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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
22x22: gave without thinking
[new] 22x22 (a #haiku project): gave without thinking #compassion #suicideprevention #poetry
credit: senol demir
gave without thinking deep rivers of emotions flowed within your soul
~this haiku is from Compassion, part of 22×22, a zen doughboy™ project~
Subscribe to the A+O Knowledge Letter for your dose of book excerpts, brain food, conversation starters, discounts and other morsels.
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, zen doughboy™, author, teacher and humanitarian. He lives at…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
a new old-school technology
a new old-school #technology #yoga #men #book
credit: Kiran Foster
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there are few.” —Shunryu Suzuki
During a cold Fall day in Chicago back in 2005, I walked into my first yogaclass. I started practicing to meet women and cross-train for a half-marathon. It also helped that the class was included in my membership at XSport Fitness in the Old Town Neighborhood. That…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
just a millimeter
just a millimeter. #writing #reality #persepctive
credit: christiaan triebert
It’s only recently that I have embraced my passion for writing. It’s a fascinating to see how the same words can have a different impact on two people.
“You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can’t, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world. The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
22x22: not linked by your blood
[new] 22x22 (a #haiku project): not linked by your blood #friend #suicideprevention #poetry #blackhole
credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
not linked by your blood bond stronger than black hole’s pull touched them to their core
~this haiku is from Friend, part of 22×22, a zen doughboy™ project~
Subscribe to the A+O Knowledge Letter for your dose of book excerpts, brain food, conversation starters, discounts and other morsels.
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, zen doughboy™, author,…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
22x22: twenty-two years and change
[new] 22x22 (a #haiku project): twenty-two years and change #time #suicideprevention #poetry
twenty-two years and change last grain of sand slipped to pile too short and too soon
~this haiku is from Time, part of 22×22, a zen doughboy™ project~
Subscribe to the A+O Knowledge Letter for your dose of book excerpts, brain food, conversation starters, discounts and other morsels.
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, zen doughboy™, author, teacher and humanitarian. He lives at the…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
when mangofuel met zen doughboy [an interview]
when mango met zen [an interview] #yoga #mindful #business
“People all over the world (everybody) Join hands (join) Start a love train, love train People all over the world (all the world, now) Join hands (love ride) Start a love train (love ride), love train” —The O’Jays
I had the honor of being one of the first to get a ticket to ride the MangoFuel Love Train.
Say what?
My good friend and an inspiration, Megan Church, Founder of MangoFuel just launched…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
standing on the ink of giants
standing on the ink of giants #culture #race #writing
credit: frederic guillory
I can write because they wrote before me.
Words can destroy nations. Words can mend hearts. Words can capture memories.
Words are powerful. Yet, words are nothing until someone has the courage to let them form like the Big Bang in their mind and spill them onto a page.
Back in my younger years, I hated writing. Mostly because we had to write for some grade according to…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
[new] 22x22 (a #haiku project): lab was the kitchen #food #suicideprevention #poetry
credit: fried dough
lab was the kitchen thoughts are fresh as morning dew good but not like dad’s
~this haiku is from Food, part of 22×22, a zen doughboy™ project~
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, zen doughboy™, author, teacher and humanitarian. He lives at the intersection of human behavior, science, business, culture and consciousness. His life is a spicy gumbo with a dash of a…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
planes, trains and uber
Hot summer day in July. 90 degrees at 10pm
Tell the story of living in your car for a month in July of 2012. I was really attached to my car until I wasn’t. DATE YOU SOLD CAR, 2013. The last day I owned a car.
Slept in the car, work and meetings in an upscale hotel lobby, worked out and showered at lifetime fitness and stored all my stuff in 5×5 storage unit.
on a few occasions – borrowed car
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
108 sessions: loving you
when did you fall in love with you
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, humanitarian, listener, teacher, author and yogi. His life is a spicy gumbo with a dash of a Biochemistry degree, pinch of working at a pub in Sweden, fresh catch of social enterprises and spoonful of the hyper-stress corporate world. Today, he teaches mindfulness, yoga and conscious awareness to organizations, adults and youth. His first book, Flexibility…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
mantra of the day: forward motion + be useful #mantra #mindfulness #business Why do I set intentions and use mantras? I don't want to be sucked into the black hole of how other people want me to be.
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
22x22: exist from nothing
[new] 22x22 (a #haiku project): exist from nothing #creativity #suicideawareness #poetry
credit: thangaraj kumaravel
exist from nothing thoughts are fresh as morning dew connecting the drops
~this haiku is from Creativity, part of 22×22, a zen doughboy™ project~
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, humanitarian, listener, teacher, author and yogi. His life is a spicy gumbo with a dash of a Biochemistry degree, pinch of working at a pub in Sweden, fresh catch of social enterprises…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
22x22: four little letters
[new] 22x22 (a #haiku project): four little letters #love #suicideawareness #poetry
credit: camdiluv
four little letters deep as ocean, vast as sky you were and you shared
~this haiku is from Love, part of 22×22, a zen doughboy™ project~
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, humanitarian, listener, teacher, author and yogi. His life is a spicy gumbo with a dash of a Biochemistry degree, pinch of working at a pub in Sweden, fresh catch of social enterprises and spoonful of the…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
better than a flip book
better than a flip book #yoga #yogaformen #chicago
credit: geno malusek
This is an adapted excerpt from my forthcoming book, Flexibility Not Required!
The fun part about writing Flexibility Not Required is that I get to work with cool people like Geno Malusek. He’s a good friend and photographer from Chicago. I’m honored that he took time out of his busy schedule with his Human Anatomy Project, to do the photo shoot for me.
He’s working on final…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
22x22: tattoo on their hearts
[new] 22x22 (a #haiku project): tattoo on their hearts #friend #poetry
credit: jhong dizon photography
tattoo on their hearts lives marked by forever ink strong bonds that won’t fade
~this haiku is from Friend, part of 22×22, a zen doughboy™ project~
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, humanitarian, listener, teacher, author and yogi. His life is a spicy gumbo with a dash of a Biochemistry degree, pinch of working at a pub in Sweden, fresh catch of social…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
death perception
It's time to reintroduce yourself to stress. #science #research
credit: paul jarvis
“Our results show that high stress levels and whether you think it has an impact on your health seems to matter for your longevity,” —Dr. Whitney Witt, the study’s senior author
I’ve reconnected with my love of research. The science and process of discovery is pretty awesome. This is the first article of many more that I’ll be sharing with you.
It gets such a bad rap…
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accessandoptimism-blog · 11 years ago
you were last not least
[new] 22x22 (a #haiku project): you were last not least #son #poetry #love
credit: thomas ware, my dad
you were last not least son cut from our father’s cloth you helped make him whole
~this haiku is from Son, part of 22×22, a zen doughboy™ project~
Anthony Ware is a cultural architect, humanitarian, listener, teacher, author and yogi. His life is a spicy gumbo with a dash of a Biochemistry degree, pinch of working at a pub in Sweden, fresh catch of social enterprises…
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