drdiah · 1 day
miss therapist, who are your favorite mercs? (can include ocs or not. your choice)
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[It's unethical for me to show favour to any of my clients.] That being said, I'm off the clock so [Eli. My girlfriend!
Brodie. Drinking buddy!
Hattie. Another girlfriend.
Red Medic. We have fun.
Wolfgang. Delightful young man.
Hacker. The only tolerable Admin member.
Brandie. Other than this hottie woman.]
Eli & Hacker @boxofclasses Hattie @friendlyengie aka ottosbigtop Wolfgang @mickmundane Brodie & Brandie @meet-the-courier
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hogwartshotel · 2 days
putting on my trauma therapist hat
Full Moon spoilers under the cut.
Okay so if people are mad at Blitzø after that episode, send them here!
I am, in real life, a licensed therapist who works with PTSD, so I feel like I have some hopefully helpful perspective to offer here.
I've started to see a some "I get it, Blitzø has issues, but he fucked that whole thing up", and I want to talk a bit more about how PTSD works. If any of this resonates with you personally, I recommend seeking a therapist who specializes in trauma!
There are five categories in which we expect trauma to effect people's beliefs about themselves, others and the world, long-term: trust, safety, power and control, intimacy, and self-esteem. So let's take a look at those in this scene. They do overlap.
Trust. That heartbreaking line where Stolas says "I didn't realize you thought so lowly of me" is a result of Blitzø expressing that he's never had complete trust in Stolas's intentions. Hard to blame him -- trust is something we first learn in early childhood. Imagine trying to learn trust from someone like Blitzø's dad. People often have difficulty trusting not only others, but also themselves and their own judgment.
Safety. This really ties into power and control below. Imagine that Blitzø's whole personality has come from a desire to keep himself safe -- he's good with guns, he's his own boss, he doesn't have close relationships so he can't be rejected, he puts on an air of over confidence. Having any of that challenged can shake his whole set of beliefs about himself and the world.
Power and control. When something traumatic happens to us, we can often feel ourselves. We often try to limit our experiences to ones we feel we have control over, because our brains convince ourselves this will keep us safe. We've seen Stolas come to realize that their arrangement gives him more power over Blitzø than he's comfortable with. We've also seen Blitzø attempting to exert his own power -- by keeping Stolas at arm's length, by being the one to direct their sexual encounters (not saying that you need to have trauma in order to be dominant), by doing everything he can to keep the sex interesting so that Stolas won't end the deal. Stolas is doing the right thing by giving Blitzø the crystal, but it freaks him the fuck out. He's already figured out how to have power in the situation, and he's been operating under the assumption that Stolas also likes having this power over him (that part is more theoretical, but I see Blitzø as someone who assumes that everyone thinks the way he does about this shit). So having that dynamic suddenly changed makes him panic. It triggers a fear response. He reacts in a way that assumes it's a game or a trick. The idea that someone would willingly give up power sets of alarm bells in his mind.
Intimacy. Obviously, this is a big one in their dynamic, and it's going to tie in a lot to esteem. It is very common for folks with trauma histories to have difficulties forming intimate connections -- if you've read the above stuff about trust, it's probably easy to see why. In his part of the duet, we hear Blitzø acknowledging that the situation is feeling a little complicated, but that he's going to avoid that by focusing on the sex aspect. The idea of emotional intimacy is terrifying to him.
Esteem. Blitzø does not believe that he is capable of being loved, or that anyone who gets to know him will want to stay with him. We see a lot of that in the "bad trip" scene back in season 1. Hearing Stolas express feelings for him is terrifying. I'm not sure exactly what goes through his head, but it might be something like "I'm going to fuck this up," "he's lying," or "he doesn't know what he's talking about."
So. Imagine all of that getting triggered at once. I'm not saying that Blitzø handled it well or that he isn't responsible for his actions, I'm just saying it's really understandable that he didn't handle it perfectly. Quite frankly, I thought it was going to go a lot worse -- he does get angry and say hurtful things, but we immediately see him regret it and reach out to Stolas, and I was expecting him to need a lot longer to stop being angry. I am curious to see if he's going to go to a self-destructive spiral ("I always do this, I fucked it up again, why bother even trying") or if he's going to break the pattern and figure out a way to make it right. Seeing as the next episode is called "apology tour," I'm guessing we're going to see the latter -- but that is honestly huge character growth.
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purrsongs · 5 months
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on colors and being different and not being enough for yourself
(please reblog instead of liking)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
I went to group therapy for grief over the death of a loved one, and the therapist had us making our very own Saw traps as a means of processing our emotions. Like art therapy, but evil.
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thehavenmh · 2 years
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Therapist: And what do we say when we feel like this?
Soap: My maw didn’t raise a whiny bitch.
Therapist: Well…
Soap: My dad didn’t raise a whiny bitch either!!!
Therapist: ...
Ghost: My parents were both awful…
Therapist: Alright, alright. Hold on. We need to finish with one issue before moving to the next.
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sky-high-standards · 5 days
Yandere therapist x reader
Warning: mild smut murder mentions of gaslighting and manipulation
Yandere therapist who is intrigued and confused you came for therapy you where perfect what could possibly be wrong
Yandere therapist who falls for you once he hears your problems and he was so happy you could open up to him totally not cuz that's the whole point of paying for therapy
Yandere therapist who loves everything about you taking in everything you tell him making notes about your body language and micro l expressions just getting lost in you
Yandere therapist who hates that your dates sessions are only 30 minutes.
Yandere therapist who claims you're not well emotionally and mentally begging recommending you arrange longer lessons
Yandere therapist who manipulates you in every way he knows how which is a lot since he's a professional therapist.
Yandere therapist who gaslights you on your trauma and always has you crying in his arms at the end of every session.
Yandere therapist who adores how submissive you are he can't wait to see how fast you'll crumble once he has you moaning underneath him.
Yandere therapist who finds out you're in therapy because of your previous partner and is furious knowing what they did do you how they tried to stain your pure soul and kills them in the most brutal ways.
Yandere therapist who's jaw drops to the floor when he sees you're feeling better and say you don't need him anymore what!? this wasn't supposed to happen you were supposed to stay forever or at least until he made you his lover.
Yandere therapist who emotionally and mentally breaks you making all your hard work go down the drain.
Yandere therapist who claims you need a stress reliever to help with your trauma like a lover perhaps and nominated himself as the perfect fit and manipulates you into agreeing
This Is for the best my dove~ I'll take great care of you no one will harm you ever again…I'll make sure of it ~
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sluggoonthestreet · 3 months
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Harold has extra space available in his well of worries.
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sysboxes · 5 months
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[Text: This system is terrified to talk to their therapist about being a system.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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allie-leth · 1 month
I posted that excerpt the other day of the E-mail from that therapist, here is the entire story. I would appreciate helping me get this traction, because as you saw from that email, that's utterly unprofessional behavior and deserves to be known that they are treating their neurodivergent patients with such extreme bias. Here is the Full Story.
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the-cricket-chirps · 8 months
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Rene Magritte
The Therapist
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
My psychiatrist asked every therapist I've ever had what I was like in therapy, compiled what they said on a piece of paper and just gave it to me saying it's constructive criticism.
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sportsandlaughs · 10 months
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viceandmature · 8 months
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Sex Education Season 2 / Good Omens Season 2
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Soap: Okay, but what if instead of self-care… Bear with me here, revenge?
Therapist: No, Sergeant.
Ghost: He has a point.
Therapist: No, Lieutenant.
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zebulontheplanet · 4 months
Was talking to my therapist and mentioned briefly assisted living. She goes “that’s a bit extreme, but I don’t know your support needs. I only see you for an hour on Tuesdays. I don’t know you that well to make that decision or tell you what to do”
I really appreciated that. Yes, assisted living is a bit extreme. But it’s a lot of people’s reality.
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