#the writing process
soleilsplanet · 3 months
do you ever just … picture a whole scene, a whole fanfiction in your head, you know how to place every single word of the english dictionary that you need (or your language dictionary), you know how to structure your sentences, you know just what your characters are going to say to each other and then… and then you just open microsoft word.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 7 months
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THE ABANDONMENT ISSUES COMIC IS IN THE WORKS RN I SWEAR the prologue/opening will be longer than the rest of th parts just bc but it's iN THE WORKS AS IN IT HAS MULTIPLE PAGES THAT R FINISHED NOW jsdfhdsf
so until the opening bit is finished have some fuckin memes ig jdskfhsjkdfhsjkdfh
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uwudonoodle · 1 month
Am I the only writer who doesn't like to listen to music while writing? It seems like everyone else has a collection of playlists to write to. It's weird, because practically every other minute of my life I've got headphones on to listen to something, but not while writing. Maybe it's because I'm a singer, so any song with lyrics I'm tempted to sing along, which is the ultimate distraction. I thought the solution would be classical music. I have a lot of movie and video game soundtracks, but even those are distracting to me.
Music is just so emotionally specific, and if the vibes don't match the scene I'm writing, it throws me off. I feel like I'd spend half my time finding just the right song, then I'd get sick of it because I'm not a fast writer. I also don't really want my favorite songs to become associated with moments of frustrating writer's block forever more. I prefer total silence, but have sometimes settled for white noise videos like "wind in the trees" or "afternoon rainstorm" to drown out more annoying sounds like construction next door. I've thought of getting some really good ear plugs to ensure silence no matter where I am.
Are there any other writers out there who crave pure silence while you're working?
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night-market-if · 2 months
Not a question, just wanted to drop in and say, I love your writing, I love your books, and wanted to thank you for all the hard work you have done and are still doing!! You are one of a very few set of storytellers that I honestly can say I would buy your books multiple times over if i had too. I hope you are having a wonderful day/night.
Again, thanks so much, and I can't wait to see how the story progresses!! 💯💙💯🖤
Thank you! It is so nice to hear these little bits of affirmation. :)
I plan to be around for a long time. I wanted to write from the time I was a small child and I think I forgot about how much joy it actually brings me. Thankfully, I am in a position where I can do this for a living and I do not intend to disappear. I hope I have work to share with you all for many years to come.
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space-blue · 21 days
Me : googles "debris in water"
Me : googles "debris in water name"
Me : googles "floatsam vs jetsam"
Google : Oh, are you writing a story about sailors? It's flotsam btw
Me : No it's about a dude on a spaceship, sleeping with his old mentor (3x his age and also his lover, though not relevent here) because he needs someone's physical presence to help him cope about having become a literal eldritch horror.
Google : Ah, so—
Me : yeah, drowning metaphors.
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How To Write Short Stories Using Notion (Short Guide)
Are you a writer who struggles to keep track of your ideas and progress? Well, the perfect application is at your fingertips. Notion, the all-in-one productivity tool that can streamline your writing process. In this guide, I’ll teach you how to use Notion to write short stories, from organizing your ideas to exporting the final product.
First, if you’re new to Notion, it’s helpful to understand the basics. Notion is a digital workspace that allows you to create and organize various types of content, from notes to databases to project boards. It’s highly customizable and can be tailored to fit any workflow. Plus, it’s free to use with some limitations, but upgrading to a paid plan unlocks additional features. Now that you have a brief overview of Notion, let’s dive into how to use it for writing short stories.
Organizing Your Ideas Before you start writing, it’s essential to have a clear idea of what you want to write about. Notion’s notes and database features make it easy to organize your thoughts and research in one place. Start by creating a new page in your Notion workspace for your short story. From there, you can create subpages for each aspect of your story, such as characters, plot, setting, and themes. Within each subpage, you can add notes, images, and links to external sources for reference. To take it a step further, you can also use Notion’s database feature to create a table for your story’s world-building elements, such as locations, factions, and magic systems. This makes it easy to keep track of details and ensure consistency throughout your story.
Creating a Storyboard
A storyboard is a visual representation of your story, typically used in film and animation. However, it can also be useful for writers to map out the structure of their story and ensure it flows logically.
To create a storyboard in Notion, you can use the gallery view of a database. Create a new database with fields for each scene in your story, including a brief summary and any relevant notes or images. Then, switch to gallery view, and you’ll have a visual representation of your story’s structure. You can also use Notion’s kanban board view to track the progress of each scene and move them from “to-do” to “in progress” to “done” as you write.
Outlining Your Plot
Once you have your ideas organized and your storyboard created, it’s time to outline your plot. A plot outline is a roadmap for your story, detailing the major events and turning points. In Notion, you can create a new database with fields for each plot point, including a brief summary and any relevant notes or images. Then, use the board view to arrange the plot points in chronological order and ensure they flow logically. You can also use the timeline view to visualize the pacing of your story.
Don’t worry if your outline changes as you write – Notion makes it easy to rearrange and edit your plot points as needed.
Developing Your Characters
Your characters are the heart of your story, so it’s essential to develop them fully. Notion’s database feature makes it easy to keep track of your characters’ traits, motivations, and backstory.
Create a new database with fields for each character, including their name, age, appearance, personality, and backstory. You can also add fields for their relationships with other characters and any relevant notes or images. As you write your story, refer back to your character database to ensure consistency and avoid any contradictions.
Tracking Your Progress and Goals
Writing a short story can be truly daunting at times, but Notion can help you stay on track and motivated. Use the built-in to-do list feature to set daily or weekly writing goals, and track your progress as you go.
You can also use Notion’s calendar feature to schedule writing sessions and deadlines, and the reminder feature to ensure you don’t forget anything important. Remember, writing is a marathon, not a sprint, so celebrate your progress along the way!
Adding Research and Inspiration
Every story requires research and inspiration, whether it’s for historical accuracy or world-building details. Notion’s web clipper extension makes it easy to save articles, images, and other online content for later reference.
Simply install the web clipper extension in your browser and click the icon when you come across something you want to save. Notion will automatically create a new note with the content and link back to the original source.
You can also use Notion’s built-in image gallery feature to create a visual mood board for your story’s setting or characters.
Collaborating with Others
If you’re working with a co-author or editor, Notion’s workspace sharing feature makes it easy to collaborate in real-time. Simply invite the person to your workspace, and you can both access and edit the same pages and databases.
Notion’s commenting feature also allows for easy communication and feedback. You can leave comments on specific notes or database entries, and the other person will receive a notification.
Exporting and Formatting Your Story
Once you’ve finished writing your short story, it’s time to export and format it for sharing or publishing. Notion makes this process easy with its export feature.
To export your story, simply select the pages or databases you want to include and choose the export format, such as PDF or Markdown. Notion will then compile the content into a single file for easy sharing.
If you need to format your story for submission to a publisher or literary magazine, you can use a tool like Grammarly or Hemingway to ensure it’s polished and professional.
Notion is a powerful tool for writers, offering a versatile and customizable workspace for organizing and tracking your writing process. By using Notion for writing short stories, you can streamline your workflow, stay motivated, and create polished and professional stories. Happy writing! -Ren
TheWriteAdviceForWriters 2023
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mythcreantsblog · 16 days
The most critical stage for a story passes before it can even be called a story. At this stage, it’s no more than an assortment of ideas floating in someone’s head. But these aren’t just any ideas; they have that special something that drives a person to sit down and write.
Somehow, we have to fit these ideas together and shape them into a story. If we do this well, we can avoid countless heartbreaking revisions down the line. We can preserve the passion we feel at the start, granting ourselves more motivation and joy during the writing process.
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mostremote · 4 months
deleting a 9000 word draft and starting over because it isn't horny enough
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popoaniani · 10 months
On the importance of protecting your creativity
The other day I found an old story I had started writing a few years ago. I had completely forgotten what I wrote and it was like reading something by a completely different person. It was really funny and creative and reading it brought me so much joy. However, it was also a little sad because what I do remember is the reason I stopped writing. I stopped writing because I showed the first few chapters to someone to get feedback and they basically told me it sucked. I felt so embarrassed that I gave up and never finished writing the story. Reading it now, I really wish I had kept going. It definitely didn't suck and I should have believed in myself instead of the opinion of one other person.
What I learned is that, if you really believe in your art, you shouldn't ask for external validation. Of course there's times where feedback can be helpful, but be careful about who you ask. Find someone who you know will at least encourage you to keep going and being genuine to yourself regardless of whether or not your work resonates with them.
I decided that my way of honoring the younger me who worked so hard on the draft she put together, which was funny and creative and awesome, will be to breathe new life into it and pick up where she left off.
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casa-delle-galline · 9 months
My Brain: Okay, so you’ve been a fan of The Legend of Zelda series since you were seven, right?
Me: …yes?
My Brain: Tears of The Kingdom released in May this year, right?
Me: Yep?
My Brain: And you love Our Flag Means Death and a teaser for the second season just dropped yesterday and is gonna release on 5th October, right?
Me: Uh-huh?
My Brain: And you’ve just finished watching Good Omens season 1 and are waiting for your friends to come and watch the second season with you, right?
Me: Right?
My Brain: Oh, and don’t forget Arcane!
Me: Where is this going?
My Brain: Why don’t you make an AU that involves the Arcane, GO & OFMD characters following the storyline of Breath of The Wild & Tears of The Kingdom? *presses a button*
Me: …..huh. Why not?
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soleilsplanet · 3 months
sometimes i get this paralysing fear of publishing my works, either because i don’t know whether they are good enough or because i know that i don’t have the right perseverance to update wips. this is something only amazing people relate to.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Among Us au but with actual ideas to differentiate it from just being literally ‘fnaf characters but in amogus’
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uwudonoodle · 3 months
While I can appreciate when experienced writers are looking back at how much they've improved from where they started, it kind of hurts for beginners to hear them say that the first few things they created are all cringe garbage. It feels defeating to think that anything I produce right now, will be essentially worthless to everyone, including future me. No wonder so many people give up writing so quickly. I'm going to try to push past the bad feelings, and keep trying to do my best anyway. Some days are harder than others.
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strangermarvelss · 10 months
yeah this new fic is easily going to be like....8k words long lmao
coming back with a bang ig
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space-blue · 17 days
Peeping at the process...
So I've been *struggling* with my current fic chapter, and I wanted to show readers and people at large [waves at my adoring mob of followers, yes, you] an insight into the writing process on such painful fics, and also the amount of crap my friend @spicedrobot deals with (angelic levels of patience + reciprocity in bitching opportunities)
Presenting, in no particular order: "I only have 3 commenters so I can make it weird and fun, but I hope they enjoy it. Anyway, no need for this to be complicated or anything—"
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You have a void of a couple of weeks, then an email ping the weird fic updated... this is what was happening during that time.
Also it's about the 2nd chapter of this fic, and it's currently 2x longer than chapter 1 and please someone send a rescue team before I die
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kuwdora · 5 months
can i have a gold star for wrangling my creative brainweasles?? I didn't go back and restlessly edit my posted ficlet (reveals soon!) even though I wanted to but knew it would just lead to further narrative spiraling that I don't need right now. NOR did i start any new projects this weekend. i sat down and pecked away with some edits for my geraskefer WIP. it has been grueling because I think my brain is still a little broken and I'm having because of capitalism and plague anxieties. but my god i can almost see the finish line. the ending. i yearn to finish. to post. to fly high on Finishing a Thing and take my momentum to the next project. in any case my to-do list for today is so long but maybe I can manage some more work on this wip tonight. Or maybe I will fire up my audiobook for baptism of fire and throw some paint on a canvas.
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