saltpepperbeard · 2 days
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hugs ed hugs ed hugs ed hugs ed hug—
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eddiepeaches · 1 day
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HAPPY PRIDE from the tiny pirates!!! 🌈🌈🌈 ty eli @bird-divorce for helping me figure out stede's elton john-inspired fit <3
(individual frames below the cut if you wanna see, the gif crunched the quality a lil)
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lukelemon-art · 16 hours
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Fuck you, Stede Bonnet🔥
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OK, yes, Ed with flowers in his hair. But also…Stede. Stede, the little boy mocked and stoned for picking flowers, the man shamed for his softness who tried to blend into the background, the pirate called store-bought for loving soft fabrics, the captain insulted and dismissed as a lesser man who inexplicably survived when “better men” died, getting to put flowers in his hair and have his boyfriend/lover/husband look at him and say that he was always the better man.
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bbyteach · 2 days
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preview for this month's patreon post 🌶
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noecantsleep · 2 days
ship so good they had to cancel the fucking show
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bizarrelittlemew · 3 days
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towel boy 😌
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I think it's super important to call out racist tropes in fanon, but I also think it's important to help provide a bit of education so other creators know how to avoid these tropes and what to do instead.
With that in mind, one of the most common things that us fans of color have been pointing out in the OFMD fandom is racist depiction of Ed's hair, so here's an intro to avoiding some of these harmful tropes and what you can do instead.
Why does Ed's hair matter so much?
For people of color like Ed, our hair isn't just hair. Our hair is also about our culture and self-expression, and taking care of our hair is a skill distinct from caring for White hair. Our hair is an expression of personal and communal identity.
Controlling and stigmatizing hairstyles is an important way that people of color have been and continue to be oppressed. Across the history of European colonization, you'll find countless stories of cruelties such as forced haircuts, and this legacy lives on today when kids of color are told they have to change their natural and cultural hairstyles to meet school dress codes. Depiction of hair matters so much because of this history.
What are some things to avoid?
Common racist depictions of Ed's hair that you will want to avoid include:
Depicting Ed's hair as dirty and unclean when he's always shown to have very neat, well-taken-care-of hair in the show
Implying that he does not know how to care for his hair
Implying that he needs a White man to help him take care of his hair (White guys are not going to know how to care for Ed's hair texture!)
Depicting him using items that aren't meant for haircare on his hair (like forks, broken tools, etc.). Ed surely knows what a hairbrush is and how to use one.
Implying that Ed does not have a hair care routine or care much about his personal hygeine. You do not get to have that much beautiful, well-groomed hair without caring about maintaining it.
Implications that Ed is unusually rough/thoughtless about his hair, such as cutting off tangled sections or leaving knots to get worse
Avoid language that implies Ed's hair is unusually unruly and unkempt, such as describing it as "matted." Personally, I even bristle hearing it described as a "mane" or "wild" because it's always very neatly-groomed.
What are some ways to talk about Ed's hair that are okay?
I recommend writers and artists considering a project involving Ed's hair do some research on their own - browsing natural hair care subreddits is a pretty easy way to learn quickly what goes into caring for our hair and some of the common everyday struggles we might have.
You don't need to depict Ed's hair as perfect all the time! On lazy days where he doesn't style his hair, he might have frizz going on, and he might be frustrated by the effort and time it takes to maintain his hair while they're on the ocean and the salt air is constantly wreaking havoc.
It's also okay to write about Stede helping Ed with his hair. Stede will need to learn how to work with Ed's hair, but there's nothing wrong with scenes where Stede helps Ed with putting his hair up into a fancy style or washes it for him just because they both want to spend time together. The issue arises when you have implications that Ed needs that help and isn't capable of caring for his hair on his own.
What are some ideas for scenes involving Ed's hair care and routines?
There are so many wonderful scenes you can write about Ed's hair care routines! They can add dimension to domestic moments and make Ed's life feel more real. Here are some ideas I love.
Stede being excited to find new hair products at the market he knows Ed will love
The men of color on the Revenge having self-care nights to help each other care for their hair and skin
Ed patiently teaching Stede about how to care for his hair and trusting him to help him wash it
Ed having fun after settling down at their inn with experimenting with fun floral scents in his hair products
Ed teaching Stede how to put his hair in an elaborate, fancy style passed down from his mother
Stede carefully writing down Ed's hair care routine, from how he likes to rinse his hair with cool freshwater after a swim in the ocean to how he uses coconut oil to minimize frizz, and Ed being touched by his obvious care
In the show, Ed's hair looks amazing even at his lowest moments, so you could make art of him finding comfort in his hair even in the darkest times
There's so much you can do! I'd love seeing the balance of fics about Ed's hair shift towards mostly loving, thoughtful, non-racist depictions, so let's make that happen!
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boawawa · 2 days
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more old OFMD art. this was a traditional multi media piece on wood :)
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saltpepperbeard · 1 day
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I'll take care of you, take care of you. That's true.
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eddiepeaches · 1 day
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tiny pirates+kisses xoxo
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He's looking at a fancily-dressed blond man, who's having a hell of time trying to figure out how to use the launderette washing machine. ✨✨
We all saw the pics, it had to be drawn!
[But just in case you didn't, reference pic under the cut, and a time lapse for funsies!]
Screenshot from Rita's new music video:
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And the time lapse:
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jaskierx · 3 days
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mood board for when posts like ‘ed is sooo abusive bc he responded with violence when izzy was a teeny tiny bit mean in s10’ are on your fucking dash again :)
(feat. a lovely gif by @blakbonnet)
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amberstanislawa · 3 days
Okay I need to make a fresh post about it because. I just keep seeing it.
Are there really people out there who think this man needs someone to show him how to care for his hair and appearance?
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That's not just a bun, that's an updo. With carefully styled slut strands.
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He made his crew get makeovers so they'd match his aesthetic.
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This is a man who appreciates a look. You can't tell me you look at this man and think wow, he really needs a white guy to show him how to maintain personal grooming.
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He added costume elements to his coma roleplay
Please be so fucking for real. Stede washing Ed's hair can be a beautiful intimate moment and who doesn't love a scalp massage. But if I'm reading a fic/take/whatever and see anything about Stede teaching Ed how to care for his own hair (it's a totally different hair type!!! Stede wouldn't KNOW!!) I immediately stop reading and eventually I'm going to break something.
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ourflagmeansbts · 3 days
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Source (Season 2 - January 10th 2024)
lesdogggg: We came. We were pirates! We was RAD! Spanish Jackie was one of my favorites characters to play in my life!! Thank you @dvidjenkins and Tiaka for picking me for this role!
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Look, I just observe. This was all a dress rehearsal for gay pirates.
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