#remus x sirius
charlie-old-one · 2 days
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I love raining day 🌧️
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my-castles-crumbling · 19 hours
incantation - @wolfstarmicrofic - 241
"So," James whispered, standing next to Sirius as they both waved their wands just how Flitwick had shown them, "when are you gonna tell Moony?"
"Tell Moony what?" Sirius responded, trying not to look too suspicious as he practiced the incantation in his head.
"That you're gone for him," James answered casually, smirking as he began to mumble Expecto Patronum, only to achieve white smoke.
"Wh-what?" Sirius stuttered, turning to James, who looked smug.
"You were staring at him the whole lecture. You doodle moons in your notes. Your Amortentia smells like chocolate, for fuck's sake," James chided, furrowing his eyebrows as he only conjured smoke again. "It's bloody obvious to everyone except Moony himself, Pads."
"You're barking," Sirius denied, rolling his eyes. But it was Remus who he was picturing as he focused himself on the spell. Remus, whose eyes were the perfect shade of brown. Remus, whose smile always made Sirius feel so safe, and a bit floaty. "Expecto Patronum," he murmured, his heart leaping when a corporeal animal jumped from the tip of his wand.
But James let out of a shout of laughter when they saw what it was: a giant, silvery wolf, short snout and tufted tail making him distinct in every way. "Yeah, Pads? Wanna tell me again what you said a second ago?"
And, blushing crimson, Sirius stared at Patronus-Moony, unable to deny his feelings, knowing that his own spell had sold him out.
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outromoony · 2 days
Blind date
@wolfstarmicrofic | Word count: 215
"So... how was the date, mate?" James asked eagerly as soon as he saw Sirius, raising his eyebrows with curiosity. He had been insisting that Sirius try a blind date for a change, and it had been...
"Amazing," Sirius replied honestly, unable to suppress the huge smile spreading across his face. "He was... the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. You know how much I hate Greek mythology, but he loved it. And you know what? For the first time in my life, it sounded like the most interesting thing in the world. He loves books, and—"
"Wait," James interrupted, a confused expression on his face. "You said 'he'?"
Sirius frowned. "Yes... what's wrong with that?"
James's eyes widened. "The blind date I arranged for you... it was with a girl."
It was Sirius's turn to look surprised. He had been so enchanted by the beautiful stranger that he hadn't even checked his phone all night. He pulled it out of his pocket and froze as he read the message from hours ago:
"I am so sorry! I don't think I will make it in time for our date. Do you think we could reschedule?"
He stood there, trying to make sense of it. Who the hell had Sirius gone on a date with then?
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oatmilkbasic · 2 days
may 25: makeover | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 407
It hadn’t been long since Sirius’s escape, and even less since he'd moved back into the flat. “I need a haircut,” he declared one day, so softly that Remus might have missed it if he wasn’t growing accustomed to this quiet, skittish version of Sirius. 
“Would you like me to do it?” Remus asked politely as he cleared the dishes. 
Something— panic, maybe— briefly flickered across Sirius’s face, but it was gone in an instant and he nodded.  
Sirius perched on the edge of the bathtub. Remus stood behind him, holding the shears. He was still tall and willowy as ever, but twelve years had been good to him, and it was without that old air of awkwardness that he leaned down. He had grown into his skin; it seemed Sirius had grown out of his. He hunched over now, and his skin had taken on a pallor that made his usually fair complexion only look sickly. And then, of course, was his hair, limp and stringy as if was perpetually damp. 
All of it made Remus want to hold him very tight and never let go. 
“How much off?” 
Sirius tugged a lock of hair over his shoulder and pinched it at different lengths before settling on a point just beneath his shoulder. “Here,” he said. It was how he used to wear it, Remus noticed instantly. 
It should have made him sad. It should have made him mourn the twelve years they lost, or curse the betrayal that made it so. And it did, deep down, but it was smothered by relief. This was a step towards normalcy— or at least a new normal, because things couldn’t go back to the way they were, but Remus supposed that didn’t sound so bad. Slow mornings and careful haircuts in their old bathroom sounded wonderful, actually.
When he was done, he gave Sirius a once-over, confirming that both sides of his hair were the same length. He nodded once in satisfaction, then hesitated. Now what? He flexed his hands that hung awkwardly at his sides. 
Sirius surprised him by wrapping his arms around his middle. Remus stood stiff as a board for a moment before he slowly, tentatively, held Sirius right back. He raked his fingers through his hair— already much lighter, the curls more defined— and exhaled. 
“Figure we should wash it next,” Remus murmured against his head, and Sirius hummed in agreement, so they did. 
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ellecdc · 12 hours
Happy Mother’s Day 💐🌷🤭
Anyways, the marauders brainrot continues….I know shocking 😮 , my obsession will never end at this point in time. Oh well, art is kicking my ass and I need something to bring back my spirt lol.
Sooo, could I perhaps, if possible, request a poly!wolfstar? In which;
There’s a party in the commons, after a quidditch match or sm (idk 😭?) and shy reader (preferably female) dresses in only Remus and Sirius’s clothes but somehow finds a way to make her own twist on it and she look beyond gorgeous, all decked out. She doesn’t tell Sirius or Remus and the two don’t realise how much of their clothes and ect. Untill the spot her at the party talking with the girls, and are both shunned because their shy girlfriend is all dressed up, showing skin, confident and all, and in their clothes only, not a single thing of hers.
firstly, thank you so much for your mothers day wishes hahahaha I was spoiled for sure. secondly, thank you for your request!!
poly!wolfstar x shy!reader who surprises her boyfriends
CW: mention of drunk friends but no description of drinking?, sexual implications at the end but nothing described and SFW
Remus felt slightly guilty that he wasn’t downstairs to greet you when you arrived at the Gryffindor after party following their latest quidditch win.
The reason he wasn’t there wasn’t even a very good one; it was simply that Sirius always came back to the dorms to shower instead of showering in the team’s locker room and was always riled up (just the way he liked him).
In other words, it was selfish and self-serving.
Which was perhaps why he was currently rushing his boyfriend as he painstakingly styled his hair to look perfectly un-styled.
“Pads, you’ve flipped your hair seven times already, can we go?”
Sirius flipped his hair four more times as he let out a scoff. “Easy bubs; you know I like to be fashionably late.” He responded as he righted himself, shooting Remus a salacious wink in the reflection of the mirror on his dresser.  
“We’re going to miss the party altogether at this rate.” Remus muttered petulantly.
Sirius let out a noncommittal hum as he pulled the collar of his buttoned-up shirt lower in order to show off the new love bite on his neck from Remus, and a few older ones on his chest that you had given him in hopes no one else would see them there.
How wrong you would be.
“I could think of other things we could do instead.” Sirius offered as he stalked towards the chair Remus was currently pouting in and straddled his lap.
“You were the one who wanted to attend the party.” Remus pressed as he allowed Sirius to press lingering kisses along his jawline. “Neither me or your girl were very keen.”
“I’m sure she’d be happy if we took a raincheck.” Sirius responded as he continued his assault down Remus’ neck.
“Perhaps if she wasn’t already downstairs.”
That seemed to snap Sirius out of his ministrations as he looked at Remus incredulously. “Then what in the buggering fuck are we doing up here? Merlin’s saggy balls, let’s go Moony.” He barked as he stood abruptly and yanked Remus’ arm, forcing him to follow.
Remus was only slightly embarrassed that he had to adjust his trousers as they exited the dorm room.
As Remus had predicted, the party was in full swing by the time they made it down to the common room.
Peter was maybe three sips of whatever was currently in his red solo cup away from spending the rest of the night hunched over the toilet bowl, James was already completely ignoring everyone else around him in favour of staring love-drunkenly at Lily as she spoke emphatically to Mary, Alice and Frank were snogging to near pornographic levels in the corner of the room, and Marlene was passed out in Dorcas’ lap as she conversed with…you.
Just when Remus was certain he couldn’t love you more, your sweet, timid, lovely self showed up to a Gryffindor party on behalf of your extroverted boyfriend after they took their sweet ass time to join you when both he and Remus knew quite well that there were probably several hundred other things you’d rather be doing 
And not to mention when you show up looking like that.
“What is she wearing?” Sirius whispered on an exhale; his steps faltering as he took you in.
What were you wearing?
You looked to be wearing – “is that your button up shirt?” Sirius finished Remus’ thought.
And based on the fit and length, it appeared you were, in fact, wearing Remus’ dress shirt.
Though it was cinched at the waist by – “that’s your belt, Sirius.”
“That little minx is stealing our clothes, Moony.” Sirius laughed; equal parts exasperated and lovesick.
You chuckled at something Dorcas said before you turned your gaze to the rest of the party where you spotted your boyfriends.
“What are you wearing? Or should I ask who since you look like you ought to be on a red carpet or something?” Sirius asked in way of a greeting as he made for you, causing your shoulders to migrate upwards as you smiled timidly at them.  
“Hi, dovey.” Remus greeted you as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and shot a wink at Dorcas who was already looking at the two of them knowingly.
“Your girl looks smashing tonight, boys.” She commented; taking a sip of her drink from one hand as she used the other to pet Marlene’s hair.
You, for your part, turned to Dorcas with a look of unadulterated betrayal.
“She looks smashing, always, Meadows; but I have to agree that I like this look, baby girl. Stand up! Give us a spin.” Sirius said as he pulled you up by your hands.
“Sirius…” You chided pleaded quietly as your eyes nervously darted to Remus as if screaming ‘help’.
“Humour me.” Sirius pushed; twirling his finger in a circle to reiterate his earlier demand.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms protectively around your middle but acquiesced to his wishes.
After a few wolf whistles and an actual round of applause from Sirius, and ooh’s and aah’s from Remus, you turned back towards them and Remus could almost feel the heat radiating off your face.
“You played a good game, Siri.” You commented instead of hello, or thank you, or sod off you wankers, which made Remus all the more smitten with you.
“That’s old news, gorgeous.” Sirius dismissed quickly, eyes still darting over your form as if committing this sight to memory. “I’d rather talk about you.”
“I’d rather not.” You argued quickly.
“Tie breaker votes talking about you, sweetheart; sorry.” Remus responded, not particularly sorry at all if it meant he got to keep looking at you.
You harrumphed quietly and looked down at your converse which seemed to be the only article of clothing you were wearing that belonged to you. “You guys are being mean.”
Both boys immediately started cooing and apologising profusely; Remus pulling you protectively into his side as they fussed over you.
“Can’t believe I was upstairs all this time staring at Sirius when I could’ve been down here looking at you.” Remus commented quietly into your hair, but from Sirius’ indignant squawk, he was clearly overheard. 
Your responding smile was well worth it though. 
“Are these my earrings?” Sirius asked then, pushing hair behind your ear to expose the dangly star and moon earrings that Sirius had bought back in fifth year when he and Remus first started dating. 
“I thought it looked good with the ‘fit. I had a vision.” You admitted; tone still shy but words far braver than Remus thinks he’s heard from you with this many people around. 
“And you were right.” Remus agreed readily. 
“The vision was great babes; it’s like I picked it out myself.” Sirius said with a wink. “The only thing better would have been if you showed up in only your knickers.” He stated with finality; seemingly proud of his proclamation and of his girlfriend. 
Remus was expecting you to flush horribly at that as your eyes darted nervously around you.
Except you didn’t.
Instead, a mischievous grin spread across your lips as you looked up at the boys in front of you.
“They didn’t go with the vision.”
Both boys stared at you with varying levels of bemusement as Dorcas let out a snort behind you. 
“What didn’t go with the vision?” Sirius accused quickly. 
“Knickers, you tosser.” Dorcas answered from behind you. 
Remus felt a blush of his own take over his face as he realised you had been waiting down here for your boyfriends looking like that without anything underneath your ensemble.
“Are you serious?” Sirius asked stupidly.
“No, you’re Sirius.” You giggled as if you made a truly funny joke, cluing Remus into the fact that you had these boys exactly where you wanted them.
In the palm of your hand.
“Better make a move quick, Black.” Marlene slurred as she rose from the dead sleep and blinked at the boys owlishly - one eye beginning to open before the other had even shut. “Otherwise we w- we will.” 
Remus barked a laugh as Dorcas lovingly rolled her eyes and tried to tame Marlene’s now unruly bedhead, but Sirius appeared to take the threat earnestly as he quickly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your surprised squeak and subsequent protests as he raced up the stairs to the boys’ dormitory. 
“Quickly now, Moony.” Sirius called as he took care to cover your arse with one of his hands lest your ‘Remus’-shirt-turned-dress’ were to ride up. “Can’t believe I let you waste all that time getting ready when our beautiful, gorgeous, lovely girl was waiting for us.” 
Remus rolled his eyes as he followed the sounds of Sirius’ faux chiding and your squealing laughter, wondering if Sirius’ diligent eleven flips of his hair was worth attending a party for four and a half minutes.
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ashes-to-ashesxx · 2 days
Happy birthday to the birth of wolfstar
prisoner of azkaban (movie) is 20 years old😭😭
thank you for introducing us to our gay boys🫶🫶🫶
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pxrty-crxsher · 2 days
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engie-ivy · 3 days
@wolfstarmicrofic 30th: Breakup
380 words
“Because she's my best friend!”
“That's all the more reason to tell her!” Lily argues, as she stands in front of the couch Marlene is curled up on. “You know what a good fit you are, you know how well you get on, you know Dorcas is not the kind of person to ever mock you for it, even if she doesn't feel the same,” Lily starts listing off as she paces up and down. “And if she does feel the same, you'll have this great foundation of friendship to build a relationship upon, and you'll have-”
“So much to lose!” Marlene interjects. “Lily,” she sighs, letting herself fall on her back on the couch. “Dorcas is my best friend, one of the most important people in my life. If she doesn't feel the same… Hell, even if she does feel the same, but we somehow muck it up, there's no coming back from that. We'll be forever changed, never the way we were.” Marlene shakes her head. “I don't think I'm willing to risk that.”
“Marls, do you know how many assumptions you are making?” Lily asks. “That it's bound to go up in smoke, for starters. But even if that happens, that doesn't have to permanently damage your friendship.”
Marlene gives her a skeptical look. “How on earth could that not affect a friendship?”
“Remus!” Lily suddenly exclaims, and Remus gives a start, almost dropping the piece of chocolate he was about to eat from the pile they had brought to cheer up Marlene (and if she's not eating it, someone's gotta).
“What?” he asks.
“You and Sirius were best friends,” Lily states. “Then you got together, dated for a while, broke up, and now you're still close friends.”
Remus nods.
“So it's possible!” Lily exclaims. “It's possible to go through a breakup and still be best friends after! Tell Marlene it's possible! Tell her that even the worst-case-scenario doesn't have to be so bad!”
Remus turns to Marlene. “It's not so bad,” he says dutifully.
Lily smiles triumphantly, but Remus continues. “At least, if you don't mind being constantly reminded of the worst mistake you ever made and seeing every single day how you let the best thing that ever happened to you get away, that is.”
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lulublack90 · 3 days
Prompt 30 - Breakup
@wolfstarmicrofic May 30, word count 352
“Enough, Remus! I’m done with the secrets and the lies.” Sirius shook the tears from his eyes. “I’m done.” He grabbed his leather jacket and stormed out of their flat. 
He knew they had to keep secrets. It was Dumbledore’s orders. But Remus literally never told him anything but lies these days. This had been the final straw. Frank Longbottom had seen him hanging out in a muggle bar with a group of known werewolves. Sirius had asked him about it, and it had not gone well. He replayed the conversation in his head. 
“So where have you been all day then?” He asked as he peeled the carrots for dinner. 
“Guard duty, you know how it is, totally boring. I’m glad I took my book with me.” He slurred slightly as he opened the fridge, looking for another beer. 
“You smell like a brewery,” Sirius bit back. Remus paused. 
“Well, yeah, Frank and I went for a pint when our shift was done,” Remus answered as he cracked open the beer. 
“Frank had a meeting with Moody all afternoon,” Sirius said blankly. Remus blanched. “I actually met up with Frank earlier,” Sirius put the knife down, not trusting himself to chop while he confronted Remus. “So, where were you?” 
“Dumbledore’s orders, can’t tell you.” Remus snarled at the look on Sirius’s face. That was the moment that Sirius knew something was wrong. They’d always trusted each other, always. Remus hanging out with other werewolves was one thing, but not trusting Sirius enough to tell him was something else. He couldn’t take it anymore. It was killing him. 
He apparated to the Potter’s. He’d go back and get his stuff when Remus next left the flat. He knocked on the pretty red door and waited. As soon as James appeared, bathed in the soft glow from within, he broke down. 
“We broke up,” He sobbed in his best friend's arms. James gathered him up and took him inside. He wrapped him in Sirius’s favourite fluffy blanket and sat down with him on the sofa, holding Sirius while his heart shattered into pieces. 
Part 2
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siriuslynettey · 3 days
I’m newer to the Harry Potter fandom in general, I just recently watched the movies for the first time and I’m almost done with the books.
I was so sad to almost be done with the story, only to find out that the fans have done more for the HP universe than Terf Rowling, while also making it inclusive and diverse??? Ya’ll have expanded it so much. Anyone of any identity in the fandom can go onto tumblr and find themselves majorly represented…I feel my screen time going up already.
There are so many corners of this fandom too, you can literally find, but also ignore, any ship/trope/character/etc. you want. And you can mix and match–I can find fics that use Gary and David as Sirius and Remus but also feature a Desi James??
Also the fact that there is a whole ass ship/fandom JUST for my two favorite characters?? (my legal guardians, sirius and remus). I’m never leaving.
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Do I think that the Marauders fandom twinkifies Sirius Black? Not necessarily.
Do I think that Sirius had grace and poise drilled into him from a young age, so much so that it was a state of being that he had to constantly fight against but would still show itself when he wasn't paying attention? 100%.
Do I think that Remus was a tall, lanky ass mf at like 6 ft 4, so he just naturally towered over literally everyone, including all of Sirius' 5 ft 10 and a half inches? Abso-fuckin'-lutely.
Do I think that anyone who ever came across Sirius was absolutely terrified of the leather-jacket-wearing, motorbike-riding, rock-music-listening, crazy-grin-giving badass that he portrayed himself as, until they'd known him for more than 5 minutes and realised that he was actually fiercely loyal and passionate about everyone he classed as a friend? I will die on that hill.
Do also I think that Sirius would unthinkingly drop to his knees with his tongue hanging out the second Remus told him to 'be a good boy and beg'? With my whole damn soul.
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(slightly) poorly timed confession - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 159
"D'you ever have dreams about me?" Sirius asked, his thoughtful voice as vague as his expression, which was glazed over from the heat and incense seeping through the room.
James, flipping through the Divination text to define the meaning of their dreams, paused. "I dreamt we all got a detention for turning Slughorn into an actual slug once. Does that count?"
"Nah, just..." Sirius drifted off, but then his gaze snapped back to James's. "You never dream of me? Or- or Moony? Or Pete?"
"Not in detail," James answered uncomfortably, shifting on the cushion he was sitting on. "Why?"
The other boy paused. "What d'you suppose it means that I dream about Remus? Like...a lot?" he questioned softly, his face tinging a bit pink. "Like sometimes, we're k-"
But James, who had seen this coming for a while, just chuckled, closing the book in his hands, and interrupted by saying, "Nothing you can find in this stupid book, mate."
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outromoony · 23 hours
HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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kawaiizombiepizza · 3 days
remus lupin in 1993:
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic is second chances xoxo
(760 words.)
"I just- I don't know what to do anymore," Remus says hopelessly, as Lily reaches out to pat his hand reassuringly.
"It's tricky. Dumbledore's put you in an awful position."
Realistically, he knows that she's right. He knows that he'd probably be beside himself if Sirius was going out on dangerous missions that he wasn't allowed to talk about, but it isn't like he's actively seeking out danger, keeping secrets for fun! There's literally nobody else for the job, and he can't help that! He hates keeping things from Sirius just as much as Sirius hates not knowing, but who is he to question Dumbledore's orders? He wants to say it all to Lily, but he can feel the lump in his throat, threatening him with tears. Instead, he just shrugs, scrubbing a hand over his face.
"We've got an owl from Moody," James voice interjects. He steps into the living room, eyes scanning over a small piece of parchment. "There's been an attack in Hogsmeade, we've got to get to an emergency meeting."
Just like that, Remus freezes, ears starting to ring as he's brought back to the argument that drove him to the Potters.
"Merlin, you know I-! Sirius, where are you going?" Remus asked exasperatedly, at the sight of Sirius turning and walking to the front door.
"Hog's Head," Sirius answered gruffly, clipped. "I'll be back when I'm back."
Just like that, he was gone.
Remus' breathing shallows, panic gripping at him. Sirius was there. He was there, and now he might be-"
"Remus? Remus, hey, breathe." Lily's hands reach out and grab his shoulders, eyes bearing into his. "What's going on?"
"Uh, Or- Order members," He starts, trying to think through a sudden, panic induced incoherence. "Were there any there? Any caught in the- in the attack?"
"I don't know, it doesn't say," James answers, perplexed. It's all Lily needs for her eyes to widen, for the realisation to dawn on her.
"Right, let's go, yeah? Remus, listen, he's probably at the house. We don't know anything for sure, so try not to panic." He nods vaguely, wishing with each passing second that he could believe her.
Still, he dutifully lets Lily grab his arm, apparating the two of them to the familiar Order house.
He wastes no time in bursting through the door, straight into the packed lounge. Chaos is everywhere, injured members being treated while Moody grills them, presumably getting a timeline of events. Somewhere that feels all too distant to Remus, he's asked a security question. He must answer it, because he's left well enough alone. It doesn't matter to him, though. He's scanning every inch of the small house, searching for-
He's sitting on a small sofa, with Marlene crouched in front of him, wand aloft, healing what she can. He looks a right mess; he's covered in dirt, bleeding, his hair tangled from whatever explosion he had been caught up in.
He's beautiful.
Sirius is quietly answering questions, eyes lifting from the floor and drifting detachedly around across the room. They glide past Remus, before practically doing a double take, his eyes snapping into focus. In seconds, he's up. Ignoring apparent protests from Marlene, he moves past her as Remus manages to find his footing. There isn't a moment's hesitation when they meet, pulling one another into a hug. It's bone crushing, Remus clinging to Sirius like he'll vanish again if he doesn't. Desperation seeps into his every move, burying his face into Sirius' hair and oh, Remus Lupin is a selfish, selfish man. He'll tell Sirius every secret, deny every instruction that he is ever given, just as long as it means that he can hold onto the safety and security that is Sirius Black.
"I thought- I thought you were-"
"I know. Christ, for a second I thought I was..." Sirius' voice breaks and he trails off, holding Remus just a little tighter.
"I'm so sorry. Merlin, Sirius, I'm so fucking sorry."
"No, don't be. Please, don't be. You don't have to- I'm the one who should be-"
"I love you," Remus whispers, finally breaking out of the hug and meeting Sirius' eyes. "I love you so much, okay?"
"I love you," Sirius says back, eyes tearing up and a watery smile appearing on his face. Remus reaches out and cups Sirius' face with both hands, not wasting anymore time as he pulls Sirius to him and connects their lips.
This. This right here. This moment, this man.
He'll do anything for him. Anything for their second chance.
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daddiesdrarryy · 2 days
Sirius: Moony, would you kiss me?
Remus: Pads—
Sirius: It wouldn’t have to mean anything. And I would never expect anything from you because of it, but I’m in my Third Year and I’ve never been kissed and everyone else has, and I am not certain I ever will be. I could die tomorrow—
Remus: You are not going to die tomorrow
Sirius: But I could, and it would kill me
Remus: But you’d already be dead
Sirius: Moony!
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