#bad takes
princesssarisa · 2 days
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overseercrimson · 1 day
Friend mentioned watching the fallout show and loving it but followed it up by saying she hated Maximus, to which another friend agreed. He was, as she put it, “a weasel who would stab anyone in the back to get what he wants” and when I asked what he’s done that supported this she stated his panicked lying (honestly fair but I’m of the opinion being truthful from the start would have been bad for him or at least it would seem like it to Maximus all things considered), that he didn’t give Thaddeus enough time to process things before attacking him, (fucking bonkers, that little shit stops being friendly the second he finds out it’s not Titus in the suit and is clearly not going to side with Maximus and even agrees with Maximus that killing him would have been better for him.) and finally that ‘he’s only nice to Lucy because he wants to fuck her’, which absolutely floors me.
Throughout the show we see Maximus trying to be the hero he thinks the brotherhood should be and any of his faults and misdeeds serve that purpose, stealing the armor and being reluctant to return the power core, he is self serving in his desire to be the one being the hero but there is an attempt to do good.
The only exception to this is him being a dick to Thaddeus at first, it shows a vengeful and cruel streak to him but it’s considerably small considering this is the man who started his daily beatings. And I suspect my friend doesn’t hold this against Maximus because she doesn’t bring it up. So it makes me feel like the ‘only nice to Lucy for sec’ take is in bad faith, because he’s been nice to other people when he’s been in the situation to do so and was nice to her when he thought they would be on their separate ways afterwards. Lucy’s the first person who’s been upfront with her intentions with Maximus and has shown him genuine affection where others have only buddied up to his station and it feels like such a shit move to use the feeling he develops because of that to make him out to be an asshole.
Also feel like him going back to the brotherhood to give Lucy a chance of getting away shows he’s not a backing stabbing type because he’s literally giving up what he wants in the moment after going through everything.
I don’t know, I came away from the show considering Maximus a good person who has to unlearn a lot of toxic shit from the brotherhood of steel. What are people’s thoughts? Am I misreading Maximus or is this a bad take from my friend.
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juney-blues · 2 months
hi sorry the fandom took your explicit trans woman character and made her into a "nonbinary genderfuck character" (which actually just boils down to using her old name and pronouns most of the time) yeah sorry they're shipping her with an explicitly gay man now too. yeah if any transfem says that maybe this reflects a worrying attitude towards trans woman they start accusing her of being part of a harassment campaign
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prokopetz · 10 months
You know you've stumbled into one of Those Fandoms when a prosaically straightforward reading of information the text is explicitly giving you is considered a "bad take".
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allie-leth · 1 month
I posted that excerpt the other day of the E-mail from that therapist, here is the entire story. I would appreciate helping me get this traction, because as you saw from that email, that's utterly unprofessional behavior and deserves to be known that they are treating their neurodivergent patients with such extreme bias. Here is the Full Story.
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im-trying-guys · 4 months
Listen you can dislike any ship you want but please don’t come out here saying sonadow is a proship please tell me y’all know what cryosleep is
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kikiteaa · 2 months
I'm sorry for drawing Billy Loomis in a maid dress ironically, it will not happen again. Didn't think I'd bother some people ☹️
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saltygilmores · 1 month
@frazzledsoul shared an absolutely baffling take that she spotted on Instagram . Someone claimed "People are so distracted by Jess' looks that they overlook the fact he is a calculator (calculated?) person only at the age of 16 it's alarming and SICK that Jess knew how to manipulate Dean and Rory's relationship to make them feel uncomfortable with each other! Jess did this to make Dean feel insecure and paranoid so Rory got progressively more distant and Jess can take Rory away from him!" Dean wasn't insecure and paranoid until Jess showed up? I smell a trash take! Lessgo! I notice Dean's supporters who blame Jess for being a big ol Ruiner seem to gloss over Dean's jealousy over TRISTAN (who was nothing more than a bully and a harrasser that Rory wasn't dating or even interested in). If everything was so dang hunky dory for Dean and Rory (Lol, that rhymed) before Jess shows up, what is Dean's excuse for being insecure, paranoid, and making Rory uncomfortable for the entire first season of the show, another 5 episodes of season 2 until Jess shows up, then another some odd epsiodes into season 2 until Dean and Jess even just meet each other or are simply aware of each other's existence? The first time we truly see the rivalry between Dean and Jess start brewing on screen isn't until Bracebridge Dinner (2x10), and then it heats up for realsies in A Tisket a Tasket (2x13). So before 2x,10, who was using their psychic abilities on Dean to "make him" treat Rory like crap for 30 some odd episodes? He treated Tristan with the same jealous contempt as he did Jess, and I would argue it was even worse. in fact in Love, Daisies, and Troubadors, Tristan grabs Rory's books without her consent while Dean is in the Chilton parking lot. All he has to do is see Tristan with Rory's books (that she didn't want him to take and was trying to get back from him) and he doesn't ask Rory any questions. His temper is instantly set off and he becomes scarily jealous in the school parking lot and starts raising his voice at Rory in front of hundreds of other students.
Not to excuse Tristan for being a bully. Poor Rory is exhausted and she should probably just give up on boys, run away and join a nunnery. But we're talking about Dean The Butt Forrester here. Just seeing another boy carrying Rory's books was enough to set him off.
Just a very select few examples of Dean being insecure, paranoid jealous, and just a garden variety asshole, and Rory's "comfort" with him, long before Liz stuck Jess on that bus to hell:
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See, he's more than capable of being a butt clown all on his own! Sorry Dean Lovers, ya'll get five seasons worth of your lover boy and we only get 1 and a half of Jess. You can't use Jess as a "get out of jail free card" for every shitty thing Dean does.
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a-faggot-with-opinions · 11 months
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This is a person who denies that they have any sort of privilege over their fellow transmascs. And here it is.
This is someone not understanding what systemic oppression means, and at the same time erasing the lived experiences of other trans people. Systemic oppression isn't just having slurs screamed at you and/or being beaten. It is the denial of privileges that are given to your oppressors (in this case, cis people). It is the frequent stripping of your rights, constant erasure of the violence you face, and more.
For you to not have experienced the worst violence that transmascs face sometimes is a privilege. Instead of denying that there are people similar to you who happen to have it worse than you, literally just acknowledge them for five seconds?
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quartztwst · 4 months
No joke we need to stop hating on Jamil and start hating on Azul because at least Jamil had a reason why he was so angry and yeah, it was kinda misdirected and shit.
But AZUL??
I understand the fact Azul was bullied for his appearance and that motivated him to be better and to prove his bullies wrong. That's why he got his unique magic really fast and why he's so intelligent but it really got to his head that he started taking people's magic that had nothing to do with his bullying.
What I'm saying is that he could've just only targeted people that bullied him or shown him disrespect but he targeted half of NRC just because, I believe, he wanted the power and the feeling. Like he didn't really have to do all of that and he could've stopped at his bullies but he stole other people's talents and traits for himself.
I think someone has said this on Tumblr I DON'T KNOW WHERE THEIR POST IS but I really think about it a lot.
But I do think that the power really got into his stupid head to the point he started enslaving over around 200 students. And that's why his contracts mean so much to him. It's a symbol of his successes and strengths because he was seen as weak and pathetic when he was younger and he absolutely doesn't want that again. Azul dislikes being seen as weak (unless it's to get connections to Kalim's dad) and that's why he literally breaks down into tears and panic because without his contracts, he is nothing. WELL, TO HIMSELF ATLEAST. I THINK HE IS EVERYTHING 😍😍😍
Everything he worked so hard to get, to take, to steal, it's all turned into sand. He thinks those contracts are what makes him strong and unstoppable but he's so ignorant to his own abilities that he gained himself and not stolen.
That's why he was all "*blushes* omg... you think I'm hardworking? *softly giggles* //// " and shit to Yuu when they were speaking in the museum.
Okay he wasn't but you get it
What was my point in this?
Nothing. I just wanted to talk about azul
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princesssarisa · 2 days
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snufkinpipe · 5 months
I ironically find this Wonka to be the most attractive I don't know if it's my issues or I like the dad look if him 😔🥲 I know this is my worst take
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juney-blues · 3 months
i know "haha this childish buffoon thinks we should abolish school, what next? you think we should abolish bed time? you think we should outlaw dinner so you can eat ice cream and cake every day?"
but like god we as a society need to radically overhaul the way we handle education (in addition to most things yada yada communism yada yada anarchism) because i don't think it's good that we just put everyone we can through something that honest to god traumatises most of them
"nightmares that you're back in school" are a such a common thing to hear about, and yeah we joke about them but, i don't think we should be putting children in the torment nexus that you will have bad dreams about for potentially decades after leaving it, that seems like a bad move i'm going to be honest.
no this shouldn't be treated like just a normal part of growing up that everyone goes through, because we made it the fuck up, and presumably we can make the fuck up a way of educating the youths that isn't comparable to torture
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prokopetz · 8 months
Are they really posting malicious bad takes for clout, or did they just have a mildly unfavourable opinion about a random piece of media you've staked your entire identity to?
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Look, I can understand where people are coming from when they criticize the portryal of the female characters in Helluva Boss.
But extending that same criticism to Hazbin Hotel is where I draw the fucking line.
Hazbin literally has a female protagonist with her own independant goal, who has to work hard for it because people constantly belittle her ideas and beliefs, and eventually gets proven right when it works in the end. Charlie tried to do what was thought impossible, and accomplished it when Sir Pentious gets ascended to heaven. Her love interest has her own backstory before meeting Charlie, where she used to work for the same exorcists who are responsible for nearly driving Charlie's people to extinction and almost making her fail to redeem anyone at the hotel. Vaggie kept this a secret from Charlie since they met, and Charlie feels betrayed by Vaggie to the point of not feeling like she should trust her anymore until it gets resolved. Vaggie has more characterizarion in season 1 of Hazbin alone than Millie does in the entirety of Helluva Boss pre-Hell's Belle's.
Lute is one of the main antagonists. She contributed just as much to the genocide as Adam did, is openly bigoted like Adam, has more common sense than Adam, is the only exorcist with a name, is just as much of a threat to the hotel as Adam is and most of all she survives while he doesn't. Sera approved of the genocide, but felt guilty about it because Adam would've probably killed her or something, which Emily calls her out on regardless. Speaking of Emily, she joins Charlie in on calling heaven out for their hypocrisy and literally says she detests being treated like a child.
Velvette is no less evil than the other two Vees. She sells love potions (aka date rape drugs) and treats her employees cruelly just like they do. She also disrepected the other overlords without giving two shits. Carmilla wasn't having any of Velvette's BS, is protective of Zestial, literally killed an exorcist (despite angels being much more powerful than demons, so that's pretty impressive on it's own) to protect her daughters and figured out that Vaggie was a fallen angel just by knowing what her choice of weapon was. She encouraged Vaggie to fight for the whole hotel, not just for Charlie. Cherri Bomb has an interesting rivalry with Sir Pentious in the pilot that eventually grows into a healthy relationship, and she goes against Valentino just to help and comfort Angel Dust in the Addict music video. Sadly she doesn't do much after that, but at least she got to participate in fighting for the hotel in The Show Must Go On, so it's better than nothing I suppose.
Rosie is one of the few people who Alastor has a genuine friendship with. She played a big part in Charlie trying to give a speech to Cannibal Town, and encouraged her to trust Vaggie again. Mimzy, while I dislike her, is the whole reason why the plot of Dad Beat Dad even happened. She tried to use her friendship with Alastor to get herself out of trouble, so the episode techically wouldn't of happened without her. It's also telling that Alastor didn't eat her or try to kill her for screwing things up, since he's done just that to others for much less. Even Niffty, who's mostly just there for comic relief, is another character who Alastor gets along with. He may own her soul, but he's a lot nicer to her than he is to Husk, who he keeps on a chain and abuses in a not-so-different way that Valentino does to Angel Dust, only without SA involved. Niffty is also the one who kills Adam in the end, so there you go.
That's a BUNCH more than what can be said for most of the ladies in Helluva. (Most of whom I also like, but their writing really does leave something to be desired, though it does seem to be slightly improving with the Hell's Belles short and the promise of a Millie focused episode in Ghostfuckers.) For the record I don't think the writing for the female characters in HH is perfect by any means, but it's a far cry from being anywhere near as bad as HB like many antis claim it is. I think they just say that shit because HB takes place in the same universe as Hazbin and both shows were created by the same person, (aka the guilt by association fallacy) or they just think Vivzie can't do anything right no matter what she does.
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catarium · 7 months
I can safely say that helluva boss/hazbin hotel has been my worst fandom experience ever
One of those hasn’t even been transmitted yet
And I was in the Onceler and Voltron fandom
10/10 not recommend
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