A Wily Serpent
84 posts
⚠️DO NOT REPOST ANY OF MY ART⚠️ also,❗I don't do commissions❗but if you have any drawing suggestions for Doctor Who, Good Omens, David Tennant, etc. I'd love to hear them :3 -------------------------------------------------------- just a wily serpent looking for my people. I try to be the best that I can, but... y'know, it's hard. -------------------------------------------------------- call me Charlie :) I'm an aspiring actor. I love Shakespeare. Queen is an awesome band. David Tennant is majestic. he/him or they/them is preferred. I'm Panromantic and possibly genderfluid. 🏳️‍🌈
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
a-rustyfrickinspoon · 1 day ago
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 2 days ago
Oh my I have no words. I wish I could like- keep this post with me for the rest of my life it something 😭
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Wow. The patience, kindness and calm communication skills. Outstanding.
From raindovemodel
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 2 days ago
You GO/David tennant/Michael sheen fans make up the nicest community. Not once have I ever felt so accepted in such a way as this.
Good Omens has more so recently become about the fans and I can't explain how happy that makes me. We will continue to create, theorise and share even long after our beloved show is over. Because that's just it, Good Omens will never be over. Even as people move on, I truly believe Good Omens will stay inside each of us. That is the greatest gift I could've ever asked for.
Thank you, everyone.
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 2 days ago
baby on his first period 🩷 ₊⭑˙౨
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the whole plot of macbeth is just him being a girl on his period trust me
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 3 days ago
This is wonderful oh my gourd
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How the “Must Rescue the Angel” obsession began!
Enjoy another Eden Adventure!
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 3 days ago
You know what that means.
Will our hero FINALLY get The Paul Hollywood Handshake??? WILL HEEEE????
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 3 days ago
GOAD Writers Guild Presents: Tethered Ch 21
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Written by NegotiationReal6508 on our subreddit
Tethered chapter 21 - The Game
This story is based on artwork by the EXQUISITE @gleafer! If you haven't already, go support her on tumblr and Patreon! I don't want to oversell it... But it will change your LIFE!
CW: gets a bit bloody
For the remaining nights of Crowley’s visits, Aziraphale was asleep. Nothing Crowley tried could wake him up, including removing the bedspread, and playing a large pair of cymbals next to his head. This last strategy elicited an “Oi! Shut the fuck up!” from somewhere else in the ward. So Crowley focused the rest of his time on devising his exit strategy. It was more useful and less creepy than watching Aziraphale sleep. Instead, he watched the movement of the night guards and hospital staff, memorizing the floor layout, and categorizing possible means of escape from most ideal to last ditch option.
Continue reading on AO3
Or start from chapter 1 - Dies Lunae
This chapter is so named because it contains a little game. I have hidden three references within the narrative. If you can find all three and tell me what they all have in common, you win!
(No prizes, we play for bragging rights.)
Many thanks as always to u/Paperclip_Ninja for being such a lovely and supportive beta reader. And for being an all around kick ass goblin friend!
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 3 days ago
The Dance of Devotion
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 3 days ago
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 4 days ago
An Evening with David Tennant!
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A full church house for David Tennant in Chiswick tonight!
Some out of context quotes:
"God made bollox. God loves bollox." "I'm going to sleep with all of you!" "There's less shagging in Dr. Who.." "During the in-between.. the perineum of being able to go to Tesco, and not able to go to Tesco.." "Lifetime achievement award? I was far from dead!" "It makes my Scottish, Presbyterian soul shrivel." "Debra. You have gone deep." "My first pin-up was Madonna. (Crowd whoops) Was that a judgemental woo?? There was an unknown flavour to that woo..." "I'm gonna take my shoes off in a minute." Question: So you ever put on the [Dr Who] coat? Just swish around in the garden? "Only when Georgia begs me." Question: Favourite word? "umlaut." Question: What turns you on spiritually, emotionally? "My wife!"
Special mention to David casually asking the room: "Georgia..? Are you here..?" Silence, then a small 'Yep!' from somewhere near the back. 🤣
And quick Good Omens mention when asked about playing the vulnerability of Crowley during the final 15: " They [C&A] are both quite open and vulnerable. They need each other. I get Crowley. I get who he is. He needs his friend." ♥️
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 5 days ago
As someone from Kentucky...yeah, they're unhinged af (and I love it).
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 11 days ago
Today, Aziraphale and Crowley woke up at the same time, so they laid in bed for a long while, facing each other, holding hands, rubbing noses, and exchanging kisses.
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 11 days ago
... Oh.
⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄
have you ever drawn (david tennant's) davina? <3
I have now 😁
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 11 days ago
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it starts, as it will end, with a garden // with their own garden
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 12 days ago
Oh my lord this is beautiful
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so soft it hurts
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 12 days ago
This is absolutely amazing. Wonderful art, and a very important message.
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drew over something i wrote for a class and liked :] sorry the cars are lowkey ugly, its because I fucking hate cars and cant be bothered to learn what they look like beyond ominous hunks of metal
edit: transcript of the poem by itself under the cut
6 Tips for Crossing the Road
Look both ways
The road is for cars. 
Make sure to look for them before crossing. Even when you have the right of way, cars have a lot of safety features and you have none. 
Use designated crosswalks 
The road is for cars. 
So is the crosswalk but, under brief and temporary conditions, you can use it too! Never jaywalk, never walk in the road, just hope there is a clear and functional sidewalk. 
Cross at the light
The road is for cars. 
There are rules and signs for them, but that can only go so far. Walk quickly and hold your breath and hope that the light doesn't turn. Make eye contact with drivers as their cars teem with potential energy, rumbling with disdain at the inconvenience of your crossing. Try to ignore the cloud of exhaust that you are in and they are above. 
Leash your pets
The road is for cars. 
To you, it may be natural to sacrifice so much space to them but to your dog, it is not. His instinct is to explore freely. You must curb it. Modern US car models have such high hoods that the average child, let alone dog, is obscured. Even on the sidewalk, hold the leash tight because the sidewalk (if you are so blessed) is next to the street and the threat still looms.
Look out for road kill
The road is for cars. 
And no one was there to leash the deer. 
Or the raccoon. 
Or the cat. 
Did you know that the most reliable sample method for wildlife in an area is looking at the roadkill? 
Remember these tips
The road is for cars. 
Cars are everywhere. In the city. In the suburbs. In the country. In the woods (the US Forest Service manages more roads than the entire Ministry of Transit in China.) Cars are everywhere because there are roads to bring them there, which is great if you are a car and want to get from place to place fast without worrying about the in-between. 
Unfortunately, you are not a car. 
You are an animal. 
You are in-between. 
So remember to look both ways. 
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a-rustyfrickinspoon · 12 days ago
I WANNA WATCH CAMPING SO BAD JUST FOR DAVID (Also I fully agree, why do we need American versions of British shows)
We finally watched Staged!! That was so funny and cozy 😭 I'm glad we waited this long to watch it because I feel it benefits from the audience being very familiar with David and Michael already. It was a treat!! I loved how self aware it was and all the meta shifts I wasn't expecting that. Georgia and Anna were lovely and so were all the guest stars 🥺 Also David's looks in season one and two are the hottest anyone has ever looked. I could not focus at all what the fuck look at him
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OH and we also watched Camping! it was as atrocious as we expected lmao, they really need to stop making US versions of UK shows. I still don't know what the hell they were going for in the US version in terms of tone, it goes from overacted comedy skits into serious drama that goes on forever at random points and it ends on the weirdest note 😭 I wanted to strangle Jennifer Garner's character and get David's Walt pregnant. He is so cute in this and for what!!
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Anyway we don't know what to watch next!! we are running out of David related media to watch!! aaaaa 😭
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