#fandom critical
jaskierx · 2 days
'the gentlebeardies are saying that ed's treatment of izzy wasn't abuse bc izzy got off on it!!!' no bestie the gentlebeardies ofmd fans are saying that it wasn't abuse AND that izzy got off on it, it's two points for the price of one, you lucky old thing x
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looseinthecatroom · 2 days
Oh it's an INSTA block if I hear any of y'all dragging Blitz for being "too horny", putting all the blame on him, or what. ever. the. fuck.
I know media literacy is low in this day and age, but if you can't see a deflection that super sized from space and grock at least SOME of the nuances of Blitz convincing himself that he just needs to be good enough at the physical aspect of a relationship to get by, then there's nothing worth talking about coming out of your mouth.
(Also better not see it tinged with the implication that horny is the "opposite" of """pure""" or emotionally open relationships. For the love of fuck. I mean, I stg. People these days, even folk who call themself queer, falling into that crap. It's absurd.)
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i’ll be digitally shot at for saying this but whatever im feeling brave tonight but swifties have unequivocally ruined fandom spaces. absolutely destroyed them
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thenixkat · 3 days
IDk just observing folks talking about how funny/cute or even worse 'this is why we treat her like a cat' about Izutsumi getting brainwashed into acting extremely unlike herself by the spell in the Golden Kingdom and being rightfully shocked and horrified when she's back in her right mind and recalls what happened.
Not a fan of the vibes.
[Come onto my post with shitty energy and you will be publicly mocked and blocked]
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
A reminder:
Robins: Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, Damian
Batboys: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke
Batkids: Dick, Barbara, Jason, Tim, Cass, Steph, Damian, Duke
Batsiblings: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass, Duke
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
So, just curious how many writers and creators will have to be forcibly outed by relentless harassment before we acknowledge that "This queer characters was written by a cishet person and that's why they're bad" is not good criticism.
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hneycmb · 3 months
Why is it that brainrotted fandom idiots will go "fandom is a space for FREAKS and WEIRDOS it's not your safe space 😡😡😡 if you don't like it you can LEAVE 😤😤😤" but then when someone asks them to stop treating black people in fandom spaces like shit they're all suddenly like "but ummmmm it's my safe space 🥺 the real world is mean and scary this is the only place I can go 🥺 racist harassment is my coping mechanism why won't you let people enjoy things 🥺"
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
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pixiecaps · 9 months
now this may sound crazy but did you know women and men can be friends without it needing to be dubbed a familial dynamic
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jaskierx · 7 months
okay there is a post going round about how izzy’s death means the writers are saying that only ‘socially acceptable’ queers get to have a happy ending
and first. what is socially acceptable about an entire ship full of pirates with diverse genders and sexualities and ethnicities and body types sailing off into the sunset while their two co-captains open an inn
and second. none of us are socially acceptable. ‘socially acceptable queers’ is an oxymoron. we see this every single day in the homophobia and transphobia that happens around us, that’s all over the press, that’s perpetuated by governments
you could be the most squeaky clean, socially acceptable, cishet passing, white male ordinary normal queer in the world and bigots are still going to call you a slur and try to deny you your basic human rights
if you think the show has stopped being groundbreaking because it killed off one of its entire cast of beautiful diverse queer characters then you never appreciated how transformative it is in the first place
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chissjedi · 9 months
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this is a PSA from your neighborhood ace asking you not to be an asshole
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theoddest1 · 3 months
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Aight, bro. Why do people keep making merch of Angel chained up and such? Why? It's practically fetishizing his abuse at this point. I would love a concrete reason for WHY this is something they decide to do. If there is a good reason that isn't tied to it being "sexy" I'd looove to hear it.
And there go Viv eating this shit up and encouraging it. Ofc she would.
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zukosdualdao · 13 days
“this isn’t fair! everyone else seems to trust me now. what is it with you?”
i hate how this line gets treated by zuko/zutara antis as evidence of zuko acting entitled to her forgiveness and him being in the wrong for the whole epiosde.
for one thing: zuko doesn’t even ask for her forgiveness here, let alone demand it. he sees the issue as being one of trust, and he is genuinely trying to figure out why she, specifically, doesn’t seem to trust him when he’s that’s the biggest reason he imagines for her reacting the way she is, and the rest of the gaang does. it’s only when she brings up ba sing se that he realizes how badly he hurt her on an emotional level, how she wanted to trust him then.
do i think he wants her forgiveness? well, yeah! he cares about what she thinks of him, he literally says it. but he doesn’t demand it of her; he is genuinely trying to figure out how to resolve this conflict.
and hey, i’m willing to own up to the fact that “this isn’t fair” isn’t a great opening line on that front, and that there’s a level of immaturity to it. katara’s behavior toward him was extremely understandable. but people act like zuko spends the entire episode acting that way when, upon katara’s response, he grows visibly remorseful, asks what he can do to make it up to her, and spends the rest of the episode trying to help her.
i’m also just a little defensive of zuko’s right to be immature, i guess. i feel like an unfair expectation gets put on him, by his detractors, that if he shows he’s still at all flawed in some way or another, that nullifies his redemption. and that’s just not how it works? he’s still a teenager, and a traumatized one, at that. he’s still learning, still working through a lot, and he’s certainly not always going to know the right thing to say or do. it does matter that he’s trying, even if he doesn’t always get it exactly right.
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cassberry · 4 months
Just as a note from someone who's been in mcytblr for years now, qsmpblr you really have to start reblogging more posts.
Out of all the mcytblr fandoms I've been in, qsmpblr has some of the worst reblog to like ratios I've seen and that's incredibly sad because there are so many talented people in this space.
Reblogging is super important because it moves posts out of a tag and as the Tumblr search system is atrocious, a lot of those posts are lost to time if not reblogged.
The only reason people are able to find old posts a lot of the time and keep them circulating is because someone reblogged it. It keeps the qsmpblr ecosystem alive when you reblog stuff!
I have 3-4 year old posts from hermitblr and trafficblr that still get notes to this day because people find them on other people's blogs.
I'm not saying you have to reblog every single post you come across and I'm not trying to make you feel guilty if you don't, that's silly. But if you like something maybe consider reblogging it as well.
Think of it like a corkboard on your wall, you get to display a cool post whether it's art or a text post for others to see, and the poster is happy that their post has been acknowledged. It's a win-win!
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shyjusticewarrior · 5 months
"Tim and Jason working together would complete each other cause Tim is brains and Jason is brawn-"
Wrong. Jason is smart.
Tim and Jason would be complimentary in a team up because Tim is idealism and Jason is cynicism.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 5 months
“not shipping remus/sirius feels homophobic” you know what else feels homophobic? giving a feminine sirius traits like ‘hysterical’ and ‘drama queen’ and ‘slut’, and then shipping them with a masculine, calm, and logical remus. why are you applying misogynistic heteronormative roles to your mlm ship and calling not shipping them homophobic. it’s really giving the “so who wears the pants in the relationship” kind of homophobia we should’ve left behind years ago
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