#vent post
kttykssbpd · 3 days
they should invent emotions that dont make you puke ur guts up days in a row and make it impossible to eat
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hybrid-angelic · 2 days
Okay why is tumblr becoming the only usable platform- I use Quotev for roleplaying, and they are REMOVING GROUPS TOMORROW. My main method of roleplay- like- dude imma throw a fit- this is the equivalent of a dumpster fire being hospitable when compared to something like Chernobyl- wtf-
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mendely · 3 days
h/zbin h/tel gave me so much upset that watching genuinely good animated media like atla and ping pong legitimately feels like a huge fucking relief
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lulabyy · 3 days
Open scars
Closed world
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Vent post. 911 S7 finale
While I'm glad Bobby is alive so please don't get this wrong here but it doesn't make any sense?? And took out the impact of the finale as 14 minutes? Your chances of survival post 10 minutes are abysmal so even with Bobby surviving it's long recovery? Also what was Athena thinking?? Amir you deserve the world. Offering condolences to Athena after being threatened with torture and retraumatised? An angel. Eddie's part was heartbreaking. I'm glad the Diaz parents were supportive though. Christopher 💔 ( Also Eddie is a good dad so fuck off with any comments about that here also Buck was such a good dad this EP too ) Also I swear if I see BT fans sexualizing Buck's daddy issues I will burn it down cartel style. Not off the hamster wheel at all Buck this is the same shit as with Abby as for her it was mommy issues. Also the snide comments continuing from tommy? Seriously his personality outside of Buck's PoV in 7x04 is awful. Bobby is Buck's dad. I'm glad Mara didn't have to part from her family though and it's good to see May and Harry again. I'm not sure what to feel about this finale at all??? Sorry this is all rambling as it's nearly 3am my time and I kinda regret staying awake for it now. As ouch. On a hilarious point for me seeing Eddie serving despite his whole life blowing up was a thing I guess. Really still the prettiest princess no matter what.
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notaplaceofhonour · 3 days
Wow sure do love how the right thinks I should die because I’m trans & the left thinks I should die because I’m Jewish, sure is fuckin great
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itzmaztercom · 22 hours
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This summer gonna suck really bad for me,like every years.
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pythonstrid3r · 1 day
Fucking exhausted of the way that chronically ill people aren't allowed to be angry, we are constantly told to 'be strong' and to 'learn to live with it'
I don't want to live with this shit, I have the right to be angry about it, this shit ruined my fucking life and you want me to 'be strong' and get over it??
Everything I had, everything I enjoyed, my friend, hobbies, all of it was torn away and I'm supposed to not be angry?
It's fucking insane
Let us be angry.
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terracottcake · 2 days
hey. i'm alive :/
i just deleted all my post because I'm restarting what I'm doing. in my life there was a change of plans and that's how it is. i will change my niche and the purpose of this blog or whatever it is. rn life has been HARD but its nothing I can't take. i will be posting again :) also I have an insta and Youtube now, also a pinterest account.
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heres a amazing digital circus drawing cuz why not (tadc) (I suck at drawing Zooble)
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I am starting a new passion project (ahem) I mean I've been working on one this whole year so that's the change of plans... yay...
also college and high school is just hard like I'm almost there. summer college doesn't help with that either
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dreamcorechild · 2 days
It's hard to move on from all that tbh.. Seeing people use my oc for sick fantasies is disgusting and knowing there no way to stop them instead of ignoring is nearly impossible..
I can't help being an 18 year old with special needs.. I wish I can change as well and be like a woman that they wanted, it's hard to grow up knowing the fear of what lies ahead of me in the future and how I would cope to be alone.
And the mention of being r4p3 brings back so many bad memories with my old father who would abuse me when I was really young.. Almost to the point of sexual assault and physical harm.
I still want to be in the demon slayer/Hantengu fandom, to love Karaku as a non existent father figure and to be accepted for who I am.. But it feels like my precense is causing a huge rift between other artists on other social media.
I just want to be happy and be apart of a community that I feel comfortable in and not to be shunned for it...
I don't know what to do now.. I got other arts to posts, some I drew last month but... It's just hard to post anything now.
I don't think I belong in this world, I won't survive for that long anyway
I'm sorry everyone..
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catmintrose · 3 days
bloodeater!! (Vent)
lip sync test aswell
cw for : blood, implied not aliving, knifes, quick movements
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melanirana · 1 day
Vent tw: animal death
Today my Leopard gecko Odyssuse passed away.
We tried our best to get her back but, it didn’t work.
We think she passed away due to post-surgery stress, she had a growth on the right side of her face that we had to remove. I even went to the vet last week, because she didn’t want to eat, and everything was fine then, even thirty minutes before we noticed anything was wrong she was doing fine.
I only had here like, six-eight months. But I’m still crying I loved her so much and wanted her to have a nice life, if it weren’t for her absolute incompente previous ownser I’d still have her.  I could still say good morning to her and look for her each morning
It’s only been an hour maybe two at most and I miss her
I don’t know what to do
I’m glad that I’m crying,
I have never crying before. Not when my dogs died, my rabitt, my beardedragon or even my grandma. I#m glad I can cry for her because it shows me I’m not hartless like I’m afaird I am. I cry for her. I will cry for her because even if I didn’t have for that long I still love her
I’m not looking for sympathy or I’m so sorry’s, I just nee dto do something to vent so I can grive her. My little girl
Meine süße
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I wnat her back
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purrsongs · 5 months
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on colors and being different and not being enough for yourself
(please reblog instead of liking)
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People please don't complain about those who are asking for a link ( Especially if you are posting spoilers ) yes I get ratings and I'm all for supporting the show as I need season 3 too and I will absolutely be watching when it finally comes out in my country months later from now but it isn't right now so solidarity to my mutuals asking for a link too. ♥️
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komodocloud · 2 months
do you guys ever feel like an outcast even in a group full of outcasts. like i'm autistic and even in groups full of neurodivergent people i'm still excluded sometimes. i don't understand why
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artsietango · 11 months
This Google Drive AI scraping bullshit actually makes me want to cry. My entire life is packed into Google Drive. All of my writing over the years, all of my academic documents, everything.
I’m just so overwhelmed with all the shit I’m going to have to move. I’m lucky to have Scrivener, but online data storage has been super important as I’ve had so many shitty computers, and the only reason I haven’t lost work is because Google Drive has been my backup storage unit.
My partner has recommended gitlab to move my files to - it seems useful, and I can try and explain more about what it is and how it works when I get more familiar with it. I’m unsure if it’s a text editor, or can work that way. He was explaining something about the version history that I don’t quite understand right now but might later. I’m just super overwhelmed and frustrated that this is the dystopia we live in right now.
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