xxpoemsx · 4 months
Tagebucheintrag 4 - 7 Jahre
Sieben Jahre! Sieben verdammte Jahre Therapie! Und ich sitze hier und weiß nicht, was mit mir nicht stimmt und warum ich mich so unendlich verloren fühle! Nicht falsch verstehen… Ich habe in diesen Jahren super viel gelernt, auch super viel hilfreiche Dinge. Dinge, die grundsätzlich jeder im Laufe des Lebens lernen sollte! Egal ob psychisch erkrankt oder nicht. Ich habe alle möglichen…
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xxpoemsx · 11 months
Schutz!? (TW)
Du sollst mir Schutz geben Doch stattdessen machst du mich kaputt Ich zerfalle in Einzelteile Ich weine Ich schreie Ich flehe Ich will mir nur noch mehr etwas antun! Denn ich halt es hier nicht aus Hier, bei dir Du sperrst mich ein Du machst mich klein Ich bin nicht frei Ich bin eingeengt Ich weine Ich bettle Holt mich hieraus, bevor es mich weiter zerstört – Aber keiner hört…
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xxpoemsx · 4 years
I‘m always asking myself
What is wrong with me ?
Why can‘t I accept that somebody loves me
That somebody needs me
That somebody wants me
Is it because I don‘t love myself ? So I can‘t understand why somebody else do it?
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xxpoemsx · 4 years
I’m a prisoner
Captive in my own body
In my tiny body
I’m a broken prisoner
A self destructive prisoner
I want to get out
I want to be free
So I have to ruin the prison
I have to destroy it
And I can be free
And my body, my prison
It Is still there
Just not longer alive
There will be no more pain
Or self hate and body shaming
Just a peaceful sleeping body and a free happy soul
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xxpoemsx · 4 years
I can’t forget you
But you forget me everyday a little more
Til you don‘t know my name anymore
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xxpoemsx · 4 years
I lose you more and more everyday
like trees their leaves
every year
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
Lie next to me and tell me all your fears
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
I‘m sorry
I lost my smile
My laughter
My patience
I‘m sorry
I don’t listen
Don‘t speak
Don‘t go on
I‘m sorry
I just cry
Just sleep
Just want to be alone
I‘m trying to safe you
Trying to safe me
Trying to safe us from what’s going on in my mind
But how can I ignore the voice in my head ?
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
Your hand touches my body
I look in your eyes
And I feel beautiful
Your hand touches my boobs
I get goosebumps
And I feel ready for it
Your hand goes down to my sensitive part
I breath heavily
And I feel the wave of thrill
- Just before Sex
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
Sweaty skin
Heavy breathing
Shaking body
- Orgasm
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
I see how you laugh,
How you cry,
how you love,
how you hate
You‘re full of emotions
And I’m just emotionally numb
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
I feel so heavy
I just can lay down and stare to the walls
I can‘t move
I really can’t move
I just can stare blankly at the walls
I‘m so weak
I‘m so hopeless
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
You left nothing but bruises
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
You’re not good enough
It’s 4 am
My eyes burn
But I can’t sleep
My mind doesn’t rest
My body is so tired
My arms and legs are heavy
But my mind speaks loud
„You’re not good enough. You’re not worth it“
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
The rope around my neck get tighter with every word you say
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
Standing still
Everybody is moving
But I’m here
Standing still
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xxpoemsx · 5 years
Letter to my depression
Dear Depression,
Dear big shadow
You make my life dark
You change my hope into sorrow
You take my will to life
You take my strength and my faith and my bravery
Are you proud ?
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