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pebsterino · 1 year ago
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Captions are a match of Older and Babydoll :)
I decided to torture myself with Astarion and Imani :')
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vitikko1 · 16 days ago
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year ago
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oopsiexdaisy · 10 months ago
fortnite skins in my style
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arinzechukwuture · 2 months ago
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On this, the seventh day of Kwanzaa, we lift up the principle of Imani (faith). This principle focuses on honoring the best of our traditions, draws upon the best in ourselves, and helps us strive for a higher level of life for humankind. Imani affirms our self-worth and confidence in our ability to succeed and triumph in righteous struggle. Imani is to believe in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.
This principle of the Nguzo Saba (seven principles) is a profound belief in and devotion to all that is of value to Black people as a family, community, people, and culture. The ancient Egyptian double symbol of the ankh (picture), represents life, and also djed, the symbol of stability, endurance, and power.
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gratefulforgod · 2 months ago
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hello-railou · 2 months ago
In Which Carl Takes a Nap. Kinda.
Ficlet. 2000 words. Canon compliant.
Carl finally gets a tiny moment to rest between all the trauma.
Set during book 7, in the beginning of Part 3: Open hostilities
”So, once we get ourselves over here, it should be relatively easy going from there”, I said to Rosetta as we leaned over the large map. Rosetta followed my finger and nodded.
“I mostly agree, but I do see a lot that can go wrong here”, she pointed out. “What are you going to do if they manage to surround you?”
“It shouldn’t be possible, not with the way we are moving, but I do have a plan for that”, I began, as I got a chat notification. It was Boomer from the 106th Bloody Leeches, asking if anyone was available nearby to assist in a minor scuffle with a horde of various mobs. I sent out my own suggestion, while Rosetta looked up at me and raised her eyebrow.
“Which is…?” she asked skeptically.
I blinked, momentarily forgetting what the topic between us had been. Mordecai had messaged me, asking if I had enough “Essence of the Undead” or some shit like that in my inventory for a potion he was trying out. I checked. I had, so I sent him a reply and told him I would be around in the saferoom in a minute.
Thinking of the saferoom, I still needed to train my skill for the day. I had been constantly running all over the place sorting things out, but I really shouldn’t skip training now that we finally had a moment to stay inside for a couple of days.
But there was just so much to do. So little time. My chat was pinging an increasing amount with messages from around our lands, reporting on enemy movements. I sent a quick message to Florin camping in the second sector with the 101st Crocodiles, asking if they had gotten their supplies refilled in time.
“So, um. The plan”, I said to Rosetta after an awkwardly long silence. She tilted her head, waiting.
I was tapping my fingers against the table in an erratic pattern. Not like I was typing in the chat, no – writing mentally was already second nature to me – but like a crazy pianist on crack. Deep down, I knew I did it to hide how much my hands were shaking.
The plan. What was the plan?
Once again, my meager train of thought was interrupted.
Donut’s messages were marked as the highest priority on my interface, so it popped up on top of all the other messages that had piled up, still unread. I grimaced apologetically to Rosetta, pulled up the chat and quickly replied,
Carl: Not now, Donut. Busy.
Carl: What is it?
I grunted. It couldn’t be anything too important if Donut couldn’t even tell me the reason why I should step away from my planning session with Rosetta. She was usually good at relying on the information when it really mattered. I decided to ignore the cat for now.
“Sorry”, I muttered to Rosetta, trying to parse my thoughts together. I could barely think around the noise in my head, which was starting to form into a bitch of a headache. I rubbed my forehead forcibly with the heel of my hand. “What I was saying was…”
“Actually”, Rosetta said, and I realized her eyes had been flashing too with the occasional message. “Mordecai just sent me a message. He needs my help with a recipe. It sounded urgent. Walk with me to the saferoom?”
I nodded, turning to follow her. “Sure.” I pondered her words for a minute, wondering if I should be worried about Mordecai’s experiments. “Is he okay? Did his potions explode or something?”
Rosetta snorted. “Or something.”
“We can continue after you’re done”, I said, pushing open the saferoom door and letting her in before me. “I think I’ll go train in the meanwhile. Hit me up once you’re free.”
Rosetta gave me a nod and a smile, but there was an odd weight to it. Sadness. Or… Maybe pity? Whatever it was, I was too high-strung to start unraveling what all that could mean right now.
We separated, and I headed for the training room, checking my unread messages as I walked.
Florin: Yeah, all good over here, buddy. Thanks for checking in.
Carl: Good. Let me know if that changes.
“Carl”, someone said close to me. I yanked on the training room door, but it didn’t open. Someone was standing right by it, holding it closed with intention. Then, their hands were suddenly on me, and I whirled around with a growl, ready to push them away from me.
“Carl, calm down!”
It only registered to me then that I was in a saferoom and no matter who it was standing in my way, it would be a friend.
Holy shit. I had almost punted them in the face. In the saferoom.
I took a hurried step back. Imani was standing there looking up at me, her arms raised in front of her, eyes wide.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I-“ I began, suddenly feeling like the biggest asshole.
“No, it’s alright”, Imani interrupted me. She placed her small hand against my arm again, this time slowly, and gently. “I didn’t mean to startle you. You weren’t answering my calls.”
“Or mine”, Donut said haughtily, jumping on my shoulder.
Had they been in the saferoom this whole time? I couldn’t remember seeing them at all when I came in.
“Wh- what’s up?” I asked, but I could already tell.
This was an intervention.
Donut’s claws dug into my shoulder as Imani grasped my arms with both of her hands. Her butterfly wings encapsulated me, just for a second or two before pulling back, but I could already feel the effects.
My head filled with cotton. The river eased, now barely a whisper in the back of my mind.
“Take a deep breath, Carl”, Imani said quietly.
I looked around. The saferoom was empty beside us three. No one would notice if I rested for just a moment.
Would they?
Imani started to push me towards the couch. I went without resistance.
I had the buffs “Relaxed” and “Quiet mind” active. They gave me +5% healing speed each.
“But my health is full”, I mumbled, as Imani pressed hard on my shoulders until I sat down onto the couch. Imani’s thumb soothed against my arm.
“I know that, Carl.”
I leaned back against the cushions, and Donut settled onto my neck. Still, I struggled to keep my eyes open. I didn’t want to sleep, not without an enchanted bed that promised dreamless sleep. A nap on the normal couch scared me. Of what I might see down there.
I had lost the ability to form a coherent sentence, so I opened my chat and sent Imani a private message. I hoped she’d understand.
Carl: Nightmares?
Imani sat down next to me and shook her head slightly.
Imani: Don’t worry. This won’t put you to sleep. Think of it as deep relaxation. A meditative state.
Carl: Okay.
Still, I kept my eyes open for a moment longer. I realized all my chats had minimized and there were no alerts for new messages. I could see the icon, though, blinking in the corner of my vision. It had a tiny “99+” next to the picture of an inbox.
Carl: How long?
Imani: 15 minutes.
I thought about that. A lot could happen in 15 minutes. I, for example, had blown myself up into liquid flesh and atoms, gotten pummeled into mush and reformed, all in just under 90 seconds.
A lot could happen in 15 minutes.
Did I really have time for this?
Carl: That was the first time you said that to me.
I smiled. I raised a heavy hand and placed it on Donuts soft, silky back. She started to purr loudly.
My eyes closed before I could stop it.
My thoughts drifted to another time when I had lied just like this, on a couch with Donut’s heavy weight on my chest. I used to do that a lot, coming home from work when Bea wasn’t yet home. I’d turn off the TV that had been on for Donut to watch during the day, lay down onto the couch and just nap with the cat. She’d always seemed so pleased when I came home. I’d really liked that.
What an odd feeling it had been, to be longed for.
I would always nap for as long as I could, eventually getting woken up by either Donut getting hungry – as in, increasingly loud and prickly – or Bea coming home and demanding why I was, once again, lazing around like a useless slug.
I had not cherished those quiet, peaceful moments enough when I’d had them, I thought. Now, relaxing on the couch in the saferoom of the dungeon, I felt almost that same peacefulness, but it wasn’t quite the same. The nagging feeling was still there, telling me to move move move. The river was still there. They were quiet – they were easy to ignore for the moment – but I knew I had already been permanently changed compared to the Carl before the collapse.
He’d been so innocent. So lucky to have that peace.
I’d never have it again. Not like that.
Donut shifted, her poofy tail tickling my nose as she rolled onto her side. Imani’s hand was still pressed against my arm, and I felt another wave of warmth spread through me.
I stared into the darkness behind my eyelids.
I was lucky too, I decided. I was lucky to be alive. I was lucky to have my friends, my family, still here with me.
You will not break me.
The darkness was quiet and peaceful. I drifted.
Eventually, I got pulled back to reality by the sounds returning to my chat notifications.
There was an active chatroom going, and I cracked my eyes open and pulled up the messages.
Li Jun: Has anyone heard about Carl? He’s not answering any of our messages.
Katia: Or mine.
Elle: Uh-oh.
Imani: He’s in the saferoom with me. He’s relaxing.
Elle: UH-OH.
Katia: What happened? Is he okay?
Imani: He’s fine. He needed rest. I induced him with 15 minutes of relaxation buffs.
Rosetta: Per my request.
Elle: Oh, that sounds nice. I was so sure he’d been grievously injured.
Li Jun: Me too.
Florin: That is sad but true.
Katia: I’m glad, Donut.
Elle: I’m jealous.
I sat up. My hands were no longer shaking, and my head was clear. My heartbeat was a steady thump, thump, thump in my chest. I hadn’t even realized how elevated it had been for the past… well. For the past however long it had been since I’d last sat down.
Donut was lounging on the back of the couch, eyes flashing as she chatted away. I imagined she was answering multiple questions about my health and status. Imani was no longer in the room. I sent her a message.
Carl: Thank you.
Imani: Anytime, Carl.
I switched to the other chat room.
Carl: I’m back. Give me a second to sort through my messages.
Elle: Welcome back, big boy.
Li Jun: There’s nothing that requires urgent action in my messages. Get back to them when you can.
Carl: Okay.
Katia: Same. No hurry to reply to mine, either.
Carl: Good to know.
Carl: Rosetta, you’ve got time?
I stood up, and Donut leaped to my shoulder. She pressed her head against mine. The river was in there, louder now, but I had it contained. Like with Shi Maria, I had the upper hand for now.
I patted Donut on the head and straightened my back.
Rosetta: I do, comrade. I heard you’ve got a plan to go through with me.
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fortnite-headcanons · 8 months ago
Imani loves 90s media, especially cartoons like Rugrats. She also loves 90s-inspired media.
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Fortnite Headcanon #1011
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blacksapphicguide · 8 months ago
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Cleo x Imani It Had To Be You (short film)
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pebsterino · 1 year ago
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please take these terrible no pressure sketches coz its late and there is no way I'm restarting Photoshop for that LOL
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queen-scribbles · 30 days ago
Just gave Imani a bath and I did not realize how long it had been for that poor dog; the water was turning grey just from the pre-shampoo wetdown. >.>
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alt-f2 · 4 months ago
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galacticspaceguy · 4 months ago
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Family dinner lore drop ft Ezra, Imani and Abigail Juno
(Lmao just a nudge to when Ezra’s name used to be Nathaniel)
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guffiestuffie · 4 months ago
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Pretty girls walk like this
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chromakill-mp3 · 1 year ago
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Have you heard of her???
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fortnite-headcanons · 8 months ago
Mae and Imani design video games together.
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Fortnite Headcanon #745
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