sysboxes · 2 days
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[ Text;This alter stole a fictional character's identity (but isn't a fictive)]
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 24 hours
Happy pride month to insystem couples & polycules btw.
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"There's no scientific backing for endogenic systems and tulpas" says the Lemur Therian
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I'm sorry, I didn't realize Mr. Lemur that you needed scientific evidence to support people's identities and experiences.
So um, just for the rest of the class, @that-lemur, can you show us the proof that you are, in fact, a lemur internally?
Because without scientific backing, I just don't know why anyone should believe you, by your standards... 🤷‍♀️
Oh wait.
When it's your identity, your position is...
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Got it!
Anyway, reminder that the Alterhuman community is inclusive. It has always been inclusive since the term was coined, including plural and walk-in identities. (Walk-ins generally referring to a type of spiritual headmate who walk in to a system.)
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So yeah, if you're routinely posting in inclusive spaces, people will probably assume you're inclusive and safe to interact with.
Now, I find it pretty ridiculous that someone in the alterhuman community is using a lack of scientific basis to argue someone's identity is invalid.
But I also need to say that this factually incorrect!
Practically every source, including dissociative experts, have confirmed that endogenic and non-disordered plurality exists or at least may be possible. Anti-endos have yet to produce even a single doctor who has said otherwise.
And more recently, there was an AMA with psychiatrists researching tulpas in an fMRI study for Stanford University. One of their big findings was changes in the brains of tulpa systems during possession of limbs.
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This is actual, neurological data.
Beyond that, here's a big document of other research and studies related to endogenic systems.
I could go all day with pro-endo sources. But here's the bigger thing you need to understand.
Bigotry like this has no place in the alterhuman community. Because if you decide that someone's identity isn't valid because they don't have "scientific backing," others will see that as permission to say the same about you.
The system medicalist ideology of requiring scientific validation is harmful to all alterhumans, not just endogenic systems.
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sys-polls · 1 day
*NPCs in complex dissociative disorders: a community term for a person, animal, etc that may appear in the innerworld of someone with a CDD. they are not alters, & cannot front. NPCs usually have no sense of self, & only exist to be "characters" in an innerworld. this is more common under - but not exclusive to - polyfragmented DID, or those with more vivid & complex innerworlds.
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bonus question: what are your NPCs like? are they significant to you/your innerworld?
- amaranth.
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jakubmeow · 2 days
"You can't just ignore, or be neutral about syscourse!"
Yes you can, just because somebody has a disability and wants to be involved in the community, doesn't mean they have to constantly fight with fakeclaimers, or endos, etc etc.
People are allowed to just chill out, have a nice time.
A lot of people cannot take threats and such, if they fight, they will be getting threats and such. I can handle threats, I can handle people being ignorant, but many people cannot handle that, and that is why they should not involve themselves in discourse.
I'm not claiming anybody is weak, systems are very strong people, and you won't ever be able to truly understand the horrors they went through that caused them to be one. They are the opposite of weak.
Don't feel invalid because you can't involve yourself in this constant war. Take a breather for yourself.
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sirius-romsys · 3 days
"Having friends in your head must be so fun!!"
Okay, say it's fun when someone that isn't you takes over your body and decides to do something horrid? Not necessarily a crime, but say, broke up with your lover(s), or cut you off from your entire family.
We're all mentally unstable, at any moment one of us can just decide to commit and it's the end.
It's not fun. It's scary.
Especially because not all of us are "friends", many of us simply get along because we are stuck together.
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antiendovents · 2 days
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"stop saying you want a dissociative disorder. but be an endo!!!"
... I just .. what is this???? What? My brain hurts
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system-hottakes · 2 days
being pro-endo conflicts with punk values. you cannot be punk and support endos
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anti-endo-haven · 1 day
I’m a human being. I feel like some of you that come through here don’t realize that. I’m a human being. I have my own struggles.
I know I say things that end up being hot takes, such as my most recent thing saying that someone will always be disordered even once they heal (remission does not make the disorder go away).
But if your first thing is to tell me things that are rage and anger filled, take a step back. I’m not mad, but your words do hurt people.
I do not see how me saying my views of saying the disorders I deal with remind me of leeches because of how much they take of me is so easily thrown into me being called the leech and a pessimistic asshole. But where does your rage come from? Why throw it to someone else?
It’s good to not throw it to you, but there’s always people hurting on the other side of a screen.
I only ask that everyone here understand that, as much as I hate to actually confirm it, you’re still talking to a suicidal person. Sure, I make fun of things in my ask box, but if your friend was dealing with the same thing and got all of that and they couldn’t handle it, would you be upset, too? That someone you care about is struggling so much and yet, someone wants to harm them further?
With this, I’m cleaning my entire inbox out. I know there’s vents and questions, I will not be answering them, asks will be off until I am not drained from taking care of children all day.
And until I feel like everyone can understand that I’m still a human being.
But also because I don’t want to continuously lie and say I’m fine when I’m not.
Sympathy isn’t a bad thing, and I’m not asking for it. But understand where your rage is going, where it comes from, and why you think it is a good thing to harm others. I see your pain, and I understand, but what good does it do to fling your words towards others you don’t even know?
Please, understand.
I say this with no malice but as a very, very tired individual.
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owo-writing-man · 3 days
If your link to prove a point calls it "MPD" you're wrong.
Because the understanding of personality disorders completely differs from the understanding of dissociative disorders.
If the research is on the basis it is a personality disorder it has *nothing* to do with the understanding of it as a dissociation disorder.
Your point is naught. You are wrong and should understand medical text and how disorders get classified, researched, and understood.
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Hiding Hate on Systok
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Hiding Hate on Sysblr
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Suggestions on Words and Phrases to Filter Out
arent real / arent valid / faking / fake / roleplay / roleplayer / dont exist / need trauma / ableist / cant be a system
Suggestions on Tags to Filter Out
Endos DNI / Endos fuck off / Endos not for you / anti-Endo / anti Endo / Syscourse
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sysboxes · 18 hours
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[Text; This systems host and co-host are a sun / moon duo]
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sadowife · 2 days
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✦ Video Game System …
A flag for systems who have a deep connection to video games.
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Requested By : Anon.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 days
Quick reminder: MPD was a "multiple personality" disorder. Not a multiple "personality disorder."
MPD was always in the category of dissociative disorders since it was first introduced in the DSM-III.
The name change in the DSM-IV merely put DID's name more in-line with how it was already categorized.
So if you see someone rambling about how they won't trust old sources that call it MPD because doctors didn't know DID isn't a personality disorder, remember the person saying that is a fool who has no idea what they're talking about.
DID, even when it was called MPD, was always categorized as a dissociative disorder.
Learn. Your. Facts.
Learn your history.
Don't use a name change to disregard research that came before.
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kibou-collective · 2 days
When there's doubles in your system and you can never tell who's talking to who
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"This System has accidentally created members." -🦋
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Versions for Collectives and Plurals:
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Requested by anon.
Feel free to use! Credits are appreciated, but not necessary!
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