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Kids Promotions (We came up with the Ideas because our mom challenged us) Day 3
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Mom, We got This! Day 2 of our challenge to promote our businesses
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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability; signs typically appear during early childhood and affect a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others.
 Every year on April 2, per the designation by the United Nations, the world observes World Autism Awareness Day. Per the decree issued by the UN: 
World Autism Awareness Day is one of only four specifically health related UN observance days. The developmental, communication, and social problems caused by autism can often lead to discrimination or to a need for special parental care and medical intervention. Autism Day is meant to counteract any discrimination that may occur against those with autism and their careers by creating greater understanding in societies across the world.
On World Autism Day, public and private organizations all over the world that are dedicated to fighting autism and helping those with autism come together and hold special events. There are often research programs alongside the public awareness and fundraising campaigns.
 The year we will be shining blue in the month of April, as it is World Autism Awareness month. Our efforts to make a difference in the world of Autism Awareness is to showcase the organizations that are focused on making the lives of persons with Autism as accepted as every other life. We also seek to highlight the things that we as an organization started by a person diagnosed with Autism will be involved in to support Autism Awareness. 
  The American Autism Awareness Association (myautism.org)
This organization not only has weekly events for persons with autism, they are hosting an event “We Run The Spectrum” that we will be participating in on April 2, 2019. This event will be a virtual run. You can log onto myautism.org and from anywhere in the world grab some friends and go to your local park or anywhere you can run a 5K. Where Blue, to shine the light on Autism Awareness. If you can raise money and donate it to myautism.org. 
The work that this organization, based in Miami does is remarkable. Their efforts should be duplicated in every state so that persons with Autism can feel the love and support this organization offers to persons with autism every day. 
Autism Speaks (autismspeaks.com)
Autism Speaks known all over the world, providing education, advocacy programs, and highlighting real-life stories of persons with autism to demystify the truth about autism. On April 2, they will host their annual “light it up blue” event. Wherever you are light a blue light to show that you support autism awareness. 
Author Xavier Waye (xavierwaye.com)
Our fearless leader; Chief Executive Officer and Author Xavier Waye is an autism awareness champion. Every book he sells in his Adventures of Firesky book series he donates $1.50 to autism awareness. In 2018, Xavier donated over $500.00 to local autism awareness events and hoped to raise more funds to donate to various Autism Awareness charities based on the positive work they are doing to raise awareness and acceptance of persons with autism. With the release of his second book in his series, he hopes to at least double the donation in 2019. 
 You can get involved with any of these organizations and make a difference in raising autism awareness in your local communities. Statistics show that 1 out of every 58 children is diagnosed with autism. Unlike Cancer this diagnosis is not a death sentence, rather it is an opportunity to grow personally, because when we know more, we do more. 
When we take the opportunity to learn more about what Autism truly is, our ability to be accepting of all persons, no matter their differences, grows exponentially. 
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Kid-Entrepreneurs who are taking promotion into their own hands...30 Challenge Day 1 WE GOT THIS!!!
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Bullying Hurts...Let's Just Stop
“I’m tired of being bullied”
“I know I’m not supposed to be hurt by other people’s words, but words hurt!!!”
“If I stand up to the bully, I don’t know what will happen”
“The bully is bigger than me and they have more friends, If I stand up and they beat me up I will never be able to show my face again.” 
“Their parents don’t care if they bully me!” 
“The bully is only sorry when they get caught, after they finish getting in trouble I am still going to be here getting bullied again.” 
“What do grown-ups know about being bullied, there advice of standing up the bully never works.” 
“It seems to be cool to be a bully and If I tell on them, then I am not cool!”
 The center for disease control (CDC) defines bullying as;
Repeated acts in which there is an imbalance of power between the perpetrator and victim. This demonstrated that victims of bullying experience stress-related physical health issues such as head and stomach aches and long-lasting mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicide. 
We all need to realize that bullying is a disorder no different than PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). When people feel out of control or a lack of control they seek ways to get some control. Everybody does not turn to bullying, but for those who do it is because in some way their needs are not being met physically, mentally, or emotionally. 
 One of the most successful anti-bullying campaigns for school aged children is the program called KIVa. The KIVa program was developed in Finland and based on their research findings after observing the program with students and teachers the reports of bullying from victims has diminished by more than 50% year over year for a 5 year period. The KIVa program is a science based bullying prevention program. 
 The success of the program is based on programs targeting bystanders of bullying events or activities. The research states that if you can train the individuals who witness bullying activities to help stop the bullying event or gain access to authority individuals who can intervene and stop the bullying activities. The programs do not focus on the bully’s themselves instead it focuses on building an army of mitigators who are peers to the bully’s. These peers are equipped with the necessary tactics to stop the bullying activity before it begins. 
   If all school districts would implement the KIVa system, starting in Kindergarten bullying would be greatly diminished in both childhood and adulthood. In order to implement the KIVa system in the United States resources must be allocated for training, resources, support, and ongoing improvements. 
 How can you Make a Difference?
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God, Do Something!...He said I do, I created You! Matthew told us
According to a website, 8000hours.org, Making a Difference means 
The number of people
whose lives you improve,
and how much you improve
them by.
 The website uses this definition in terms of wellbeing, which they further define to include happiness, health and a lack of suffering, as well as broader notions of human flourishing or satisfying one’s preferences. 
I believe this is a good definition for our purpose this month. As a team, we decided that one of the best things we can do for our community and our world is to showcase what it means to make a difference. 
 The artist Beyonce helped us to understand that it should be one of our missions to make a change, in her song, “I Was Here:”
 I wanna say I lived each day until I died
And know that I meant something in somebody's life
The hearts I have touched will be the proof that I leave
That I made a difference and this world will see
 John Lennon schooled us on the importance of honoring our earnest dreams and their potential impact, in his song, “Imagine:”
 You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one.
 While Matthew West took us to church to show us that our creator made us to make a change, in his song “Do Something:”
 …God, why don’t you do something
He Said I Do…
I created you!
 And the Immortal Michael Jackson helped us all see that we face the change agent every day, with his song, “Man in the Mirror:”
 I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change.
 We honor Mahatma Gandhias saying, “Be the Change You Want to See in the World.” With this month’s edition, I show you people, groups, and businesses that are doing just that. Using their talents and gifts to make a change in this world, which starts in your home, in your community, and then spreads like light throughout the World. 
Read GenZ Inspired for more stories about making a difference https://madmagz.com/magazine/1561691#/page/2
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Change is Intentional...Not Accidental
if you want something different in your life, change it.
“Yes, it will be difficult”
“Yes, it will take time”
“Yes, you will likely want to quit before you achieve you goals”
Yes, there will be time when you question whether or not this is still what you want”
All of those things will attack you psyche as you consider and contemplate the change. But if you want something different. If you are tired of being sick and tired of your situation and circumstances change it.
If you need someone to co-sign on your change or you have an excuse for why you haven’t made the change you talk about, then you are not intentional about wanting things to change, you simply want to talk about wanting to change (Hard Truth!).
If you want change, if you really want change…then be intentional about it.
Change is intentional…Not accidental!!
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10 Under 21 Entrepreneurs to Watch!
Xavier Waye/Savior Publishing, LLC 
At the tender age of 9, Xavier Waye developed his 5-part book series, “The Adventures of Firesky.” The book is based on the untold story of King Tutankhamun and his true heir a daughter named Raven. With the support of his parents Xavier not only decided to publish the story for the world to read, he also created his own publishing company , Savior Publishing.  Having broken records as both an author and the only African American CEO under the age of 18 to own and operate a publishing company Xavier is someone to watch!
Princess Kennedy/Princess My Way, LLC 
Kennedy is 7 years old and the Creator and Chief Creative Director of Princess My Way. The company is focused on making girls feel good about themselves, which make them princesses. Princess Kennedy provides a pledge to her customers and audience on her social media channels to help them remember what a Princess truly is, her pledge goes: “ I Dream My Way, I Slay All Day, I Cry, but Its Ok, I’m true to me because I’m a Princess My Way.  Princess My Way sells Bracelets and Charms called the “Journey Bracelet-which helps girls embrace their journey,  a line of empowering T-Shirts called “My Tees,” and handbags called “My Way” which are eco-friendly and unlike any other handbag on the market. Along with her produce line she has also taken on the #Me Too movement with a solution which came as an answer to Oprah Winfrey called “Starting Now.” This enterprising innovator is definitely someone to watch!
Alina Morse/Zollipops
Alina desperately wanted to accept a lollipop from a bank teller, but her Dad told her no. She asked her dad, ”Why can’t we make lollipops that are actually good for your teeth?” In 2014 Alina and her dad’s infectious confections hit stores as a vegan, organic, smart and yummy candy. Alina’s candy’s are hitting stores around the world and look to be around for many, many years. This young entrepreneur has the time to create so many more tasty treats and become a major staple in the multi-billion dollar candy and sweets industry. Ms. Morse is definitely an entrepreneur to watch! 
Moziah Bridges/Mo’s Bows
Mo’s Bows came about because Moziah Bridges needed something to help himself look sharp, as his young age, and he could not find anything on the market for him. So he created his only line of bow ties. After his appearance on “Shark Tank” in 2013 he hit fashion mentor gold with Daymond John, the creator of the clothing business FUBU. Daymond took on the young fashion icon and developed the brand which is on its way to be a cultural phenomenon like FUBU. Moziah Bridges looks to attend college and study fashion design after he graduates from high school in 2020. This is definitely an entrepreneur to watch!
Zandra Cunningham/Zandra Beauty
At the tender age of 9, this budding beauty icon found a need and filled it after her dad told her he would not buy her the lip balm she wanted. Zandra went online and learned how to make her own lip gloss and whipped shea body butter. She started selling her products at local farmers markets in 2010. Since then her products were picked up by Costcos nationwide. Zandra also sells broader line of beauty products and donates 10% of her profits to girls education programs. Watch this up and coming beauty icon take over the natural beauty market. 
Mikaila Ulmer/Me & the Bees Lemonade
When young Mikaila was four years old she got stung by a bee. Instead of trying to kills all bees that could sting her in the future she started finding out how she could save Bees because of what they do for our earth and environment. At the ag of 9 she started making her grannie flaxseed lemonade and now her brand is selling in Whole Foods Markets around the country. Now 13 Mikaila continues to support efforts to save the bees. Mikaila is one to watch because her efforts will help save our planet while she is dominating the natural beverages industry. 
Shubham Banerjee/Braigo Labs
In 2014 Shubham Banerjee created Braigo Labs, Inc. which develops humanely optimized technologies. They created an open source DIY Braille printer using LEGO, the first light-weight portable, almost silent, IOT/Cloud enabled Braille printer. This incredible innovation by a 12 year old has been recognized by numerous investors and young Banerjee has received the 2016 Edison Innovation award “The Tommy.” The products the companies is developing at the hand of this young innovator is definitely an industry trendsetter to watch. 
  Cory Nieves/Mr. Cory’s Cookies
At the tender age of 6 Cory, the son of a single mother, was tired of taking the bus. He took the matter into his own hands and decided he was on a mission to raise money for his mother to buy a car. His mother inspired Cory to raise money so that he could go to college. Cory created the perfect chocolate chip cookie from all natural products and birthed Mr Cory’s Cookies. He sells his cookies online and on his way to not  only paying his way through college he has built a solid customer base and product that will continue well after he is a college graduate. 
  Logan Guleff/Winner of Masterchef Junior 2 & Logan’s Rubs
Logan Guleff is already an incredible Chef at the age of 14 and the creator of his own line of food products beginning with Logan’s Rubs. Logan received the best advice in the cooking world from famed Celebrity MasterChef Gordon Ramsay “Find your own standard of excellence and stick to it.” With this amazing advice and incredible cooking skills most adults would envy Logan is on his way to being one of the chef’s that will warm our hearts and fill our tummies in the future. 
  Isabella Dyamalovski/Luv Ur Skin
At the age of 14 Isabella was the youngest contestant on Shark Tank Australia. She developed her own line of natural skin care products for young girls. She found that there were skin regiment products for adults but not many for young girls. Her mother had her work with chemists to create the best recipe and now luvurskin is one of the best tested and positively ranked natural skin care products available. This is a beauty innovator to watch!
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Three generations after the speech, after segregation, after the death of our civil rights heroes. In a divided society, where people of color are still being beaten, killed, and thrown in jail senselessly. With cameras in everyones hand and a society of minute by minute news…are the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. still relevant to this generation. Do we still care or have we given up hope? Do we even understand the dreams?
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is the go-to black history icon. Whenever we are talking about black history or having to choose a character for our black history papers, he is our first choice. We see his picture on the walls in school and in our history books. With all of the visual reminders of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. it is likely that most of the kids in America cannot recite one line, other than “I Have A Dream today” of Dr. Kings iconic speech. It is not that his message is not powerful and necessary, it is simply that it is not as relevant to our current daily lives. Please parents and grandparents please don’t be mad because I say this, it is important, we just didn’t live through the laws and tragedies of the time like you all did. We are two generations, in most cases from the August 28, 1963 speech. 
The speech is important, and the truths remind us of a time that was much more difficult, in some ways than our times. Our concern today is how we apply the truths in the “I Have a Dream” speech, how far have we come and are we the product of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream?  I believe we have come a long way in fulfilling the promises of the dream, but I also believe we still have a ways to go to see the dream fully realized. 
I believe we are the products of the dream in this way; I will never know a time when a black person cannot be president. I will never know a time when my classmates are not people from all races and diverse backgrounds. I will never know a time when people of different races, faiths, and beliefs can’t play, love, or work together. I will never know a time when I can’t be friends in a world without walls, friends from Africa, China, Sweden, or Australia. Our triumphs and ways of fulfilling the dream may not be how anybody thought it would, but here we are fulfilling the dream.
I don’t say “We Are the Dream” lightly. Even at my age, and I hate to break it to all of the parents and grandparents who believe their children are sheltered from the truth…they are smarter and more aware than you think! I know there is still police brutality of persons of color at a scary rate. I know, especially now, there is still severe Racism in this country – NO WE ARE NOT A POST RACIAL SOCIETY! I also know that women are still not treated right. But I choose to celebrate our victories toward the dream while championing out efforts for further change. 
We are definitely the products of the Dreams defined by our forefathers! I choose not to diminish the progress while working for even more fulfillment of the dream. 
Just My Perspective!
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We're All Hue-Man
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I got one of the best gifts from my sister, bringing my book character to life. A true princess boss! This is true support #being thankful, #xavierwaye, #adventuresoffiresky, #princessmyway, #ineedyoursupport,#imani, #nefertiti, #hepshepsut, #ankhesanamun,#egyptianprincess, #ladymiriam
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#BeingThankful Day 4 - I just re-read DR MLK Jr speech- “I Have A Dream.” I know the power of sacrificing for others - I am a product of it. Thank you to every person who made sacrifices for me to live my Dream.
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#BeingThankful. - Day 2 : Thankful for all the support received for my book. I’m helping Autism Awareness at the same time #autism #autismawareness
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#BeingThankful Day 2 - Join me on the journey of being thankful
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31 Days of Thankful - Day 2
I am so thankful for the support and love I received from my book signing in Kingsland, Georgia (Camden County). From your purchases and gifts, we raised over $250 for Autism Awareness. Please continue to support my book by sharing your experience and link to purchase the book www.xavierwaye.com
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