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The Bride who treated a Corpse to Soup
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The Most Public Private Meet-Cute [Episode 4]
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NHS: hello everyone my name is nie huaisang
Background Person: hiii huaisaaang
NHS: and fun fact about me is that i grew up around lan xichen and i know exactly what his type is
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newborn rituals
it should be clear by this point that much of my omegaverse anthropology and sociology is concerned with the rituals and practices surrounding packs and families. i have a particular interest in parenting in the omegaverse. while most familial rituals take place in packs, childbirth and newborn rituals tend to exist between pairs first, before expanding to include the pack.
in this post, i will discuss rituals surrounding the birth of a new pup. this post will concern itself primarily with a-o and b-o pairs, and i will note any observations on o-o and a-b pairs where relevant. to use neutral language, i will use the word ‘dam’ to refer to the childbearing omega or beta, and ‘sire’ to refer to the pup’s other parent regardless of dynamic. of course, each birth is unique, but this post will describe the ideal scenario.
end of pregnancy
pregnant people tend to scent mark pack members and soak (the practice of covering oneself in items heavily marked in packmates’ scents) frequently. just before birth, behavior tends to be similar to pre-heat, with strong drives for physical contact, emotional disregulation, and fatigue reported by nearly 87% of dams.
historically, packs would bathe less frequently in the weeks before birth in order to thoroughly mark their dens with pack scent. packs affiliated with return-to-nature movements have resurrected the tradition in the past decade, but most packs tend use unscented hygiene products to keep their scents unadulterated.
a pregnant omega’s partner, regardless of dynamic, becomes more protective through the pregnancy’s duration, and this protective instinct grows exponentially in the weeks and days prior to birth. the drive for physical contact tends to strengthen. bonded pairs tend to spend more time in their nest with the pup’s bedding included as nesting material.
in labor
the pair takes birthing classes provided by local health departments, birthing centers, and community groups. religious communities may also have birth rituals for which classes are necessary; but religious birth classes may not cover the medical aspect as thoroughly.
during early labor, the dam may feel restless and lethargic in waves. the sire and/or pack encourages rest and light, gentle activity to encourage labor progress.
during active labor, the sire focuses on the dam’s comfort. everyone is different, but almost 90% of omegas tend to want the sire present in the room. betas tend to feel less strongly, with a little more than 21% of betas stating that they would want to deliver the pup with support from someone other than the pup’s sire. among those who prefer to have the pup’s sire present, there is an almost even split between those who prefer to have the sire by their side comforting them (52%) and those who prefer to have the sire assisting with the birth and receiving the pup (48%).
immediately after the pup is delivered, they are placed directly on their dam’s chest or abdomen. with multiple births, the pups are arranged to have as much contact with their dam’s skin as possible.
this time is primarily for the dam and pup to connect. eventually, medical staff will need to retrieve the pup to clean them and look them over, and it is not uncommon to see sires—especially alphas—following closely behind the medical staff and performing self-soothing behaviors like growling softly, shifting from foot to foot, and clenching/unclenching their fists. these displays are an effort to vent the instinctive aggression/drive to return the pup to their dam.
some cultural traditions require the sire to carry the pup back to the dam after they have been bathed, and some dictate that for the sire to touch the newborn at this stage is bad luck. others place no importance on the sire handling the newborn at this state and leave it up to personal preference. usually, hospitals will have a record of which the parents prefer.
finally, the pair is given privacy with their pups. in larger hospitals, this usually means moving to a shared recovery room with a number of other new parents and pups. it is not advised for more than three groups to occupy one room, as too large a space tends to make new sires feel unsafe/aggressive, and too small a space leads to territorial aggression.
wealthier individuals and those who opt for birthing centers will be led to a private room or suite, and those who opt for home births will retreat to their nest.
presenting the pup
at this stage, the pup is presented to the sire. at this point, most cultural restrictions on handling the newborn are lifted.
in beta dams, this practice is adopted as a cultural norm rather than instinctive drive, and may simply constitute displaying the pup and having the sire scent mark them to ‘claim’ them.
in omegas, presentation of the pup is an instinctive drive. omegas tend to have less access to verbal language in the hours after birth, and rely on calls and behaviors like huffing, whining, nuzzling, and purring to express their emotional state. when displaying their pup to their mate, omegas tend to exaggeratedly scent mark the pup in request, nosing and nuzzling at the pup’s hair and cheeks until the pup’s sire claims them. this is a display of acceptance.
when the sire does not accept the pup, whether because they do not want the pup or because they are not present to claim them, the dam can experience significant distress. they may present the pup several times in hopes of the sire finally claiming the pup, and may experience depression or anxiety as a result. in cases where the sire is absent, it is recommended that the dam bring another friend, family member, or packmate to claim the pup instead. there are no negative health outcomes associated with a pup being claimed by a packmate rather than their absent biological sire.
in historical cases of adoption, the so-called subservient partner would claim the child first, then present them to the so-called dominant partner (e.g. the omega claims the child, then presents them to the alpha). some individuals and cultures maintain that practice, but typically when a child is adopted, the agency or biological dam presents them to both parents rather than one to another.
at this stage, omegas and their partners tend to nest and rest, and the pup has their first meal.
after dam, sire, and pup have recovered some, the pup is presented to their pack for the first time, and the pack scent marks the pup to welcome them into the family.
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any thoughts on jggy holding jl hostage? i've seen ppl say he would have actually killed him if that meant a victory and some other say that it was a bluff
i just went snooping for my meta on this specific situation since i've written about it before, and predictably i can't find my own post 🥲 but the tl;dr version of what i wrote is that no, i don't believe jin guangyao would have killed jin ling, and i don't think jin ling was actually in any serious danger from jin guangyao at any point. in danger from the broader situation they were all in? sure, absolutely. but no, jin guangyao would never have harmed jin ling physically.
that does not mean he isn't absolutely shattering jin ling's understanding of their relationship in this moment, or that it isn't a devastating betrayal of his trust by his xiao-shushu, who has always loved and cared for him. but the text of the novel makes it quite clear that jin guangyao is exerting an immense amount of control to ensure the guqin string does not even draw blood when he is holding it to jin ling's neck. and while cql made the absurd decision to have jin ling bleeding and choking from the pressure on his neck from the string (i'm still mad about that tbh), we also see the moment jin guangyao lets go of the string and then quickly shoves jin ling to safety as soon as wen-possessed-by-baxia bursts into the temple and starts to lunge for jin ling.
basically, no, jin guangyao would not have killed jin ling.
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It feels so great to love Wei Wuxian, because I never have to rely on someone else’s empty-headed, vibes-only imagination for reasons to like him. I can just read the book 😂😂😂
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I recently had surgery, and at the time I came home, I had both my cat and one of my grandma's cats staying with me.
- Within hours of surgery, I wake up from a nap to my cat gently sniffing at my incisions with great alarm.
- I was not allowed to shower the first day after surgery, and the cats, seeing that The Large Cat is not observing its cleaning ritual, decided I must be gravely disabled and compensated by licking all the exposed skin on my arms, face, and legs.
- I currently have to sleep with a pillow over my abdomen because my cat insists on climbing on top of me and covering my incisions with her body while I sleep (which is very sweet but not exactly comfortable without the pillow). She also lays across me facing my bedroom door, presumably on guard for attackers who may try to harm me while I'm sleeping and injured.
That's love. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️
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You know what. Fuck you.
*unhallows your ween*
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Well those are allllmost done
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stop, stop, can't you see he's already dead 🥺
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Street market
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happy wei wuxian morning i cant be stopped
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now both of you are gone
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What could have been part 1/2
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huaisang, do you have spurs that jingle jangle jingle as you go ridin' merrily along--
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