in his arms. He wasn't going to let anything happen to his baby. Not anything.
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
Hi!! I'm the one who requested the shirabu x sick reader. Thanks for writing it, I love him so so much! I'm usually scared of requesting for shirabu x readers to people (cuz shirabu is pretty underrated and it gives me the feeling that no one remembers him/likes him) so i got worried that you didn't want to write him! It's pretty much one of my dreams to read a Shirabu x sick reader cuz for some reason i have a thing with reading sickfics but hate being sick irl lmfao
Now may I request a Sick Shirabu x reader? It's your choice on the plot, what Shirabu is sick with, etc.
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A/N-Sure thing! It's nice to have repeat requests, so request as you wish and from any anime lol. I check my account activity every morning and so I have plenty of time to write this one today I promise. I hope you like it!
Of the Shiritorizawa Team, Shirabu and Ushjima were the only 2 lucky men who actually had an s/o; the rest of the team had no luck and would always get jealous when either of them talked about their relationships. You would come and watch their practices with Ushijima's partner, who was also your best friend. When you watched, your eyes locked onto Shirabu and you were mesmerized by his abilities. At the end of practice one day, Coach Tanji Washijo had gathered the team around him, talking for a few minutes and then handing everyone a paper before dismissing them to leave.
"What did Washijo want?" You asked, as Shirabu came up and hugged you tightly.
"Nothing, he was just telling us about something running around the Academy, and to be extra careful" he laughed. For someone who wants to be a doctor, sure didn't show much interest in what his coach had to say.
"Let me see that-" you said, ripping the paper from Shirabu's hand.
"Hey!" He yelled, as you read it.
"Kenjiro" you then said, with a straight face.
"What?" He asked.
"Did you even read this?" You said, glancing from the paper and back.
"No, I'll read it later" he said, grabbing his towel to dry off.
"Well you should read it now" you said, handing the paper back to your boyfriend.
"Why?" He questioned again.
"If you actually read the paper, you'd know what Washijo meant by "Something running around the Academy" you used finger quotations.
"It's just some sort of thing to scare us" he said, crumpling the paper, and tossing it into the trash.
"Kenjiro, take this more serious please" you sighed, rubbing your temples with irritation.
"I am, it's fine babe" he said, putting his arm to your shoulder.
"You don't even know what Washijo meant so I doubt that" you said, giving him a "yeah sure" look.
"I can assure you that everything is fine" Shirabu said again, taking a sip of his water.
"We'll see" you said, grabbing under Shirabu's arm as you walked out of the gym.
[Time Skip]
When Shirabu got home after taking you home, he was making food in the kitchen when his phone went off. He moved away from the oven as he sat in a chair to see what the notification was. Sure enough it was the boys volleyball group chat.
Shiritorizawa's Finest:
*Reon is active*
*Tendou is active*
*Ushijima is active*
*Semi is active*
*Shirabu is active*
Reon: Did anyone read the paper Coach gave us?
Semi: Yes, it's insane
Tendou: What should we do Wakatoshi-kun?
Ushijima: We need to be safe and careful like coach said
Shirabu: What did the paper say? I didn't read it, but y/n didn't like what it said when she did
Ushijima: If you had read the paper you would of known what Coach meant earlier
Semi: Yeah
Shirabu: Well I don't know what he meant
Reon: He means that there's a illness going around
Tendou: Yup, even I knew what he meant
Shirabu: Are you serious?
Semi: Yes, we have to be careful; I don't think any of us want to get sick, right?
Ushijima: Definitely not
Reon: Yeah, we need everyone healthy for prelims
Shirabu: Alright alright, Thanks for telling us
Ushijima: No problem, but if anyone feels sick tell the group and get checked out by a doctor okay?
Reon: Sure thing
Tendou: Yes Wakatoshi-kun
Semi: Got it
Ushijima: Shirabu?
Shirabu: Sorry I got distracted, Yes I will
Ushijima: Good, have a good evening
Reon: Thanks, you too
*Reon is offline*
*Tendou is offline*
*Shirabu is offline*
*Tendou is offline*
*Semi is off line*
*Ushijima is offline*
"An illness running wild? That's not good" Shirabu said out loud.
"That's why y/n got worried earlier" he sighed.
"No matter, I just have to be careful and try not to get sick" he said, still talking out loud.
Shirabu finished making and eating his food before heading to bed, knowing he needed to be extra safe tomorrow. That is...if he didn't get sick first-
[The Next Morning]
When Shirabu woke up his head was pounding, he couldn't breathe from his nose. When he talked, he sounded like someone shoved a balloon up his nose. "Great" he said, muffling a sneeze into his pajama top. He already knew he had to be sick but was surprised at how quickly he got sick. Guess karma came to bite him in the ass.
"I deserve it though, I should have listened to y/n" he said, as his head remained on the pillows.
Shirabu knew he couldn't go to school like this, and Ushijima would try and kill him for getting sick so fast. He decided not to say a word about it. He laid in bed, covered into his sheets when he heard his bedroom door open. He looked up to see his s/o standing in the doorway.
"Y/n" he said, staring openly in your direction.
"Don't say a word, I figured you would get sick so quickly" you laughed.
"But how? I just got sick today and I didn't even tell anyone" he croaked.
"There's this thing called Karma Kenjiro" you said, taking your shoes off and walking over to his bed.
"Yeah yeah, I guess I deserve it" he sighed.
You began to stroke his forehead and down his body as he made a sweet and gentle smile. "Y/n?" He then asked.
"Hm?" You said, looking at him.
"Class starts in like 10 minutes, you're going to be late" he said, looking at his clock.
"Called in sick already" you laughed.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yup, how else am I gonna take care of you?" You chuckled.
"Fair point, but next time think of another way" he suggested, as he grabbed you in his arms. (he's still a big cuddle bug)
"I'll try" you said, kissing his neck.
Throughout the day you spent caring for your boyfriend. When you tried to feed him he would say, "I'm not a baby so don't baby me" and you would laugh because in the end you got him to eat. You ran him a warm shower in the afternoon that he only agreed to if you came with him so you did. You would make sure he was comfortable by the end of the day as you snuggled into the covers and on his warm chest. Taking care Shirabu was actually sweet and you had enjoyed it very much.
"How about I spend the night?" You questioned the half asleep Shirabu on top of you.
"Mmmm" he nuzzled his head against you, so you took that as a yes.
As you were cuddling Shirabu who was sound asleep, you heard his door open. There appeared the whole Shiritorizawa volleyball team.
"Where is-" Ushijima spoke loudly.
"Shhhhh" You said, interrupting him, and pointed to Shirabu in the covers.
"Awe" Tendou smiled.
"He looks so sweet" Reon commented.
"So did Shirabu get sick?" Ushijima asked, quieter.
"Yeah, karma got him" you giggled. "You should go before he wakes up" you said, pointing towards the door.
"Yeah we should, tell him I hope he feels better" Ushijima said, leading his team out of the room.
"I will" you said, planting a soft kiss on his forehead, before you also fell asleep.
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
heyy so i requested a shirabu kenjiro x sick reader a few days ago. i see that you haven't posted it yet even though it was requested days ago so i was wondering if you don't want to write it or if you're just having a hard time to write it since shirabu's a pretty underrated character and not much is very known about him so it's hard to think how he'd probably act with a lover that's sick? it's okay if you didn't want to write it! just pls say if you didn't want to write it lol
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A/N-It's okay, I want to write it, I promise I'm getting to it. When I got the request I had wrote it the same day and was almost finished; however, my computer froze and the whole story got deleted and I haven't had the chance to redo it because of my work schedule.  Shirabu is also a character I simp for and I also haven't seen his character being done and I hope it's what you're looking for.
It was a late Tuesday night for you and Shiarbu; you were in the kitchen making some tea before bed and also making Shirabu a cup to give him when you headed back to the bedroom. While you were in the kitchen, Shirabu was in the bedroom studying at his desk for his final medical school exam next week. Once you finished your tea and washed your cup, you grabbed a paper towel and carefully carried Shirabu's cup, trying not to spill it on your way there. When you entered the room, you saw his computer, books, and papers open and scattered across the desk and things knocked on the floor. His computer had just about one too many tabs open at once.
"Hunny, I brought you some tea" you said, as you entered with a smile.
"Oh cupcake, thank you" he said, watching you set it on his nightstand.
"It's almost midnight, can't you call it a day and let's get some rest?" You questioned, as you began to rub his shoulders behind his chair.
"I can't, I don't know what's on the exam and I still have codes to memorize" he sighed, as he grabbed your hand from behind him.
"Kenjiro, you're already at the top of your class, I'm sure you're very prepared" you confessed, trying to get him to get some sleep.
"But-" he mumbled.
"No buts, you can study tomorrow morning. Your already busy with volleyball too so the schedules also conflict. It's okay to take a break" you said, worrying he would over do it. 
He looked at you and sighed. “I guess your write, but tomorrow I’ll study so hard” he assured you. 
“haha, okay. Let’s go to sleep” you said, helping him clean his desk.
Shirabu joined you in the bed as he finished cleaning his desk and drinking the tea you had made. He got under the blanket and cuddled you up to his chest from your waist. He closed his eyes as the lights dimmed to darkness as the two of you got to sleep. It wasn’t until around 3 in the morning when you were jolted awake to furious stomach pain and dizziness that fogged your vision. 
You sat up instantly, feeling your stomach growl and sudden hot flashes fall over your body. Shirabu, having felt your presence move from his grip, also woke up to see you sitting still and a worried expression on your face. “Babe, are you okay?” He finally asked, sitting up beside you, as he pulled you close to his shoulder. 
“Mmm, Kenjiro” you mumbled under your breath, keeping your head on his shoulder. 
“Babe?” He said, noticing the increased color in your face. He placed the back of his hand on your forehead and sighed. “Babe, are you-” he spoke, but he felt your hand cover your mouth. 
“I’m gonna be sick!” Is all he heard you say. 
“Alright, alright, easy now. Let’s get you to the bathroom” he said, helping you out of bed and making your way to the toilet. When you got there, your knees collapsed. Your head was now facing first into the toilet; as you puked. Shirabu holding back your hair, and rubbing soothing circles along your back, and holding your stomach. 
When you were finished after 20 minutes, you cleaned up the mess and Shirabu wiped your face with toilet paper. He watched as you laid back against his knees, still on the tilted floor of the bathroom.
“How do you feel now?” He asked, rubbing your temples. 
“A little better” you admitted, but you didn’t feel great. 
“Let’s get you back to bed okay?” He offered, helping you up. 
“O-okay..” you said, feeling your shaky legs try to stand. He walked you back to the bed as he laid you down, and covered you with the blanket. 
“Now stay there” he said, going back to the bathroom. He rinsed a towel under cold water and grabbed a thermometer. 
“Let me take your temperature” he said, placing the towel on the end of the bed. 
“Okay” you agreed, feeling ever so hot. 
“Mmmm..100.7″ he sighed, then placing the towel on your head. 
“I’m sorry” you huffed. 
“Sorry for what?” Shirabu asked. 
“For waking you up” you confessed. 
“Don’t worry babe, your sick” he said, sitting beside you. 
“But-” you said. He kissed your forehead. 
“No buts, get some rest okay? Let me take care of you” he smiled. 
“Kenjiro, you’re only in medical school” you laughed. 
“Perfect timing, you can be my first patient” he returned the laugh. 
“Very funny” you gave him a look.
“I wasn’t joking, let me be your doctor for right now” he said, as he rubbed your shoulders. 
“Mmm, fine” you said, feeling his cold hands on your warm body. 
“Good, let’s cuddle for the rest of tonight” he asked. 
“Sure” you smiled, Shirabu was a big cuddle bug. 
“Take this medicine first” he said. 
“Alright Doctor” you joked, taking the cup. 
“Haha yeah” he said, then joining you back in bed. 
[The Next Morning]
When you woke up you still felt sick but not as bad because of the medicine Shirabu had given you last night. “How’s my patient feeling?” Shirabu asked, coming into the bedroom with a tray and his medical school lab coat. 
“Kenjiro..actually a little better” you said, trying to take him serious with the white coat. 
“I’m glad, I must be treating my patient right then” he said, putting the tray in front of you. “Eat the small meal I prepared and let me know if you need anything else” he smiled. 
“Thank you Kenjiro, but what about class?” You asked, looking at the time. 
“I’m doing online classes today so I can take care of you” he admitted. 
“You don’t need too” you said, feeling bad. 
“I do and want too, now please eat or I’ll feed you” he threatened. 
“Okay okay, but..” you studdered. 
“But what?” He gave you a look.
“Can you blow on it?” You giggled. 
“Of course...” he said, blowing on the bowl and feeding you a bite. 
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
[Kuroo x Sick!Reader]~Y/n on Ice
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A/N-Hello everyone! I have been busy these last few days with work and things even though I’m on spring break. I’m back now and will do my best to post everyday or at least every 3 days if possible. Anyways, @astreankitsune​ would like to request another story for Kuroo again and this time her idea was, “Kuroo again cuz I'm in love with him, and a reader who is like, a figure skater and gets sick from training so much, and Kuroo takes the nekoma team to go watch her practice, but she collapsed during it so he takes them home to take care of them :P” I hope you like it!
You have been a part of the Nekoma volleyball team since your 1st year, because Yaku is your older brother and got you the job in the first place and let’s just say Kuroo was all about that idea. You were in your 2nd year now and everything was going how you planned, the only thing the team didn’t know that only you and Yaku knew was that you were secretly a figure skater for a travel team. Now now, you are able to balance attending Nekoma; School work; Managing the team; and your not surprisingly successful figure skating career. But sometimes it does cause conflict in your daily life. 
Today you were supposed to go to practice for your next skating competition, but today was the same day you were supposed to organize the locker room for the boys, ordered by Coach Nekomata. You were at home with Yaku, sitting on the stairs, debating over which event you were going to go too. Your head was in the clouds; On 1 hand you wanted to go help out the team because you loved them and knew they counted on you, but on the other hand, your career to becoming a famous and successful figure skater was something you wanted since you were little. Considering you have also been skating since before you joined the volleyball team. 
“Stop contemplating, go get dressed so I can drive you to the rink” Yaku said, from the top of the stairs. As he watched you sulk. 
“But the coach told me to clean the locker room I-” Yaku interrupted you. 
“Don’t worry about that, you really want this skating career don’t you?” He asked, walking to you. 
“It’s what I’ve worked for Yaku, I’ve been skating for 12 years” you said, looking up to your brother. 
Yaku put his arm around you. “That is all I need to know-” he said, handing you your skating bag and your skates. 
“But-” you said, Yaku kissed your head. 
“But nothing, get changed and meet me in the car, you’re going to skate” he smiled. You stood up, and ran upstairs to change. 
[Time Skip]
You arrived at the rink as Yaku handed you your skates. “Have a good practice and be safe” he smiled. 
“I will, what if Kuroo yells at me?” you said. 
“He won’t, I’ll just make something up” he laughed. 
“Haha okay, have fun” you smiled, waving goodbye to Yaku. 
“You too sis” he smiled, driving off to the school. 
When Yaku arrived at the gym, Kuroo was there waiting. “Hey hey, where’s y/n?” He asked. 
“She’s got a lot of school work” Yaku lied. 
“Oh?” Kuroo said. 
“Yeah, she won’t be coming until later” he explained. 
“Okay if you’re sure” Kuroo said, then getting to practice. 
[Time Skip, Hours Later]
“Hey everyone!” You said, entering the gym, after figure skating practice.
“Hey, did you finish the school work?” Yaku said, winking at you. 
“Yup, it’s all finished” you smiled. 
“What’s in the bag?” Kuroo asked, watching the bag you set down. 
“Um...nothing” you studdered. 
“Show me” Kuroo said, rushing towards the bag. He swiped it quickly enough before you could grab it. 
“Kuroo don’t!” You and Yaku yelled. 
“What’s the big deal it’s just a-” Kuroo said, then opened the bag to see figure skates and a training uniform. 
“Damn it-” you whispered under your breath, Yaku putting his arm around you.
“Kuroo, give y/n the bag now” Yaku said, staring him down.
“Why are there ice skates here?” Kuroo asked, taking them out, and showing everyone. 
“I...” you mumbled. 
“Y/n...I think it’s time to tell them” Yaku said, sighing. 
“Tell us what?” Kai said, walking up to Kuroo. 
“The truth is...” you said, looking at everyone. “The truth is...I’m a figure skater-” 
“What?!” Kuroo said, shocked. 
“I’ve been skating for years” you explained. 
“When were you going to tell us?” Kai asked. 
“I wasn’t” you said. You started to cough, you worked a little too hard at practice today. You were on the freezing ice the whole time you practiced. 
“Y/n, are you okay” Kuroo asked, watching as Yaku helped you to the benches. 
“I’m fine, just tired” you said, as Yaku handed you a water. 
“Hey y/n..” Kuroo approached you. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Can we watch you practice next time?” He asked, and everyone nodded in agreement. 
“I suppose, just don’t go crazy. My coach doesn’t like noisy visitors” you said, rolling your eyes. 
“Great! Everyone get back to practice” Kuroo ordered, as everyone ran to the court, besides Yaku. 
“Hey, I’m gonna head home okay?” You said, Yaku looked at you with concern. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I want to rest right now, I’m not feeling so well” you asked, feeling a headache come on. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. 
“Yeah, my feet hurt, we were on the ice the whole time” you laughed. 
“Okay, go warm up your feet” he smiled. 
“I will, see you at home” you smiled, leaving the gym. 
[Time Skip, Next Morning]
The next morning was the final practice before your skating competition, and you had promised Kuroo and the team that they could watch you. What you thought was just overworking on the ice for sore feet and a headache, turned out to be way different. From staying on cold ice for 2 hours, it seems the cold air nipped at you too much, to the point where it infected your immune system. You woke up to a sore throat as you coughed, which hurt your head each time. Your feet ached and your nose dripped with snot. You didn’t want to let your skating coach down or your team and the promise you made, but you felt really bad physically. 
Despite how you felt, you intended to keep that promise. You got up to get dressed, feeling a little dizzy. You felt your vision blur and your knees started to shake. You could hear Yaku’s faint voice as he entered your room. You didn’t want to tell Yaku about you being sick or he’d surely make you stay home and Kuroo would never drop the broken promise. Sick or not. 
“Hey, you okay?” Yaku said, as he entered. 
You shook your head and put on a smile, to hide the fact of your sickness. Although they made your head hurt more and start to spin. “Yep, I’m getting ready for practice, tell the boys they can come watch” you said, as you tied your shoes. 
“Um y/n, are you feeling okay?” Yaku asked, looking at your pale face. 
“Yeah, why?” You questioned. 
“Because you seem very pale” he announced. 
“I’m perfectly fine, can you start the car?” You asked, trying not to clear your throat. 
“Well hold on, let’s take your temperature first” Yaku suggested.
“No, I’m fine, really” you said, lying. 
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Yes” you said, waiting for your brother to leave. 
“Alright then, let’s get going” he said, hesitant on your response.
“Prefect” you said, feeling more dizzy but ignored it and walked out of your room. 
[Time Skip, At Practice]
As you got on the ice and your team watched you from the stands, your performance was slower than normal. You fell out of a triple axel, a salcow, and even a double loop. Your coach was not pleased with your performance and started to get angry with you. He knew how well you did yesterday and he was astonished by how poorly you were doing today. 
“Is y/n always this bad?” Kuroo asked, kind of being rude. 
“No, she is usually really great” Yaku said, also confused by his sister's performance. 
Through the glass of the rink your coach started to lecture you. “Come on y/n, run that routine until you don’t mess up and I don’t care how long it takes. We will stay here all night if need be” he said, in an angry tone. 
“Yes sir” you sighed, you cleared your throat a few times, hoping this would all pass by tomorrow. But you knew you’d fall no matter how many times you tried because you weren’t feeling well and maybe it was about time you told somebody. 
As you started to go into your first flip, you felt really dizzy, and your vision started to fade in and out of blackness. You pushed through it but as you flipped in the air, you thought you landed but you crashed onto the floor, passed out cold. Your coach rushed to you and your team stood up in worry. 
“Y/n!” Kuroo and Yaku yelled, rushing onto the ice. 
“Coach, is she okay??” Yaku said, in worry, trying not to cry or something. 
Meanwhile, Kuroo knelt beside you and placed his hand on your very very warm head, he could feel the heat spread to the cold ice rink. “She’s got a really bad fever” he sighed. 
“I knew she was sick, I should have trusted my gut” Yaku said, starting to cry. 
“Calm down, let’s take her back to my house and try to get her to wake up. She’s not dead, she just passed out from the fever I think” Kuroo said, picking you up bridal style. “Meanwhile, our practice is cancelled” Kuroo announced to his team. They nodded and left behind him. 
[Time Skip at Kuroo’s House]
You started to wake up a few hours later, your vision fuzzy, but you no longer felt as dizzy. Your head didn’t hurt as bad, you didn’t even remember what happened. All you knew was that you were not at the skating rink. You were in a bed, were you home? Where were you? As you sat up in the bed you were in, you looked around, feeling a cold towel slide onto your lap. “W-where am I?” You said aloud, and yawned. 
“Good you are awake” you heard a voice say. You jumped. It was only Kuroo, carrying some tray in hands.
“K-kuroo, what happened? Where is Yaku?” You studded, instantly freaking out as you coughed, into his bed sheets.  
“Yaku’s back at Nekoma, he insisted there be practice, as for you, you passed out during your routine and have a huge fever. I managed to lower it, and the pain meds I gave you should of helped the pain and dizziness” he said, setting the tray down and feeling your forehead. 
“I-” you sighed. Kuroo put his hand on your lips. 
“It’s alright y/n, we all know your sick. You gave us a scare. Never ever go anywhere or do anything if your sick to the point you’ll pass out” he said, kissing your hand as he grabbed it tightly. 
“Kuroo...” you said, seeing that you must have really worried him. 
“Promise me you’ll never do that again..Promise you’ll tell me when you’re not well...Promise me y/n” he said, trying not to cry. 
“I promise Kuroo, I promise” you said, as he tightly hugged you.
“Thank had me really worried you know that?” He said, in your shoulders, still wrapped around you. 
“I’m fine now, you don’t have to freak out again” you chuckled. 
“Seriously y/n, I really care about you, more than others so please just be more careful, for me” he said, looking at you. 
“I promise” you said, then hugging him. 
“Now, let’s watch some movies and have some tea, how does that sound?” Kuroo said, climbing in bed with you. 
“That sounds amazing” you said, resting your head on his shoulder, with a smile. 
“Awesome, I bought all your favorite movies” he said, handing you the remote. 
“You didn’t have to do that” you smiled. 
“I wanted too, now you can come over to watch them anytime” he said, handing you the cup of tea he prepared. 
“This is all amazing, thank you” you smiled. 
“Ooooo, can we watch Yuri on ice???” You said, finding that he bought one of your favorite anime’s, that actually got you into skating.
“Of course, you know what?” He asked, as you hit play. 
“What?” You looked at him.
“It’s not Yuri on ice y/n” he smiled. 
“It’s not?” You giggled. 
“No, it’s y/n on ice. The tale of the best skater in Japan” he smiled, kissing your cheek, and grabbing you into another hug. 
All you could do was smile, maybe you were ready for a relationship, and Kuroo was the perfect partner for you. 
A/N-Hope you really liked this, it took me 3 hours to write and I got carried away and my computer is on 15% now. It was originally on 47%. Anyways, have a great day/night and that my requests are always open and that you can always request more than once! Love you guys!
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animesickfics · 3 years ago
[Sebastian x Reader]~Sweetheart
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A/N-Good Evening everyone! Tonight, as I re-watch black butler, I realized that I haven’t done any scenario for Sebastian or Ciel yet, so I thought I’d make one. I will in the future make 2 different but similar scenarios for both; one as there s/o or partner and one for y/n as their co-worker maid. To start with Sebastian, this is Sebastian taking care of y/n, as his s/o at the Phantomhive Manor. Enjoy!
It was a quarter past 8 when Sebastian noticed your presence was missing from the dining table; Master Ciel and his other butlers were on stand by, pouring the juice and serving the main part of breakfast. As the clock on Sebastian’s pocket watch now struck 9, he began to worry. He decided that it was the best course of action to check on you and see what the awaiting trouble was, keeping you from breakfast. “Master Ciel, I’m going to go acquire Master Y/n, and see what’s keeping her, is that alright?” Sebastian asked, as he approached Ciel.
“If you must, don’t be gone long” Ciel agreed, waving Sebastian away to fetch you. 
[Time Skip]
When Sebastian got to your bedroom, he knocked ever so quietly before entering. “Hello Master, Good morning Sweetheart” Sebastian said, as he opened the door to find you still in bed. 
“Master, your presence is needed at breakfast. You need to get out of bed now” he said, approaching the side of your bed. 
“Please wake up now Sweetheart” Sebastian said, planting a soft and gentle kiss on your visible cheek from the angle of your pillow. As he did so, he felt the heat escape from your body.
“Master..are you feeling okay?” Sebastian asked, as he placed his hand on your head to feel it’s warmth. 
As you felt the coldness of your boyfriends hands, you opened your dry and itchy eyes. “Sebastian...” you croaked into a cough. “Sorry...let me get dressed before Ciel gets mad, I didn’t mean to oversleep” you said, forcing yourself up, but feeling dizzy. 
“Alright Alright, cut that out Master, you are clearly sick..stay in bed please” Sebastian urged you to lay back down. He covered you back in the covers. 
“But...” you sighed, coughing once more. 
“But nothing sweetheart...I’ll go fetch you a cup of tea and tell Master Ciel that your ill. In the meantime, please get some rest” he said, bowing and as he closed your door. 
“Alright...” you said, moving to your right side and closing your eyes. 
As you were getting the suggested rest ordered by Sebastian, he himself was now downstairs preparing some hot tea with honey, and a small serving of breakfast to take up to your bedside. As he was preparing your meal, Ciel opened the back door and approached behind Sebastians back. “Well you took your sweet time with y/n didn’t you?” Ciel said, in a sort of angry accent. 
“Master y/n is ill, I’m bringing her some tea” Sebastian said, without looking at his other Master.
“Y/n is ill? With what tomfoolery?” He said, getting irritated. 
“It seems like a small cold, but it’s better to take care of her right away then make it worse Master” He said, then grabbing the tray to take to you.
“Right, well let y/n know I’ll have all butlers on hand for her until she’s well. Go take the day off and care of your s/o” Ciel said, being oddly nice. 
“Thank you Master” Sebastian said, with joy as he walked away. 
Sebastian walked back to your room to see you fast asleep and comfy in your room as he set the tray down; he walked over and placed a cold towel on your forehead to lower the fever he was almost sure you had. He then pulled a chair to your side, and set up a folding table beside his chair, placing a cold bucket of water to use and change your towel when it got hot. He stayed with you all day until around the afternoon when he felt your body shift and wake up. 
“Sweetheart...” he said, in relief.
You felt the wet towel slide down your shoulder. “ long have I been out?” You asked, rubbing your head. 
“Most of the day, but not all day” he smiled. “How are you feeling?”
“Better with rest, was Ciel okay with me missing?” You questioned. 
“Yes, in fact Master gave me the day off to be with you” he said, kissing your cheek. 
“You’re going to get sick if you kiss me” you coughed into your hands.
“Demons don’t get sick Master. I will be completely fine” he smiled. “Would you like some warm tea?” He asked. 
“Yes please” you smiled. Sebastian then served 2 cups. 
“Here you are” he said, handing you a cup. 
“2 cups?” You questioned.
“One for me and one for you” he said, as he sipped his cup. 
“Thanks for everything Sebastian” you said. 
“Anything for you. Do you need anything else?” Sebastian asked. “A hot shower, a bath perhaps?” 
“Cuddle with me?” You asked, opening your arms. 
“If I must” Sebastian said, climbing in with you. 
He held you tightly as he kissed your forehead and stroked your hair. He held you for the rest of the day as the two of you fell asleep together. Ciel opened your door to find that his butler was with y/n shortly after. He simply smug smiled. “Sebastian really does know how to take care of people, that’s why he’s my butler and y/n fits him so well” Ciel said, closing the door that night. 
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