#orion writing
vanderilnde · 26 days
cw for kidnapping and emotional manipulation
Ghost spots a bird across the pub with her wings clipped. She trembles as she watches her friend disappear into the sea of gyrating bodies, holding onto a man she just met and is deciding to abandon her for.
“You don’t mind, right?” Her friend had asked.
She chirped ditheringly. “Um… sure, yeah. You go have fun.”
A fickle smile split her cheeks. A warm wash of liquid glossed her eyes.
Ghost watches her watching her friend. Sadness is written into her features. That type of sadness so deep-seated you feel it crushing your ribs, denting your heart. She sighs and hangs her head, staring down at her drink. Her ice cube has melted, the salt crusting her rim having hardened. Her shoulder start to shake.
Ghost decides it would be remiss of him to not check up on her. The bird with frilly feathers and bent wings, wounded, too feeble to fight back.
He throws back the rest of his drink. He doesn’t wince at the burn, but still, Ghost’s face puckers into something different. Something mean as he approaches her and lays his elbow on the bar’s sticky countertop, splitting his hand across the top of her spine.
“What’s a bird like you doin’ all alone?”
She girdles. It’s like she’s been folded in two and hung out to dry, the way she shrinks into herself and flexes her shoulders.
His words hang stagnant for a few seconds. Perhaps it will make him lose interest and slip away, but Ghost is a persistent one. The badges embroidered into his uniform are a testament to that.
He passes his thumb over her neck. She shivers.
“I… um. Well, my boyfriend’s in the bathroom.”
Ghost almost chuckles. The bird says it with such skittish conviction that surely, not even she believes it.
He grunts. “It’s rude to lie, y’know.”
She gulps. “My friend’s with me.”
“The one that just left you?” He asks. “A pretty shit friend, if you ask me. A bird like you deserves someone better.”
She purses her lips because they begin to quiver. She tries shouldering him away, tries blinking back the fat tears of brine that threaten to thaw and slip down her cheek. Her voice is distorted with discomfort and self-pity when she replies, “That’s stupid. I just want her to be happy.”
“And her?” Ghost prompts. He distracts her with his rough lilt as he slips his hand low, into the divot between her ass and waist. “How often does she fuck off with the men you fancy?“
She flinches. It’s the sudden recoil of her muscles, and her mind’s attempt at getting away from him.
“I-it’s not like that.”
“Yeah?” He asks. “It’s not like she leaves you alone every time you go out, lookin’ like a dolt when she finds someone more fun?”
She swallows thickly. Her lips warble around her next words. “… Sometimes, I guess.”
Ghost’s cock jumps. The fat mass pushes against his jeans, angled towards her.
“Yeah,” he croons. “I know how hard it can be. Why don’t you come over to my flat, huh? Give ‘er a taste of her own medicine.”
She inches away. Ghost only holds her tighter, gripping that broken little wing of hers and doting on it.
“I don’t… do that stuff. Sorry.”
Something primal in Ghost barks. That stuff. She’s never taken dick? Or never taken dick from a stranger? Either way, Ghost’s cock stirs and starts drooling on his thigh. She can probably see it. That blotchy stain on his jeans under the mellow lighting.
“I play nice, bird,” he mutters. “And wouldn’t it be nice to get back at them? Your mate? All those blokes who ignored you?”
She squeezes her thighs when Ghost settles his hand on her ass. She has trouble pulling them back apart, her thighs that is, as they’re adhered with slick.
“I asked you a question. Wouldn’t it be nice?”
“I guess so…” she whimpers. Keening into Ghost’s whispering touch, the heat of his cock.
He pulls a wad of cash from his pocket and slams it onto the table. He stands up, looking something like a predator on its hind legs, and pulls her from the barstool.
“Let’s go, pretty bird,” he leashes his hand around the base of her neck, leading her outside and into his rust-spattered truck. “You deserve it.”
A stroke of heat licks up her innards. She’s already dazed by the time she’s in his truck, preening as he splits his hand across her leg and digs divots into her thigh, kneading her supple flesh. She’s bleary eyes and impaired on arousal as they drive past the city’s margins and into the outback, the roads turning pebbled.
She’s too excited, too sweet to heed Ghost pulling her out of his truck and hauling her into a neglected flat.
She only feels his hands on her, big and warm. And the cool carbon steel of handcuffs locking around her ankle.
She smiles.
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James: *writes in Hindi "Will you let me marry your brother?" on piece of paper and gives the note to Reggie* Reg: What's that? James: It means "Did you like your dinner?". You know, we had Indian dinner and I'm teaching you Hind... You can take it and show off to Padfoot. Reg:Ooo, right * goes * Look, look. New sentence. Sirius: What does it mean? Reg: "Did you like your dinner?" Sirius: Yeah, I did. James: Write it down, Padfoot. Sirius, laughing: *writes "Yes" and signs* James: I HAVE THE CONTRACT SIGNED!
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marciaillust · 2 months
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Asterism book cover
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withered-tears · 4 months
Orion finds himself, for lack of a better term, playing with Megatron's fingers.
They are fascinating, in a way.
One would think the hands of a miner to be rough and clumsy.
But no. They are sturdy, thats for certain, but they have such a gentle touch.
Magatron resets his voicebox in a snort.
"Of course they are. Miner's hands must be strong enough to dig through raw material. But that strength would be all but worthless if we crushed any precious resources we stumbled across every time we tried to extract it from the walls."
Orion chuckles. "So your hands must be strong enough to be gentle. Like you, then."
Megatron laughs and effortlessly lifts Orion's thin frame into the air as the lightweight he is.
A lifetime later, Otimus Prime sits silently on the infirmary.
He watches as Ratchet welds closed the gouging claw marks the lattlest battle left in his armor.
For the millionth time, he mourns the loss of a gentle touch.
@quetzalpapalotl slides some more megaop angst your way uwu
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evanpeterswhoresblog · 5 months
Cherry Bomb (pt. 2)
James Potter x f!reader, Sirius Black x f!reader (mentioned)
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warnings: smut, unprotected p in v, oral (male receiving), oral (female receiving), switch james? brief fingering, heavy making out, i love this smut w my heart
summary: you proceed with the second part of your plan. james potter.
word count: 2.4k
a/n: i’m so bad at writing summaries i’m sorry, i promise it’s worth it lol. i suppose this could be a stand off but i like reading them in order. hope you enjoy :) also ps if there’s any mistakes i’m sorry grammarly told me it was fine but i don’t fully trust that hoe smh
James Potter was a different story. He thought of himself as a gentleman though not many seventeen-year-olds were gentlemen. He thought this solely because he was nothing like his best mate. He had to at least know a girl's name before taking her to bed. Though, he typically liked to know a bit more than just that. So, in order to shag James Potter, one must abide by a few more rules than with dear Sirius Black. One, she must be friendly. Two, she must have some knowledge of quidditch. Three, she must be willing to stroke his massive ego despite how humiliating it may be. And four, the most important rule, she must be ready to play along with his games. Because James Potter was a chaser in all senses. And oh, how he loved a good chase.
You peak around the corner of one of the hallways, a bit out of breath. You just ran down a few flights of stairs to get here. For a few seconds you search the hallway, then he appears. He’s alone. Good.
It’s been two weeks since your night with Sirius, and it hasn’t been easy. You regret your whole show of making him remember your name, it’s caused more harm than good. But it felt good in the moment, it felt more than good. Shagging Sirius all together became your best shag the second he pressed you against the wall and kissed you till you were out of breath. You regret picking him first. In retrospect though, you had no idea how much he’d care for a second time. He’s always been known as a one-nighter. It’s been hard having to deny him, and it’s been hard convincing him that he has you mistaken for another girl. But you’ve managed.
You feel bad about it, but you try not to pay it much mind as the second part of your plan is about to begin.
You clutch your books to your chest and begin to walk down the hallway, your face down. You know what his shoes look like. So, when they begin to come closer you loosen your grip on your books and shift your body ever so slightly so that you’re in his way. Inevitably, the two of you bump into each other, and your books quickly fall to the floor.
“Shit,” you say as you fall to your knees to start gathering your things.
“Sorry love, didn’t see you there. Let me help,” he replies, crouching down in front of you.
You look at him. “Oh, it’s alright, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Me either.” He laughs, handing you one of your papers. His eyes linger on yours. “I think I know you.”
“I doubt it.”
“No, I do. You’re the girl my mate Sirius thinks he shagged.”
You look away, pretending to be flustered. “I don’t know why he’s so set on me. I mean, I was at that party, but I went back to my dorm with my friend. And I think I’d remember a night with him you know, with his reputation.”
“Yeah, I dunno, he tends to get hammered and forget a lot,” he says. You look back at him and watch as he runs one of his hands through his dark curls. A habit of his. “I’m sure he’ll stop bothering you soon enough.”
“Yes, when the next girl is in his bed,” you reply. The two of you share a laugh and you pick up your last paper. You hold them close to your chest and stand, he follows. “Well thanks for helping, you’re very kind.”
He smiles that brilliant smile of his. “It’s only right.”
You return the smile. “I’ve got to get to class thanks again James.”
“You know my name? Are you one of my adoring fans?”
He’s smirking now, his arms folded across his chest. His ego is taking over. Perfect.
You shyly look down for a few seconds before meeting his eyes again. “Isn’t everyone a fan of the famous chaser from Gryffindor?”
“You’d be surprised how many aren’t.”
“Well, that lot must simply consist of fools.” You look down at your watch. “Seems I’m going to be a bit late to history of magic. ‘Suppose it’s alright, I don’t care for it much anyway. But I best be going, wouldn’t want to keep you from your class.”
“That’s quite kind of you y/n,” he says.
You raise a brow. “Oh? Do you happen to be one of my adoring fans?”
“Perhaps, or perhaps Sirius has been talking our ears off about you.”
“I think I like the first answer better.”
He smirks. “I see. It was nice running into you then. Literally.”
“Yes, it was.” You step past him, your eyes lingering on him for a few more seconds. “Goodbye then James.”
“Goodbye y/n.”
You leave fast with a smile on your face.
Phase one is complete.
For the next two weeks, you have more of those run ins with James. Each time having a different reaction. Some end in a sweet goodbye, some end with you barely acknowledging him at all, and some end in a quick walk through the halls together. You know how it messes with his head. One day you’re a girl who strokes his ego with flattering compliments, and another day you brush past him as if he doesn’t exist. By the sixth encounter, you relish in the knowledge that he’s starting to bump into you. Not the other way around.
“I’m starting to get Sirius. I suppose he wishes it was you that he shagged.”
The two of you are walking alone, not another person is in the hall. You look up at him, your cheeks flushing when you find him already looking down at you. He runs his hand through his hair. You hate how it makes your stomach fill with butterflies. You turn your head away.
“I don’t know why he would wish that with me.”
“I could name a few reasons,” he says.
You’ve stopped walking at this point. You turn your body to face him, another shy smile on your face. James Potter is such a charmer. You’ve known this. Yet his words affect you as if you have no idea about his reputation of being a flirt.
This is bad, you think.
It’s been hard enough resisting the urge to take Sirius up on another night together, even harder keeping up the lie that it never happened. You should stop this before it gets any worse, you know that. However, from the look James is giving you, you know you won't be able to stop this no matter how hard you try.
“Yeah?” You eventually challenge. “What reasons might those be Mr. Potter?”
“For starters, you are incredibly fit.” You watch his eyes trail up and down your body for a few seconds before returning to yours. “You’re kind, you’re funny, you make your interest noticeable, but you aren’t desperate.”
“I never claimed to be interested in you though, that’s an assumption.” You point out.
He takes a step closer to you, your breath catches in your throat. “So, if I were to, I dunno, snog you right now, you wouldn’t be pleased?”
Despite everything in your head screaming at you to snap out of it and push him away for the plan's sake, you can’t. No matter how hard you plan it seems that James Potter’s charm outdoes it. You don’t dare to move a muscle.
“I’m not sure, you might have to test and see.”
He takes another step. “I don’t want to be hexed though, if this experiment ends in the possibility of you not liking it.”
You take a step forward. The two of you are so close you can practically feel the heat radiating off his body.
“Probability and possibility are different you know.”
He lifts one of his hands to your chin, tilting it up ever so slightly. “So, it’s a possibility that you’ll push me off and hex me, and it’s a probability that you’ll...”
“Snog you harder.”
“Well, I suppose I’ll take my chances then.”
He begins to lean his head down, and you can’t stop yourself from leaning yours up, meeting him halfway. The first few seconds are gentle. You like how soft his lips are, how you can taste the mint chap stick on them. But once that initial new feeling fades so does the gentleness.
Within a few short minutes you’re no longer standing in the middle of a hallway being kissed as if it were your first. Instead, you’re pressed against the wall in a broom closet, with your shirt half unbuttoned and James Potter’s hand up your skirt. Your head falls back against the stone as he sucks the sweet spot on your neck, his thumb rubbing perfect circles on your clit. You run your hands through his curls, they’re just as soft as you expected.
“James,” you moan.
“Yes love?”
You struggle to catch your breath. “I don’t- we can’t- fuck.”
“Hm?” He presses his thumb down harder; you feel your orgasm approaching. “You alright?”
“Yes- just don’t stop,” you reply.
He lifts his head, his dark eyes meeting yours. “Whatever you want.”
It’s safe to say, after that, phase two is completed.
Another week passes before you reach phase three. You don’t know why but playing James’s game is awfully fun. You know you’ve got him, and he knows he’s got you, but neither of you will say it. So, before anything can move too far in the closets, one of you stops it with an excuse and the other doesn’t question it. Part of you keeps it going because you want him to say the words, and another part of you keeps it going because deep down you don’t want it to be over yet.
But everything must end eventually.
The game's ending comes on a quiet Friday night. James catches you after dinner, dragging you off to one of the now familiar closets. He wastes no time, instantly pressing his lips to yours the second the door closes. There’s a desperation on his lips you haven’t felt before, it excites you. Naturally, you kiss him back, your hands moving up to his hair, his moving down to your waist.
Only a few seconds pass like this, then he pulls back. You can barely see his eyes through the darkness, but what you can see tells you something different is going to happen. He’s starving and you are more than happy to give him a taste.
“Can I have you y/n?” He whispers.
“Have me?”
He nods, his hands roaming up your sides. You shiver. “I need it, need you. Now.”
“You can have me, as long as you promise to keep this between us.” You place your hands on his shoulders and push him till his back hits one of the walls. “We wouldn’t want Sirius to be jealous that you actually got to shag me. You haven’t told any of them about this have you?”
“I have not, and I won’t. I swear,” he answers. “You can trust me.”
You smile and press a small kiss to his lips before lowering yourself to your knees. “I know I can. You’re a very sweet guy James and for that I’m going to show my appreciation.”
“You don’t have to-”
You begin to undo his belt. “I want to.”
“You sure?”
You unzip his trousers and pull away the fabric. You’re not surprised to find him already hard. You also aren’t surprised at how big he is. From the girls you’ve known to have shagged him, only good things came from them. You don’t waste any more time. You take him in your mouth and as far down your throat as possible. Blow jobs have never been your favorite activity, but from the sound that leaves James’s lips you know you’ll enjoy this specific one.
And you do.
You don’t know how much time passes by the time he’s cumming down your throat, but you do know you’ve enjoyed every moment. He moans your name louder than he should, his fingers tangled in your hair as he cums. Typically, you’d spit but this time you swallow. When you’re sure he’s done you pull back and rise, whipping your drool with the back of your hand.
James is breathless when he reaches for you. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss you, nor to return the favor. Your legs shake as he buries his face between them, licking and sucking your clit at a perfect rhythm. It’s not long before it’s your turn to come undone due to his mouth. You have to hold yourself up on the wall as you finish, you practically see stars.
You pull him back up a minute later and wrap your arms around his neck. He kisses you once again and you savor the taste of yourself on his lips. It’s like a prize. And a memory you will forever cherish.
“Fuck me James,” you whisper eventually. “Like you mean it.”
“Your wish is my command,” he replies.
His hands fall to your thighs, and he lifts you up. You comply, wrapping your legs around his waist as he positions his hard again cock at your entrance. He enters you slowly, both of you savoring the feeling. He stretches you in an indescribable way that makes your toes curl. You hold him tight as he begins to fuck you.
Due to his active role in quidditch, his stamina is very built. He fucks you through two more orgasms before he even begins to show a sign of finishing. Tears role down your cheeks from the overstimulation, he asks you if you want to stop. You shake your head. He continues. Each thrust hits that spot inside you that makes your eyes roll back into your head. When he does eventually finish, he fills you up, his dick pulsing inside you.
He holds you tight after, his face tucked in your neck.
“You’re amazing,” he mumbles, his breath ragged. “I think I’d like to keep you.”
In this moment, you forget about your plan, and you turn your head to press a soft kiss to his sweaty head.
“I wouldn’t mind that.”
As you lie in bed that night with your diary in hand, a fresh checkmark next to James’s name, you wonder how you’re supposed to go on to the next part. Too many emotions have gotten involved from you, James, and Sirius. You know adding another person into the mix will only cause further issues. However, you also did save the best for last. Intentionally. At least, you think so anyway. James and Sirius have given you times you didn’t know you could ever have.
But then your eyes trail over the last name again.
Remus Lupin.
The show must go on.
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thunderwetter · 30 days
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TransforMay Days 1 - 3 " Humble Origins" Our most recent Optimus - Orion Pax from TF:One - admiring the origins of his character - the original G1 Optimus Prime toy!
Wrote this little poem to go along with it: Before him stood a little toy built from plastic and alloy. Impressed, young Pax proclaimed in glee: "This tiny creature looks like me!" Little did our soldier know, that soon he too will learn and grow. Optimus Prime his name shall be and hope will be his legacy.
Find this post on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55659586 And the collection for my Prompt List where hopefully soon others will upload their stuff aswell ^-^ https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Bwans_TransforMay_2024
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aspiring-artist-em · 7 months
They never got married.
Not really.
But Sirius likes to count the one time they went to London and used the muggle marriage machine. It was like magic, how the screen lit up and displayed vows. Sirius was hanging onto his lover's arm as he input their names.
"Love, you have to let go, I need to get my coin."
Sirius remembers groaning and releasing his hold for a brief minute, choosing to wrap himself around his boyfriend's waist. He earned himself a chuckle. Sirius would cling to the sound of that laugh, grasp at the memory to keep himself sane.
The machine chimed. Sirius was guided in front of the screen, the prompt reading, "Sirius Black, do you take --- to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Sirius had smiled and clicked "I do."
His lover did the same.
The sound of the machine whirring to life filled their ears, the gears turning inside the broken down thing marking themselves known, until it chimed as a small thud could be heard. His lover reached in and grabbed the small container, getting on one knee and revealing a ring. Sirius remembers the way he smiled and nodded as his lover slipped it over his finger and sealed their counterfeit matrimony with a kiss.
They never got married.
Not really.
After the sentencing, when Sirius was shoveled into Azkaban, Remus had thrown away that ring. It was cheap plastic, he had no use for it. And besides, why would he want to be tied to the man who betrayed and killed his best friends. He wasn't the man Remus thought he was, therefore their relationship was nothing but fake, a game of childhood pretend. It never happened, as far as Remus was concerned.
Besides, Remus was better off without Sirius, and so the ring now lies in a landfill on the outskirts of London, and the two had never even dated.
They never got married.
Not really.
But Sirius refuses to let the memory go, and the ring still sits on his finger, broken down by the wear and tear of twelve years in prison. It falls off of his bony fingers, but it's miraculously still there. Sirius twists it around and around and around to ground himself and oh, the memory keeps his fragile mind from shattering beyond repair.
Sirius just wishes he could remember who he made it with.
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outromoony · 1 month
"Let it once be me"
Wolfstar microfic | Word count: 984 | ttpdmicrofic
Sirius was crying in his bed.
Remus could hear him quietly sobbing beneath the covers. He usually couldn't, not when the other boy was always so careful to cast silence charms when he was having a bad night, but he could hear him now, and the sound of it was threatening to tear him apart.
Remus had never seen Sirius cry, at least not openly. Sirius never let him see him in that state; he always tried to run away from him to James or even Peter to comfort him when something happened. It was usually family matters, or at least that's what Remus thought, since Sirius would never open up to him. It hurt him, knowing that Sirius was in any type of pain, knowing that anyone had the power to make him look so vulnerable, and it hurt him that Sirius never trusted him with his secrets the way Remus trusted Sirius with his; he trusted him blindly with his secrets, with every single thought that made him who he was. Yet Sirius seemed to be breaking apart too often lately, and he couldn't even stand to look at Remus right in the eyes when it happened.
He got out of his own bed and followed the sound of Sirius's tears. They stopped instantly, and Remus knew Sirius must have heard him.
"Sirius?" Remus whispered close to the curtains. A noise close to a choke came out of them, and then Sirius emerged from behind, not meeting Remus's gaze.
"Sorry I woke you up," Sirius sniffed. Remus knew that the reason he was trying to look in the opposite direction was because Remus could see perfectly in the dark, and he didn't want him to see his red eyes and swollen face. "I was just—"
"What's wrong?" Remus asked before Sirius could finish, trying to be as gentle as possible. What if the reason Sirius never talked to him was because he was bad with words? Because he was too cold? "Sirius, please talk to me."
"It's nothing, just..." Sirius swallowed, closing his eyes. "I will just talk to James in the morning."
That was like a punch in the stomach to hear, because Remus was right there, yet Sirius preferred to wait hours to speak with James about it, and if he couldn't, Remus knew he would prefer not to talk about it at all.
"I—am I too harsh? Do you think I wouldn't understand? That I would judge you?" Remus couldn't wrap his mind around what Sirius might think of him, and maybe that was his own fault for trying so hard to keep a facade for everyone else. "I know you don't trust me, and that's fine; you don't have to, but just please—"
"Fuck, Remus, I trust you with my life," Sirius finally looked at him, and the only thing Remus could see in his beautiful blue eyes was pure sadness. "I trust you with everything I am; this has nothing to do with trust."
"Then what?" Remus almost shouted, almost forgetting it was three in the morning and the rest of his friends were sleeping peacefully. "Why do you always push me away when you're feeling down? Why would you never talk to me? Why is it always James, Peter, or even sometimes the girls? Sirius, please, just... let it be me; let it once be me."
Sirius was looking at him with wide eyes, and when he finally spoke, his voice sounded so small it almost made Remus cry.
"It has always been you," He said those words as if they were the secret of the creation of the universe, as if that was the answer Remus had been waiting for. "It has always been you; everyone knows it but you."
"What are you—"
"You're the reason I try to be strong, the reason I try to stop the tears from falling and the heart from aching, because you once told me I was the bravest boy you've ever met, but I am not, Remus, not anymore, and I cannot stand to look at you when I am a bloody tangle of sadness for something so fucking stupid."
"And you're so... you, and in everything I do, in every decision I take, there's always your name in the back of my mind, and I want you to love me so fucking bad, but how could you ever do that when I'm just a pile of disaster and sadness?"
"I love you," Remus responded almost immediately without even thinking about it, meaning every word. "I love you—the brave you, the sad you, the disaster you. That's not changing, Sirius, ever; there's nothing you could do or say that would make me feel different about you; you dont need to pretend with me, to hide. I thought we stopped hiding from each other a long time ago."
"You just—you don't understend, Remus; you would not be saying this if you knew how I feel about you. You don't love me the way I love you; you don't—"
"I do," Remus whispered softly. He bent down slightly to remove Sirius's hand from his face and took it between his own, kissing his knuckles. "I really fucking do."
Sirius held his breath the moment Remus spoke those words, his hand almost shaking when Remus lifted it to touch his lips. His eyes were mostly full of something like surprise and disbelief; but behind all of that, Remus could see love—oh, so much love.
"So..." Remus spoke when Sirius didn't. "Can it be me? Please? Just this one time."
And then Sirius finally smiled, a tender expression crossing his face. “Maybe it’s time we let it be us.”
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bloominglegumes · 1 month
im.hunting for secrets in the tf one trailer because i'm normal
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there are markings on this guy's chest and shoulder that seem too deliberately designed to not be some kind of writing, but comparing it to cybertronian alphabets that have been presented before, i cannot for the life of me make out what it could be
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bottom right purple text only has "MINE" visible in the shot
top middle text says "HA'LS" in gold (or at least i'm assuming it does, i'm not sure what the little dash in the middle is meant to be) and "BAR" in green
i hope they get in a bar fight. i love bar fight scenes
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just thought it was funny that "IACON 5000" is written in english,, i assume it's because this setting is more important to the story and other text is mainly easter egg purposes
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the clearest frames i could pick out showing megsy's first alt mode. just for fun
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alpha trion is some kind of mossy mystical cave unicorn creature
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alpha trion is some kind of mossy cave creature who plucks organs out of rusting bodies and shoves them into people no hesitation
note alpha trion is also huge. (comparable size to the very creature-type bodies all around this cave area?)
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this shot was deliberately chosen to highlight this dead guy for some reason
gold and blue, claws, big feathered wings ringing bells for anyone??
if they're an existing character, i don't know who it could be
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the way baby megs is kneeling, gently placing his hand on the face and talking to it seems reverent or like he's confiding in it, so like duh showing that he feels connected to it in some kind of intimate, emotional way
(dead bodies don't turn grey in this universe, judging from the winged blue+gold guy, so.is little megs hanging out with a giant head is that what's going on)
note d-16 has the decepticon insignia already on his left shoulder throughout the whole trailer, and it seems about as beat-up and grimy as the rest of him, so it has to have been there for a good while
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"You don't get to tell me about sad."
~ Taylor Swift (Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?) (Nonromantic)Pairing: Black Brothers Angst- Rating: T
"C'mon, Reggie! Merlin, it killed me to leave! You know that!" Sirius cried, tears streaming down his face.
But Regulus couldn't even look at him. Couldn't find an ounce of pity in his bones for the brother who'd abandoned him. Couldn't even keep a straight face.
He laughed derisively, a manic grin on his face. "Killed you?"
After a beat, he looked up, face contorting with rage, slamming a fist on the table. "Sirius, you got to leave! Forgive me if I don't feel bad for you for being able to spend your summers with the Potters and their manor and their bloody perfect life! Meanwhile, I-" he cut himself off, thinking of those years without Sirius. The stifling summers filled with anguish and pain and loneliness.
"You don't get to tell me about your pain," Regulus nearly growled, advancing on his brother, who looked almost scared. "Not when you chose to walk away from mine."
Then he stood there, chest heaving, staring at his brother and begging him in his head:
Apologize. Please. Come back to me. Save me. I don't want this.
But Sirius, nothing if not consistent, just nodded and turned wordlessly. Leaving again.
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mskenway97 · 1 month
Orion and his little human snuggling up into his neck 🥺 while he smiles and pet their head with a digit hngngngng
Awww I died of tenderness 🥰🥰.
You've given me to write this little drabble:
Your situation had become somewhat peculiar. Your ship crashes and you have nowhere to go back to... so you have a big robot who has decided to keep you without knowing his intentions and so on.
The bad thing is that you couldn't explain anything to him just because he didn't understand you. You looked like a kitten trying to get attention. Partly you were embarrassed to do so since you were only getting pats on the head, much to your dismay.
You had stopped trying so hard a few days ago. It wasn't worth it, you sighed as you looked out the window. You admired the cybernetic atmosphere of the buildings. You started to think about your own home, if you would be missed. You were doing all this for survival... You had tried several times to sneak away.
You just wanted to go back... It was the only thing you wanted and that someone at least understood what you were saying.
You sighed to hear some footsteps you knew it was him but you were not in the mood to show a fake smile. You didn't feel like pretending... There he was with his smile and you didn't even flinch to see that his expression had changed to what appeared to be concerned.
You were so deep in thought that you felt his servos pick you up and leave you. Again, that butterfly sensation that you tried to ignore but couldn't. You were surprised that this time it was the same.
You were surprised that this time he left you on his shoulder... You took a comfortable position... It was pleasant, you felt some warmth while you felt a caress on your head.
It gave you nostalgia... and memories of how you were taken care of before.
For a long time you started to feel like at home...
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vanderilnde · 4 months
so the neighborhood with butcher!simon is dangerous 🤔🤔
how would he react to reader’s apartment getting broken into while they’re both at home?
i think he would make good use of the meat grinder at the butcher shop if you uhhhh catch my drift
anon your mind!!
it would start as three soft rasps next door, which already stirs Simon’s intrigue. he hears a man’s voice sifting through the corridor, in front of your flat, and poises himself like a dog that’s about to attack.
it’s something about coming to fix leak, and fleetingly, a stint of envy lays hold of Simon. why didn’t you ask him? hasn’t he already made it clear it’s his duty to help you? you’re a woman alone in neglected Manchester. he doesn’t want you asking others for help.
your voice cuts a way through the wall. “I didn’t call for a plumber?” and if Simon’s hackles weren’t raised, if he wasn’t acutely aware, he would have cooed at the confusion distorting your voice.
the plumber presses, insisting you open the door. I’ve already driven all the way here, you called me a week ago—you just don’t remember.
a whisper of fear seizes you. and on the other side of the wall, Simon bares his teeth. he’s had his fair-share of shady shit. worked in dodgy places for dodgy people, so it clicks in his brain like violet light when the aforementioned plumber quietens, presentiment hanging in the air.
then, a crack. resounding, but not unbecoming for this area of town. the plumber is hurling his body against the fickle wood of your door, making a depression within the timber.
bang, bang, bang, and the splitting of wood is all you hear. your brain is too high-strung to recognise Simon’s door opening, or the sound of battering on your door ripening into the hollow sound of flesh against flesh. knuckles splitting against bone, a soft, snuffed-out holler that seems to get smothered under the bubbling of blood and fists.
your mind is reeling. your brain is delayed. belatedly, you catch up. you set your cheek to your door, your tears sticking to the wood. sniffling. “hello?”
“’m here, love, it’s me,” Simon replies. his voice is heavier than usual, caught on the angry chatter of his teeth. “don’t come out, okay? stay there.”
Simon stands in the middle of the corridor, huffing like a bull. there’s blood and salt crusted in the margins of his hands—more than he’s ever had at the butcher shop.
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msvanillalatte · 5 months
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Sirius and you had been a couple for a long time. You both loved eachother, but there were some rules.
The two of you always showed affection with physical touch. For some couples it might be annoying, but for you, it was awesome. You both couldn't keep your hands off of eachother. But, the thing is, Sirius always wants to show the others. And it is sweet of him, but you being an easily embarrased person, being kissed in the neck in front of others could get you blushing hard in no time.
That's why you both started the "No PDA" rule. I mean, you could hug, and kiss and hold hands, but that was it. Sirius had to keep his hands off of you if he wanted more, at least in public. So the days he was feeling extra clingy or needy, it would be torture for him.
Of course you always helped him, but when you were alone. You would do anything he asked for, and you both enjoyed it. He would randomly place you on his lap and kiss your shoulder, or he would lay on top of you and mark all your collarbone with love-bites while carresing your hips. He loved touching you everywhere.
Sometimes, Sirius would also transform into a dog and cuddle in your lap, asking to be pet. He would constantly kiss your cheek if you didn't, and you would end up giggling and laughing. Sirius loved to see you smile and laugh because of him.
You loved that. You loved when Sirius was like this in private, but he wanted to show you off sometimes, so he would make you leave your hickeys as they were and not cover them up, so that the rest of the people could see.
301 words.
A bit of fluff here ;)
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not-rab · 2 months
part six of Music and Memories, a Marauders band AU
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part five | part seven
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soup-of-the-daisies · 8 months
so i think that even with orion and walburga being less pure evil than fandom portrays them sirius still has the right to go no contact with them bc for him it’d be like. my father forcibly forgets i exist and my mother only loves me as an extension of herself. i am their first child i am their favourite child but i’ll never be told i make them proud. all of me comes from them but they don’t like looking into the mirror. i remember a hand around mine guiding me in drawing letters but i’m unsure if that hand looked like my own does now. my mother almost murdered a teacher once for saying i was impossible but turned around and claimed he was correct right after. they told me what my favourite colour was and don’t acknowledge i’ve since found a different one myself. my father would rip a hole through the fabric of space and time to haul me away from danger but he can’t even dredge up the energy to fake interest in how i’ve been. i have my mothers eyes and she refuses to accept i don’t see the world like she does. all i want from them is that they see me as me, but they keep looking away and say that i am theirs. i will be the downfall of this family and they’ll blame each other but agree i didn’t try hard enough. i’ll burn my likeness from that tapestry myself.
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faeofdusk · 1 year
OC havers please vote and share, I want to check something
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