Yuval David is an Actor, Performer, Sketch/Improv Comic, Producer, Artist, Athlete, and Adventurer: passionately creating, inspiring, and cultivating the exploration of life.
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LGBTQ+R_20220311_reference from Yuval David on Vimeo.
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Yuval David Actor Reel : Lead Roles, Diverse Characters, Bold, Vulnerable
Check out my latest Actor Reel on YouTube!
#YuvalDavid #actor #acting #filmactor #tvactor #stageactor #theatreactor #characteractor #nyactor #newyorkactor #hollywoodactor #dcactor #leadactor #leadingactor #bestactor #awardwinningactor #castingdirector #workingactor #lgbtqactor #queeractor #gayactor #jewishactor #americanactor #internationalactor #foreignactor #actingworkshop #actortraining #trainedactor #featurefilm #indiefilm
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Take a moment of room tone in loving memory of M. Wolf Snyder. Michael Wolf Snyder was the super-cool award-winning sound mixer who recorded on set audio for the latest feature film I directed. His tragic loss is painfully heard. 🎙🔈🔊🎛 No matter the noise or the silence, check in on people, to ensure that nobody feels alone. Depression pulls people into dark despair. Be the light to help them out — even if you think they already have a light, give them extra light of love, kindness, and hope. . . . . . . #InLovingMemory #MWolfSnyder #WolfSnyder @superduperhappysound #mikewolfsnyder #Depression #DepressionAwareness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMD7rNLMxUN/?igshid=1d1n4dwumqnne
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The love of my life and I never wait for Valentine’s Day to express our love for each other. In fact, we do so daily. The love we share and the countless ways we express it to each other enriches and supports every aspect of our lives. . . Yet, Valentine’s Day gives us an additional day to express our love for each other. So, of course we are celebrating our love today, too! . . ❤️ My Mark, you have given the word love greater meaning. ❤️ . . . . #Husbands #MenInLove #Husband #ILoveMyHusband #HusbandAndHusband #GayHusbands #MenWithMen #twoMenKissing #LoveIsLove #GayMarriage #GayHusband #GayMen #LGBTQLove #LGBTQRelationship #RelationshipGoals #lgbtqpride #sexygay #gaycouple #gaylove #couplegoals #valentines #valentinesday #valentinesday2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLSeOkoB23j/?igshid=1ahgkfr8canez
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“Here we stand.” Those are the words of our new 46th president of these United States of America, Joe Biden. He speaks of unity and that disagreement must not lead to disunion. That is what our democracy is about. We are a massively diverse country, but we are unified. It is in the name of our country, the United States of America. Tolerance and humility must remain as we work together and help each other with dignity and respect. Yes, here we stand after all that has befallen and we move forward to make our country better for one and all. . . . . . . . #Inauguration #POTUS46 #46PresidentOfTheUnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #NewPresident #NewVicePresident #VP46 #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #Motivation #Inspiration #WorkTogether #Reconciliation #RepublicanAndDemocrat #DemocratAndRepublican #respecteachother #herewestand (at Presidential Inauguration, Washington, DC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKRn6FbsqOH/?igshid=en64cowtrcpl
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“Here we stand.” Those are the words of our new 46th president of these United States of America, Joe Biden. He speaks of unity and that disagreement must not lead to disunion. That is what our democracy is about. We are a massively diverse country, but we are unified. It is in the name of our country, the United States of America. Tolerance and humility must remain as we work together and help each other with dignity and respect. Yes, here we stand after all that has befallen and we move forward to make our country better for one and all. . . . . . . . #Inauguration #POTUS46 #46PresidentOfTheUnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #NewPresident #NewVicePresident #VP46 #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #Motivation #Inspiration #WorkTogether #Reconciliation #RepublicanAndDemocrat #DemocratAndRepublican #respecteachother #herewestand (at The National Mall At the Smithsonian Inauguration 2013) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKRnmQhMhGu/?igshid=19im94youaqf0
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On the eve of the inauguration, this is the view from the national memorial at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to honor the more than 400,000 Americans who have died from COVID-19. At the time of my writing this, the number of people who died of this pandemic virus in the United States is now over 402,000 — amongst them are some dear friends and people who held a special place in my life. . . . . . . . . . #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #CovidDeaths #covidusa #deathtoll #LincolnMemorial #ReflectingPool #WashingtonDC #inauguration2021 (at Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKQQeVos0MH/?igshid=1876srnqgs0lv
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This Martin Luther King Day I think about the riotous attack on the Capitol and our Democracy. . . What we all must focus on, especially our elected officials and organizational leaders, is unity and love. We must stand up to hate with unity and love. We must support each other with unity and love. That is how our country can be great. Great for all. . . . . . #martinlutherkingday #martinlutherkingjr #capitolriots #capitolbuilding #2021 #americanhistory #yuvaldavid #PoliticalAction #SocialAction #EqualRights #FightHateWithLove #LoveNotHate #endjewhatred @endjewhatred #civilrights (at White House, Washington DC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKK_DIrsVWT/?igshid=1626qqum3agxh
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Happy new year! As 2020 comes to a close, I wish that 2021 will bring us peace, harmony, unity, kindness, and compassion. #happynewyear #happynewyear2021 #newyearseve https://www.instagram.com/p/CJfSlfisABo/?igshid=1uswpxalnlitg
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The timely publishing of my article in Out Magazine on Christmas Eve. Check it out! 🎄 LGBTQ+ Catholics Share Stories From Inside The Church In New Film. The director of Wonderfully Made - LGBTQ+R(eligion) explains why his upcoming film is sparking a nerve before its release. 🏳️🌈 Link is in Instagram Stories. ➡️➡️Or, go to: http://bit.ly/OutMagazineYuvalDavidLGBTQReligion Follow the film on Instagram at: @wonderfullymademovie @lgbtqreligion . . . . . . . . . @outmagazine #yuvaldavid #LGBTQ #LGBTQReligion #LGBTQPlusReligion #LGBTQCatholics #LGBTQReligious #ReligiousLGBTQ #CatholicChurch #Religion #LGBTQEquality #LGBTQAdvocacy #LGBTQActivism #WonderfullyMade #WonderfullyMadeMovie #WonderfullyMadeFilm @jamesmartinsj @duddyburke @dignityusa @fortunatefamilies @newwaysministry @americamedia @thecannonmediagroup @kathleen.m.tighe @lindsayadler_photo @xorjeo @xorjeo11 @jasonsteidl @cathyrenna @nimperat @natalia_imperatori (at Vatican City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJMqdd-sXoM/?igshid=42s9e54d50r6
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It’s a warm and cozy place… The recording booth! . . . . . . . . . #YuvalDavid #Actor #VoiceActor #AVoiceAndAMicrophone #VoiceActing #VoiceArtist #VoiceoverArtist #RecordingBooth #RecordingStudio #Voiceovers #NYCActor #DCActor #MarylandActor #MDActor #CastingDirector #ActorsLife #BehindTheScenes #WorkingActor #voiceovertalent #voiceoverartist #voiceovercasting #voiceoverlife #VoiceoverWork #Animation #Narration #Promo #commercial https://www.instagram.com/p/CJHz4-mM4PU/?igshid=lr4z2e0yxell
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🏆BRONZE WINNER🏆 for 🎥🎞BEST FILM 🎞 🎥 in The Horror Movie Awards! “The BetaLoop” is a short film I directed, and co-produced with Connecticut Filmworks, in collaboration with a sweet team of Cast and Crew! ➡️➡️Check out the film and see it for yourself! https://youtu.be/sPbauDDF8WE . . . . Directed by Yuval David Produced by CONNECTICUT FILMWORKS Written by YUVAL DAVID and KATE KATCHER with David Distinti and Christian Szokolay. Starring KATE KATCHER, DON STRIANO, BILLY BRANNIGAN, DAVID LEGERE, and YUVAL DAVID. Producers DAVID DISTINTI, TERESA PELLICANO, and YUVAL DAVID. Director of Photography DAVID DISTINTI. Editor EVAN OLSON. 1st AD MICHAEL WRABEL. Audio ANDREW SCOTT. Script Supervisor KATE SCHAEFFER. Grip JOSH CROMWELL, ED CYR. Behind the Scenes ABE ANTAR. . . . . . . #YuvalDavid #CFW #horrormovieawards #connecticutFilmWorks #filmFestival #filmaward #bestfilm #shortfilm #filmdirector #bestdirector #bestactor #horrorfilm #thrillerfilm #suspensefilm #scifi #YouTube #ScifiFilm #SciencefictionFilm #ShortFilmmaking #Filmmaker #FilmDirector #FilmProducer #FilmActor #FilmCasting #CastingActors #IndependentFilm #IndieFilm #IndieFilmMaking @yuval_david_ @katekatcher #daviddistinti @actingupmedia @evanaolson @thevanillachris @billybrann @dllegere_actor @dondino48i @tesspellicano #michaelwrabel andrewscott joshcromwell edcyr abeantar (at Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJEoVAfsP2i/?igshid=wshd90kym8xe
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Thank you @authoritymagazine for the interview! “Rising Star Yuval David On The Five Things You Need To Shine In The Entertainment Industry” . . . . . . . . . #YuvalDavid #Authority #AuthorityMagazine #Press #PressInterview #EntertainmentNews #Actor #Host #Filmmaker #Director #TVActor #FilmActor #StageActor #FilmDirector #TVDirector #StageDirector #Advocate #Advocacy #Jewish #LGBTQ #Gay #Bi #Queer #Filmmaking #YouTuber #Motivate #Inspire #Motivational #Inspirational #EntertainmentIndustry (at Online) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJACManMuUA/?igshid=otn1yltw0ii8
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On the last night of Channukah, we light all the candles. Here at home, with my family, each of us is a candle and together we illuminate each other creating a beautiful light. That is exactly what we all are. A single light. When we unify together, we create a greater light. That is my Channukah wish for all of us, every person, every community, every nation…to be unified and illuminate each other with light, warmth, and love. Happy Channukah! . . . . . . . . . #YuvalDavid #Channukah #hannukah #chanuka #hanuka #jewishholiday #festivaloflights #unity #holiday #holidaywish #familoy #togetherness https://www.instagram.com/p/CI7DnrChUfJ/?igshid=2o15vmt145k8
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