#sirius and remus
my-castles-crumbling · 19 hours
incantation - @wolfstarmicrofic - 241
"So," James whispered, standing next to Sirius as they both waved their wands just how Flitwick had shown them, "when are you gonna tell Moony?"
"Tell Moony what?" Sirius responded, trying not to look too suspicious as he practiced the incantation in his head.
"That you're gone for him," James answered casually, smirking as he began to mumble Expecto Patronum, only to achieve white smoke.
"Wh-what?" Sirius stuttered, turning to James, who looked smug.
"You were staring at him the whole lecture. You doodle moons in your notes. Your Amortentia smells like chocolate, for fuck's sake," James chided, furrowing his eyebrows as he only conjured smoke again. "It's bloody obvious to everyone except Moony himself, Pads."
"You're barking," Sirius denied, rolling his eyes. But it was Remus who he was picturing as he focused himself on the spell. Remus, whose eyes were the perfect shade of brown. Remus, whose smile always made Sirius feel so safe, and a bit floaty. "Expecto Patronum," he murmured, his heart leaping when a corporeal animal jumped from the tip of his wand.
But James let out of a shout of laughter when they saw what it was: a giant, silvery wolf, short snout and tufted tail making him distinct in every way. "Yeah, Pads? Wanna tell me again what you said a second ago?"
And, blushing crimson, Sirius stared at Patronus-Moony, unable to deny his feelings, knowing that his own spell had sold him out.
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outromoony · 2 days
Blind date
@wolfstarmicrofic | Word count: 215
"So... how was the date, mate?" James asked eagerly as soon as he saw Sirius, raising his eyebrows with curiosity. He had been insisting that Sirius try a blind date for a change, and it had been...
"Amazing," Sirius replied honestly, unable to suppress the huge smile spreading across his face. "He was... the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. You know how much I hate Greek mythology, but he loved it. And you know what? For the first time in my life, it sounded like the most interesting thing in the world. He loves books, and—"
"Wait," James interrupted, a confused expression on his face. "You said 'he'?"
Sirius frowned. "Yes... what's wrong with that?"
James's eyes widened. "The blind date I arranged for you... it was with a girl."
It was Sirius's turn to look surprised. He had been so enchanted by the beautiful stranger that he hadn't even checked his phone all night. He pulled it out of his pocket and froze as he read the message from hours ago:
"I am so sorry! I don't think I will make it in time for our date. Do you think we could reschedule?"
He stood there, trying to make sense of it. Who the hell had Sirius gone on a date with then?
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hedgehog-troops · 2 days
guys... guys. hot take
but nobody really truly gave a fick about the marauders aside from people who disliked them, and the teachers who likes them. mind you im in a very marauderesque group rn (the only difference is that nobody knows thats its us when we're doing shit)
but you mean to tell me that literally no body in the entire school noticed that these 4 apparently really popular kids went missing for a day or two every month on a full moon and never reconsidered it? nah they simply gave no shits.
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lulublack90 · 3 days
Prompt 30 - Breakup
@wolfstarmicrofic May 30, word count 352
“Enough, Remus! I’m done with the secrets and the lies.” Sirius shook the tears from his eyes. “I’m done.” He grabbed his leather jacket and stormed out of their flat. 
He knew they had to keep secrets. It was Dumbledore’s orders. But Remus literally never told him anything but lies these days. This had been the final straw. Frank Longbottom had seen him hanging out in a muggle bar with a group of known werewolves. Sirius had asked him about it, and it had not gone well. He replayed the conversation in his head. 
“So where have you been all day then?” He asked as he peeled the carrots for dinner. 
“Guard duty, you know how it is, totally boring. I’m glad I took my book with me.” He slurred slightly as he opened the fridge, looking for another beer. 
“You smell like a brewery,” Sirius bit back. Remus paused. 
“Well, yeah, Frank and I went for a pint when our shift was done,” Remus answered as he cracked open the beer. 
“Frank had a meeting with Moody all afternoon,” Sirius said blankly. Remus blanched. “I actually met up with Frank earlier,” Sirius put the knife down, not trusting himself to chop while he confronted Remus. “So, where were you?” 
“Dumbledore’s orders, can’t tell you.” Remus snarled at the look on Sirius’s face. That was the moment that Sirius knew something was wrong. They’d always trusted each other, always. Remus hanging out with other werewolves was one thing, but not trusting Sirius enough to tell him was something else. He couldn’t take it anymore. It was killing him. 
He apparated to the Potter’s. He’d go back and get his stuff when Remus next left the flat. He knocked on the pretty red door and waited. As soon as James appeared, bathed in the soft glow from within, he broke down. 
“We broke up,” He sobbed in his best friend's arms. James gathered him up and took him inside. He wrapped him in Sirius’s favourite fluffy blanket and sat down with him on the sofa, holding Sirius while his heart shattered into pieces. 
Part 2
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orangemuffinss · 1 day
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stareggie · 4 months
remus: men have prostates in their ass for a reason.
sirius: you used to be shy, now you’re a whore.
remus: character development.
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whoisflattery · 6 months
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2023 // 2022
everyone loves moony 🤲🏻
the art drawn in 2022 was a success, but i honestly hated the way i did it and dreamed of redrawing it. i hope you like the new version too. 💖
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fox-marauder · 27 days
Sirius: i have no value :( Remus: that's not what i said! Remus: i said you had no nutritional value. because i said i wanted to eat something and you said 'me' Sirius: i have no value :( Remus: NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE Sirius :(
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darkcademiasss · 2 months
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not-rab · 8 days
James: listen, being gay isn’t a choice you make… it’s a choice I make
Remus: what-
James: *brings out Sirius*
Sirius: *waves*
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(slightly) poorly timed confession - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 159
"D'you ever have dreams about me?" Sirius asked, his thoughtful voice as vague as his expression, which was glazed over from the heat and incense seeping through the room.
James, flipping through the Divination text to define the meaning of their dreams, paused. "I dreamt we all got a detention for turning Slughorn into an actual slug once. Does that count?"
"Nah, just..." Sirius drifted off, but then his gaze snapped back to James's. "You never dream of me? Or- or Moony? Or Pete?"
"Not in detail," James answered uncomfortably, shifting on the cushion he was sitting on. "Why?"
The other boy paused. "What d'you suppose it means that I dream about Remus? Like...a lot?" he questioned softly, his face tinging a bit pink. "Like sometimes, we're k-"
But James, who had seen this coming for a while, just chuckled, closing the book in his hands, and interrupted by saying, "Nothing you can find in this stupid book, mate."
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outromoony · 23 hours
HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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spookeart · 8 months
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I love them an unhealthy amount
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lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 31 - Second Chances
@wolfstarmicrofic May 31, word count 996
Second part to Prompt 30 - Breakup
His body was shaking from head to toe. Sirius was gone. Sirius had left him all because Dumbledore had forbidden him from telling him about what his true purpose in the Order was. 
“ARGH!!!!!” He screamed into the empty flat as tears began to stream down his face. He’d had enough of this, he wasn’t going to lose the love of his life to keep the secrets of a dotty old man. 
He stormed out of the flat and apparated to the gates of Hogwarts. The walk-up to the castle took so much longer than Remus remembered. Dumbledore was waiting for him at the castle's entrance. 
“Good evening Remus,” The headmaster asked calmly. 
“We need to talk,” Remus tried to say evenly, but it came out sharper than he meant. 
“This way, Mr Lupin,” Dumbledore turned and led him into the school. Dumbledore led him into the great hall and into a small room off to the side. “What can I do for you?” Dumbledore asked.
Remus stole himself, he wasn’t going to lose Sirius.
“I need to tell Sirius,”
“No,” Dumbledore said bluntly. 
“It’s not a discussion, Albus. I am telling him.” He spat back. 
“Why now?” The headmaster asked curiously. 
“He left me because you made me lie to him, and he knew I was lying.” He looked Dumbledore dead in the eyes. “I refuse to lose him because of you,” 
He was surprised when Dumbledore nodded in agreement. 
“He will need to make an unbreakable vow,” Dumbledore told him. Remus felt a small drop of hope form within him. 
“Yes, Sir. Thank you." He turned and almost ran out the door. 
“Oh, Remus, before you go,” Remus looked back at the headmaster’s serious face. “Sirius is the only one you may tell and only if you fully trust him. Remember there is a spy amongst us.”
“It’s not him,” Remus snarled. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard that. “It’s not him,” He said again firmly, as he sped through the doors before Dumbledore could say anything else. That had been far too easy, but Remus didn’t have time to figure out what the old wizard was up to, he had a relationship to save.
He arrived outside the Potter’s house. It was the only place Sirius would go. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. James answered. 
“Remus!” James choked out. “Er, I don’t think this is the best time.” 
“Let me in, James,” Remus ordered. James exhaled a long breath and dragged his hand through his hair, making it stick up on end. He moved aside and let Remus in. 
Sirius was curled up on the sofa with Lily’s arms wrapped around him and a cup of tea in his hands. Lily turned first, her eyes widening when she saw him. 
“Sirius,” His voice was croaky as it filled with emotion. He cleared it. “Sirius, please, can we talk? I need to tell you why.” He waited and waited, praying that Sirius would give him a second chance. Sirius slowly turned his head. The skin around his eyes was puffy and red. He must have been crying all night. “Please,” He whispered. He could see all the hurt on Sirius’s face, but he nodded and Remus let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. 
“It’s okay, Lily.” Sirius patted her leg. Lily turned on Remus as Sirius unwrapped himself from the blanket.
“If you hurt him again you’ll have me to answer to,” She warned. Remus wasn’t prepared to cross Lily Potter. He may be a werewolf, but she was scarier than he’d ever been if she thought her loved ones were in trouble. 
“Can we go back to the flat?” Remus suggested. Sirius looked at James and, after having a silent conversation, Sirius looked back at Remus and nodded. 
Sirius walked out of the house after hugging Lily and James. Remus followed. 
Back at the flat, Sirius stared at him with his arms folded across his chest. He didn’t look angry, he looked unsure. 
“Sirius,” Remus moved to touch him, but Sirius flinched away from him. Remus swallowed. “Sirius, I’m going to tell you everything. Dumbledore has given me permission, but there’s one condition before I do.”
“What?” Sirius finally spoke to him. 
“Dumbledore has demanded that we perform an unbreakable vow.” Anger flashed across Sirius’s face. 
“Because you don’t trust me?!” He wasn’t quite shouting but it was close. 
“Sirius, if it was my choice I would have told you every day what I’ve done. I’d tell you every little detail, but he won’t let me.” He looked at Sirius, begging him to agree. “Please, Sirius, please. I love you, I can’t lose you. Please, Sirius.” Tears were dripping down his face again. 
“Okay, Remus, I’ll do it.” Sirius sighed. 
“Thank you,” 
They performed the vow at Hogwarts with Dumbledore as the witness. Sirius had been warned by Dumbledore what this meant and that he could not tell anyone about what Remus did, or he would put him in danger. Sirius agreed to everything. 
They watched as the thin flames licked over their linked hands as the vow settled into their skin. 
When it was over, Remus took Sirius home and told him everything. He told him about the research. He told Sirius about the wolf packs that he’d integrated himself into, to try and get them to stay neutral or even fight for their side. Sirius sat in silence as Remus unloaded all the secrets he’d been dying to tell Sirius for over a year. 
“It must have been killing you to keep all those secrets, Moony,” Sirius said quietly after Remus had finished talking. He cupped Remus’s face in his hands. “You’re not alone anymore, Remus. I’ll help you shoulder this burden.” Sirius leaned in and kissed him, their tears mixing on their faces as their kiss deepened. Remus felt nothing but relief and love for the man in front of him.
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lyr-caelum · 9 months
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Wolfstar being wolfstar
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vickachicken · 9 months
James: You’re the most jealous person I know.
Sirius: You know other people?
James: Shouldn't you focus this energy on Moony?
Sirius: No I'm just surprised you know other people
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